Term 1, Week 9, 2020
From the Dean of Learning ELC-6
Primary Years Programme Exhibition 2023
Exhibition is the culminating achievement of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, marking the end of each student’s time at Tara Junior School. It provides an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills, and learner profile attributes that have been developed and honed throughout their time in the PYP. This year’s Exhibition was our biggest yet, with 70 Year 6 students engaging in their own inquiries.
The tagline for Exhibition 2023 was ‘Let’s Make it Better’ and the girls approached their inquiries through this lens. Their goal was to work towards making local and global issues just a little bit better. The process was guided by the 5 E’s inquiry cycle: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate. Through each step of the cycle, the girls engaged in experiences that were student initiated, student designed and collaborative.
In the first phase of the inquiry cycle, students noticed issues and opportunities worthy of inquiry and selected an area of need, passion, or interest. This became a starting point for the development of their Central Idea and Lines of Inquiry. While on the surface the topics varied widely, an underlying connection focused on factors that contribute to living a positive life, whether that was involving mental and physical health, technology, social connections or the environment. It was so great to see the girls sharing such an uplifting and hopeful view of the world, as is appropriate for children of their age. This year the girls worked individually or in small groups to formulate a Central Idea, which started with ‘Because humans are unique…’
The next step was to develop research questions to guide their inquiry. With the support of their teachers and mentors, the girls used a range of resources and methods to gather information. Where relevant, they formulated surveys and interview questions and connected with people and places to broaden their understanding.
In the ‘explain’ phase, students made sense of the information gathered. They summarised and synthesised their findings and organised information systematically to ensure all research questions had been answered. At this point, students were able to clearly articulate their knowledge and identify how their understanding of the issue had changed and deepened.
With research questions answered, girls were ready to take action. Each student produced something to share with the Tara community, demonstrating her understanding of the issue and showing how it could become just a little bit better. Students used a variety of modes to communicate their learning such as drawings, sculptures, interactive games, and experiments.
The evaluation phase occurred right throughout the inquiry process. In weekly mentor meetings, the girls reflected on their progress and made plans for next steps. They completed regular entries in reflection journals in which they used symbolic representations of their strengths and weaknesses and considered unanswered questions. The final evaluative element was a Learning Map, which creatively documented each student’s learning journey throughout the exhibition process.
Miss MacAskill, Mrs Snelson, Mr Johnson and all the teachers who acted as mentors for PYP Exhibition 2023 shared their dedication, patience, adaptability, and expertise throughout the process. Exhibition is a powerful demonstration of student agency, and the students approached the experience with courage and an open-mind. Congratulations to our Year 6 girls who worked consistently to learn new skills, pose better questions, communicate more clearly, act on feedback and meet the many deadlines that come with the Exhibition journey.
Calendar of Events
End of Year Events
Please find details below regarding all end of year events across the School.
Saturday 25 November - Carols in the Colonnade
All Welcome - please book your tickets here
Friday 1 December - Farewell Chapel Service for Mrs Susan Middlebrook
8:45am for 9:00am start - Tara Gymnasium
Tara Parents - Please RSVP by 10 November via the link sent by email on 26 October
Monday 4 December - Senior School Celebration (Years 7-10)
8:45am for 9:00am start - Tara Gymnasium
Tara Parents - Those students receiving prizes and presenting at Celebration will be notified by email
Monday 4 December - Junior School Funday Monday and Festive Friends
Student Event
Tuesday 5 December - Junior School Celebration
8:45am for 9:00am start - Tara Gymnasium
Tara Parents - Those students receiving prizes will be notified by email
Wednesday 6 December - Christmas Service (ELC - Year 11)
Student Event
Wednesday 6 December - World Vision Christmas Markets (ELC - Year 11)
Student Event
Wednesday 6 December - Tara's Got Talent (Years 7-11)
Student Event
From the Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Payment Method - Card Payments Only
Reminder: The uniform shop is now accepting ONLY credit card payments (MasterCard/Visa).
Tara Old Girls' Association
Class of 1983 Reunion
Recently the Class of 1983 had a fantastic 40 Year reunion in the Tara Chapel! The ladies thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to tour the school and reminisce about the changes that have taken place over the years. The evening was filled with delicious food, wine, and heartwarming conversations along with lots of laughs leaving everyone with a renewed sense of connection.
If you're interested in organising a similar reunion for your own year group, you can reach out to Jodie Doyle at community@tara.nsw.edu.au for further information and assistance.
Tara Old Girls Association Meeting
The next meeting for the Tara Old Girls Association will take place on Wednesday 8 November at 7.00pm. This will be an online meeting. If you wish to contact the Old Girls Association, please email taraoldgirls@tara.nsw.edu.au
If you have any questions about Community please email the Community Liaison Manager, Mrs Jodie Doyle at community@tara.nsw.edu.au
Tara Community News
Carols in the Colonnade
Join us for a memorable evening as we celebrate the final Community event of the year with Carols in the Colonnade. This event will also mark the beginning of our farewell celebrations for Mrs Susan Middlebrook.
Date: Saturday 25 November
Time: 5:30pm – 9:00pm
This year you can purchase a Grazing box for you and your family to enjoy during the event. These boxes can be purchased alongside your event booking.
Click this link to book for the Carols in the Colonnade.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Christmas T-shirts – Last Chance to Buy
Buy your Carols Christmas T-shirt and get into the spirit of the night. Bookings close Wednesday 8 November so don’t delay. All t-shirts purchased will be sent home in the week leading up to the event.
Tara Dads Club
The Tara Dads Club invites all dads to join them at the next meeting which will be held on Wednesday 15 November in the Chapel Foyer at 7pm. Come meet the current executive team and discover the exciting events planned for 2024.
If you wish to become a member of the Tara Dads Club please complete registration form by clicking the link below.
Tara Aquatic Centre
Squads at Swimming@Tara
The anticipation is over! We have now opened our squad sessions!
If you have a child or know someone who is at squad level, and are wanting to join Swimming@Tara Squads, please email swimming@tara.nsw.edu.au for more information.
All students must complete an assessment at the Tara Aquatic Centre prior to joining a squad group.
Safety Week is coming up
We have Safety Week coming up for Term 4 on the National “Swimsafer Week” on 20-24 November. All lessons for that will be in the 25m pool. The Theme is: “Christmas.” Let’s get into the spirit and get those Christmas outfits out to wear in the water for safety week!
During that week, students will learn the skills and knowledge that they need to be safe and have fun in and around the water. It develops essential safety skills and improves children’s knowledge of how to survive in the water if they fall into a pool, off a boat, into a river, dam, or any body of water. Skills such as safety jumps, survival strokes and other skills but most importantly to know how to be safe and have fun in and around the water.
Finishing for 2023 and Holiday Intensives in January 2024
At this stage we are waiting on confirmation of the date that we will be finishing for 2023 but we will be communicating this to you in the next newsletter, as well as when we will be starting back in 2024. So please keep an eye out for these details in Tara News.
We will be offering Holiday Intensive in January 2024; you will be able to book your child in for either private or group lessons in mid-November.
Terms and Conditions: Please revise over the terms and conditions in your parent portal as they have been updated.
Active Kids and First Lap Vouchers
We are accepting Active Kids and First Lap vouchers.
To use them in our program, please forward the details to swimming@tara.nsw.edu.au with your child’s details
Junior School News
Kids Own Australian Literature Awards
K.O.A.L.A. or Kids Own Australian Literature Awards is an opportunity for kids to have their voice heard in the Australian book industry. There are four categories: picture book, younger readers, older readers, and Years 7-9. At the beginning of each year, kids nominate their favourite Australian book in each category and a shortlist of the top 10 is created. They then vote for their favourite and the winners are announced at the awards day in November. This year, PLC Sydney hosted the event and 19 girls from Year 5 had the opportunity to attend. This is some of what they had to say about the day.
Emma: “I especially loved the video of the author of Floof. Who knew cats could talk!”
Joanna: “Getting autographs and meeting the authors and illustrators”
Amalia: “My favourite thing about the K.O.A.L.A. awards assembly was listening to their stories, especially George Ivanoff and his spider story because the way he acted it out was funny.”
Elva: “We were able to go up to the authors for signatures.”
Scarlett: “My favourite part of today was meeting all of the authors and illustrators and getting their signatures.”
Chloe T: “I got to see my favourite book person, Deb Abela.”
Veda: “When some of the authors had to answer the question, ‘what event would make a great children’s story?’ and George Ivanoff said how he had really bad arachnophobia and he acted out the time he encountered a spider in his car.”
Sophie L: “I absolutely loved going to K.O.A.L.A. this year. I loved seeing all my favourite authors and illustrators and how they signed my autograph sheet. Very creative!”
Yashika: “My favourite thing today was seeing Deb Abela and getting her autograph.”
Shannen: “The best thing that happened at K.O.A.L.A. is that we get to see authors in real life and I got their autographs. I will never forget them.”
Jeanne: “My favourite thing was when we got to buy books and I also liked when we got to get them signed by the authors.”
Sofia H: “I had a few favourite things about K.O.A.L.A. like when Deborah Abela told a story about when she got put into jail, buying books and George Ivanoff’s spider story.”
Simren: “My favourite part of K.O.A.L.A. was having the privilege to meet Australian authors like Jacqueline Harvey and Deb Abela. It was a thrilling experience to receive signatures and purchase books from the authors.”
Shilan: “My favourite thing about going was getting to meet different authors and getting your bag or book signed.”
Frankie: “My favourite part was meeting Deb Abela. She was so nice and funny and her life event was fantastic and she autographed me!”
Ada: “K.O.A.L.A. was one of the greatest things ever.”
Annie: “My favourite thing was meeting Jacqueline Harvey and getting her to sign my books and belongings.”
Reyna: “I loved when the authors said ‘what event in your life would make a great children’s story?’ It was so funny.”
Ellie: “The assembly was my favourite.”
Junior School Theatre Outing 2023 - Beauty and the Beast
Katrina Mann - Coordinator of Performance
On Wednesday 25 October, 104 Junior School girls and 14 staff departed for a night out at the theatre. After a bus ride into Pitt Street, we arrived at Macchiato Woodfire Pizza restaurant where the girls respectfully dined on pizza, hot chips and drinks. The food was delicious, and the staff were incredibly attentive and patient with such a large number of hungry diners. We then took a short stroll to the Capitol Theatre to watch Beauty and the Beast. The sets and costumes were as exceptional as expected and the talented cast did not disappoint. At the end of the show, we took our late bus ride home to meet the waiting parents. It was a great experience for the girls who had so much fun. We extend a huge thank you to all the staff who attended and made this possible for the girls.
The Art Walk
The Art Walk is a biannual event where the arts are celebrated. The last one was held in 2019, 4 years ago, just before COVID-19 happened. The vision is to have an exhibition component where art from every year group is celebrated and a creating component where students and the greater Tara community collaborate to build in-school installations.
Student artwork was exhibited in their classrooms. These were open for viewing for the afternoon. Visitors could scan the available QR code which linked to videos where artists explained their artworks.
This year, there were 5 installation centres. Each centre was designed by stage, but students and parents were welcome to contribute to any of the installations.
Uncle Chris Tobin, Darug elder, artist and educator led Aboriginal ochre painting in the blue courtyard where he painted a story about women coming together.
“Is it going to stay? Thank you for helping us. I hope it stays because it will make the Junior School walls look less bland.” (Tamika T - 6 Vee)
ELC and Kindergarten created beautiful, flowing mobiles strung with lace and yarn with various recycled materials beaded onto them.
Years 1 and 2 painted paper feathers using warm and cool colours. Once the feathers dried, teachers assembled them to create painted wings.
In the hall, Years 3 and 4 created colourful flowers out of cut paper which were then assembled on display boards.
Years 5 and 6 collaborated to create colourful drips inspired by the art of Jen Stark.
“The Art walk Was a hit!!!!! It was brilliant!! So happy to have gone & participated with Abby. It was a brilliant activity to do together. It was so beautiful to work on something small and special that's become a part of something big and remarkable. God bless you and your effort!!! We loved it!!!!!!” (Teriza N - Abigail ELC)
Senior School News
One Man Two Guvnors
Elizabeth G - Year 11 Student
Last week, students from The King’s School and Tara Anglican School for Girls proudly starred in the Term 4 collaboration of the play “One Man, Two Guvnors”.
Audiences were treated to a fast-paced show full of energy, charm and laughs, as they followed the mixed fortunes of Francis Henshall, once unemployed but suddenly employed by two bosses. We thoroughly enjoyed our last production on the Kings Theatre Stage and are so grateful for this amazing opportunity!
Congratulations to Year 11 students, Isabella C, Meghann B, Elizabeth G, Georgia H, Eliza M, Suhanya J, Kate W and Ella W on a brilliant performance! Well done to all involved.
An update from our Debating Prefect - Festival of Speech
Georgia H - Debating Prefect
On 21 October, twelve Girls from Tara travelled to Ravenswood School for Girls to compete in the annual IGSA Festival of Speech!
Girls competed in categories including Poetry, Public Speaking, Readings, Current Affairs, Soapbox, and Religious and Ethical Questions.
The topics and categories were challenging, but the girls demonstrated excellent skill, determination and commitment and should be commended for their outstanding speeches and performances.
It was a great day, and congratulations to all the girls who competed in this prestigious competition.
An update from our Social Justice Prefect - Mary Ward Justice Forum
Marisa S - Social Justice Prefect
A group of Year 11 students attended Loreto Normanhurst's Mary Ward Justice Forum on 24 October where other private schools gathered to learn more about justice and its role in our community. With the theme "Dignity Unveiled", the girls that attended were given an insight into the inspiring lives and work of Catherine Knox, Richard Korkor and Sister Jwan Kada. As the three guest speakers discussed how we can give dignity to everyone within our community and promote justice as driven by faith, we were prompted to reflect on the ways we can strive to promote justice in our own lives.
The girls that attended were particularly touched by the story of Catherine Knox who shared her personal experience with Postnatal depression and her journey in starting the Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Women's Shelter. Catherine Knox similarly grew up in a private school environment and encouraged us as students to not only be aware of our privilege but use it to make a change.
As the girls came away with a deeper understanding of what justice looks like through a Christian lens, we were extremely grateful to have the opportunity to attend the event.
Tara Junior Theatresports Team 2023
Our Junior Theatresports team have been competing in the Theatresports Schools Competition throughout this term. After progressing from the heat into the semifinal held in the Tara Theatre, the girls finished in 3rd place in the semi final only missing out on a spot in the Grand final by one point. They performed some new musical games which was both brave and highly entertaining. Congratulations to Eden W, Ella J, Shuvana K, Abbey B and Lily J.
Year 9 History Debating
Congratulations to the Year 9 History Debating Team who won the Semi Finals in the History Debating Competition!
The team debated the affirmative on the topic, 'That the USA last saved the day in WWII'.
We wish them all the best for the Grand Final!
International Chemistry Quiz - 2023
During Term 3, 58 enthusiastic science students from Years 7 to 11 courageously competed in the International Chemistry Quiz. The International Chemistry Quiz examines the fundamental aspects of chemistry as well as questions involving its application in modern society.
Many Tara Students did extremely well. Those who achieved a Distinction or High Distinction are listed below. Their awards will be presented later this term. Congratulations to all participants.
Year 7
Olivia Y - High Distinction
Year 8
Saranya D - Distinction
Eden W - Distinction
Nicole W - Distinction
Year 9
Diba D - Distinction
Claire P - Distinction
Vicky Y - Distinction
Year 10
Mehervir G - Distinction
Selina S - Distinction
Alison S - Distinction
Orchid Y – Distinction
Year 11
Janice C – Distinction
Sophia S - Distinction
Kokoda Day
On Friday 3 November, students from Year 10 were invited to attend the Kokoda Day service held at the Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway in Concord. The event was attended by a range of delegates, including video messages from the Governor-General David Hurley and Premier of NSW Chris Minns. Kokoda Day marks the day in 1942 when the Australian flag was raised at Kokoda, marking the recapture of Kokoda from the Japanese during World War II. This day acknowledges the services of all Australian soldiers with the assistance of the Papua New Guinean Carriers on the track. During the service, students were invited to lay a wreath and heard stories of the experiences of soldiers. Following the service, students had an opportunity to walk along the Memorial Walkway and read and learn more about the Kokoda campaign, as well as having the opportunity to speak to some of the veterans who were part of this conflict including Reg Chard who recently turned 100 years old and Bruce Robertson who is 103 years old!
Work Experience
Kashvi K - Year 11 Student
My name is Kashvi and I am in Year 11. I am here to tell you about my work experience in the Junior School.
In Term 2, I helped Mrs Paul and Ms Davey down in the Junior School Library, every Wednesday because it is something I might do in the future as a librarian assistant or librarian. Helping out in the Library has helped me understand how to run a library.
I enjoyed learning new things like covering different sized books, putting the books in the correct section of the shelf, applying spine labels, repairing books, using Oliver software and collecting books from Junior School classrooms.
In Term 3, I helped out with the Kindergarten's in Junior School every Wednesday because it is something I might do in the future as a teachers assistant or a teacher. While I was there, I helped out during playtime. This included: sharping pencils, reading books, playing dress ups, supervising the children write and colour in. The highlight was holding a duck born in the classroom as a part of their learning activities. I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to go down again.
These work experiences at school have made me excited about a job in the future.
Senior Sport
An update from our Rowing Captain
Suhanya J - Rowing Captain
The 2023-2024 Rowing season has started with a bang for the Tara Rowing Squad. Just four weeks into the term, we have already had plenty of regattas, achievements and events among the squad.
Starting with a massive week of selections and individual performance monitoring, the girls have hopped right into training up to 6+ sessions a week. This training has already set us up for the first regattas of the season and as we progress, we are excited to see it in our performances on race day.
We were also treated to a presentation from a registered sports dietician with the Australian Olympic Committee. Holly Edstein has contributed to both the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and will be contributing to the Paris 2024 Olympic campaign, she also works with NSW Institute of Sport, the Sydney Roosters League teams, and in private practice where she manages a team of dieticians at Sydney Sports Medicine. Holly helped educate us on the importance of nutrition and fuelling ourselves correctly for enhanced performance and giving ourselves an edge over the competition. She also taught us about the common misconceptions around eating, dieting and training in relation to rowing. We would like to thank Holly for taking the time out of her night to assist us in our performance! Another thank you should be extended to Aidan and Ben who have been amazing in organising these talks for us!
The first regatta of the season came with many exciting performances from the Tara girls. This particular regatta was extra special as we debuted an VIII which raced for the fifth time ever, in Tara Rowing’s 17 year history. Congratulations to the crew who consisted of: Mareya K (Year 9), Matt B (Year 9), Maleika H (Year 9), Olivia B (Year 9), Gemma W (Year 9), Leila O (Year 9), Hannah R (Year 9), and Coxswain Suhanya J (Year 12). The Year 10 VIII rowed their first ever 2km as a brand new crew. They managed to break 8 minutes, and come 5th which is an amazing result. The Tara Rowers are looking forward to watching this crew keep improving in future regattas. I’d like to also congratulate the Year 8 rowers who competed for the first time ever!
We had some amazing results over the weekend including:
- 2nd Year 10 Coxed Quad by Amy R (Year 9), Gemma W (Year 9), Leila O (Year 9), Hannah R (Year 9) Coxswain Olivia B (Year 9)
- 2nd Schoolgirl Single Scull by Suhanya J (Year 12)
- 3rd Year 8 Coxed Quad by Sarita W (Year 7), Adrina M (Year 7), Catherine S (Year 7), Ruby O (Year 7), Coxswain Mili S (Year 7)
- 4th Year 8 Double Scull by Penelope L (Year 7) and Mili S (Year 7)
- 4th Year 9 Coxed Quad by Nicole J (Year 8), Genevieve B (Year 8), Adele T (Year 8), Sydney M (Year 8), Coxswain Naomi C (Year 8)
The Inaugural Sister’s Bay Cup was a huge day of drama filled racing, which was introduced as a way for Tara and our shed-mates – PLC Sydney to build friendly competition, sisterhood and camaraderie. The head races followed the style of the Oxford/Cambridge Boat Race, Harvard-Yale Regatta, and other prestigious races, in terms of presentation and racing style. The VIII took the long course by storm and won by a substantial margin. Congrats to the crew on an impressive first race of the day. Unfortunately we lost the overall point score having won only two of six championship events. We would like to congratulate PLC Sydney on their win and we look forward to challenging PLC again and bringing home the trophy next year!
On behalf of the Tara rowers, I would like to extend an invitation to anyone who has a free weekend to spend it at SIRC with us, we would love your support! We look forward to the rest of the season and seeing you around the regattas.
Touch Football
Angelina H - Touch Football Captain
Round 2
S03 Tara 1 vs Ascham 2, Loss, 2-3
S07 Tara 2 vs Loreto Normanhurst 5, Loss. 1-10
S12 Tara 3 vs Abbotsleigh 9, Win, 4-0
J04 Tara 4 vs Monte 7, Loss, 3-4
J10 Tara 5 vs Wenona 17, Win, 8-4
Round 3
S03 Tara 1 vs Abbotsleigh 2, Win, 7-4
S07 Tara 2 vs Roseville 4, Loss, 0-4
S12 Tara 3 vs Loreto Normanhurst 11, Draw, 2-2
J04 Tara 4 vs PLC Sydney 6, Loss, 3-6
J10 Tara 5 vs Ravenswood 12, Win, 8-3
Round 2
This week the girls played their second game of touch football this season. In the Senior first team, we put in lots of effort in our plays however came unlucky with the final score. In the game we drove up the field using the four-man drive arrows and pushed our speed to the limit, with Zayla T (Year 10) scoring 4 tries with her incredible speed and agility. In the Junior first team the girls came through with another amazing score of 4-0, after winning their first game 5-0. The whole team worked to the best of their abilities which resulted in amazing tries such as Ashley R (Year 9) who caught an intercept, and Jemima B (Year 10) scoring 2 tries.
Round 3
On the third week of the season the Senior first team came through with a mighty win 7-4 against Abbotsleigh. We played super hard, using our practiced sets and arrows, driving up the field. An amazing try was scored by Meghann B in Year 11, who caught the ball from a draw and pass and scored. Another great try was scored by Zayla T in Year 10, who scooped the ball as dummy half and ran through the players, catching them offside with her speed. Overall, a very entertaining and successful game, and we hope to play many more like this throughout the rest of the season.
Water Polo
Skye A - Water Polo Captain
Round 2
S05 Tara 1 vs St Vincent’s 3, Win, 12-0
S07 Tara 2 vs Queenwood 3, Loss, 3-18
J05 Tara 3 vs Wenona 6, Win, 13-3
Y703 Tara 4 vs Loreto Normanhurst 5, Loss, 2-20
Round 3
S05 Tara 1 vs Ascham 3, Win, 8-3
S07 Tara 2 vs Loreto Normanhurst 2, Loss, 3-21
J05 Tara 3 vs St Catherine’s 6, Loss, 2-13
Y703 Tara 4 vs Ravenswood 5, Loss, 3-14
Round 2
The Tara Senior Firsts team played against St Vincents at the new aquatic centre on the weekend. The girls played outstandingly with a final score of 12-0! Throughout the game the girls had the opportunity to work on their formation and shooting under pressure. The team won all 4 swim offs and had an amazing second game of the season!
The Tara Senior Seconds team played against Queenwood on the weekend. The girls showed great defence and attacking skills throughout the game. Diya H saved lots of shots in her position as goalie! Although it was a tough game the girls managed to work together as a team enjoying their second game of the season!
The Junior team played an amazing game against Wenona on the weekend! This game was a tough one, but the girls were able to come together as a team scoring 13 goals! Throughout the fourth quarter the girls had strong defence skills making it difficult for the other team to score. Claire D saved many goals in her position as goalie. Abbey B had amazing attacking skills and shots throughout the game! The girls enjoyed their second game of the season and are excited for their game next week!
The Year 7 team played against Loreto Normanhurst. The girls played fantastically showcasing the skills they had practiced at training whilst under pressure. Jarah R and Chloe T both showed dedication and teamwork throughout the game!
Round 3
The Tara Senior Firsts played against Ascham on the weekend finishing with a huge win with 8-3! This game was one of the hardest we have played this season, but the girls managed to work together as a team to come out on top. Eliza M saved many goals with many girls in the team shooting multiple shots. Throughout the game we won all four swim offs meaning we had to use our attacking skills quickly. Orla A had strong defence skills on the ball helping win the ball over. The girls had an intense but fun game this weekend and are excited for next week’s game!
The Senior Seconds played against Loreto on the weekend. Diya H scored two goals and Claire C shot one. Although the girls lost, they managed to show endurance and stay positive without any subs. The girls made sure to pace themselves using their strong defence skills. Claire C played goalie and blocked many girls from the other team!
The Juniors played against St Catherine’s at the Tara pool. The girls had awesome attacking and defending skills which they had practiced in training. All the girls played well together and enjoyed their game this week!
The Tara Year 7 team played against Ravenswood. Throughout the game the girls improved in their defence skills stopping the other team from scoring goals. Natasha S scored one of the goals and Chloe T scored the other two goals. They enjoyed their game this week and are excited for the next one!
Round 2
S01 Tara 1 vs Meriden 2, Win, 4-1
S02 Tara 2 vs Meriden 5, Loss, 0-5
S04 Tara 3 vs Danebank 3, Loss, 0-5
S05 Tara 4 vs Danebank 4, Win, 3-2
J01 Tara 5 vs Danebank 6, Win, 3-2
J02 Tara 6 vs Meriden 13, Loss, 0-5
J03 Tara 7 vs Meriden 17, Win, 3-2
J03 Tara 8 vs Santa Sabina 1, Win, 4-1
J04 Tara 9 vs Danebank 9, Win, 4-1
J05 Tara 10 vs Meriden 19, Loss, 2-3
J05 Tara 11 vs Danebank 12, Win, 4-1
Y701 Tara 12 vs Danebank 13,
Y702 Tara 13 vs Danebank 15, Win, 3-2
Y703 Tara 14 vs Tara 15, Win, 5-0
Y703 Tara 15 vs Tara 14, Loss, 0-5
Round 3
S01 Tara 1 vs Meriden 1, Win, 3-2
S02 Tara 2 vs Danebank 1, Loss, 0-5
S04 Tara 3 vs Kambala 2, Loss, 2-3
S05 Tara 4 vs Danebank 5, Win, 3-2
J01 Tara 5 vs Meriden 9, Loss, 1-4
J02 Tara 6 vs Meriden 15, Forfeit Win
J03 Tara 7 vs Meriden 16, Loss, 2-3
J03 Tara 8 vs Danebank 8, Loss, 1-4
J04 Tara 9 vs Danebank 10, Win, 5-0
J05 Tara 10 vs Danebank 11, Win, 5-0
J05 Tara 11 vs MLC 6, Win, 5-0
Y701 Tara 12 vs Meriden 21, Win, 5-0
Y702 Tara 13 vs Meriden 25, Loss, 0-5
Y703 Tara 14 vs MLC 9, Loss, 0-5
Y703 Tara 15 vs BYE
Diya H - Tennis Captain
Round 2
S12 Tara 1 vs Ravenswood 5, Win, 4.5-3.5
J09 Tara 2 vs St Vincent’s 4, Draw, 4-4
J12 Tara 3 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 7, Win, 5-3
Y703 Tara 4 vs St Scholastica’s 6, Win, 7.5-0.5
Y705 Tara 5 vs Loreto Normanhurst 20, Forfeit loss
Y706 Tara 6 vs Danebank 6, Loss, 1.5-6.5
Round 3
S12 Tara 1 vs Loreto Normanhurst 4, Win, 5-1
J09 Tara 2 vs Meriden 3, Loss, 0-8
J12 Tara 3 vs Danebank 4, Win, 6.5-1.5
Y703 Tara 4 vs St Vincent’s 7, Win, 6.5-1.5
Y705 Tara 5 vs Ravenswood 15, wet
Y706 Tara 6 vs St Scholastica’s 7, Loss, 2-6
Round 2
Tennis has been going really well across all teams through team bonding, improvement of skills and experiencing new things! It is lovely to see all girls flourishing and taking pride in their sport!
Tara 1
On Saturday, TAR01 played against Ravenswood and won. Selina F displayed exceptional skill in the doubles match, showcasing her talents in executing volleys that won points. In the singles match, Orchid Y delivered a really good performance, demonstrating her proficiency with both her serves and forehand shots. Their combined efforts contributed significantly to the team's success on the court that day.
Tara 4
The tennis game last Saturday was an exceptional experience, which not only was about intense matches but also significant personal and collective growth. Tara 4 showed improvement throughout the game, creating continuous learning. What truly stood out was the unwavering support and bonding. When they lost games they encouraged and uplifted one another, and when they won the games, they celebrated together!
Tara 5
Up until now, our team has been performing well, showing resilience and adaptability throughout the games. Last week we were 2 players down with the rest of the team at other events so Janette S (Year 7) , and I, Ritisha combined our efforts to the best of our abilities. The first game was a learning experience, as it allowed us to become familiar with our playing styles and strengths as a pair. We identified aspects that worked well for us, such as our serves and volleys, while also recognising areas that require further development. Despite the setback the match highlighted our determination
Round 3
On 28 October, the girls showcased their exceptional tennis skills. With agility, and determination, they played to the best of their abilities. Their impressive tennis and teamwork truly made this weekend a memorable and inspiring display of talent and sportsmanship. The girls hope to improve across the following week.
Today we played really good, we won overall with the score being 5-1. Orchid played really well as she won her singles. She used a range of various skills and implemented the skills she learnt in trainings. We all played very well, and it allowed us to have a win against Loretto Normanhurst 04. As both teams only had 3 players, we were not able to play 3 games, due to this occurrence we had to forfeit one of the singles matches. We still preserved and made sure to win the other games. Good Job TAR01!
Lost 0-8 against Meriden 03. The team faced many challenges and tried their best, however despite their enduring efforts, they knew there was room for improvement. With a commitment to push themselves harder in the next game, they understood what went wrong and strive to grow along the way, motivating them to embrace the journey with renewed determination. All the girls in the team tried their hardest but was faced with a lost, however this game enhanced their teamwork. We can do it TAR02!
We played DAN05 at the Rockdale tennis courts and made sure we used skills gained from trainings and from our coach in order to enhance our play on the court. We won overall with the score being 6.5-1.5. After winning our doubles we made sure to keep the consistency up. All players played to their maximum potential. Yay TAR04! KEEP IT UP.
Week 1
In the first week of softball, Tara01 had a 4 hour training session that was run by NSW coaches and players who taught drills, fielding, base running, batting, as well as combo drills for the pitches and catches. In this session the team received important and key feedback on how to improve skills and they met with other schools and teams to play mini games that allowed them to implement all their new skills. Working with NSW coaches and players helped to develop skills in softball and overall strength.
Week 2
At Barker, the Tara softball team played a friendly match against a team of grade A level and state pitchers. Although they came to a loss this was a really good experience for them to further develop their batting skills against the pitchers, fielding, and base running skills. Super proud of the team for taking risks in base running and implementing skills from training into the game.
Careers News
Careers Newsletters - JobJump
All girls in Years 7-12 are encouraged to read this newsletter every week on the Canvas Careers page.
There are some great events and opportunities coming up! Learn more about them via the links below.
Careers Newsletter - 2 November 2023
For more information please contact Mr David Berridge via email - dberridge@tara.nsw.edu.au