Term 1, Week 9, 2020
From the Director of Boarding
Have you considered the benefits of Boarding?
Samantha Cocks - Director of Boarding
Tara Anglican School for Girls has been a boarding school since its inception in 1897. This was crucial for providing students from rural areas of Australia with access to the educational opportunities Tara offered. Today, Eggleton House hosts boarders from overseas, rural NSW, and even local students who live nearby. Additionally, Tara offers casual boarding for families needing to travel for business or pleasure to ensure their daughters don’t fall behind in their studies.
Boarding at Tara offers a unique experience with many benefits. Our boarders live in the heart of the School and are able to access all the opportunities provided. The girls can sleep in until 7:00am, eat a hot breakfast and then leisurely get ready for school. No stress from commuting. Being a small boarding house also allows every girl to be well known by staff. During the afternoons they have access to the pool and fitness centre and are easily able to attend sport trainings or work with friends in the library. At night, they are supported with their studies and are able to develop life skills in a supported environment.
Our goal is to inspire boarders to reach their full potential while leading happy and healthy lives. Throughout the year, we offer a variety of programs and activities designed to equip each girl with a toolbox of strategies and skills they can draw upon whenever needed.
The academic program that we provide for our boarders includes 8 hours of supervised study during the week, called Prep. Teachers from the day school and tutors who have particular skill areas are employed to work with the girls. Boarders are tracked and constant communication is kept with their teachers on their progress so interventions can be made if necessary. "I'm so thankful for the homework help we get in the Boarding House because I am an overseas student. It gives me confidence to do my work and the staff always sits with me when I need help."
Wellbeing is the cornerstone of what we do as we act as loco parentis for 50+ boarders. Essentially, we can tell if someone has had a bad day and can talk through these issues or concerns. Each term we have a theme that is explored to ensure each girl has the strategies to look after their own wellbeing. This term we are looking at belonging and we held a mini ‘Boarding House Olympics’ at the start of the term. The boarders also complete an online wellness survey once a term so staff are able to gauge the happiness level of the house and make changes if necessary. Sometimes something simple that could be easily changed if we knew about can cause a significant amount of stress and we have found that this alleviates these issues. The school nurses and psychologists are also positioned in the House, so all health concerns are covered. All boarding assistants are trained in First aid, asthma and more.
Tara boarders can also participate in service activities. Girls from Years 9-12 are able to peer tutor at Ronald McDonald House, Westmead, once a week for a term, giving them a unique experience and broadening their minds to what is really important in life. The boarders also work together throughout the year to raise money for the Vanessa Grant Boarding School in East Kenya. The collaboration of working together to achieve a particular goal is very rewarding. Vanessa and her sisters were Tara boarders and each year we invite Vanessa’s family to dinner in Term 3 or 4 so we can present the money and hear about what is happening for the girls in East Kenya. This year we will be handing over a cheque for $4000. We hope to visit the school in the near future to see how we are making a difference. Other opportunities include volunteering at After School Care and supporting the Kitchen or younger students in the House.
Leadership is also an important element of Eggleton House. We have a Boarders Committee consisting of boarders from across the grade levels. Regular meetings are held to plan and execute events and discuss house matters. This is led by the Head Boarder and Deputy Head Boarder who do a wonderful job making sure everything runs smoothly. Leadership skills are useful to learn as a young person and are helpful throughout life. Negotiation skills are also developed and refined in the house.
Boarding at Tara is a holistic experience. Our girls enjoy a variety of activities each Sunday, from sports to cultural programs, all within a supportive community. This term alone, they have visited Luna Park, Tree Tops Adventure Park and a Cherry Blossom Festival, as well as going to the movies, out for afternoon tea, ice skating, the movies and craft. These activities not only enhance their educational journey but also help them discover new passions and talents. They also learn how to navigate public transport in Sydney.
Living away from home teaches students essential life skills such as time management, self-discipline, and personal responsibility. These skills not only enhance their academic performance but also prepare them for future endeavours, including university.
Boarding is a training ground for life and we love that we can offer this amazing experience at Tara.
Please feel free to contact the Director of Boarding, Mrs Samantha Cocks, if you would like to find out more.
From Enrolments
Year 7 2025 Uniform Requirements
Dear Year 6 Families,
As we approach the transition to Year 7 in 2025, we wanted to remind you about uniform requirements for the upcoming school year.
If your daughter requires any new uniform items, please contact the Uniform Shop directly. They can be reached at 8838 2646 and will be happy to assist with your needs.
Uniforms can also be purchased via Flexischools.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to welcoming your child into Year 7!
From the Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop - Holiday Closure
Please note that the Tara Uniform Shop will be closed for the school holidays from 28 September to 9 October 2024.
The shop will reopen for limited hours on 10 and 11 October from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Starting 14 October, we will resume our regular hours: 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Tara Old Girls' Association
Joan Waugh Scholarship
Applications for the prestigious Joan Waugh Scholarships are now open. If you are a former student of Tara Anglican School for Girls and meet the criteria, don't miss this chance.
Scholarship Details:
- Named in honour of Miss Mary Elizabeth (Joan) Waugh, the former headmistress of Tara Anglican School for Girls.
- Scholarship value: $10,000.
- Eligibility: Candidates who demonstrate excellence in various aspects of community life and show leadership potential, in addition to strong academic abilities.
- Purpose: To support further studies, research, or development in a specific field of interest, skill, or expertise, both in Australia and overseas.
Application Deadline: 20 October 2024
To apply, please download the application form here
Don't miss your chance to honour Miss Waugh's legacy and further your educational pursuits.
Class of 2004 Reunion
The Class of 2004 recently returned to Tara as part of their 20 year reunion get together. The Alumnae were excited to revisit their old school and see all the changes that have taken place over the years.
They shared "It was wonderful to reconnect with everyone after all these years. Our discussions about travels, careers, families, homes, and adventures were so unique and varied, and there was so much love in the room. It was truly magic."
For anyone wanting to visit the School please do not hesitate in reaching out to Jodie Doyle, Community Engagement Manager, community@tara.nsw.edu.au
Tara Community News
Carols in the Colonnade
Carols in the Colonnade – Christmas Markets
Carols in the Colonnade is a cherished event on our School calendar. This year, we are excited to introduce Christmas markets as part of the celebration! We invite any Tara families who own a small business and are interested in participating in the markets to contact Jodie Doyle jdoyle@tara.nsw.edu.au
We are currently accepting expressions of interest until Friday, 27 September.
If you have products to sell, we would love to hear from you.
Tara Dads Club Meeting
The Tara Dads Club's next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 18 September, at 6.00pm in the Glass Room. All dads in the School community are encouraged to attend as it's a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow dads and strengthen your connection with the School.
2024 Tara Dads Club Camping Trip
We are excited to invite you to the 2024 Tara Dads Club Camping Trip! This year's adventure is set for Friday, 18 October to Sunday, 20 October, at the NRMA Ocean Beach Holiday Resort in Umina Beach.
Last year's trip was a tremendous success, with both dads and daughters having a fantastic time. Don't miss out on the fun this year! Spots are limited, so be sure to secure your place soon.
Bookings close on Friday, 27 September — reserve your spot now to avoid disappointment!
Book now via the link below
Tara Aquatic Centre
News from Tara Aquatic Centre
We are now open in the program pool for afternoon swimming lessons. The 25m pool is now operational so the Advance classes, along with squads and power hour will be returning as normal!
Summer is just around the corner and it's the perfect time to dive into swimming lessons! Whether your child is a beginner or looking to refine their strokes, our qualified instructors are ready to help them shine! Secure your spot today and enjoy a season full of fun, safety, and skill building! To get started please either email or call us to secure your child into one of our afternoon swimming lessons. Tara students will receive a 10% discount.
For more information about our state of the art facility, please visit the link below.
School Holiday Intensive Lessons
We are offering Holiday Intensive Lessons during the two weeks of the holidays. We will have Private Lessons and group lessons available. Tara students will receive a 10% discount. Please contact swimming@tara.nsw.edu.au or contact reception on 8838 2699 to book in.
30 September – 4 October (5 days) and
8 October – 11 October (4 days)
Please note: Our regular Learn to Swim lessons during the afternoon will continue through the holiday period.
Tara Aquatic Centre Terms and Conditions
Please review the Tara Aquatic Centre Terms and Conditions in the Aquatic Centre parent portal as they have been updated.
Active Kids and First Lap Vouchers
We are accepting Active Kids and First Lap vouchers.
To use them in our program, please forward the details to swimming@tara.nsw.edu.au with your child’s details
Junior School News
Year 5 Fulton Hogan Project
This year, the Year 5 students took on an exciting challenge by partnering with Fulton Hogan, a major construction company, to protect a local platypus population affected by ongoing construction. The collaboration with Fulton Hogan is an exciting opportunity for the students at Tara to engage in real-world experiences.
As work began on a new infrastructure project, the natural habitat of platypuses was at risk. The girls of year 5, were tasked with designing a suitable solution that would not only serve to fulfil the goal of protecting the platypus, but would be sustainable and ecologically sound in their environment, and have minimal effect on surrounding stakeholders. The project offered a unique juncture for students to turn classroom learning into a real-life experience, seamlessly connecting what students learn in school with the world around them.
Students could view their central idea, competing interests shape places as they looked at the transdisciplinary theme, Sharing the Panet. After a visit to school from the team, and a visit to the site for a greater perspective, the girls were ready to ideate, create and innovate. They were eager to tackle the problem and set out to design and build solutions that would help the platypuses.
The project had two components:
1. Creating a Platypus Bypass:
- The students designed a bypass that would allow the platypuses to safely move around the construction site. This involved learning about platypus behaviour, how they use their habitat, and figuring out how to keep the bypass as natural as possible. The bypass was built using eco-friendly materials and was carefully designed to blend in with the surrounding environment.
2. Building an Alternate Habitat:
- Knowing that the platypuses needed a safe place to live during the construction, the students also created an alternate habitat. They made sure it had everything a platypus needs, like water access, food sources, and safe spots for nesting.
- With the help of Mrs Paul, the students researched what platypuses eat and where they like to live and included features like submerged logs, aquatic plants, and soft soil banks in the habitat design.
This project was more than just about protecting platypuses; it was an invaluable learning opportunity for the students. They were able to closely examine one of the lines of inquiry; environmental conflict, resolution and management and see how their learning could be applied in real life. They learned about the importance of protecting wildlife and how to balance construction needs with environmental conservation. By working with Fulton Hogan, the students also gained insight into how large construction projects are planned and managed, especially when it comes to minimising environmental impacts and another line of inquiry, how humans and environments determine what places become.
This project provided opportunities for the girls by helping them develop into agentic learners—students who take an active role in their learning, set their own goals, and confidently make decisions. Through the project, year 5 had many opportunities to take on leadership roles and being open-minded. They have proven themselves to be critical thinkers in this complex challenge and approach the problems systematically and consider multiple perspectives. Off the back of Talkfest, the girls showed that they are confident speakers as well as developing their interpersonal skills as they presented their work to the team at Fulton Hogan and parents.
After six weeks, it was finally, time for the girls to share their learning with the community. There was a buzz in the air, as students were excited about their learning, and thrilled to have the opportunity to share back with the Fulton Hogan team and parents. During the presentation, the girls were able to impart their expert knowledge of platypuses and impressed the team at Fulton Hogan with their knowledge. Girls learned that platypuses are bioluminescence, which means that they glow in the dark, female platypus sweat milk, and because they don’t have teeth, when they collect food, they also collect gravel in their mouths which helps them to ‘chew’ their food. They also learned the challenges of working in a group and learning negotiating skills and managing time. This was an opportunity for girls to also develop their Approaches to Learning.
By participating in such a project, girls are not just passive recipients of knowledge—they become active creators of solutions, advocates for their ideas, and confident learners ready to take on new challenges.
A project like the platypus habitat collaboration aligns perfectly with the goals of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the International Baccalaureate (IB), which emphasises inquiry-based learning, global awareness, and student agency.
The Year 5 team is thankful for the support of students by the Fulton Hogan team, and especially grateful to Mr Athar (Year 4) for bringing the project to the Tara girls in year 5.
Reflecting on Mind, Move, and Food Week
Our Mind, Move, and Food Week held last week was a vibrant and educational experience for all students. Throughout the week, students participated in activities aimed at promoting the importance of:
- Developing healthy relationships and a positive mindset, including gratitude and resilience
- Healthy eating and food awareness
- Regular involvement in, and enjoyment of, physical activity
Suzanne Burke from The Root Cause ran ‘The Mad Food Science Incursion’. These sessions provided invaluable insights into the relationship between our food choices and overall health. Some key takeaways from the incursion:
A highlight of the incursion was the taste testing of the green smoothie. Some students have already made it at home themselves! All you need to do is blend frozen banana, spinach, strawberries and water for a delicious healthy smoothie.
Did you know … that each colour of fruits and vegetables offers unique benefits. The colour of the skin or peel, which is often edible, indicates which part of the body it supports. This is because most nutrients are concentrated just under the skin. Ask your daughters what it means to ‘Eat a Rainbow’.
Parents attended a seminar on Friday afternoon where they learned many great tricks for healthy eating at home.
Throughout the week, students participated in various activities to learn about mindfulness, the importance of a growth mindset and spreading kindness. The week culminated in great day on Friday where students were able to put their friendship ninja skills to the test. They made friendship bracelets, ninja headbands and participated in activities to combat ‘Mean on purpose’ behaviours. Year 3 even made up a chant;
Friends talk it out, we don’t fight,
Respect and kindness, keep things right.
Mean on purpose, we say no way,
Strong friendships grow every day!
We ended the week with a Junior School salsa lesson up on the courts. Students had a dance off and teachers also showed off their skills.
A huge thank you to everyone involved for making it a great week!
Tara Junior School’s Talkfest: A Celebration of Public Speaking Excellence
Miss Melissa Bowden - Team Leader 3-6 and Talkfest Coordinator
Talkfest, the annual Festival of Public Speaking at Tara Junior School, is a highly anticipated event that provides students from Kindergarten to Year 6 with opportunities to develop and showcase their public speaking skills. Throughout the year, students participate in a range of classroom experiences designed to teach them how to compose and deliver speeches for specific purposes, fostering confidence, fluency, and creativity.
The Talkfest program equips students with essential public speaking tools, such as organising their thoughts logically, using their imagination, and maintaining audience engagement. The festival is structured in multiple rounds, with Rounds 1 and 2 aligning with each grade's English curriculum during Terms 1 and 2. These rounds offer students a supportive environment in which to rehearse their speeches, receive feedback, and enhance their communication skills.
As the event progresses, students prepare both rehearsed and impromptu speeches. In Years 3-6, they face the additional challenge of delivering impromptu speeches, which test their ability to think on their feet. These exercises not only sharpen students’ lateral thinking but also help them develop confidence in responding spontaneously in front of an audience.
The Talkfest finals are a much-anticipated event, held in the Tara Chapel on Tuesday 27 August, finalists from Years 2-6 took the stage to present their speeches. Their performances were polished and poised, impressing their peers, teachers, and families alike. In addition to their prepared speeches, finalists from Years 3-6 delivered impromptu speeches, showcasing their ability to adapt quickly and communicate effectively under pressure.
The Talkfest finalists and winners are celebrated for their achievements, and their participation reflects the culmination of hard work, dedication, and courage in public speaking.
Congratulations to the Talkfest Finalists for 2024!
Year 2 - Amelia B, Jamie C, Kaaya G and Magdalena H
Year 3 - Mia M, Olivia L, Siana W and Rebecca Z
Year 4 - Neve K, Paru S, Sarah S, and Oviya S
Year 5 - Hanishka J, Chanel T, Emmie J, Jana V and Gabriella M
Year 6 - Sophia L, Emma V, Simren W, Zahra W and Anneliese M
Congratulations to our Talkfest Winners for 2024.
Year 2 – Amelia B
Year 3 – Rebecca Z
Year 4- Neve K
Year 5 – Hanishka J
Year 6 – Zahra W
Kindergarten and Year 1 students also participate in the festival through foundational public speaking experiences that prepare them for future involvement. During the finals, they contributed through group presentations, reciting poems, singing songs, or retelling stories, adding a delightful and charming element to the event.
In addition to the speeches and performances by Kindergarten and Year 1, musical performances from various school ensembles enhanced the atmosphere, creating a vibrant and supportive environment for all participants. Thank you to all staff and students involved in Year 1 and 2 Choir, Mary Elizabeth Choir, Ellangowan String Ensemble, and Northwood Chamber Group.
Talkfest continues to inspire students to push their boundaries, develop their voices, and stand confidently in front of an audience. As the program evolves, it ensures that every student at Tara Junior School gains invaluable experience in public speaking, setting them up for future success.
Tara and Kings Join Forces for a Drama Experience Like No Other!
On Monday, 26 August, students from Tara and Kings united for an unforgettable drama experience, led by the talented team from NIDA. It was a day packed with creativity, laughter, and teamwork, as the students mingled, created, and played together.
Workshops throughout the day gave everyone the chance to learn new drama skills, but that wasn’t the only highlight. Students from both schools enjoyed getting to know one another, and the playground was buzzing with excitement. “I loved when we got to play in the playground with the Kings Boys and learning how to play rugby,” said Hope and Mia.
Audrey was especially thrilled by the engaging workshops led by NIDA teachers. “I really enjoyed our drama teachers who played fun games with us,” she said.
The games and challenges allowed students to stretch their creativity and build their confidence. Olivia summed it up perfectly: “I loved playing the games and challenging myself by being courageous.”
It was a day of fun, learning, and friendship.
We look forward to more opportunities for Tara and Kings students to come together, connect, and grow across the hedge!
2024 Tournament of Minds Sydney West Regionals
Towards the end of Term 3, our Tara Junior School Tournament of Minds teams, competed in the TOM Regional Final at Mitchell High School, Blacktown. We brought our best solutions to three disciplines: Dramatic Arts, Language/Literature and STEM. Tara’s Tournament of Minds teams, displayed outstanding levels of teamwork, collaboration and time management to complete their challenges. They were positive and resilient throughout the competition day demonstrating wonderful sportsmanship.
Our competition day included an intense day of presenting a prepared problem solving challenge as well as a spontaneous challenge for each discipline. Congratulations to our Arts team who were awarded Honours for their creative dramatic retelling of Granpa Jimmy’s courageous journey to Australia.
Outstanding achievement was awarded to our Language/Literature team who created a well planned and performed reworking of the classic novel, The Secret Garden, with a surprising twist. They won the Language/Literature discipline for Sydney West and are excited to be completing in the State Finals on Sunday 22 September.
Junior Sport
CIS Athletics
Congratulations to Year 5 student Lucinda for securing 1st place in Discus at CIS Athletics!
She achieved a Personal Best, making it an even more amazing day. Lucinda will now go and compete at PSSA! We are incredibly proud of you, Lucinda—what a fantastic achievement!
Senior School News
Join us for the Years 7 and 8 Music Concert
Year 10 Drama Perform for the Junior School!
The sound of children’s laughter filled the Tara Theatre last Monday afternoon as Year 10 Drama students presented their Children’s Theatre performances to students from the Junior School. The Year 10 students devised their performances from shortlisted books in the Early Childhood category from the 2024 Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year. The performances were highly engaging and had plenty of audience interaction, completely appropriate to and befitting this style of theatre. Having an authentic assessment opportunity for our students made the learning real and purposeful. We are grateful to students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2, as well as their teachers, for being a wonderful and enthusiastic audience and providing such a rich and valuable experience for our Drama students. Here's what some of the performers had to say:
It was so exciting to perform in front of the Junior School students. Usually we perform to others in our class, but with this task we had to both think of creating something that would interest the little girls as well as teach them a moral. The process of devising our performance, considering the best ways to appeal to this audience, was tricky but so worth it and fun in the end. - Priscilla
The kids were so cute and passionate. The moment where they all stood up and imitated our dance moves really impressed me! - Lucy
The Children’s Theatre experience was absolutely wonderful. I enjoyed it so much. The children were so cute and lively. I particularly enjoyed how they sang ‘Try Everything’ and danced with us. It was just incredibly exciting and fun. Thank you to the Junior School students who came and made the experience so memorable. - Suri
Tara Debating and Public Speaking Update: Term 3, 2024
It has been a fantastic term for Tara’s debaters and public speakers, filled with achievements and exciting opportunities. Congratulations to all our Archdale teams for their commitment and hard work this season, with a special mention to the Year 9 team for making it to the quarter-finals, which were held here at Tara. Well done, girls!
Looking ahead, several of our talented public speakers will soon compete in the Lions Public Speaking competition at Redeemer Baptist and the Soroptimist competition in Glenhaven. We wish them the best of luck as they take to the stage to deliver their outstanding public speeches.
Earlier this term, the Tara Public Speaking Competition was held, with entries submitted online. The topic, "Media and Young People," led to insightful and engaging public speeches from our students. Three of these talented speakers earned themselves Mecca vouchers for their impressive public speeches—congratulations, girls!
Next term, we look forward to connecting with our neighbours at Kings for some friendly end-of-year debates. Tara will also be participating in the vibrant Festival of Speech, which will be held at MLC in Burwood over two days in late October. All Tara community members are invited to attend and support our girls!
Stay tuned for more updates and events—there’s plenty to watch out for!
R U OK Day
On Thursday 12 September, the Senior School celebrated RUOK Day hosted by the Year 7 SRC!!
RU OK Day reminds us to pause, reflect, and reach out to the people we care about. A simple "Are you okay?" can be a starting point for a meaningful conversation and can open the door for someone to share what they might be going through. It emphasises the importance of connecting with and supporting those around us.
There are 4 simple steps to start a conversation:
- Ask if they are OK
- Listen with an Open Mind
- Encourage action
- Check in
To celebrate the event, during lunchtime, the girls enjoyed some refreshing home-made lemonade and sweet lolly bags prepared by the Year 7 SRC. Additionally, a concert was held filled with a range of performances, including amazing musical items on strings, piano, and voice and a very entertaining dance by the Year 12s!
Overall, the event was a blast as girls enjoyed the sweet treats and entertainment together, while recognising the importance of checking in with one another.
Year 12 Ice Cream Buffet
Year 7 SRC
On Wednesday 11 September, The Year 7 SRC came together and held an initiative to acknowledge the Year 12’s service throughout the year by serving an ice cream buffet during lunchtime. Thank you for all the acts of kindness and compassion you have shown to us. The Year 12 team have persevered through this year working incredibly hard before beginning a new chapter in their lives. With the help of Mrs Losco, we organised an ice cream buffet to give the Year 12’s a sweet treat for their exceptional contributions and support.
We would like to thank the Year 12 students of 2024, for showing dedication and enthusiasm as they have made a lasting impact on our journey in high school, they have most definitely set high standards for the younger year groups, that is why we decided to give back and show our appreciation and celebrate their achievements.
As the Year 12 students move forward into the next chapter of their lives, we hope they leave with a sense of accomplishment knowing how much they have contributed to our community. We are grateful for all the memories, leadership, and inspiration they have shared with us. Now that their time here at Tara is soon ending, we wish them all the best as they move on to greater opportunities and experiences. They will always remain a part of the Tara community.
The SRC Ice Cream Buffet taught us the significance of teamwork and collaboration. By working together, we learned how each member’s efforts contribute to a successful and enjoyable event. This experience underscored our commitment to supporting and valuing one another within the Tara community. It also helped us recognise the Year 12's efforts and how far they've come!
In conclusion, the buffet was a special way to honour and appreciate the Year 12 students who have supported us throughout their time at Tara, while celebrating it in a fun way. Their dedication and contributions were the focus of the event, and our collective effort ensured they felt celebrated and valued. This experience highlighted how much we cherish and support those who have been integral to our community.
Financial Literacy - Don't stress, just invest!
Sarah - Year 10 student
This term in Year 10 Financial Literacy, we have learnt about the many ways in which we can invest our money. We have also specifically learnt how to invest our money through stocks, by exploring what stocks are, how the stock market operates as well as the potential risks and rewards of investing in shares of a company. Luckily enough, we have been able to apply this knowledge into a game called the ASX Share market game. Each student is given a virtual $50,000 where we have the ability to invest this money over a 10 week period in over 300 companies through the ASX (Australian Securities Exchange).
The Game follows the live Australian Stock Market giving us a realistic experience of how investing in the stock market works. Throughout the game, we monitor our investments, track stock prices and watch our portfolios rise up and down based on market trends and company performance. It also allows us to make strategic decisions about whether we want to buy, sell or hold our stocks. Not only do we compete with our classmates, but we also compete with students from other schools across Australia with approximately 15,000 students currently participating in this challenge. The ASX stock market game has been such a great and engaging experience for all of us as we are able to apply the knowledge into the game and learn valuable financial skills. Remember, don't stress, just invest!
Selassie - Year 10 student
During our Year 10 Financial Literacy classes we have been studying how to make our money work for us with the help of our teachers and Victoria DeVine's Book "She's on the money"! Fin Lit students were encouraged to save and safely invest their money in order to build their wealth in the future.
In our classes we have also played the game of life, this game is exciting and engaging, designed to help players become more money wise. While playing the game, students were able to graduate from college, get jobs, make, and lose, money and even get into debt! As Financial Literacy students, we were encouraged to make smart choices with our money in order to become the most successful at the end of the game. This usually looked like weighing up the risks of buying a house or choosing whether or not to invest in a number. We were able to apply a lot of what we learnt in this game! Learning to be financially literate is an important life skill! So remember our class motto is... "Don't stress just invest!"
2024 Leadership Team
Joohee and Zoe - 2024/2025 Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl
The 2024 leadership team led by Head girl, Kirit and Deputy Head Girl Jasmine have fostered an integral legacy of community, Tara school culture and opportunity for the girls and the staff.
Through teamwork, the 2024 leadership team were able to unite the School community by implementing countless initiatives such as Harmony Day and the Christmas markets. Through Choir, Music and drama performances, the passion of Performing Arts Prefect Annabelle was displayed with the creativity and talent of the Tara community. Christian Faith Prefect Suhanya and Head Boarder Charli established and fostered a sense of belonging and love amongst the School community. With the guidance of Isabella and Kaitlyn as Community and Liaison Prefects, students were able to come together to show their support for their peers. Through the passion of Jemma and Georgia as Academic and Debating prefects, the girls were given opportunities to improve their academics, confidence and overall knowledge. Through Tara Tigers and Peer support, the younger student leaders were given an opportunity to embody the Tara values displayed by the leadership team. With the leadership of the Sports Prefect and House Captains, each house was able to shine and most importantly improve during carnivals and House meetings. With the help of Marisa and Stephanie as Social Justice and Environment Prefects as well as the SRC mentors, Tara was able to raise awareness during NAIDOC Week, Ration the Fashion, and Dignity dishes.
It goes without saying that the 2024 Leadership team was able to truly demonstrate the importance of servant leadership. They encouraged and taught students to advocate for those in need and to always help when possible. The 2024 leadership team represented all that Tara has to offer in regards to School spirit, and the supportive culture that aims to push every girl to strive to be their best.
Term 3 Sport
Skye - Sport Prefect
Term 3 has been an exciting season for Tara sport! This term featured netball, hockey, basketball, and football. Despite a long term and many exams for the senior girls, the Tara teams have excelled in their Saturday Sport competitions.
Our netball teams have had an outstanding season, with three teams pushing on into the finals! Tara's senior firsts Netball team will face NEGS school in a thrilling match to determine who advances to the grand final. The Senior Seconds team will play against Brigidine, while the Senior fourths, are also heading into the finals. Both teams have had an incredible season, winning the majority of their games and significantly improving their skills as a team since the start.
Basketball has been equally exciting, with two teams progressing to the finals. The Junior seconds will face Danebank, and the Junior Fourths will play against Loreto Kirribilli, both hoping to advance to the next round.
In football, the Junior Seconds will compete in an upcoming match against Wenona, while the Junior seconds hockey team will face Brigidine in a highly anticipated final match.
We wish the girls the best of luck in their final matches and are incredibly proud of their hard work and commitment to sport these sports!
Lions Voice for Youth Competition
Last Thursday, 12t September, Olivia Y (Year 8) and Seona M (Year 7) competed in the Lions Voice for Youth Competition at Redeemer Baptist. Both girls were awarded participation certificates. Competition was quite fierce, our girls did very well and presented engaging and moving speeches. Well done!
Senior Sport
Australian Youth Volleyball Championships
Congratulations to our amazing Year 11 student, Chelsea, for being selected to represent NSW at the Australian Youth Volleyball Championships in Victoria!
She will be competing with the Under 18 Girls team, and we couldn't be prouder. Let's cheer her on!
All the best Chelsea!
NSW State Junior Road Championship
Congratulations to Year 8 student Zoe, who recently competed in the NSW State Junior Road Championship in Tamworth!
Zoe placed 1st in the Individual Time Trial (8km) and secured two 3rd place finishes in both the Road Race (36km) and the Criterium. She has now been selected to represent NSW at the AusCycling Australian Junior Road Race Championships in South Australia later this month!
We are so proud of you, Zoe and can’t wait to cheer you on!
State Schoolgirl Table Tennis
Ally Z and Justine W played on Friday 6 September. They didn’t lose a game until the final when they fought a tough game against Sydney Girls High School and came away with Silver.
Round 6
S02 Tara 1 vs Monte 2, Win, 7-1
J03 Tara 2 vs Monte 8, Draw, 1-1
Round 7
S02 Tara 1 vs Santa Sabina 1, Loss, 0-2
J03 Tara 2 vs St Scholastica’s 4, Win, 3-2
Round 6
S03 Tara 1 vs SCEGGS 2, Loss, 15-22
J02 Tara 2 vs Ascham 6, Win, 23-16
J03 Tara 3 vs SCEGGS 7, Win, 21-11
J03 Tara 4 vs Kambala 5, Loss, 10-24
J04 Tara 5 vs SCEGGS 8, Loss, 2-34
J05 Tara 6 vs Wenona 11, Loss, 10-39
Round 7
S03 Tara 1 vs Wenona 4, Win, 37-12
J02 Tara 2 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 9, Win, 23-14
J03 Tara 3 vs Kambala 5, Win, 29-8
J03 Tara 4 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 10, Loss, 6-20
J04 Tara 5 vs St Scholastica’s 2, Loss, 12-19
J05 Tara 6 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 11, Win, 10-4
Maleeha B - Hockey Captain
Round 6
This week's game on the Pymble hockey field was a tight game. Although we narrowly lost 1-0 to Pymble Ladies' College, it was an extremely huge step up from our earlier matches, which I'm so proud of us for. A special mention to Jemima and Maia for their fantastic play last weekend. We have improved so much this season and I'm glad we haven't let anything take our spirit away.
Our game on 24 August went really well, as our team improved greatly since our last match and we were able to draw 0:0. Hannah (in midfield) and Lucinda (in defense) played great in that game - Nicole C Tara 2 Hockey
Round 7
This weeks game we travelled all the way to Frensham for our last hockey game—totally worth it! Despite being away from home, we gave it our all on the field. A tough game versing Frensham, but solid effort from the First Team! And I’m so proud of Carol S for stepping up as goalie, even though she’s never played the position before. She totally owned it! Claire K also played really well, showing her skills on the field. Both she and Carol really brought their A-game!
Round 6
S05 Tara 1 vs Pymble 3, Loss, 0-1
J04 Tara 2 vs Ascham 7, Draw, 0-0
Round 7
S05 Tara 1 vs Frensham 3, Loss, 0-18
Skye A - Netball Captain
The Tara Senior Firsts team made the long journey to Frensham for an early game. Despite the early start, the girls put in a solid performance, showing strength in both attack and defence. However, the attack faced more challenges than usual. With finals approaching next week, it was crucial to apply the skills we've practiced in training to a game situation. Lucy T and Verity A, stood out in the shooting circle, scoring impressive goals and displaying great movement around the ball. The attacking players worked well to feed the ball into the circle. The team enjoyed the match and are eager to head into the finals!
The Senior Seconds played against Danebank and won their game moving them into the finals! The defenders did a great job preventing the ball from entering the circle, while the whole team worked together to move the ball down the court to the shooters. Taylor J shot some excellent shots, helping to win the game!
The Junior Firsts faced Brigidine over the weekend in a thrilling match. The score see-sawed throughout the game, and although the girls didn’t win, they still had a great time. Orla A, Olivia H, and Riya T excelled in their attacking roles, effectively moving the ball down the court. April O and Ellie O made some fantastic shots in the circle!
The Junior Seconds played PLS over the weekend in an intense match. Despite the loss, it was a fun netball game, with the girls finishing 5th overall! Ivy K and Thalia G played well throughout the game in both attacking and defending skills with Abbey B shooting some amazing shots!
The Juniors Thirds demonstrated outstanding teamwork in their game against Meriden over the weekend. Vicky Z made effective forward drives, while Charlotte G efficiently found space down the court. The girls enjoyed their final game of the season and are looking forward to next years!
The Year 7 Firsts played against Roseville on the weekend with Teniola V and Faith Y playing strong in their defence positions, contributing to numerous turnovers in the goal third. Carissa C and Cynthia X supported the team well in the middle third, while Elma L worked effectively together for rebounds and intercepts in the shooting circle. Hannah V and Kavya S formed a strong duo in the circle, leading to more goals in the last two quarters.
The Year 7 Thirds faced Roseville in an exhilarating game over the weekend! The girls' defence was strong, with Chloe Z and Nadya L grabbing rebounds and advancing the ball down the court to the shooting circle. Allison D and Alysa L then made some impressive shots, sealing a fantastic performance!
Round 6
S04 Tara 1 vs NEGS 1, Win, 33-31
S10 Tara 2 vs Wenona 5, Loss, 12-22
S14 Tara 3 vs SCEGGS 5, Win, 30-11
S17 Tara 4 vs PLC Sydney 9, Win, 23-19
J04 Tara 5 vs Abbotsleigh 17, Win, 28-8
J08 Tara 6 vs Abbotsleigh 22, Forfeit win
J11 Tara 7 vs Ravenswood 15, Loss, 5-18
J16 Tara 8 vs Loreto Normanhurst 22, Draw, 27-27
Y703 Tara 9 vs Ravenswood 21, Loss, 6-18
Y704 Tara 10 vs Loreto Normanhurst 24, Loss, 2-30
Y706 Tara 11 vs St Vincents 19, Loss, 3-20
Y708 Tara 12 vs Danebank 6, Loss, 4-20
Round 7
S04 Tara 1 vs Frensham 2, Draw, 27-27
S10 Tara 2 vs Danebank 1, Win, 24-4
S14 Tara 3 vs Pymble 8, Loss, 12-39
S17 Tara 4 vs Frensham 7, Win, 27-13
J04 Tara 5 vs Brigidine 15, Loss, 18-29
J08 Tara 6 vs PLC Sydney 12, Loss, 27-7
J11 Tara 7 vs Meriden 14, Loss, 4-25
J16 Tara 8 vs Ravenswood 19, Win, 15-10
Y703 Tara 9 vs Roseville 21, Loss, 10-17
Y704 Tara 10 vs SCEGGS 11, Loss, 4-18
Y706 Tara 11 vs Roseville 23, Loss, 3-21
Y708 Tara 12 vs St Vincent’s 21, Loss, 7-24
Rugby 7's
Round 4
Tara 1 vs Frensham 2, Won, 6-3
Tara 1 vs Loreto Normanhurst 2, Loss
Sport News
2024 Australian Interschools Snowsport Championships
A huge congratulations to our incredible Tara Snowsports team for a phenomenal week at the Australian Interschools Snowsport Championships!
Our girls competed in Alpine, Ski Cross, and Cross Country races, achieving remarkable results on the national stage.
We are beyond proud of their dedication and achievements this season. Looking forward to hitting the slopes again in 2025 for another incredible year of Snowsports at Tara!
Careers News
Careers News
Each week we send Year 10 to Year 12 a listing of the relevant events and ideas and programs to them to help with their Career planning.
There are some great events and opportunities coming up! Learn more about them via the links below.
Careers Newsletter - 16 September 2024
For more information please contact Mr David Berridge via email - dberridge@tara.nsw.edu.au