Senior School News
- Summer Uniform Reminders
- Years 7 and 8 Music Concert
- Senior School Awards System
- Recap of the 2022/23 Leadership Teams Achievements
- Jeans and Jersey Day
- Year 12 and Year 4 Hospitality Cooking
- History Week at Tara
- Year 12 Studies of Religion Excursion
- Archdale Debating
- Geography Teachers explore our world in their holidays
- Year 10 Children's theatre performances for the Junior School
- Geography at Tara
- IGSA Chess Tournament
- Year 10 SRC at Junior School Leadership Day
- Soroptimist Public Speaking Competition
Term 1, Week 9, 2020
General News
Can you help?
Disability provisions provide students with practical support to access, ie read and respond to, the Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams. In providing disability provisions for the HSC exams, NESA complies with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, issued under the DDA.
Disability provisions are one way that NESA ensures there are reasonable adjustments available to students with disability so that they can access and participate in the HSC on the same basis as students without disability.
At Tara, we are developing a pool of helpers who can read and/or scribe for our students during the HSC. If you have a current Working with Children Check and are available to support our wonderful students from Wednesday October 12 to Friday November 4, please contact Mrs Alex Pottie, Head of Diverse Learning, at as soon as possible. Training will be provided and you will need to sign a confidentiality document.
If you have any questions about the provisions process, please contact Mrs Alex Pottie on the above email or on (02) 8838 2607.
From the Dean of Learning Years 11-12
HSC Showcase Evening
Matthew Bonson - Dean of Learning Years 11-12
On Wednesday 16 August 2023, Tara held its HSC Showcase Evening where students from the following subjects presented their Major Work, Bodies of Work and Performance Pieces.
- Drama
- English Extension 2
- Design and Technology
- History Extension
- Industrial Technology Multimedia
- Music 1
- Music 2
- Music Extension
- Science Extension
- Visual Arts
This annual event has continued to grow since its beginning in 2018 and it is easy to see why. The evening began with drinks and food and a welcome from our Principal, Mrs Susan Middlebrook. From here students, parents, staff and the wider Tara community proceeded to the Tara Theatre for performances from our Year 12 music students. These performances, ranging from piano and cello to soaring vocals all showed off the talent of our students and the hard work of these musicians and the Music Faculty.
Immediately following these performances, displays were opened in the Library, STEM Rooms and the Art Precinct. History Extension, English Extension 2 and Science Extension students presented their Major Works, demonstrating the many hours and tireless effort to a large audience of guests. This event gives valuable feedback to current students while also demonstrating to future students what needs to be done to succeed in these subjects. In the STEM rooms, Industrial Technology Multimedia and Design and Technology displayed their Major Works just days before HSC markers came to the school. Videos, gardening tools, fashion, furniture, surfboard racks, multipurpose icepacks and projects aiming to help achieve more sustainable living were all on display and hundreds of questions were asked to help the students prepare for the upcoming marking process. Again, these students could not have achieved what they did without the consistent support of their teachers and Tara staff.
Visual Arts students’ Bodies of Work demonstrated the skill and creativity of our Year 12 girls. Striking visuals, a range of mediums and even audio engaged the audience while students explained the processes involved in creating their masterpieces. The evening’s presentations concluded with Drama Performances and Drama Major Works being presented in the Tara Theatre and Foyer. The Individual and Group performances were moving, emotional, at times hilarious and always engaging. The Director’s Folio also showed how large the role of the director is in bringing a performance to life.
It must be mentioned at this time that all of the attendees were served food and drinks throughout the night thanks to our wonderful Kitchen Staff and our VET-Hospitality students. There were a lot of full stomachs by the end of the night.
The evening over, I am proud to say I saw a huge army rushing to get home in time to catch the Matilda’s match. Some students (and parents) chose to stay with Mrs Chaiban and I to watch the game on the big screen in the Library, with a last minute catering decision by Mrs Middlebrook to provide pizza to give us the necessary energy to cheer on our Aussie women’s Soccer team. While the result wasn’t what we wanted, we had a grand time, especially watching Sam Kerr kick the goal of the tournament.
A huge thank you to all who were involved in making the night possible, and for the Tara community for your support for our girls.
From Enrolments
2025 Scholarships Now Open
Lead the way and give your daughter a promising future - she belongs at Tara.
- Does your daughter demonstrate academic excellence?
- Does she excel in music?
- Is she from a rural or regional location?
- Does she display leadership?
- Does she serve the community?
Applications for the 2025 Tara Anglican School for Girls Scholarships are now open.
Scholarships are for entry in 2025 for Years 7 and 9 Academic/All Rounder, Years 7 to 11 Boarding (for rural students), and Year 7 Music. Current families are welcome to apply.
To find out more and to apply visit the scholarships page here.
From the Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Holiday Hours
The Uniform Shop is closed from 23 September and will reopen Thursday 5 and Friday 6 October from 10am – 4pm.
The Uniform Shop will reopen for Term 4, Monday 9 October.
Open 7.30am – 12pm
CLOSED from 12pm – 1pm
Open 1pm – 5pm
Community Events
Tara Dads Club - Dads & Daughters Camp 2023
Get ready for an unforgettable adventure! The Tara Dads Club is thrilled to invite all Tara dads and their daughters to join them for a memorable camping trip filled with bonding, laughter and lifelong memories. The camping trip will be held at the NRMA Ocean Beach Holiday Resort, Umina on Friday 17 November and Saturday 18 November.
Whether you can make it for one night or both, this camping trip promises to be an incredible experience. Please note that spaces are limited, so we encourage you to book early to secure your spot and avoid disappointment.
RSVP – Friday 20 October 2023
Future Community Events
Saturday 25 November: P&F and TDC - Carols in the Colonnade
If you have any questions about Community or have ideas to share, please email the Community Liaison Manager, Mrs Jodie Doyle at
Tara Old Girls' Association
Joan Waugh Scholarship
Applications for the prestigious Joan Waugh Scholarships are closing soon! If you are a former student of Tara Anglican School for Girls and meet the criteria, don't miss this chance.
Scholarship Details:
- Named in honour of Miss Mary Elizabeth (Joan) Waugh, the former Principal of Tara Anglican School for Girls.
- Scholarship value: $5,000.
- Eligibility: Candidates who demonstrate excellence in various aspects of community life and show leadership potential, in addition to strong academic abilities.
- Purpose: To support further studies, research, or development in a specific field of interest, skill, or expertise, both in Australia and overseas.
Application Deadline: 30 September 2023
To apply, click here to download the application form
Don't miss your chance to honour Miss Waugh's legacy and further your educational pursuits.
Tara Community News
Tara P&F Association
Our next P&F meeting is scheduled to take place at the start of Term 4 on Tuesday 10 October, at 7:30 PM in The Bowern Room. We warmly welcome the entire community to join us for this meeting.
If you are interested in becoming a part of the P&F, we encourage you to attend and meet our current executive team.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Student Alumni Connections Evening
Thank you to all who attended the inaugural Student Alumni Connections Evening last Friday in The Bowern Room. The night was a resounding success and we would especially like to thank the Alumni who returned to Tara to meet with our students. Such events play a crucial role in connecting students with alumni and providing them with valuable insights into various career paths and real-world experiences. We look forward to hosting more events like this in the future as we continue to inspire and guide our students on their academic and professional journeys.
Tara Aquatic Centre
Tara Aquatic Centre Learn to Swim Lessons
We are excited to now invite the greater community to be enrolled into Swimming@Tara.
If you have any family or friends that would like to join Swimming@Tara, please contact the Tara Aquatic Centre.
Click here to learn more about Swimming@Tara and to enrol!
Contact Us
Tel: 02 8838 2699
News from the Tara Aquatic Centre
On Sunday 13 August, we had twenty individuals complete a Swimming Instructor course. These individuals will need to complete practical hours in the pool so please keep in mind there will be trainees in the pool during lesson time.
Safety week is this week (Monday 11 September – Friday 15 September). Please ensure all students are to wear long pants and a top over their swimmers to their lesson. No goggles are required for this lesson, but you will still need your swimming cap.
Reminder we will be running the usual afternoon LTS lessons during the school holidays. Please keep in mind that you can not take photos or videos during lesson time and there is no eating in the grandstands.
We will be running Intensive Classes during the first week of the school holidays between the hours of 8.45am – 12.30pm, Monday to Friday. We will also be offering private and group lessons.
To book intensives, please visit us at the Tara Aquatic Centre reception.
Junior School News
Tournament of Minds
Towards the end of Term 3, our Tara Junior School Tournament of Minds teams, competed in the TOM Regional Final at Mitchell High School, Blacktown. We brought our best solutions to Dramatic Arts and STEM related challenges.
Our competition day included an intense day of presenting a prepared problem-solving challenge as well as a spontaneous challenge. Congratulations to our STEM team who were awarded a Meritorious for their solution which involved designing a bird that could fly and a digital presentation of flight and launch processes.
Tara’s Tournament of Minds teams, displayed outstanding levels of teamwork, collaboration and time-management to complete their challenges. They were positive and resilient throughout the competition day demonstrating wonderful sportsmanship.
Talkfest Finals 2023
Miss Gambrill - Team Leader 3-6 and Talkfest Coordinator
Talkfest, Tara Junior School’s Festival of Public Speaking, is an annual event in which students are provided with the opportunity to develop and improve their public speaking skills in a range of daily contexts.
Throughout the year, students from Year 2 to Year 6 participate in explicit classroom experiences where they learn how to compose spoken texts for a specific purpose. They also learn how to effectively present their speeches to an intended audience.
Talkfest enables girls to:
- Develop confidence, fluency and the ability to respond spontaneously
- Learn to order their thoughts in a logical manner
- Develop lateral thinking and imagination
- Learn how to maintain the interest of the audience
- Learn practical communication skills and experiment with the use of voice
This year was another successful Talkfest experience with Rounds 1 and 2 taking place in Terms 1 and 2, respectively, at a time when they authentically linked with each grade's English program. From these two rounds, the semifinalists were chosen to present a rehearsed and impromptu (Years 3-6 only) speech in front of their year group.
Here is what some Junior School students had to say about their Talkfest experience throughout the year.
“Talkfest was a great opportunity for me to improve my confidence, as I had to speak in front of a large audience. It also helped me build my vocabulary as I was trying to find relevant words to help me entertain, persuade and inform others. The Learner Profile Attribute that I feel I grew was being courageous. I also was balanced as I had to use my time wisely.” - Alicia
“Public Speaking is an important skill because it can help you develop leadership skills and gives you the confidence to share your point of view. When presenting in front of others, we had to memorise our speech, which is also an important, yet tricky, skill to develop when presenting. I loved the Talkfest experience!” - Kara
On Tuesday 29 August, the Talkfest finals were held in the Tara Chapel. Selected finalists from each grade showed great courage as they confidently presented their chosen speech in front of a live audience. Students in Years 3-6 were presented with the additional challenge of delivering an impromptu speech. All our finalists should be very pleased with their efforts.
Congratulations to the Talkfest Finalists for 2023!
Year 2- Mira D, Olivia L, Siana W and Crystal Y
Year 3- Neve K, Paru S, Prasannakshi S, and Oviya S
Year 4- Hanishka J, Ravan L, Scarlett Q and Cathy Y
Year 5- Sophia J, Sophia L, Emma V, Simren W and Tina X
Year 6- Ellyce F-D, Jasmine H, Tiasha J, Lia N and Eva Z
Congratulations to our Talkfest Winners for 2023.
Year 2 – Crystal Y
Year 3 - Paru S
Year 4- Cathy Y
Year 5 – Emma V
Year 6 – Jasmine H
Kindergarten and Year 1 girls were also involved in the festival. They enjoyed public speaking experiences across the year that provided opportunities to prepare them for the future when they can participate in the Talkfest experience. During the Years 2-4 Finals, Kindergarten and Year 1 presented in front of the audience. Kindergarten shared a story and chant, while the Year 1 students shared two poems. Thank you, Kindergarten and Year 1, for contributing on the day.
Not only were the audience members able to witness the wonderful public speaking and presentation skills from Kindergarten and Year 1, they were also able to listen to our talented musicians too. Thank you to all students and staff involved in the performances including the Northwood Chamber Group, Year 6 Vocal Ensemble, Years 1 and 2 Choir and the Ellangowan String Ensemble.
Congratulations to all students involved in the Talkfest process. The teachers look forward to supporting you as you continue to improve your public speaking skills throughout the rest of the year.
Year 5 Project with Fulton Hogan
This unit, Year 5 have been focusing on Sharing the Planet and the central idea they have been inquiring into is Competing Interests shape places.
The girls have been learning about the features of local places, how humans and environments determine what places become and environmental conflict and management. They began by looking at how Australia’s identity has been shaped and how competing interests determine decisions.
The students have been invited to undertake a project with the team at Fulton Hogan which will be a lived experience of their environmental inquiry. It provides an opportunity for the students to be challenged with a problem, in a suburb in the outer west which is about to undergo exponential growth. The girls considered key concepts including form (What is it like?), causation (Why is it like it is?) and perspective (What are the points of view?) when understanding the problem, ideating possible solutions and considering impact to the environment and stakeholders.
The task encourages students to use a variety of Approaches to Learning skills (ATLs) including communication, research, thinking, self-management and social skills.
This project involves students working with the Fulton Hogan team to deliver workable solutions and apply logical reasoning skills to create a solution whilst ensuring that there is minimal disruption to the natural and human environment. The students have been working collaboratively in teams centred on construction, environment, and communications, and have been engaged in rigorous conversations whilst ideating, innovating and creating.
The opportunity for students to apply and engage in meaningful inquiry but also develop holistically, aligns well with the IB’s educational philosophy. This project fosters a deep understanding of scientific principles, engineering concepts, responsible resource use, and collaboration skills while connecting learning to the real world (action).
Junior Sport
IPSHA Athletics Carnival
Our Tara Athletics Team competed at the IPSHA Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 30 August at Sydney Olympic Park. Our team consisted of 22 students from Years 2 – 6 who gave it their best and represented Tara with pride.
Congratulations to all girls on their achievements and a special mention to the following students
- Rere (Year 4) 9 Years Long jump – 10th
- Annelise (Year 5) 11 Years Shot Put – 8th
- Mel (Year 6) 12 Years Shot Put – 10th
Senior School News
Summer Uniform Reminders
It's coming to that time of year again where parents and students need to check their summer uniform for fit and that all items meet the standards required.
Summer uniform requirements are listed below:
Years 7-9 - Terms 1 and 4
- 7-9 Summer Dress (length to be just below the knee)
- Blazer
- Panama
- Jumper (if required)
- White fold over socks
Years 10-12 - Terms 1 and 4
- 10-12 Summer Dress (length to be just below the knee)
- Blazer
- Panama
- Cardigan (if required)
- White fold over socks
White fold over socks are available from the Tara Uniform Shop but may also be purchased at large retail chains such as Target. Please note that white ankle sport socks ARE NOT the correct socks for the summer uniform.
- Compulsory Summer Uniform Years 7-9
- Compulsory Summer Uniform Years 10-12
- Optional Items Years 7-9
- Optional Items Years 10-12
- White fold over socks
Years 7 and 8 Music Concert
Senior School Awards System
Carmen G and Hannah W - Academic Prefect and Community Prefect
This year Carmen (Academic Prefect) and I (Community Prefect) have been working on an infographic to concisely explain the Tara Awards system. The award system has been broken into 3 main categories: Academic, Service and Tara Pride, with the infographic detailing how awards can be accumulated by handing in specific blue, pink or white cards. Cards could be handed out for academic excellence, or displaying the Tara Values of Affirmation, Opportunity, Integrity and Service to Others.
Moreover, the various colours of blues and pockets are explained in the infographic so girls are able to understand the awards system better, and hopefully continue to work hard to achieve higher awards. These infographics will be displayed all over the school in noticeboards for students to refer to and we hope this system is used for many years to come.
Recap of the 2022/23 Leadership Teams Achievements
As our time as the 2022/23 Leadership Team draws to a close, we wanted to reflect on the past year, showcasing our initiatives and hard work we have put in. Below showcases each portfolio – including our proudest achievements and what we most enjoyed about Tara leadership.
Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl – Faith and Nikhita
Serving our school from 2022-23 has been an invaluable experience where we have had the opportunity to connect with the team and the rest of Year 12, united, leading by example for the rest of the School community. This year, our motto was the ‘Spirit of Tara’ where we sought to reinstate a sense of School culture and spirit in the aftermath of COVID through various initiatives and an emphasis on collective involvement from the rest of our cohort, beyond just the leadership team, allowing everyone an opportunity to lead and serve the School community. Founded upon the key principles of Sisterhood, Culture, and Servant Leadership, we endeavoured to end our time at Tara with a bang! We wish the best of luck to Kirit and Jasmine for the year to come.
Head Boarder and Deputy Head Boarder – Jet and Imogen
Our time working together as Head and Deputy Head Boarder has been an incredibly memorable chapter of our lives. We have been delighted to have implemented a range of exciting initiatives including Boarder’s In Weekend, Boarder of the Month, Thursday Thrills, Tara and King's Boarding Uno Night and music during dinner. We are both truly so grateful for the connections and memories we have made, as well as the opportunity to lead such an exceptional boarding community, alongside our grade, the dedicated Boarder’s committee and boarding staff. We wish the best of luck to Charli and Abby as they take on their roles for 2023-2024!
Christian Faith – Anika
The thing that I have loved the most about being Christian Faith Prefect has been creating a connection with the girls that come to Crew and being able to watch them flourish. I have also loved being able to work with my amazing crew leaders with Brooke and being able to lead Crew with them. It has been so great to see how God can work in our School, and other schools which we got to see through our Tara and King's Crew-union lunches. I can’t wait to see how God uses Suhanya in her role and I wish her the best of luck as she steps into her leadership position.
Performing Arts - Jina
2023 has been another successful and enjoyable year for performing arts at Tara, and as the Performing Arts Prefect for 2022-2023, I feel extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to lead. I am proud to have achieved my goal in providing girls with opportunities such as Tara’s Got Talent, the annual Interhouse Choral & Theatresports Competition and performances at Harmony Day, alongside the Performing Arts Department. By hosting these events I have enjoyed witnessing the progression of the girls in their Performing Arts Journey in expressing their creativity, passion and strength.
Environment Prefect - Henri
It has been my privilege to serve the Tara community as the Environment Prefect for 2022/2023. Environmental Prefect comes with a real and vital opportunity to lead and inspire positive change within the Tara community. Throughout my term as Environmental Prefect, I was able to organise various eco-friendly initiatives, maintain and create a club where all Tara girls felt heard and understood. My highlight was organising Tara’s very first Recycling Return and Earn Scheme, providing the Tara community with two return and earn bins: Henri and Ernie.
Sport Prefect – Cameron
During the 2022/2023 academic year, I had the honour of serving as the Sport Prefect at Tara which was truly one of my greatest experiences during Senior School. My proudest moment in this position would have to be the development of Tara's inaugural Rugby 7s team - and the team's progression to finish 3rd overall. I am truly honoured to have served as the Tara Sports Prefect and cannot wait to see what is in store for the future of sport at Tara!
Liaison Prefect – Imogen
My time as Liaison Prefect has included many memories I will treasure forever. Following along from Emily, I have grown and reinvented the Tara Tigers Team, School Ambassadors, Peer Support Program and have helped welcome our new girls to School with morning tea’s. Leading with a heart of servant leadership has provided me with a new way of approaching tasks and leading others that I will carry to the future. I also extend my best wishes to Kaitlyn for next year.
Community Prefect - Hannah
My term as Community Prefect has been an invaluable opportunity to serve the school and help foster connections within the Tara community by cultivating a sense of belonging. Starting off with Valentine’s Day and Kindness Day was a heartwarming, encouraging way to spread affirmation and provided a space for girls to acknowledge meaningful connections with cards and, of course, chocolate! The two Trivia Nights held with The King’s School allowed our girls to build healthy relationships with the wider community, enhancing their holistic School experience. Leading as a member of the Tara community has been an honour, and I extend my best wishes to Isabella for 2023-24.
Academic Prefect - Carmen
My time as Academic Prefect has been a wonderful opportunity to encourage students to engage with academics at Tara. Running Tara Tutors every week has been a great way to meaningfully help students, however the highlights of the year were Maths Week and Science Week. It was wonderful to see so many students and teachers participating in the lunchtime activities and extending their passion for the subjects. All the best to Jemma as she steps into this role for 2023-2024!
Debating Prefect - Alisha
It has been amazing to see Tara girls participating and excelling in a range of Debating and Public Speaking opportunities this year, including our FED and Archdale Debating seasons, Soroptimist, Rostrum and Festival of Speech competitions. My personal highlights in my role have been Public Speaking Club and Debating Workshop, as well as getting to know some incredibly talented and passionate Tara speakers through all the different opportunities. I was also able to collaborate with Hannah, Faith and Nikhita to organise the Year 7 & 8 King's and Tara Trivia Nights, which aimed to foster healthy communication in the younger years. Serving as Debating and Public Speaking Prefect this year has been a privilege, and I wish Georgia the best of luck in this role next year!
Social Justice Prefect - Aarushi
My role as the Social Justice Prefect, has provided me the opportunity to lead the Tara School community. Throughout this year I was able to create a comfortable space for girls to interact and learn about the world, addressing issues such as intersectional feminism, Indigenous Australian rights and what equality truly looks like in SJC Sessions. Additionally, as part of my role, I was also able to host a guest speaker for International Women's Day, Dr Jenny Knight, CEO and Founder of REECH, Cambodia to speak to the Senior School girls in Assembly. It has been a privilege to serve as the Social Justice Prefect and I feel immensely grateful for the opportunities that the Tara community has provided me.
Hake House Prefects – Tori and Arnvi
As the Hake house Prefects for 2022-2023, we have had the gratifying experience of leading Hake to the best of our ability through improving house spirit, participation and sisterhood. We are so proud of all Hakarians for being risk-takers, having an open-mind and doing their best! We have achieved so much this year and we can’t wait to see what the future holds for Hake. Good luck to the incoming prefects Dana and Naomi!!
Waugh House Prefects – Krystal and Kate
It has been a great honour to lead Waugh in 2022-2023, with this experience being a highlight for us both at Tara. Our Waughriors have achieved so much this year and we have been so blessed to see so many girls in Waugh stepping up and challenging themselves, participating in all House Carnivals. Through various carnivals and house meetings, many memories were created, which we will forever cherish. We wish all the best for Tess and Liz to continue to uphold Waugh’s values of sisterhood, love and support.
Walker House Prefects – Sanjula and Ashley
We have had the honour of being the 2022/23 Walker House Prefects. Through Walker’s participation and commitment to every single carnival we have achieved many things. From winning the Public Speaking Competition, the house cheer at the Athletics Carnival and the overall Choral and Theatresports Competition we could not be prouder of our girls and their diverse skill range. We extend our gratitude to Mrs Goddard. We could not have navigated through as smoothly as we did without your mentorship. We wish all the best to Inika and Gabi for the year to come.
Crawford House Prefects – Mena and Mandy
This year in 2022-2023, we had the absolute privilege of serving the fabulous group of girls in Crawford. Since our first years at Tara, we have watched Crawford grow into a sisterhood as we completed our vision of encouraging further participation and fostering a greater sense of unity and connection within the House. As we reflect on our time as House Captains, we could not have been prouder and are truly grateful for every Crawford girl’s passion and enthusiasm. We extend this gratitude to our wonderful House Patron Mrs Nguyen, whose never-ending support and love for Crawford has been the anchor to all of Crawford’s successes. Her guidance and collaboration with us throughout our time has certainly not gone unnoticed and we could not have asked for a better mentor. We wish Sophia and Vanessa the best of luck as they step into their roles as House Captains for Crawford for 2023-2024. We know that Crawford is in safe hands as they continue Crawford’s legacy of “Altius, Citius, Fortius” - Higher, Swifter, Stronger.
Jeans and Jersey Day
Ellie H - Year 9 SRC
On Friday 1 September, Tara held its annual Jeans and Jersey Day, inspired by Nathan Gremmo’s gift of life to six people when he provided them with organ and tissue donations at the age of 13.
A week before this event, we had a giveaway of jerseys that were generously gifted by the Jeans and Jersey Day Foundation. These were won by students who participated in a Jeans and Jersey Day and Matildas themed survey and achieved full marks. Along with this, on Friday 1 September, students and staff not only wore a pair of jeans and their favourite sporting team’s jersey, but we also had a set of sporting activities held at lunch time such as netball shots, soccer penalties and ball games! There were chances to win jerseys and over $500 worth of sporting prizes!
This event was very successful for Tara as not only did we have fun, but we were able to raise money for the Donate Life Network, in support of organ donations. Thank you to everyone who participated and donated for this good cause!
Year 12 and Year 4 Hospitality Cooking
Henri on behalf of the Tara Year 12 Hospitality Class
On 5 and 7 September, the Year 12 Hospitality girls decided to spend their last practical lesson cooking dishes for the less fortunate as part of Tara Dignity Dishes. The girls cooked an Asian style Chicken Stir Fry and a Beef and Vegetable One Pot Bake, making 50 meals to donate to Dignity Dishes. In addition to cooking dignity dishes, the Year 12 girls invited the Year 4 Tara junior school classes to come and get some hands-on experience preparing food. The Year 4’s buddied up with some Year 12 girls and made scones as well as helped pack the Dignity Dishes meals.
We all had a lot of fun, especially getting the Year 4 girls to make and kneed the dough for the scones. We enjoyed a small high tea, promoting sisterhood and goodwill between the Junior and Senior School. Lots of fun was had by everyone including the teachers.
History Week at Tara
Over the week, students were encouraged to participate in a range of Historical Trivia quizzes and submit their Historical book recommendations. On Wednesday 6 September at lunch, students and staff came together to celebrate History Week with a range of activities!
The theme this year was ‘Voices from the Past.’ There was a range of activities including a ‘Guess that Historical Figure’ game, vote on the best quote, participating in an archaeological dig (with jelly!), being interviewed on their interest on different topics in History and even an opportunity to explore the Tara archives!
Year 12 Studies of Religion Excursion
On Tuesday 5 September, Year 12 Studies of Religion attended an excursion at Auburn Gallipoli Mosque and ISRA Academy. At the Mosque, students were guided by Brother Ergun who discussed the history and architecture of the Mosque before answering some questions. Students then attended lectures at the ISRA Academy which is a centre for Islamic education where they were guided to review the HSC content for their Depth Study before their final examinations next month. The day ended with lunch at New Star Kebabs, which students thoroughly enjoyed.
Archdale Debating
Congratulations to our Year 8 A Archdale Debating Team who placed 2nd in the Archdale Debating Grand Final!
The team were also awarded ‘Most Improved Team of 2023’ which is a huge honour! Well done girls!
Their coach Dhara, Class of 2021, worked tirelessly with the team, powerfully building up their confidence and critical thinking skills!
A big congratulations to the following girls:
Eden W
Ella J
Anika C
Agatha H
Geography Teachers explore our world in their holidays
Geography Teachers at Tara love exploring our world in their holidays. We enjoy studying place, space and how everything connects. Who can guess the place and teacher for the photos? There will be a prize for the best answer submitted by the end of term. Geography teachers at Tara include Mrs Donato, Mrs Cocks, Mrs Losco, Mr Swainson, Miss Kim ,Mrs Liney, Mrs George and Mrs Chaiban.
Year 10 Children's theatre performances for the Junior School
The sound of children’s laughter filled the Tara Theatre last Thursday morning as Year 10 Drama students presented their Children’s Theatre performances to Kindergarten, Year 1 and 2 students from the Junior School. The students devised their performances from shortlisted books in the Early Childhood category from the 2023 Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year. The performances were very highly engaging and had plenty of audience interaction, completely appropriate to and befitting this style of theatre. Having an authentic assessment opportunity for our students made the learning real and purposeful. We are grateful to our young audience and their teachers for being so responsive and providing such a rich and valuable experience for our Drama students. Here is what some of the performers had to say:
Children’s theatre is one of the most memorable units that we have done so far and this is primarily due to the fact that we were given the opportunity to perform for Junior School girls, who made an excellent audience. Our group performed Bev and Kev, a heart warming story about the friendship between a giraffe and a bird. The children loved dancing, singing and clapping along as the story unfolded. - Anika
The performance was an amazing experience as we jumped out of our comfort zones to perform to a younger audience regarding a book they had read before. Through our hard work and dedication, we successfully showcased these performances, getting many laughs, cheers and audience involvement. - Keira
Overall, Children’s Theatre was my favourite unit in Drama so far! I enjoyed the whole process, from reading the books for the first time, to performing to such young and joyful children. - Nestacia
Year 10 Drama students had the amazing opportunity of performing to the Kindy, Year 1 and Year 2 students of Tara. This term, we have been focusing on Children's Theatre and in 3 groups, we have developed 3 performances based off books that were selected for this year’s 'Book Week'. I loved performing for the children and seeing how entertained they were! This by far will be a memorable experience. - Priscilla
I absolutely loved the kids. They were an awesome audience and interacted with us so well when we were on stage. Their giggles, laughs and replies really boosted my confidence throughout the performance and it made my time on stage feel short and sweet. - Anna
I think that performing for the Junior School was really motivating and gave us an actual audience to work with. We had to consider what children would like and what kind of style they would engage in. - Cherie
Geography at Tara
Anika - Year 10
Geography is an incredibly important subject, where Tara Girls can learn about the impact of their choices as well as our changing environment. In this day and age, where our environment is subject to change, due to human practices, it is crucial that students are aware of their impact and are equipped with the education to make informed choices and make a lasting difference.
Recently, Geography students at Tara were also provided with the opportunity to take part in the 2023 Australian Geography Competition with Tara receiving outstanding results from this competition. Over 35 students received a distinction or high distinction in this competition.
One of the most memorable topics to study was global interconnections, where students investigate global trade, TNC’s and the impact and production of fast fashion on the environment and socially. During this topic, students are urged to uncover large businesses and cooperations with unsustainable practices and their non-transparent methods. Through a range of multimedia opportunities students can demonstrate their knowledge in these topics.
Congratulations to the following students:
Sandy - Year 7
Jian - Year 7
Vera - Year 7
Riya - Year 7
Melody - Year 7
Nicole - Year 8
Mat - Year 9
Mia - Year 9
Grace - Year 9
Yezka - Year 9
Isabella - Year 9
Ying - Year 9
Sanvi - Year 9
Sophia - Year 9
Claire - Year 9
Ashley - Year 9
Amy - Year 9
Hannah - Year 9
Vicky - Year 9
Mitra - Year 10
Carol - Year 10
Selina - Year 10
Popi - Year 10
Orchid - Year 10
Cherie - Year 10
Brianna - Year 12
High Distinction
Ruby - Year 7
Emmeline - Year 7
Shievon - Year 7
Olivia - Year 7
Isabel - Year 8
Allison - Year 8
Iris - Year 9
Teon - Year 9
Raelene - Year 9
Siena - Year 10
Shirley - Year 10
Amelie - Year 10
Anika - Year 10
IGSA Chess Tournament
Congratulations to Tara's Chess team who placed 3rd in the Invitational Teams held at Meriden School on Friday. 35 teams were in this IGSA Chess tournament.
The teams who placed 1st and 2nd were all Year 10 students so our girls have done so well to have come 3rd.
Congratulations to:
Sophie P (Year 8)
Livia Z(Year 7)
Ashwiinah J (Year 7)
Year 10 SRC at Junior School Leadership Day
Carol S - Year 10 SRC
On 15 August, the Year 10 SRC assisted in Year 5 Leadership day. The purpose of this was to support Year 5 students develop leadership skills in preparation for Year 6. The event was organised by Tara and consisted of Year 5 students from The King's School, Tara and Tudor House, along with Year 10 Cadets from King's.
The day started with a speech from Jack Berne, a young boy who was able to raise over $2 million for his charity. His speech inspired us, illustrating that young people can create significant positive changes within their communities. Then students were divided into smaller groups encouraging the interaction and formation of friendships. Then students indulged in a variety of engaging activities focusing on building teamwork, trust and leadership. Discussions centred around the qualities of a good leader, learning about the IB learner profiles and scenarios that require us to take leadership.
Soroptimist Public Speaking Competition
Some outstanding results for the Soroptimist Public Speaking Competition.
For Junior A, Tara placed 1st and 3rd! 1st place was Meghan S and 3rd was Ella J)
For Junior B, Tara placed 1st and 2nd! First was Olivia Y and 2nd was Ashwiinah J.
Each group had 10 participants a piece, so these are truly amazing results and a real testament to the talents and creativity of our wonderful girls!
Well done ladies!
Senior Sport
Skye A - Netball Captain
Round 6
S05 Tara 1 vs Loreto Normanhurst 3, Loss, 20-26
S09 Tara 2 vs St Vincent’s 4, Loss, 11-23
S14 Tara 3 vs PLC Sydney 9, Loss, 11-24
S17 Tara 4 vs St Vincent’s 7, Loss, 6-48
J03 Tara 5 vs Pymble 15, Loss, 9-25
J12 Tara 6 vs Meriden 17, Win, 25-11
J14 Tara 7 vs Roseville 18, Loss, 11-21
Y705 Tara 8 vs Loreto Normanhurst 25, Loss, 12-15
Y708 Tara 9 vs Queenwood 17, Draw, 14-14
Round 7
S05 Tara 1 vs Ravenswood 2, Win, 24-23
S09 Tara 2 vs SCEGGS 3, Loss, 9-15
S14 Tara 3 vs Ascham 5, Win, 10-0
S17 Tara 4 vs PLC Sydney 10, Win, 19-10
J03 Tara 5 vs Abbotsleigh 17, Draw, 24-24
J12 Tara 6 vs Meriden 16, Win, 20-17
J14 Tara 7 vs Loreto Normanhurst 22, Loss, 14-28
Y705 Tara 8 vs Danebank 4, Loss, 8-25
Y708 Tara 9 vs PLC Sydney 27, Win, 15-14
Round 7
The Tara firsts team played against Ravenswood on the weekend, taking away a win! The girls managed to get 7 points ahead, however the intensity increased creating hardly any difference between the scores. Every girl showed amazing skills and teamwork. We have loved learning to work together this season and enjoyed winning the final game of the term!
On Saturday, the Tara second team played SCEGGS at Centennial Parklands with SCEGGs winning 15-9. Despite this loss, Tara qualified for the semi-finals. In this game Sarayu S and Chelsea K played exceptionally well!
TAR04's final game was at Five Dock against PLS10, and it was a great way to end the season with a 19-10 win. Despite having 2 players away leaving the team with no subs, all the girls played extremely well and managed to keep their spirits up for the whole 40 minutes. Eva and Kaylee swapped between centre and wing attack each round, with Joy as goal attack, Carol as goal shooter, Yasmin as wing defence, Selina as goal defence and Tian as goalkeeper. They were able to keep ahead of the other team with a couple points difference, due to their great defence, passing, and shooting. Their coach, Charlotte, gave them great advice before the game and after each quarter, and highlighted what they did well and areas where they can improve. Her advice included having stronger passes, and not doing lobs unless there was no other way to pass the ball. As the game progressed, the team became much more fluent in their passes and worked together like one machine. Overall, it was an amazing end to their season, and they look forward to playing again next year.
The TAR05 team had a great start to the game. It was a hard and tough game, but everyone played their best. The girls tied with Abbotsleigh 24-24 with Evie B scoring the final goal in the last 4 seconds. Verity A helped control the game to keep the attack end strong and fed the ball into the circle efficiency. Olivia H and Orla A also assisted with this. The defence worked together to catch rebounds and turn over the ball. The girls enjoyed their intense final game of the season and enjoyed everyone’s support!
The TAR06 team played exceptionally well on the weekend against Meriden. Anna W and Emma K shot outstanding goals. Through the girl’s teamwork and high-level skills the girls ended up winning the game. The girls loved this game as everyone ran onto the court cheering!
The TAR07 team played against Loreto Normanhurst on the weekend! The girls played well and enjoyed their last game of the season. All the girls had strong passes with both defence and attacking skills helping to get the ball into the circle where the shooters shot amazing goals!
The TARA08 team played exceptionally well on the weekend against Danebank. Ruby O and Ivy K had amazing ball skills throughout the mid court! All the girls on the team enjoyed their last game of the season and enjoyed working together.
The TAR09 team played against PLC Sydney on the weekend. The girls played amazing in their final game! The team managed to get a final goal in the last 3 minutes meaning they had won the game. This is an improvement considering they had tied the past two games! The girls enjoyed playing together and the overall season.
Mena T - Football Captain
Round 6
S03 Tara 1 vs Ascham 2, Win, 2-0
J03 Tara 2 vs St Scholastica’s 3, Loss, 0-5
Round 7
S03 Tara 1 vs Monte 3, Draw, 2-2
J03 Tara 2 vs St Scholastica’s 2, Loss, 1-2
Round 7
This week the Tara firsts played Monte for a spot in the top 4. We played a strong game where our defence had to do a lot of work to keep their strikers out of our goal. We managed to come away with a 2-2 draw meaning we finished third and will go to the semis next week.
This week the Tara seconds played STS who were a tough team. Despite their strong defence, we managed to break away and score a goal. Unfortunately we lost 1-2 yet played strong and cohesively.
Abbey V - Basketball Captain
Round 6
S01 Tara 1 vs St Scholastica’s 1, Loss, 19-32
S04 Tara 2 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 4, Win, 29-27
J01 Tara 3 vs Kambala 4, Loss, 17-33
J04 Tara 4 vs Wenona 10, Win, 32-18
J05 Tara 5 vs Kambala 6, Win, 26-6
Y702 Tara 6 vs Santa Sabina 5, Win, 45-15
Y703 Tara 7 vs Wenona 14, Loss, 10-16
Y703 Tara 8 vs Santa Sabina 5, Loss, 18-21
Round 7
S01 Tara 1 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 1, Loss, 12-81
S04 Tara 2 vs Wenona 3, Win, 33-18
J01 Tara 3 vs St Catherine’s 4, Loss, 14-37
J04 Tara 4 vs Wenona 9, Loss, 29-39
J05 Tara 5 vs Danebank 4, Win, 44-7
Y702 Tara 6 vs St Scholastica’s 3, Win, 32-18
Y703 Tara 7 vs Danebank 6, Win. 16-4
Y703 Tara 8 vs Wenona 14, Loss, 5-8
Anika P - Hockey Captain
Round 6
S05 Tara 1 vs Queenwood 2, Loss, 0-2
J03 Tara 2 vs Ascham 6, Loss, 0-5
Round 7
S05 Tara 1 vs Ravenswood 2, Loss, 0-3
J03 Tara 2 vs Roseville 5, Loss, 0-2
Round 6
Although losing the game, the Tara firsts played their best game of the season on Saturday. The played a great defensive and offensive game, working hard to pass through the wings and try find those breakthroughs throughout the entire game. Jemimah B and Milly A did a great job this game, working hard to tackle and fight for the ball. Great job girls!
Our Junior team also tried hard, improving a lot and learning to dribble and pass effectively. They excelled in their defence, being able to sweep it away from the goals multiple times.
Round 7
For the last game of the season, both teams had unfortunate losses. However, both our Junior and Senior 1sts have improved so much since the first game. Passing and on-field communication in our Senior team was really great this game and Tara was able to win the ball many times. Great job to all of the Year 12's who played their last game and were able to enjoy it with a great team. I am so proud of the improvement that every student has shown in tackling, dribbling and passing.
Our Juniors also played a tough last game, but they did a great job playing their hardest and applying all the skills they learnt in training. Belita K did a really good job this week, playing well and helping the team.
Can't wait to see everyone playing again next year!
NSW Schoolgirls Table Tennis Cup Grand Final
Last Friday, Ally Z and Justine W competed in the NSW Schoolgirls Table Tennis Cup. The standard of play was exceptional, to the point where rally’s were so fast you couldn’t track the ball. They came away with the Gold after a nail biting Grand Final against Sydney Girls High 3 games to 2!
IGSA Athletics Carnival
Cameron K - Athletics Captain
The successes of Tara Anglican School for Girls at the recent Independent Girls' Schools' Association (IGSA) Athletics Carnival is a testament to the dedication and talent of our athletes.
The carnival, which took place on 25 August at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre, witnessed a series of outstanding performances, solidifying the school's reputation for excellence. Many of the School's high achieving athletes came together and performed exceptionally well on the day, representing Tara with pride. Some outstanding performances are recognised below:
Elianna H. achieved a remarkable 3rd place in javelin!
Zayla T. secured a 2nd place in the 800m race!
Cheslea C. finished at an impressive 4th place in the Long Jump event!
Jessica C. earned a well-deserved 4th place in discus!
The IGSA Athletics Carnival served as a platform for not only showcasing individual talent but also fostering sportsmanship among the participants. Tara Anglican School for Girls demonstrated its values of teamwork and discipline throughout the day as girls cheered each other on and tried their best in all events!
Well done Tara Girls!
Tara Dance
Meghann B - Dance Captain
On Sunday 27 August, the Tara dance team was given the opportunity to perform and compete at The Hills Dance Spectacular Eisteddfod amongst other schools. The girls performed two dances, a Jazz dance to ‘Another One Bites the Dust’, and a lyrical dance called ‘Dark Matter’. All the dancers had an amazing time, and it was a great opportunity for them to showcase the skills that they have been working on since Term 1.
Well done to; Charlotte L (Year 7), Nikkie Z (Year 7), Simar C (Year 7), Aurelia C (Year 7), May M (Year 8), Alisha S (Year 8), Sophie B (Year 8), Josie B (Year 8), Titi T (Year 8), Sophie N (Year 9), Ruby L (Year 9), Lara W (Year 9), Raelene W (Year 9), Arushi C (Year 10) and Meghann B (Year 11).
Sport News
State Snowsports
Selina F - Snowsports Captain
We had a competitive week with 10 girls competing in the State Snowsports Competition. Excellent job everyone on your amazing efforts in the races. We had some amazing results from the Junior School divisions.
In Division 4, Vellesca M came 16th in Alpine, 19th in Moguls and 7th in Ski X. Our Division 5 team scored 5th in Ski Cross and 4th in Moguls. They had amazing individual results with Cellena coming 28th in Alpine, 22nd in Ski X and 20th in Moguls; along with Jemima C coming 16th in Alpine, Ski X and Moguls.
In Senior School we had our Division 2 team race in Alpine and came 12th overall and Jemima B racing in Div 2 Ski X. In Division 3 we had Ashleigh F racing in both Ski X and Alpine. In Division 1 we had Caitlin I racing both Ski X and Alpine and came 36th and 27th in the respective races. We also had our Cross-Country team that came 10th with Jemima B qualifying for Nationals. Unfortunately due to weather conditions the National event will not take place this year.
Careers News
Careers Newsletters - JobJump
All girls in Years 7-12 are encouraged to read this newsletter every week on the Canvas Careers page.
There are some great events and opportunities coming up! Learn more about them via the links below.
Careers Newsletter - 31 August 2023
For more information please contact Mr David Berridge via email -