Let’s Choose To Challenge
It’s a time to celebrate the achievements of women, whether social, political, economic or cultural.
We celebrate all women, in all their diversities and celebrate their achievements to create a more inclusive, more equal world.
Tara Year 12 students hosted a breakfast for Senior School students and invited them to share:
Which women have inspired you?
Why do they inspire you?
How do their achievements inspire you?
It was a morning to feel empowered.
“My Grandmother is the woman that inspires me every day because she is such a strong woman. She has fought breast cancer three times and inspires me every day to not give up. I’m proud to be a woman because of her.”
“Mary-Claire, (Tara’s Head Girl 2020-2021) inspires me as she is amazing and doesn’t give up. This inspires me to be like her and her achievements.” Malaika
“The women who inspire us the most are our mothers.”
“Ash Barty inspires me because she never gives up and even when she loses a set, she still keeps going.”
“Women in my family and teachers inspire me by encouraging to take challenges. The also give me advice and support when I am stressed.” Grace
“My teachers have inspired me especially Mrs Abadier, Mrs Wong and Mrs Losco.” Caroline
“Malala, she is young but so full of purpose. She is determined to bring to light the inequities that women face in places like Pakistan and is an inspiration."
“A woman that inspires me is Mrs Middlebrook because she is a successful and kind leader.”
“Emma Watson because she stands up for women, Serena Williams supports women’s sports and Taylor Swift because she is iconic.”
“Mary-Claire and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are inspiring.”
“Emma Watson helped us feel good about ourselves and she has inspired us to be the best we can be.” Milly & Mikaela
“Mrs Calleya-Jones with her constant joy and competitive nature.”
“My mother, grandmother and cousin inspire me because they set good examples and have taught me a lot. Their achievements make me want to do better as well.” Allison