Senior School News
- Interdisciplinary Unit (IDU) Week
- World Vision Textbook sale
- Debating and Public Speaking at Tara - a Wrap up!
- Dignity Dishes
- Tara Bounce Battle
- Future Entrepreneurs Challenge Champions!
- World Kindness Day
- SRC and Ambassadors
- Year 8 IDU Day
- NSW Finalist in the National History Challenge
- Reminder from the Senior School Library
Term 1, Week 9, 2020
From the Chaplain
Merry Christmas
Fiona Issacs - Chaplain
There is a phenomenon called the Betty Crocker effect. It is the idea that we like something more when we have invested in it and has its origins from when the company Betty Crocker first started making instant packet cakes. They had a fabulous recipe where all you had to do was add water and then put the mix in the oven. But, after good initial sales, they found that people didn’t want to buy these instant cakes. So, Betty Crocker made one change, they changed the recipe so people didn’t just add water but also an egg. The recipe didn’t need the egg; it didn’t change the flavour, the taste or the texture but suddenly, sales soared! People loved these instant cakes, but they loved them more when they had done the “work” of adding an egg.
We all like to feel like our efforts are meaningful and that we are doing something to contribute. We like the idea that we will be rewarded for the good we have done. And this is why people like the idea of Santa. Santa rewards our good deeds. He tells us that if we are good, good things will come to us, that we have done the work and we will be paid back in kind. Santa knows when you are bad or good, so be good for goodness’ sake.
But it begs the question, are presents really presents if you have to earn them?
The Christian view of Christmas is different. It doesn’t reward us for our goodness, instead, God gives to us of his goodness, regardless of what we are like or what we have done. We don’t have to (indeed we can’t!) earn his love. We have to receive it freely. We can’t even add an egg to make us feel better about it.
This gift of God’s goodness is what Christians call grace, the good things that God gives us that we don’t deserve. We don’t deserve for God to come and live with us, to be born into a stable, surrounded by animals. We don’t deserve for Jesus to not only be born, but to live a full human life, with all its pain, disappointment and grief. And we certainly don’t deserve for him to die for us on a cross, dying so that we don’t have to face the consequences of what we have done, but instead can receive from his eternal grace.
Even though it is free, grace can be hard to accept. But this is what makes Christmas so special and important to Christians, it is the wonderful news that we don’t have to strive for God’s love. Or even worry if we are loved. God proved it to us when he sent Jesus to earth, to be born in humility and to die in humiliation, so that we can know his love. Love that we can receive freely. As a gift.
May that wonderful love and grace that is so freely given at Christmas be with you and your family these holidays.
From the Principal
2024 Wrap Up
Adele Ramsay - Principal
It has been a truly remarkable year at Tara. I have been consistently inspired and encouraged by our girls’ dedication, spirit, and character. Our Tara girls exemplify what it means to embrace opportunities wholeheartedly while demonstrating genuine care for others, creating a community where everyone can grow and thrive.
While academic excellence remains at our core, it is the rich tapestry of school life that enables our students to flourish in our all girls environment. This milieu provides such opportunity and freedom to learn, to discover, to lead, and to shape their identities within our nurturing Christian environment. We see the results in our graduates: accomplished, confident young women who are well equipped to pursue any path they choose and influence for good.
As this year wraps up, I am delighted to announce significant progress in our journey as a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. We can now confirm that we will start with a Year 11 cohort starting in 2026. This offering enables our girls the valuable choice between HSC and IB pathways, further enriching their academic opportunities.
2024 has been a year of outstanding achievements across all domains - from academic competitions and entrepreneurial initiatives to exceptional performing and creative arts, public speaking, sporting events, and citizenship programs. Our commitment to character development and service learning continues to flourish. As the year draws to a close, I'm particularly excited about a new initiative where nine of our Year 9 students are travelling 6 hours west to the Warren community to serve, connect, and learn. I am very grateful to the staff giving their time to lead this trip and I know the girls’ lives will be enriched from this experience.
The professional dedication and pastoral care demonstrated by our staff have impressed me this year. Their respect for each girl and commitment to nurturing individual potential exemplifies the Tara spirit. Our staff, across all roles, are our greatest resource and contribute to making Tara the exceptional school it is.
Looking ahead, I am pleased to announce, on behalf of the School Council, Tara's new Masterplan. This future focused initiative will enhance our learning and cocurricular spaces, ensuring we continue to provide outstanding opportunities for future generations of Tara women. I look forward to sharing the details of this with you in the new year.
Finally, I pray you enjoy a peaceful and joyous Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus, our Saviour. As Isaiah 9:6 reminds us, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
May hope, joy, peace, and goodwill be with you all. Merry Christmas!
From Enrolments
2026 Scholarships Now Open
Lead the way and give your daughter a promising future - she belongs at Tara.
- Does your daughter demonstrate academic excellence?
- Does she excel in music?
- Is she from a rural or regional location?
- Does she display leadership?
- Does she serve the community?
Applications for the 2026 Tara Anglican School for Girls Scholarships are now open.
Scholarships are for entry in 2026 for Years 7 and 9 Academic/All Rounder, Years 7 to 11 Boarding (for rural students), and Year 7 Music. Current families are welcome to apply.
To find out more and to apply visit the scholarships page here.
From the Uniform Shop
Tara Uniform Shop Closure and Reopening Dates
The Tara Uniform Shop will be closed from 4 December 2024 and will reopen in 2025 on the following dates:
- 16 January
- 17 January
- 22 January
- 23 January
- 24 January
The shop will be open from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on these days.
Regular trading hours will resume on 28 January 2025.
Barbara and Hana from the Tara Uniform Shop wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year!
Tara Community News
Christmas Markets
Claire C and Diya H - Events Captains
Get ready for the ULTIMATE festive event at the World Vision Christmas Markets, on 4 December organised by students, for students from Senior and Junior School!
Come along and support your peers while making a difference—all proceeds go to a great cause, going to World Vision! Bring some cash and enjoy a variety of stalls featuring fun games like Hook-a-Duck, coloured braid stations, snow cones, yummy sweets and treats, and so much more! You can take some everlasting memories at the photobooth, vibe to Christmas music, and enjoy live buskers adding to the Christmas fun. Make sure to remember your money in order to not miss this chance to celebrate, give back, and have an amazing time with friends!
Tara Hub - Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The AGM for the Tara Hub took place on Tuesday, 12 November. We are delighted to share the results of the election for the Tara Hub committee. The newly elected members are:
Chair: Jane Furniss
Deputy Chair: Kesara Jayasuriya
Communications Officer: Maya Abboud Hamdan
Finance Officer: Cindy Jabbour
Events Officer: Jane Doro, Donna Karam, and Jenny Po (this position will be shared collaboratively among the three nominees).
Please join me in congratulating the returning committee members and warmly welcoming the new additions to the team. I look forward to working with this enthusiastic group as we gear up for an exciting year ahead, including a wide array of engaging events planned for 2025.
I would also like to extend heartfelt thanks to the outgoing committee members, Pascal Mouawad, Vik Garg, and Kathleen Lau, for their dedication and invaluable contributions over the past year. Your efforts have been greatly appreciated.
Carols in the Colonnade
It was wonderful to see so many members of our community at Carols over the weekend. The event was filled with joy, as friends reconnected, and groups gathered to celebrate together. Children had a fantastic time running around, enjoying the craft area, messy Christmas face painting, and creating festive decorations.
The evening was truly magical—a perfect opportunity to come together and celebrate the holiday season. Many took advantage of the market stalls for Christmas shopping, while the delicious food stalls kept everyone satisfied. A special thank you goes to the dads from the Tara Dads Club for cooking up a fantastic BBQ that fed us all.
We extend our gratitude to Jane Furniss and the Tara Hub members for hosting the Carols, as well as to Nick Ross and the dads from the Tara Dads Club for their support. A heartfelt thank you also goes to the Performing Arts Department, led by Dean MacRae, for the incredible performances by our talented students.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2024 Carols in the Colonnade. It was a truly memorable evening.
Carols in the Colonnade continued
Tara Old Girls’ Association
On Wednesday, 13 November 2024, the Tara Old Girls’ Association had the pleasure of hosting a lovely coffee and pastries morning for the remarkable Tara Old Girls who are now proud Tara mums. It was a delightful occasion filled with shared memories, marking the first collaboration between the Old Girls’ and the Tara Hub. We look forward to this being the first of many more mornings of connection and community in the future.
Events for 2025 – Save the Date
Please save the date the following events in 2025:
- Tara Community Prayer – Thursday, 13 February 2025
- Welcome to 2025 Cocktail Drinks – Thursday, 20 February 2025
- International Women’s Day – Thursday, 6 March 2025
- Susan McLean – Cyber Safety Talk – Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Merry Christmas
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the incredible volunteers who have supported us throughout 2024. Your dedication and efforts have made our events possible and have strengthened our community in countless ways. Thank you for being such an integral part of our community.
Wishing all Tara families a joyful Christmas and a happy, prosperous New Year.
Tara Aquatic Centre
News from Tara Aquatic Centre
The Aquatic Staff would like to wish all our Swimming@Tara families a Happy and safe Christmas, and we look forward to seeing you all in 2025!
Finishing up for 2024
We will be finishing up on Friday 13 December and recommencing on Monday 6 January 2025!
Holiday Intensives for January 2025
We will be having Holiday Intensives over the January school holidays for 3 weeks. We will be offering Private Lessons and group lessons. Please contact or contact reception on 8838 2699 to book in.
- 6 – 10 January
- 13 – 17 January
- 20 – 24 January
Note: Our regular Learn to Swim lessons will continue during the holiday period.
Active Kids and First Lap Vouchers
We are accepting Active Kids and First Lap vouchers.
To use them in our program, please forward the details to with your child’s details
Carnival Prep Program for January Holidays
Our Carnival Prep Program is now open!
With carnival season fast approaching, coach Peter is here to help you get race ready and perform at your peak.
- Wednesday 22 January - 7.30am - 9.30am
- Friday 24 January - 7.30am - 9.30am
It will be offered to the following levels: Dolphin, Advance and Squad students only.
A message from your favorite elves, Flipper and Paddles!
Uh-oh! It seems Flipper has been caught doing something he shouldn’t… sitting on the lane ropes! 😅 Is that allowed? (We don’t think so!)
When you're in class, remember to stay seated on the wall or stand safely in the water. Let’s keep those lane ropes tangle-free and everyone safe!
Flipper and Paddles 🎅💧
Safety Week
We have just completed our last safety week for this year, and once again it was such a fun and exciting week had by all students and some laughs as well!
This safety week was all about “Float and survive”! It is about preserving their energy while waiting for rescue to arrive.
Students also learnt the skills and knowledge that they need to be safe and have fun in and around the water. It develops essential safety skills and improves children’s knowledge of how to survive in the water if they fall into a pool, off the boat, into a river, dam, or any body of water. Skills such as safety jumps, survival strokes and other skills but most importantly to know how to be safe and have fun in and around the water.
ELC to Year 2 Swim Program
Last week we had the ELC to Year 2 swim program finish their first week of swimming, which we were delighted to include ELC for the first time this year. The girls have been fantastic, and we have seen lots of improvements. As we continue their swimming lessons this week, we will be having a fun safety day on Friday to finish the program off.
On the last day, the girls will also get to take home with them a certificate of their achievements. We hope to see the girls continue this progress in the new year with our afternoon program or our holiday intensive program that is happening in January.
Well done girls!
Tara Aquatic Centre Terms and Conditions
Please ensure your Direct Debt is up to date for payment on the 1st of every month.
Junior School News
IPSHA Virtual Art Show 2024
This virtual exhibition showcases some of the outstanding visual artworks by students from NSW/ACT IPSHA schools. It is a celebration of exceptional visual artworks created by students from IPSHA member schools. This exhibition celebrates the remarkable creativity and talent of some of our students. Earlier this year, art teachers were asked to select 12 artworks to submit. This virtual gallery offers a unique opportunity to appreciate these artistic accomplishments and serves as an excellent learning resource as well. Please explore this engaging collection, connect with the imaginative expressions of our young artists, and join us in celebrating their achievements. Thank you for your continued support of the arts. Enjoy this inspiring showcase!
Artworks from the following Tara artists were selected and are featured in the categories of Portraiture, Drawing and Mark Making and Digital Art and Photography:
- Kylie W (ELC)
- Novia G (Kindergarten)
- Charlotte M (Year 1)
- Magdalena H (Year 2
- Ava H (Year 3)
- Mia X (Year 4)
- Jacqueline Z (Year 4)
- Angela F (Year 5)
- Ravan L (Year 5)
- Elva L (Year 6)
- Emma V (Year 6)
- Nicole Z (Year 6)
ELC Storytime with Mrs Ramsay
Earlier this term, the ELC girls had a special visit to Mrs Ramsay's office. Walking up the hill to her office felt like an exciting adventure, and the girls were delighted to hear Mrs Ramsay read them a story.
A few weeks later, when Mrs Ramsay visited our classroom, the girls eagerly recalled their favourite parts of the story, showing just how well they had been listening. To capture this memorable experience, each girl created a drawing and recorded a heartfelt thank you message to share with Mrs Ramsay.
Kids Own Australian Literature Awards
On Tuesday 12 November, 18 Year 5 girls attended the K.O.A.L.A. (Kids Own Australian Literature Awards) awards day at William Clarke College. The awards are an annual opportunity for girls and boys in New South Wales to nominate and vote on their favourite Australian books. It is a chance for children to have a voice in the Australian book industry and celebrate the authors and illustrators who are creating stories they love. This is just some of what the girls who attended had to say about the day:
“My favourite thing was getting autographs. I loved the autograph part because getting autographs from famous authors was a really special thing…” – Purvi, 5 Pepper
“My favourite thing about going to K.O.A.L.A. was listening and seeing the different authors.” – Dora, 5 April
“My favourite thing was getting my K.O.A.L.A. library bag signed by all the authors.” – Olivia, 5 Pauline
“I liked the author’s funny anecdotes.” – Ava, 5 April
“The thing I loved was when everyone was rushing about getting all of the signatures from the authors.” – Michelle, 5 Pepper
“My favourite thing was getting to buy my books.” – Bonnie, 5 Pepper
“My favourite thing is when the authors signed our papers.” – Cecelia, 5 Pauline
“My favourite part was finding out the winners and getting to meet the authors.” – Josiane, 5 Pepper
“I mostly enjoyed hearing the authors talk about their books and it was an extremely memorable event.” – Bella L, 5 Pepper
“My favourite part was listening to the K.O.A.L.A. awards ceremony.” – Harper, 5 Pauline
“My favourite part of today was hearing all the inspiring stories that the authors shared.” – Bella Z, 5 Pauline
“I loved how we could meet so many authors and get their signatures and talk with them!” – Ravan, 5 April
“My favourite part of the day was getting signatures of famous authors and illustrators and most importantly being part of it.” – Miraya, 5 April
“My favourite thing is getting to know the authors and finally purchasing the book I have always wanted.” – Hannah, 5 April
“At K.O.A.L.A. I loved seeing how Danielle McDonald in action. She is an incredible model for future generations of illustrators.” – Jemima, 5 Pepper
“My favourite part was buying all the items and signing them with my friends. We traded and swapped lines, items and bags to make sure we got all the signatures.” – ReRe, 5 Pepper
“My favourite part of K.O.A.L.A. was meeting all the authors and illustrators and getting signatures in our favourite books and hearing what they had to say about writing and illustrating. I also loved collaborating with my friends to get the most signatures we could. All-in-all I loved everything about K.O.A.L.A.” – Anvika, 5 Pepper
“My favourite part was when we got to go and visit the authors and illustrators with my friends and got them to sign my new books!” – Kara, 5 Pepper
Excursion to Sydney Zoo
This term, the girls in ELC have been exploring the topic of living things and the ways we share and interact with different environments. As part of our learning, we went on an exciting excursion to Sydney Zoo, where the girls observed a variety of animals in their unique habitats.
Our day began with an engaging educational talk, where each girl had the opportunity to touch a Blue-tongue Lizard and a Children’s Python—an experience that sparked both curiosity and excitement! Afterward, we enjoyed a guided walk around the zoo, discovering even more fascinating animals along the way.
We were fortunate to have the support of some wonderful mums, who joined us for the day and assisted the teachers in looking after the girls. Below are some reflections from the girls about their memorable experience:
My favourite was seeing the giraffe eating fruit. – Zoe
My favourite was looking at the koalas – Ayami
My favourite thing was seeing the meerkats playing – Sophia
My favourite thing was going on the bus – Allyson
My favourite thing was seeing elephants – Ada
My favourite thing was seeing the turtles – Kylie
IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge
Congratulations to Zahra, Emma and Hanishka who represented Tara at the annual IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge speaking on the topic of ‘ Think Big’. They all presented incredible speeches and had a brilliant and fun day!
Senior School News
Interdisciplinary Unit (IDU) Week
During Week,6, students in Years 7 -10 engaged in rich learning experiences through the inaugural Interdisciplinary Unit (IDU) Week.
Year 7 students engaged in an exciting interdisciplinary unit, Design to Survive, which brought together PDHPE, Technology, Mathematics, and Christian Studies. Throughout the week, the students participated in a range of hands-on and collaborative activities, including a surf lesson at Manly Beach, where they gained firsthand knowledge of beach safety. They also prepared delicious muesli bars, explored mathematical concepts such as ratios, and worked closely with their peers to tackle challenges. This dynamic unit exemplified the power of interdisciplinary learning, blending practical skills, critical thinking, and teamwork.
Year 8 students delved into the concept of beauty through an enriching interdisciplinary unit that brought together Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Languages, and Christian Studies. This unit invited students to explore beauty from diverse cultural, artistic, and philosophical perspectives, fostering both creativity and critical thinking. Their learning culminated in a stunning showcase of photographs and musical expressions, capturing their unique interpretations of beauty. A highlight of the unit was the entire year group coming together to sing and dance in French and Japanese, demonstrating not only their language skills but also their collaborative spirit and appreciation for global cultures. The energy and joy of their performance were truly memorable, celebrating the beauty of unity and shared creativity.
Year 9 students engaged in a meaningful interdisciplinary unit that combined English, History and Christian Studies to examine how significant events are memorialised. Through their studies, they explored various wars and how these events have been commemorated globally, with a particular focus on the experiences of Australian servicemen and women. An excursion provided a powerful opportunity for students to reflect on the importance of remembrance and the stories behind memorials. The unit culminated in the creation of thoughtful model memorials and presentations, allowing students to apply their historical knowledge and creative skills to honour those who have served. This unit fostered a deep appreciation for the role of memory in shaping cultural identity and collective understanding.
Year 10 students collaborated across Science, Social Science, and Christian Studies to explore the power of the individual in driving sustainability. They engaged with the United Nations Sustainability Goals, examining how these objectives can be interpreted and applied across different countries. By studying the nature of materials and their impact on the environment, students gained insight into the global challenges of sustainability. The unit culminated in the creation of a Miss Tara Sustainability presentation, which showcased their understanding of cultural expressions of beauty, region-specific sustainability challenges, and the underlying causes affecting their allocated regions. This interdisciplinary project encouraged students to think critically, act responsibly, and recognise their potential to contribute to a more sustainable future.
Interdisciplinary learning is important in the International Baccalaureate (IB) framework, as it fosters a holistic understanding of knowledge and its real-world applications. By integrating concepts and methods from multiple disciplines, students develop a more nuanced perspective and are better equipped to tackle complex, global issues that transcend subject boundaries. This approach aligns with the IB’s mission to cultivate internationally minded individuals who think critically and creatively. Interdisciplinary learning encourages collaboration, adaptability, and systems thinking, helping students recognise the interconnectedness of knowledge and its relevance to diverse cultural and societal contexts. Moreover, it nurtures essential 21st-century skills such as problem-solving, communication, and innovation, preparing students to navigate an increasingly complex and interdependent world.
We thank the students for their active engagement and willingness to learn in a new way. We also thank the Tara teachers and staff who spent countless hours planning and implementing this exciting opportunity. We look forward to doing it all again next year.
World Vision Textbook sale
Elisha - Academic Prefect and Popi - Environment Prefect
The World Vision Textbook sale ran on 14 and 15 November and many girls were able to buy their secondhand textbooks for 2025. Throughout the week, girls from across all year groups donated their books to contribute to this initiative. Not only was this a sustainable way of distributing learning materials within our school but also an amazing opportunity for families to save money on textbooks. With the help of SRC and the Environment Committee, more than $1,200 was raised and all the profits will be going towards World Vision to help provide for many families overseas. This was an incredible effort from the community for both donating and buying books which will contribute to a worthwhile cause.
Debating and Public Speaking at Tara - a Wrap up!
As we bid farewell to 2024, it is the perfect time to celebrate the accomplishments and growth of our students in public speaking and debating. This year has been an exciting one, filled with opportunities for students to hone their skills, engage with challenging topics, and develop their confidence as speakers and critical thinkers.
This term, while quieter without our usual school-wide competitions, has been no less productive. Students participated in a series of engaging debating skill-building workshops, designed to refine their argumentation techniques, improve teamwork, and enhance their ability to think on their feet. Term 3 ended with the vibrant and provocative Interhouse competition, with Crawford as our winning team!
Looking ahead, we are in the final stages of selecting our FED (Friday Evening Debating) teams for 2025. The enthusiasm and dedication shown by students vying for these positions have been inspiring.
Thank you to all the students, staff, and families who have supported debating and public speaking at Tara throughout 2024. Your encouragement and involvement have been invaluable.
Wishing everyone a restful and rejuvenating holiday season!
Dignity Dishes
Jalina X and Nestacia K - Social Justice Prefect and Christian Faith Prefect
This year, Tara students have shown great dedication to community service through Dignity Dishes, a program run in partnership with Dignity where students volunteer after school to cook meals for the homeless. With their hard work, we have prepared and distributed over 1,000 meals to those in need across Sydney this year.
The final session for 2024 will take place on Tuesday, November 26. We are so proud of our students for their commitment to making a difference, and thank all of the girls that attended this year for embodying Tara's values of opportunity and service. We would also like to extend a special thank you to Mrs Cropper, who has dedicated her afternoons to running these sessions throughout the year. Her support and guidance have been invaluable in making this initiative such a success.
Let's celebrate this incredible achievement as we wrap up this incredible initiative for the year!
Tara Bounce Battle
Chelsea C - Sport Prefect
Every Thursday lunchtime, the courts at Tara come alive with energy and excitement as students gather for the Tara Bounce Battle. This new initiative aims to build a sense of community while encouraging students to stay active and have fun. The competition is open to everyone, regardless of experience, making it a fantastic way for students across all year levels to connect. The Tara Bounce Battle has already become a weekly highlight, with growing participation and enthusiasm. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just looking to join in the fun, come along every Thursday to be part of this exciting new tradition!
Future Entrepreneurs Challenge Champions!
Congratulations to Joy and Yasmin, who have been named 2025 Champions of the Future Entrepreneurs Challenge hosted by Newcastle University!
Competing in this prestigious competition, our girls stood out with their innovative product, Neck-Ex: a stylish neck chain designed to promote good posture. The judges were blown away by their idea, presentation, and delivery.
A big thank you to Mrs Winfield, Mr Shepherd, Mrs George, and their Business Studies peers for their unwavering support throughout this journey.
We couldn’t be prouder of your hard work, creativity, and dedication. Congratulations Joy and Yasmin!
World Kindness Day
Orchid Y - Community Prefect
World Kindness Day is a day dedicated to highlighting good deeds, positivity and spreading kindness within communities across the globe. Jumping on this train, the Tara World Kindness Day Challenge was held on 13 November with the goal of encouraging girls to engage in small but meaningful acts of kindness.
Every student had received a checklist with 5 ‘kind’ tasks to complete:
- Do one kind action for your family.
- Pick up 1 piece of trash.
- Help out a teacher.
- Give a sincere compliment to a person in another year group.
- Recount one thing someone has done that was kind to you.
To participate in this challenge, students had to describe what they did for each task in substantial detail. Once completed, they could then submit their checklist to their designated year group boxes to be entered into a lucky dip draw. One student from each year was then selected to receive a basket of snacks as a token of appreciation for their efforts.
The challenge not only encouraged thoughtful actions but also strengthened the bonds within our school community highlighting that even the smallest acts of kindness can have a meaningful and lasting impact.
SRC and Ambassadors
Joohee U and Zoe H - Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl
CONGRATULATIONS to the 2025 Student Representative Council (SRC) members announced this Monday!! We are so grateful for the previous girls who have now stepped down from their service as Tara’s SRCs. Thank you - you’ve been extraordinary representatives!
The SRC acts as a voice for their mentor groups and their grades, helping organise initiatives and ensure that the opinions of all Tara girls are heard. As role models, SRC represent the core Tara values and engage in servant leadership.
They aim to do two initiatives per year with other members of SRC in their grade, helped and mentored by the Senior Leadership Team.
Those apart of the SRC (with the exception of those in Year 7) will be able to apply to be apart of Tara’s Ambassador program.
Ambassador interviews and processes will happen in 2025.
Year 8 IDU Day
On Tuesday, 12 November, Year 8 STEM Health and Ancient Greek Society and Drama (AGSAD) students participated in an Interdisciplinary Unit Day where they showcased their work throughout these units. STEM Health students shared their Health Apps and AGSAD students performed group devised pieces on contemporary issues in the Ancient Greek Drama style. Students displayed a range of talents and creativity. Here’s what some had to say:
While at first cooperating with my group was hard, as I was not grouped with all my friends, after a few weeks of working together, we were able to get a result that we were proud of. Overall, the experience was great and I wouldn't have done it any differently. - Jane S
IDU Day was an extremely enjoyable experience, being able to enjoy the play that we created and watching the audience enjoy it. It was also extremely enjoyable watching the shark tank presentations the STEM Health teams had set up for us. AGSAD was really fun in terms of groupwork and enjoyability. - Victoria L
NSW Finalist in the National History Challenge
Mrs Lauren Morgan - History Teacher
Dora H (Year 7) is a state winner in the National History Challenge for 2024. Her entry has been deemed the best in New South Wales in the Year 7 category. This national inquiry-based competition encourages students from Years 5 through to 12 to create and research a project centred on the theme “Crisis and Response” in History. Dora’s entry on re-evaluating the Plague in Medieval History demonstrated this theme very well, and we congratulate her on this excellent achievement. She was presented her award at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Darling Harbour, visiting the tall ship Duyfken.
Reminder from the Senior School Library
The Tara Senior School Library team want to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. A reminder that students can borrow books over the holiday break, unless they are leaving at the end of the year, so they are encouraged to borrow books now before the end of term.
Travelling overseas and don’t want the heavy weight of books? A reminder that we have an ePlatform where students can borrow eBooks to take with them on their phones, tablets or devices.
Long road trip coming up? Why not download an audiobook from our BorrowBox platform? We have a range of titles available which can keep the whole family entertained.
Both the ePlatform and BorrowBox platforms have Apple and Android apps that can be downloaded onto phones/tablets and students can login with their Tara credentials or they can be accessed via Oliver on their laptops.
We look forward to welcoming all students back into the library in 2025.
Senior Sport
Team Focus - Water Polo Senior 1sts
The Senior 1sts Water Polo team has shown remarkable improvement this season, finishing undefeated. Every week, the team built upon the skills and strategies focused on during training sessions, growing more cohesive with each game. The hard work and dedication paid off, both in their teamwork and on the scoreboard, showcasing their development as a united team.
Through many training sessions and challenging matches, the team developed essential skills improving our performance in the pool. A significant focus was placed on teamwork—learning to communicate clearly with one another, and effectively coordinate our movements. Alongside this, we refined our ball work, improved body positioning, and practiced advanced team strategies. All of these aspects were crucial in enhancing our individual and collective gameplay. In consistently targeting areas to be worked on, it made us more successful in matches while also strengthening the effectiveness of our strategies and team spirit.
Ms Mirabito is a truly exceptional coach for not only our team but for all the waterpolo teams. She is an inspiration to all as she shows her endless passion, positivity, and commitment to every training and game. She gives everyone an opportunity to play their best and doesn't hesitate to provide support to us girls. We are all inspired by her determination and dedication to the sport and to every girl's care and growth. The waterpolo program has benefited greatly under Ms Mirabito's leadership and this has been reflected in the significant improvement of our performance this season and the past year. We are all very grateful for all the invaluable skills, strategies and lessons she has taught us and for making the sport so enjoyable. Thank you, Ms Mirabito!
This season of waterpolo has been an overall positive experience with many highlights in training and in games. The girls enjoyed training and looked forward to it, as there were always new drills and fun games to develop our abilities and practise performance under pressure. They enjoyed finishing the season with an undefeated winning streak with some very exciting games, and some of which were tough games which were overcome with effective teamwork. And the girls have enjoyed spending time and growing with the team which has steadily increased with each training session and game as overall connections and coordination also improved.
Team Focus - Tara 3 (Junior Firsts) Touch Football
Ellie H - Touch football Captain
Throughout the touch football championship season, TAR03 has been playing exceptionally, where they remain undefeated with only one game remaining. The team has had a massive improvement this season, and they have learnt more about the sport than just the running and passing elements. What they have been learning in training as a team is reflected in their games, where all the girls shine and support each other on the field.
I commend their coach, Cameron Khadi, who has been a role model and asset to helping the girls improve. Her dedication to training the girls has been massive and long-lasting, teaching them technical plays and team drills which are incorporated into the game and contribute to their success. Here are a few comment from girls in TAR03 sharing their experiences and what they have enjoyed this season:
Alisha S (Year 9): There is no doubt in saying that this season was a huge success. Not only did we win all the games, but new friendships were made in between different grades. It was amazing how we learnt so many different drills each week, allowing us to be strong in the games and show such great sportsmanship. From the first game to the last, every single girl has improved and learnt many useful skills too!
Erum M (Year 9): This season was one of my favourites. The girls made training and games so exciting and eventful. My favourite part was learning how to do a ‘quicky play’ because it made scoring tries more intense and also made me trust my mid partner more. This is when we had to play the ball quickly close to the line, catch the opposing team offside, and dive for a try.
Bella S (Year 9): I loved touch this season because it was really fun playing as a team and improving our skills. The games were really fast-paced and it was overall an exciting sport to play.
From the Coach - Cameron Khadi
This season it has been such a privilege to coach the Tara 3 team into the exceptional players they have become today. The girls have shown immense dedication to the sport by attending all training sessions with a keen attitude to learn new skills. Their effort on the field has set an incredible standard for Tara sport as they consistently played with pride yet remain humble in their victories. I am most impressed at the inspiration they have become for their peers, showing that with perseverance and a positive attitude, success is inevitable. I am beyond proud to have assisted these girls in all they have achieved this season.
2024 NSW All Schools Championships
Mr Ben Board - Sport Coordinator - Rowing
Saturday 16 November marked the first regatta of the season, the highly competitive School State Championships, which hosted over 1,400 rowers from across the state. It was a fantastic start to the season, showcasing the talent, determination, and spirit of our rowing program.
As this regatta was the premiere school state championships our crews delivered outstanding performances:
- Olivia B and Hannah R ranked second in NSW for their double.
- Our Schoolgirl 4, consisting of Hannah, Olivia, Amy R, Gemma W, and Mareya K, secured their ranking of third in the NSW.
- The Year 9 1st Quad (Nicole J, Isabel D, Kelly L, Reeta L, and cox Charlotte G) ranked 8th in NSW
- Ruby O, our top Year 8 sculler, placed an impressive 7th in a challenging single event.
We also brought home a remarkable medal haul for crews in respective finals:
- Senior Medals: Olivia B and Hannah R claimed both silver and bronze medals. Amy, Gemma, and Mareya added a bronze each to the tally.
- Year 7 Medals: Dora H, Chelsea H, Amelia D, Charlie W, Trinity T and Tamika T earned silver.
- Year 8 Medals: Cathrine S, Mili S, Sarita W, Adrina M, and Rose M took home bronze.
- Year 9 Medals: Caitlin L, Piper W, Sydney M, and Victoria E secured silver.
Thank you to our wonderful parents for your support at the regatta and to our rowing staff for their hard work in preparing the team—it truly makes all the difference!
This event has set a strong foundation for our season, and we’re immensely proud of all our rowers for their hard work and commitment. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Touch Football
Ellie H - Touch Football Captain
Round 4
Our Touch Football teams all had very challenging games this week! Congratulations to Tara 3 for their win!
The Tara 2 team is improving in their fitness, running and learning new specific plays for their division. They have learned to box on and off to substitute teams, and Dhanya A (Year 10) and Arushi C (Year 11) did very well in doing this. This team is playing excellently and has shown definite improvements throughout the season!
The junior teams are developing well with great training and learning to adapt to the rules and each other. Congratulations to the Junior 1sts team (Tara 3) for their excellent win at Steyne Park. Specifically, Erum M (Year 9) and Cleo F (Year 8) played excellently with good communication and attack throughout the whole game. For Tara 4, it was a close game. Despite the loss, each girl played very well, as they were against an older team in a higher division. Xingxiao C (Year 7) and Riya T (Year 8) stood out as key players in their defence and scoring tries.
Round 5
On the touch football fields this week, there was determination, strength and dominance from all players!
Specifically, Tara 2 had an excellent first major win. The team worked through the challenging match, gaining valuable experience of what it means to work together and develop team spirit and coordination. Laura W (Year 10) was an outstanding player who encouraged her team to work hard and pressure the other team, a well as Lara W (Year 10) with brilliant attack. This game established a solid foundation for growth as they develop as a team for the final two weeks.
Tara 3 secured another win, with excellent odds and evens in defence and focusing on straight passes and drives. Zara F (Year 7) and Bella S (Year 9) were key attacking players and were outstanding on the field, even scoring a few of the tries. The Junior 1sts are a very strong team, reflecting their first position on the ladder!
Round 4
S03 Tara 1 vs Wenona 2, Loss, 4-5
S10 Tara 2 vs Ascham 8, Loss, 2-3
J04 Tara 3 vs PLC Sydney 6, Win, 6-1
J08 Tara 4 vs Wenona 16, Loss, 1-4
J10 Tara 5 vs St Catherine’s 7, Loss, 1-3
Round 5
S03 Tara 1 vs MLC 1, Loss, 2-4
S10 Tara 2 vs Meriden 3, Win, 6-2
J04 Tara 3 vs Abbotsleigh 8, Win, 9-4
J08 Tara 4 vs St Catherine’s 6, Loss, 1-3
J10 Tara 5 vs Santa Sabina 4, Loss, 1-7
Water Polo
Bernice T and Grace T - Water Polo Captains
Round 4
In Round 4 the Senior 1st team had another great win against Monte. It was a challenging match, with strong defence from the opposing team, but as the game went on, we found our rhythm and worked well together to break through their tactics and create scoring opportunities. Orla A was outstanding, scoring multiple goals and positioning herself perfectly to receive passes at crucial moments. Skye A and Verity A played a key role in attack, moving the ball quickly and efficiently down the pool. On defence, Lucy T and Grace T displayed great teamwork and resilience despite some tough opposition. Olivia A also played well in putting defensive pressure on the opposition. Overall, the team showed clear improvement in offense, defence, and teamwork in the pool, making it a well-rounded performance.
The Senior 2nds faced off against Queenwood at their home venue. Despite the tough opposition, it was one of the team’s better performances of the season. Olivia H was a standout player, scoring two goals, while Nikolina K scored another. The team’s strategy was clear, particularly with a drill they had been focusing on during training. This drill focused on efficient and accurate movement in the pool, with three players driving along the side and three more down the middle. This tactic paid off, as the team demonstrated excellent positioning and coordination throughout the match. Overall, it was a solid game, and the team’s spirit continues to grow with each game.
Round 5
In Round 5 the Tara Senior 1sts played against Abbotsleigh at their home ground and earned a well-deserved victory! The score became closely contested at times, but the team stayed focused and delivered quick, accurate passes, creating many scoring opportunities. A special thanks goes to Lucy T, who stepped in as goalkeeper and played an outstanding game. Grace T made multiple calculated shots, skilfully putting the ball just out of reach of the opposing goalie. Verity A and Orla A did a great job in keeping possession of the ball, working it around the pool, and driving in to support the team’s offensive play. Lia N also played an impressive game, scoring multiple strong shots while taking on tight defence. Overall, it was a very successful game against tough opposition, where all players gained valuable game experience and further developed skills worked on in training.
The Tara Senior 2nds played against Wenona in an exciting game that resulted in a score much closer than previous matches. Scoring 5 goals, the whole team showcased an improved performance in the skills worked on in training and communication and coordination with each other. Particularly, Claire K who played an outstanding game where her contributions significantly helped in the team's success and was crucial in driving the team. It was an incredible game that really reflects the progress the team have made. The team continues to improve every game, learning and gaining more experience, and will try to keep this determination in all future games.
The Junior 1sts had a great match against the top team in the division, and despite the tough competition, gave them quite a challenge. All players showed incredible passion throughout the game, particularly Pare N, who was a standout on both offense and defence. We also had some exceptional shooters on the field, with Pare N, Adelaide L, and Heidi J all scoring impressive shots. Overall, considering the strong competition, the team played with great determination and skill, and this match was a valuable learning experience.
Round 4
S04 Tara 1 vs Monte 2, Win, 10-3
S07 Tara 2 vs Queenwood 3, Loss, 3-25
J05 Tara 3 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 3, Loss, 2-15
Round 5
S04 Tara 1 vs Abbotsleigh 1, Win, 8-6
S07 Tara 2 vs Wenona 4, Loss, 5-16
J05 Tara 3 vs St Scholasticas’ 2, Loss, 6-9
Round 4
This week, our tennis teams achieved some pleasing results. The majority of the teams displayed incredible resilience and team spirit. One of the players (Pia) in Year 7 shared, 'This year I learnt from Mr Brackin how to tie my shoelaces.' Each match brings new insights, and our commitment to refining our skills and teamwork is growing stronger every week. We’re excited to bring this energy into our next matches and have even better results!
Round 5
This week, our tennis teams had a balanced set of results, with three wins and three losses. The wins reflected the dedication and focus we've been putting into training, while the losses gave us valuable opportunities to learn and improve. One player remarked, 'Every match this week showed how much we’ve grown as a team, and we’re determined to keep pushing forward.' Each game is helping us build resilience and refine our strategies as we look ahead to future matches.
Round 4
S11 Tara 1 vs Wenona 7, Draw, 4-4
S16 Tara 2 vs Roseville 11, Win, 6-2
J09 Tara 3 vs Loreto Kirribilli 16, Win, 5.5-2.5
J15 Tara 4 vs Wenona 21, Win, 6.5-1.5
Y705 Tara 5 vs Stella Maris 2, Loss, 0.5-7.5
Y706 Tara 6 vs Roseville 25, Draw, 4-4
Y708 Tara 7 vs Abbotsleigh 14, Loss, 3-5
Round 5
S11 Tara 1 vs Monte 4, Draw, 4-4
S16 Tara 2 vs St Vincent’s 4, Draw, 4-4
J09 Tara 3 vs Roseville 16, Loss, 3.5-4.5
J15 Tara 4 vs Ravenswood 13, Win, 8-0
Y705 Tara 5 vs Pymble 24, Win, 7-1
Y706 Tara 6 vs Pymble 25, Win, 5-3
Y708 Tara 7 vs Santa Sabina 9, Draw, 4-4
Rowing - Loreto Normanhurst and Loreto Kirribilli Regattas
Last weekend saw the Tara Rowing team battle through scorching 35-degree heat at the Sydney International Regatta Centre, competing in two days of thrilling racing at the Loreto Normanhurst and Loreto Kirribilli Regattas.
A standout moment was Nicole J and Kelly L’s exceptional win in the double scull, a well-deserved victory that highlighted their hard work and teamwork on the water. Adding to the team’s success, senior boarder Amy R delivered an impressive performance in the School Girl Single race on Sunday, securing second place in her division against a highly competitive field.
Our younger rowers stepped up this weekend, with Year 7s debuting in doubles and showing promise, while Year 9s gained valuable experience in singles.
More than just results, the weekend was about growth and resilience. Despite tough conditions, our rowers demonstrated teamwork, determination, and a strong commitment to improvement.
As we approach the summer holidays, our season isn’t winding down just yet. We look forward to competing at the Sydney Girls High Regatta on Saturday, November 30, followed by the festive Mixed Crew Christmas Regatta at Iron Cove. This final event of 2024 will be a wonderful way to wrap up the year as a team before we reconvene for rowing camp in January to kickstart 2025.
Congratulations to all athletes, coaches, and supporters for a successful and inspiring weekend. The team’s progress and commitment are clear, and we’re excited to see what’s next for Tara Rowing!
Laura W - Badminton Captain
Round 4
We saw many impressive performances in Round 4 from Tara's Badminton teams! In this round, many teams maintained excellent offensive and defensive strategies, with each player improving their technical skills, teamwork, and communication. With more girls attending their group training sessions, their hard work and consistent effort had a great impact on the incredible results!
Starting off strong, Tara 8 won 5-0 against Tara 9 in their friendship match. Elisha K (Year 12), Daria M (Year 12), Zara S (Year 12), and Eva T (Year 12) achieved their high score by spending more time learning from each other through training together. Their communication on court was effective, and the team's quick decision-making and ability to set up positions before the game allowed them to maintain control throughout the match.
As we move into the next round, the teams will continue to refine both offensive and defensive techniques while maintaining a fun and engaging experience for those playing friendly matches. We hope that Tara’s badminton teams will continue to strive for even greater success!
Round 5
In Round 5, Tara 6, with only three members on the team—Hannah L, Cindy S, and Lucy Y from Year 10—won a close match with a score of 3-2. The girls applied many strategies from training, such as quick passes and defence, which led to their strong finish. Every member of the team stepped up to help score whenever needed, and their collective effort resulted in a well-deserved win!
Tara 12 also secured a resounding 5-0 victory, with standout performances from Claire M, Nicole W, and Wynne Y in Year 9. However, the success was a team effort, as each player contributed in an important way. From start to finish, they won all the rounds, showcasing their excellent teamwork and skill.
Round 4
S01 Tara 1 vs MLC 1, Loss, 1-4
S01 Tara 2 vs Danebank 1, Loss, 1-4
S01 Tara 3 vs Monte 1, Loss, 1-4
S02 Tara 4 vs Monte 2, Win, 5-0
S02 Tara 5 vs Kambala 1, Loss, 0-5
S03 Tara 6 vs Santa Sabina 1, Loss, 2-3
S03 Tara 7 vs St Scholasticas’ 1, Win, 3-2
S04 Tara 8 vs Tara 9, Win, 5-0
S04 Tara 9 vs Tara 8, Loss, 0-5
S04 Tara 10 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 2, Kincoppal Forfeit
S05 Tara 11 vs Danebank 6, Win, 4-1
S05 Tara 12 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 3, Win, 5-0
S06 Tara 13 vs Kambala 2, Loss, 0-5
S06 Tara 14 vs Danebank 8, Win, 3-2
J01 Tara 15 vs Tara 16, Loss, 1-4
J01 Tara 16 vs Tara 15, Win, 4-1
J01 Tara 17 vs Danebank 11, Loss, 0-5
J02 Tara 18 vs Danebank 12, Loss, 1-4
J02 Tara 19 vs Monte 3, Loss, 1-4
J02 Tara 20 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 6, Loss, 0-5
J03 Tara 21 vs Danebank 13, Loss, 1-4
J03 Tara 22 vs Santa Sabina 2, Win, 3-2
J04 Tara 23 vs MLC 7, Loss, 1-4
J04 Tara 24 vs Kambala 3, Loss, 0-5
J05 Tara 25 vs MLC 8, Loss, 2-3
J05 Tara 26 vs Danebank 15, Win, 5-0
J06 Tara 27 vs Kambala 4, Loss, 0-5
J06 Tara 28 vs Danebank 16, Loss, 1-4
Round 5
S01 Tara 1 vs Monte 1, Loss, 0-5
S01 Tara 2 vs Tara 3, Win, 4-1
S01 Tara 3 vs Tara 2, Loss, 1-4
S02 Tara 4 vs Tara 5, Win, 5-0
S02 Tara 5 vs Tara 4, Loss, 0-5
S03 Tara 6 vs MLC 3, Win, 3-2
S03 Tara 7 vs Danebank 2, Loss, 0-5
S04 Tara 8 vs MLC 4, Loss, 2-3
S04 Tara 9 vs Danebank 4, Loss, 0-5
S04 Tara 10 vs Danebank 5, Loss, 1-4
S05 Tara 11 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 4, Loss, 1-4
S05 Tara 12 vs Danebank 7, Win, 5-0
S06 Tara 13 vs Danebank 9, Loss, 0-5
S06 Tara 14 vs Kambala 2, Loss, 2-3
J01 Tara 15 vs Danebank 11, Loss, 2-3
J01 Tara 16 vs Danebank 10, Loss, 2-3
J01 Tara 17 vs MLC 5, Loss, 0-5
J02 Tara 18 vs Monte 3, Win, 4-1
J02 Tara 19 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 6, Loss, 2-3
J02 Tara 20 vs Danebank 12, Loss, 0-5
J03 Tara 21 vs Kambala 3, Loss, 2-3
J03 Tara 22 vs MLC 6, Loss, 0-5
J04 Tara 23 vs Danebank 14, Loss, 2-3
J04 Tara 24 vs MLC 7, Loss, 0-5
J05 Tara 25 vs Kambala 4, Loss, 0-5
J05 Tara 26 vs MLC 8, Win, 3-2
J06 Tara 27 vs Tara 28, Loss, 2-3
J06 Tara 28 vs Tara 27, Win, 3-2
Careers News
Careers Newsletter
Each week we send Year 10 to Year 12 a listing of the relevant events and ideas and programs to them to help with their Career planning.
There are some great events and opportunities coming up! Learn more about them via the links below.
Careers Newsletter - 25 November 2024
For more information please contact Mr David Berridge via email -