Term 1, Week 9, 2020
General News
Parent volunteers for the HSC
Can you help?
Disability provisions provide students with practical support to access, ie read and respond to, the Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams. In providing disability provisions for the HSC exams, NESA complies with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, issued under the DDA.
Disability provisions are one way that NESA ensures there are reasonable adjustments available to students with disability so that they can access and participate in the HSC on the same basis as students without disability.
At Tara, we are developing a pool of helpers who can read and/or scribe for our students during the HSC. If you have a current Working with Children Check and are available to support our wonderful students from Wednesday October 11 to Friday November 3, please contact Mrs Alex Pottie, Head of Diverse Learning, at apottie@tara.nsw.edu.au as soon as possible. Training will be provided and you will need to sign a confidentiality document.
If you have any questions about the provisions process, please contact Mrs Alex Pottie on the above email or on (02) 8838 2607.
From the Director of Boarding
Benefits of Boarding at Tara
Samantha Cocks - Director of Boarding
I was recently approached to contribute to an article about “What makes boarding school still relevant in contemporary Australian life?”. As I thought about this question, I realised that boarding schools are not only necessary, but they are essential for many families. When we think of boarding school, we might have that image of an antiquated institution governed by strict matrons and harsh living conditions, designed to fix unruly children.
Boarding has come a long way since then, it is no longer a place where children are fed, watered and sent to school. These outdated practices have been replaced with extensive support structures and opportunities which provide families with a wealth of choice to cater for the needs of individual families, whether they are local, rural or international.
Below are some of my thoughts on the benefits of boarding today.
Choice and Flexibility
At Tara we have three types of boarders: rural, international and local. The benefits for each of these boarders are often quite different. For many rural and regional families, boarding provides the chance for a quality education as schools are often difficult to access in remote areas. This is also true for sporting opportunities. Tara being so close to Olympic Park and its facilities is beneficial for up-and-coming athletes. International boarders are able to experience school life in another country where they can develop their English skills and experience a different culture. While our local families enjoy the flexibility boarding offers and the reduced driving hours. Their daughters can participate in all that Tara has to offer and then come home for the weekend to relax.
Academic Excellence
Boarding eliminates distractions and offers an environment conducive to focused learning. With dedicated study times and academic support that covers all subject areas, students have the opportunity to delve deeper into their studies and achieve their academic potential. Teachers and tutors are readily available for guidance, ensuring that students receive the assistance they need to excel.
Diverse Cultural Exposure
Our boarding community is a tapestry of cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. Interacting with peers from around the world provides our students with a rich cultural experience that expands their global awareness and understanding. This exposure fosters open-mindedness, empathy and a global perspective, essential qualities in today's interconnected world.
Lifelong Friendships
Boarding friendships often turn into lifelong connections. The shared experiences, challenges and triumphs create strong bonds that endure well beyond graduation. Alumni often reminisce about the unique camaraderie and lifelong friendships formed during their boarding years. Eggleton House caters for boarders from Years 5-12 and this vertical structure allows the girls to mix across age groups which results in more sisterly bonds.
Extracurricular Engagement
The close-knit boarding community facilitates participation in a wide range of extracurricular activities. From sports to arts, leadership roles to community service, our boarders have ample opportunities to explore their passions and discover new talents. These experiences contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals who are prepared to excel in various facets of life.
Holistic Personal Development
Boarding provides an immersive environment that encourages independence, self-reliance and responsibility. Living away from home challenges our students to manage their time effectively, make their own decisions, and become well-rounded individuals who are better prepared for the challenges of adulthood. Our wellbeing and life skills programs assist in developing the skills needed to thrive. While the structured routine of boarding life nurtures strong organisational skills, resilience and a sense of discipline that underpins success in academics and life beyond the school gates.
Supportive Community
Our boarding staff provide a nurturing and supportive environment that ensures the wellbeing of each student. From academic guidance to emotional support, our staff forms a close-knit community that becomes a second family for our boarders, creating a home away from home. When issues arise our boarders have access to our dedicated nurses and psychologists who ensure their health and wellbeing are fully supported. Our in-house chefs create restaurant quality food, which is much appreciated after a hard day at school. The spiritual wellbeing of the boarders is supported by the Senior School youth worker, who comes to dinner twice a week to chat with the girls. Her insights provide a positive, hopeful and biblical perspective of the world.
Boarding is a training ground for life that has progressed so much from the outdated methods of the past. It provides our families with opportunities that may not be possible otherwise, making it a valuable and necessary component of contemporary Australian life.
As Term 3 comes to an end, we look forward to farewelling our current Year 12 boarders, including our Head Boarder, Jet and Deputy Head Boarder, Imogen. These girls have successfully worked together over the last year to create a very settled and connected house. They have provided a variety of events that the boarders will remember fondly. This term the incoming leadership team for 2023/24 consisting of Head Boarder, Charli and Deputy Head Boarder, Abby have been shadowing our current leaders and making plans for 2024. We look forward to hearing their vision soon.
Thank you to all our boarding families at Eggleton House for entrusting us with the privilege of guiding and nurturing your daughters. Together, we create a community where each student can flourish academically, socially and personally.
The Best of Both Worlds - Local Weekly Boarding at Tara
At Tara we are evolving to adapt to the changing needs of students and their families recognising longer working hours for parents, growing travel times and an increased demand for flexibility.
We offer local weekly boarding as a Best of Both Worlds option for city based students. This provides the choice for our Sydney and surrounding area families to access boarding options for their daughters.
Weekly boarding provides a supportive and nurturing environment with the benefits of having the opportunity to be at home for all or part of the weekend.
Your daughter will appreciate the structured environment of boarding in Eggleton House with access to academic staff. Weekly boarding can teach self management, self reliance, cooperation, and cultivate friendships.
All senior school students are welcome to take advantage of becoming a Tara weekly boarder and benefit from:
- Structured routine allowing students to develop good study habits prior to the HSC;
- Academic assistance tutors and teachers are available Monday to Thursday from 6.30-8.30pm to assist with academic concerns;
- Wellbeing Program teaches boarders skills to improve their wellbeing, essential life skills needed for adult life and independence;
- Delicious food removes the need to make lunch, with all food taken care of;
- Caring regular staff on duty throughout the week have our boarders’ best interests at heart;
- Homely environment (vertical structure) with a maximum of 60 boarders allows students to mingle across year groups;
- Private rooms for Year 11 and 12 boarders;
- Easy access to sport, cocurricular and before/after school classes with no transport/travelling concerns;
- Home for weekends to relax with family.
Changing from a day girl to a boarder is straight forward with no interview required.
Enrolments for 2024 need to be received by the end of Term 4 2023.
Have any questions?
We invite you to contact our Director of Boarding who is available via email boarding@tara.nsw.edu.au
From Enrolments
Enrolment Reminder
From the Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Bookings
Is your daughter moving into Year 7 or Year 10 in 2024? Have you booked your Uniform Shop timeslot to purchase the correct uniform for these grades?
Uniform Shop bookings are open for families with daughters moving into Year 7 or Year 10 in 2024. To arrange your timeslot please contact the Uniform Shop on 02 8838 2646.
Uniform Shop Payment Method
The uniform shop will be accepting ONLY credit card payments (MasterCard/Visa) from 1 September.
Uniform Shop Open - Saturday 2 September
The Tara Uniform Shop will be open Saturday 2 September from 9am - 12pm.
Community Events
Tara Dads Club - Dads & Daughters Camp 2023
The Tara Dads Club are excited to extend an invitation to all the Tara dads and their daughters for a memorable camping trip that promises bonding, laughter, and lifelong memories. The camping trip will be held at the NRMA Ocean Beach Holiday Resort, Umina on Friday 17 November and Saturday 18 November. There is an option to attend one night only. There are limited places so please book early to avoid disappointment.
RSVP – Friday 20 October 2023
Future Community Events
Saturday 25 November: P&F and TDC - Carols in the Colonnade
If you have any questions about Community or have ideas to share, please email the Community Liaison Manager, Mrs Jodie Doyle at community@tara.nsw.edu.au
We would love to have parent and carers views on social and fundraising opportunities.
Tara Community News
Tara Community Prayer
In Chapel this term, Tara has been exploring the topic of Prayer; learning that God loves to listen to us and delights to give us good gifts. Prayer also reminds us that in a world that sometimes seems chaotic and confusing, God is always in control. It is for these reasons we are going to gather as a Tara Community to pray for our School.
The Chaplaincy team along with students from across the School will lead us in prayers of thanksgiving as well as asking God to remember the needs of our School and the world. We invite everyone who considers themselves a member of the Tara Community to join us for a light breakfast and a time of prayer together in the Tara Chapel.
Date: Wednesday, 30 August 2023
Time: 7:30am - 8:15am
Location: Tara Chapel
Please click the link below to RSVP for catering purposes.
Welcome Jodie Doyle - Community Liaison Manager
We are thrilled to announce Jodie Doyle as the newest member of our team, taking on the role of Community Liaison Manager. Jodie's extensive experience, gained from her previous positions at Pymble Ladies’ College and Redlands in Cremorne, makes her an exceptional addition to our community.
What sets Jodie apart is not only her professional background but also her personal perspective. As a parent to two daughters who are already part of the Tara family, Jodie brings with her a deep understanding of our community's values and aspirations. Her insights, drawn from her dual roles as an event professional and a parent within Tara, are sure to bring a fresh and invaluable dimension to our collaborative efforts.
Jodie's dedication to fostering meaningful connections and her passion for creating a vibrant and inclusive community align perfectly with Tara's ethos. Her role as Community Liaison Manager will undoubtedly enable us to strengthen existing relationships and forge new ones, enhancing the overall experience for everyone involved.
Please join us in welcoming Jodie and we look forward to the positive impact she will undoubtedly make as we continue to grow and thrive together.
Jodie can be contacted on the following:
Phone: 02 8838 2635
Email: jdoyle@tara.nsw.edu.au
Sports Café
Thank you to all of the families that have volunteered their time to help out in the Sports Café. The next opening date of the canteen is Saturday 2 September and assistance is required for all timeslots. If you would like to help out in the Sports Café, please email:
Tara Old Girls' Association
The Annual General Meeting of the Tara Old Girls' Association will be held on Wednesday 30 August from 7:30pm in the Council Meeting Room. New committee members are warmly welcomed.
All Tara Old Girls are encouraged to follow the Tara Old Girls' Association and Alumni Facebook page to stay in contact and up to date with our community.
Tara Old Girls Association Facebook page
Junior School News
Year 5 excursion to Ku-ring-gai National Park
Cynthia and Coco - Year 5
The excursion to Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park was a blast! The Year 5 classes have been learning about how competing interests shape places, in our 'Sharing the Planet' inquiry unit. Understanding the importance of preserving our natural heritage and the culture of the Aboriginal people has been really interesting. There were fun activities like drawing Powerful Owls, going on bushwalks, and much more! We also learnt about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and what Powerful Owls do and eat.
We learnt how the Powerful Owl has adapted to this environment and learnt about the impact of humankind on animal life. Much of the fauna around the area is being harmed by human impact. We drew the Powerful Owl in booklets that were supplied to us. Powerful owls generally eat possums, smaller birds and bugs. They are nocturnal.
Then we explored the Ku-ring-gai rainforest. We saw lots of new and cool plants and trees during the walk, the tour guide showed us all the diverse types of special trees and plants that grow in the beautiful Ku-ring-gai rainforest. At the end of our hike, we were fortunate to enjoy lunch and just listen to the sounds of nature. Our guide reminded us of how important it is to be mindful of our surroundings and enjoy what God has created.
We also saw a carving in a stone during a hike into the rainforest. We learnt the proper spelling of Ku-ring-gai was actually GuriNgai. ‘Guri’ meaning men, and ‘Ngai’ meaning women. The carving indicated that it was a place where Aboriginal people sat and learned. Just like we were learning that day. The tour guide explained why they didn’t put a sign up for the carving. It was because if we draw attention to the carving, people could vandalise it and destroy history.
We had a wonderful and fun experience at Ku-ring-gai National Park, and we definitely learned lots of new things there!
Write a Book in a Day
Wendy Abernethy - Dean of Learning E-6 (PYP)
On Monday 14 August, selected Tara girls from Year 5 worked with selected Year 5 students from The King’s Preparatory School on the Write a Book in a Day challenge. They had to ideate, write, edit and illustrate a book within a 12 hour timeframe. The commitment, creativity and collaboration shown by the girls were extraordinary. In teams of 6, students were given set parameters to include in their stories. They spent time crafting different settings, inventing characters, and plotting events, with consideration to using flashbacks, twists and foreshadowing to enhance their work. It was important to decide on the style, tone and point of view for telling their story, as well as the main message. Teams worked flexibly and respectfully, considering different perspectives as they decided how each chapter would connect. Each team had an allocated illustrator to create a unique set of visuals for the books.
Congratulations to each girl who participated in the competition and thank you to Ms Cordwell for her enthusiastic support. The Write a Book in a Day process can be challenging at times, but it was pleasing to see how collaboration, active listening and a willingness to compromise when needed, led to a successful and productive experience for all students. The 8 teams sought sponsorship from families and friends to raise money for the Kid’s Cancer Project with excellent results. A copy of each book will be put into hospitals around Australia for sick kids to enjoy.
Please visit the Junior School Library to enjoy reading the complete stories.
Kindergarten visit Calmsley Hill City Farm
This term, we are learning how living things depend on each other. In Week 5, as part of our inquiry, we visited Calmsley Hill City Farm. We learnt that plants and animals give us so many of the things we need. We loved watching the sheep shearing show to find out where wool comes from, milking a cow to learn where dairy products come from and visiting the vegetable garden to learn how herbs and vegetables are grown. Some of the excursion highlights were the tractor ride and visiting the farmyard nursery where we were able to pat the chicks and baby bunnies.
Senior School News
Business Studies and Legal Studies leads to Law and Commerce at UNSW
Former student Dhara Narsey who is currently studying Law and Commerce at UNSW joined our Business Studies class last Thursday to pass on her tips on how to excel in the Business Studies HSC. Dhara finished in 2021 and shared that being on the All Rounders list, achieving a band 6 in all of her subjects was a goal that she achieved.
She shared that the key to success included collaborating and sharing with her peers. They all worked together and would have Teams calls every night to plan essays and extended responses for Business Studies. As well as this she always tried to stay ahead of the class in learning new content so she would be seeing it for a second time in class. Learning through memorising the syllabus acronyms was an effective study tool as well as writing out notes from multiple sources, flashcards, quizlet and of course completing examination papers under timed conditions. She said her motivation came from within as she wanted to achieve personal satisfaction and her family were her greatest support network.
We are so grateful to Dhara for taking the time to share her knowledge and teach our current students about the careers that are available in this area.
Years 7 and 8 Music Concert
Tosajuku High School visits Tara
For the past four weeks, Tara has hosted 12 students from our sister school in Japan, Tosajuku High School.
This is the first time in four years that we have been able to run this exchange program and there was much excitement for everyone involved.
The Japanese girls had a wonderful time participating in the Tara School community and sharing their beautiful culture with a traditional dance presentation in assembly.
They enriched all of our Japanese classes, providing many opportunities for our girls to practise their Japanese and learn first hand about life in Japan.
This exchange program could not happen without the amazing support of our Tara School families who hosted these students.
Thank you for your wonderful generosity and support. It is greatly appreciated.
In the September holidays this year, twenty three Year 10 and 11 students from Tara will travel to Japan and stay with host families at Tosajuku High School.
Science Week
National Science Week’s theme this year was Innovation: Powering Future Industries, which helps us to consider the advancement in technology in all industries, especially using artificial intelligence (AI). In our Science lessons, students are regularly challenged to consider how our understanding has changed and how Science applies both in our general lives as well as how it might in the future. Science week was embraced during Week 5 at Tara.
A small group of Year 11 Biology students attended the Westmead Institute of Medical Research to hear about current research areas. They attended one lecture on the use of cell therapy to cure disease by A/Prof Kenneth Micklethwaite and another on understanding Alzheimer's Disease by Dr Isabella Breukklaar. It was a great opportunity for students to see Science in the real world and learn more about the research process.
During the week, students and staff were challenged to solve daily riddles about different scientific things. There was much competition amongst all to be the first to submit the correct answer at the nominated time. The corridor conversations about each riddle was encouraging as options were cancelled out through careful contemplation.
On Wednesday, there was a lunchtime Science show where Mrs Young and staff did some chemistry experiments including elephant’s toothpaste and the great glassware race. To finish this time, students and staff conducted an experiment to find out how many rubber bands it takes to implode a watermelon. For the watermelon we used, it took 213 rubber bands for the spectacular result!
Financial Literacy - ASX Share Market Game
Angelina - Year 10
In Financial Literacy, we began our journey learning about the ASX share market game. Each student is given a total of $50,000 virtual money and the choice to invest all of it or some of it on the stock market. Each student is implementing their own strategies to come out on top and make the most profit. The higher the risk the higher the return and don’t put all of your eggs in one basket are familiar sayings that we are learning more about. After the first day of investing, Keira spent $49,900 in total and purchased $12,000 worth of shares in Commonwealth alone.
It has been such a fun start to the competition and so good to see everyone taking risks in purchasing thousands of shares in well-known companies, with even some students investing all their money and “living life on the edge” because why not!
The class hopes to come back next lesson and see that we have made $10,000 .
We have had so much engagement for this activity that students from other subjects and year groups are asking us if they too can jump on board and try and win the ASX Schools sharemarket game.
Wellbeing Awareness Week
Bernice T and Mehervir G - Year 10 SRC
Two weeks ago was the Wellbeing Awareness Week, an initiative dedicated to all Tara students and staff highlighting the focus on wellbeing. Over the weeks leading up to the event, the Year 10 SRC spent time working in the D&T rooms tracing and painting large wooden letters that spelt out the word “WELLBEING”. These letters were placed on display in the colonnade for the whole week, serving as a daily reminder for all girls to be more aware of their wellbeing.
Additionally, there were flower cutouts prepared for girls to write a message on, relating to the theme for the day. Each day represented a different aspect of wellbeing and a different coloured flower, all featured in daily emails that included tips to improve that component of wellbeing. The first day was physical wellbeing with blue flowers, then self-care with pink flowers, emotional wellbeing with green flowers, mental wellbeing with yellow flowers and finally, care for others with purple flowers. On the last day, the first 20 girls who showed that they had written on all 5 flowers throughout the week were gifted with free self-care products.
The girls were asked to write down either what they are doing for themselves in that area of wellbeing, suggest ways to improve it, or could write affirmations to friends and family. What the girls enjoyed most about this was being able to interact with and contribute to a school-wide event, as well as the extra sweets offered at the display.
Overall, the event was very successful as it gave girls time to stop for a moment and reflect on their wellbeing and promoted the important message about balancing all aspects of our health.
Return and Earn Scheme Update
Henri, on behalf of the Environmental Committee
Thank you to everyone who has already been contributing to the newly established Return and Earn scheme. Here’s an update on what we have achieved so far. Another thanks to all for placing your plastic bottles, cans and recyclables into Henri and Ernie, which has enabled this initiative to get off the ground.
So far we have collected 233 bottles and cans in the first five weeks. Our target was 500, so we achieved 47%.
Reminder – Ernie is located outside the Main Staffroom near the Cafeteria and Henri is located at the bottom of New Limen near the Year 7 Lockers.
Thank you to all staff and students for supporting this initiative.
Tara Tigers at the HSC Showcase
Dana - Hake Prefect 2023-2024
On Wednesday 16 August, many of our Tara tigers stepped up and represented Tara by attending the Year 12 HSC showcase. It was a spectacular night, with the Year 12 students showcasing all the work they had put in over the past year in their major works to Tara students, parents and teachers. From historical essays, short films and musical and drama performances, there was a wide variety of projects that the Tara tigers attended and supported the Year 12 girls at. Overall, it was a great night and opportunity for the Tara tigers to attend!
Jeans & Jersey Day
Ruti and Grace - Year 9 SRC
On Friday 1 September, Year 9 SRC is hosting Jeans and Jersey Day! This day celebrates the gift of life that Nathan Gremmo gave to six people when he became an organ donor at the age of 13. At lunchtime on the day there will be many games held like a netball shootout, a soccer penalty shootout, a passing the ball, and throwing a ball into a bucket challenge in order to win some prizes that the Jersey Day association has gifted to the school. On this day, students and staff are able to come to school in their favourite sporting jerseys and jeans to start a conversation about the importance of becoming an organ donor as well as bringing in a gold coin donation for the donate life network.
Senior Sport
Oxley College Interschools - Equestrian
Rubie - Equestrian Captain
On 20 August, I competed at Oxley College Interschools, held at Bong Bong Racecourse, Bowral. I competed in a variety of events including Show Riding, Dressage, Show Jumping and Horsemanship.
Show Riding:
2nd - Best Presented
1st - Pleasure
2nd - Hack
Reserve Champion Rider Year 11-12
Novice 2.2 - Overall Champion Year 11-12
1st 75cm Year 11-12
1st - Fastest time of the day.
My horse River and I came home with Year 11-12 Overall Age Champion. It was a great way to end Interschool competitions. Thank you to Oxley College for putting on a great day!!
Skye A - Netball Captain
Round 4
S05 Tara 1 vs Queenwood 2, Win, 24-20
S09 Tara 2 vs Loreto Normanhurst 6, Win, 19-14
S14 Tara 3 vs Meriden 6, Draw, 13-13
S17 Tara 4 vs Meriden 8, Loss, 9-16
J03 Tara 5 vs Roseville 12, Loss, 14-30
J12 Tara 6 vs Ascham 9, Loss, 12-14
J14 Tara 7 vs Abbotsleigh 30, Win, 9-6
Y705 Tara 8 vs Brigidine 24, Loss, 4-26
Y708 Tara 9 vs Frensham 12, Loss, 6-11
Round 5
S05 Tara 1 vs Ascham 2, Loss, 17-24
S09 Tara 2 vs Queenwood 5, Win, Forfeit QUE
S14 Tara 3 vs Frensham 5, Loss, 5-20
S17 Tara 4 vs Frensham 6, Loss, 8-14
J03 Tara 5 vs St Vincent’s 8, Loss, 10-34
J12 Tara 6 vs St Vincent’s 13, Win, 21-14
J14 Tara 7 vs Queenwood 14, Loss, 6-19
Y705 Tara 8 vs St Vincent’s 17, Loss, 7-2
Y708 Tara 9 vs Loreto Normanhurst 26, Draw, 15-15
Round 4
This round the Tara senior firsts netball team played against Queenwood. The girls played exceptionally well eventually gaining a lead from the continuous tie of goals. The girls showed awesome skills in the mid court and circle. Charli H and Sue J shot some winning goals. Skye A, Bernice T and Jess Z had amazing drives down the court into the circle. Olivia H caught outstanding intercepts contributing to the girl’s victory. Eliza M had the most encouraging spirit throughout the game! The result of the game was 24-20! The girls are super happy with the win and can’t wait for the next few weeks.
The Tara 02 team played a close game against Loreto Normanhurst on the weekend. Chelsea K and Jovana K both played exceptionally, driving for the ball.
Tara 3 had an intense and thrilling game against Meriden, with a resulting draw of 13-13. The last few minutes had everyone on the sidelines screaming, especially Cahyun K and Jasleen K with great enthusiasm. Janavika H showed her brilliant shooting skills and Elisha K played strategically working the centre court. Overall, it was an exciting game!
Tara 04 played against Meriden 08 and it was an intense game with the first two quarters being incredibly close in score, often with a only one point difference or tied score. Star players included Joy and Carol, who shot many goals after our team was able to secure the ball and get it into the goal circle. Our two centre players, Eva and Kaylee, were able to effortlessly use shoulder, chest and bounce passes to get the ball down to our shooting goal. Our multiple defence players were also able to block the other team from scoring, with many rebounds and interceptions acquired. Overall, we worked extremely well together as a team and are looking forward to our games in the next few weeks.
Despite an overall loss Tara 05 played an amazing first half of the game. The mid court worked together as the ball flew down the court and our shooters shot well. Some great intercepts and rebounds were caught by the defence.
The Tara junior seconds played a very close match against Ascham which resulted in only a narrow loss. The game was a lot of fun and they learnt a lot from their match. The girls played well in the 3rd quarter, but unfortunately let the score slip in the 4th. The shooters put a lot of good shots in, and although they lost, the defenders kept the score low. Emma K shot some great goals and Danbi S played well by breaking and assisted the team in getting the ball across the court. The game ended with a 12-14 score. The girls are looking forward to improving as a team!
The Tara Year 7 first team played against Brigidine on the weekend. Charlotte L had good shooting in the circle and all the girls showed good communication throughout the game. The girls enjoyed their game this week and are super excited for next weeks!
The Tara Year 7 second team played against Frensham on the weekend. The girls played exceptionally well and showed excellent communication throughout the game!
Round 5
The Tara SO5 team played against Ascham on the weekend. The girls went into the game with positive mindsets feeling confident from the awesome win last week. Throughout the game the girls showed preliminary movements helping our efficient drives towards the ball. Although the loss, the team managed to motivate each other as the game gradually became more intense.
This week Tara 3 travelled to Mittagong in chilly weather to verse Frensham, unfortunately resulting in a loss. However, we saw some great defence in the circle from Zara S and quick strategic movements from Shirley C. Although the wind was strong and the weather freezing, Tara 3 had great fun and are excited for next week’s game!
Last Saturday's game was at Frensham, and Tara 04 played to our very best despite the cold weather. The first quarter went extremely well, where we were up by 4 points thanks to our GS and GA, Joy and Carol. Our defence players also did very well by intercepting the ball and getting it down the court to our shooting goal. We had improved drastically from the previous weeks, where our coach Charlotte gave us valuable advice and tips on what to improve. One of these tips included making sure to call out the name of the person we were passing to, and this helped us immensely as our passes became tighter and there were less lost balls. Altogether, we had played very well and are excited for our next game at Five Dock Leisure Centre.
Despite an overall loss, Tara 05 played an amazing game working all together with new positions to most girls. The mid court worked together as the ball flew down the court and the shooters shot well. Some great intercepts and rebounds were caught by the defence throughout the game.
The Tara 06 team played against Queenwood on the weekend. Clare C and Vicky Y showed excellent ball skills. The girls had encouraging enthusiasm throughout the game contributing to their efforts getting the ball down the court. The girls enjoyed their game this week and are excited for next weeks!
The Tara Year 7 firsts played St Vincent’s on the weekend. Throughout the game the girls demonstrated fantastic teamwork. Charlotte L had excellent shooting skills with Ivy K finding good space down the court and having strong passes.
The Tara Year 7 seconds played against Loreto Normanhurst on the weekend. The girls showed excellent team spirit and are keen for next week’s game. Thalia G and Sandy H had excellent drives for the ball with Vicky Z and Harleen K showing strong passes.
Mena T - Football Captain
Round 4
S03 Tara 1 vs Kambala 2, Loss, 1-2
J03 Tara 2 vs Loreto Kirribilli 5, Loss, 1-4
Round 5
S03 Tara 1 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 2, Win, 5-0
J03 Tara 2 vs St Vincent’s 4, Loss, 0-2
Round 4
The Tara firsts played a tough game against Kambala. Tara put up a good fight, working well as a team by converting many balls from defence to attack. Unfortunately, they went down 1-2. We congratulate Tori for scoring that goal within a corner kick.
The Tara seconds played a tough game against Loreto, their defence was strong and attack effective to enable a goal to be scored. They were defeated 1-4 but put up a good fight and worked extremely well as a team.
Round 5
In Round 5 the Tara firsts played Kincoppal, where they fought hard the whole game coming away with a 5-0 win. Their chemistry and passing was strong to get the ball through to the strikers as well as their defence in keeping the clean sheet.
The Tara seconds played a solid game against SVC who were a strong side. Our defence was tight and played hard in keeping the ball out, yet unfortunately they conceded two goals losing 0-2. The team fought to the very end and had a few opportunities at goal.
Abbey V - Basketball Captain
Round 4
S01 Tara 1 vs Wenona 1, Loss, 12-51
S04 Tara 2 vs SCEGGS 3, Win, 27-14
J01 Tara 3 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 7, Loss, 28-34
J04 Tara 4 vs Santa Sabina 3, Loss, 23-44
J05 Tara 5 vs Wenona 11, Win, 29-13
Y702 Tara 6 vs Wenona 13, Win, 11-7
Y703 Tara 7 vs SCEGGS 11, Win, 8-6
Y703 Tara 8 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 13, Win, 25-8
Round 5
S01 Tara 1 vs Monte 1, Loss, 10-90
S04 Tara 2 vs SCEGGS 2, Loss, 18-21
J01 Tara 3 vs Wenona 5, Loss, 28-58
J04 Tara 4 vs Monte 5, Loss, 12-18
J05 Tara 5 vs SCEGGS 8, Win, 15-3
Y702 Tara 6 vs St Vincent’s 5, Win, 18-2
Y703 Tara 7 vs Santa Sabina 5, Loss, 6-12
Y703 Tara 8 vs Danebank 6, Draw 20-20
Anika P - Hockey Captain
Round 4
S05 Tara 1 vs MLC 2, Loss, 0-5
J03 Tara 2 vs Loreto Kirribilli 7, Loss, 0-5
Round 5
S05 Tara 1 vs Kambala 2, Loss, 0-3
J03 Tara 2 vs Queenwood 3, Loss, 1-5
Round 4
Unfortunately, both Tara teams have suffered losses this week. Our first team had some great offensive runs and were able to move the ball around the circle with the help of Inika N. Our communication on the field has been improving, allowing us to work better as a team. The junior team have also improved with their tackling skills and their defensive playing.
Round 5
While both teams lost this week, our junior team had their first goal of the season, scored by Lavinia C! Great work girls, your hockey skills have shown so much improvement this term in your dribbling and passing. Our senior team also worked a lot harder in offense this game with some very close goals by Imogen B. Maleeha B did a great job in goals as well, defending many shots from the other team.
Sport News
New Fitness Centre
Skye - Sport Prefect 2023-2024
With the new Aquatic Centre and Sports Precinct, Tara was able to redevelop and grow the existing fitness centre. In collaboration with gym supplier AlphaFit, our onsite qualified exercise physiologist Mr Will Bickersteth, was able to design and fit out our new strength and conditioning space. This space has views over the relandscaped Main Oval and Aquatic Centre. The new facility features modern bikes and treadmills as well as six new squat racks, two multi-functional trainers and a wide array of other free-weight equipment. We are excited to see how these new and upgraded spaces enable our students to develop strong, healthy habits for a lifetime of physical activity, and support the fitness and development of girls in their sporting programs. The rowers in particular enjoy using the fitness centre as the equipment is of high quality and the space is an improvement as it is bigger, and it allows all girls to train together.
Rhythmic Gymnastics News
Congratulations to Lucinda P (Year 9) for her participation at the Gymnastics NSW Intermediate State Championships held on 19-20 August at Michael Clarke Recreation Centre, Carnes Hill.
Lucinda competed her Level 5 hoop and clubs routine placing 20th hoop and 23rd in clubs in the state!
Head Coach Rachel is pleased with Lucinda’s achievements and we look forward to her next competition in the Gold Coast at the end of Term 3 – Good luck for the next competition this season!
Tara Gymnastics News
The Tara gymnasts have been working hard and entering many competitions over the past month.
Our beautiful youngest Level 2 gymnasts achieved amazing results at their competition receiving many blue and red ribbons across every apparatus.
The dedicated Level 3 and 4 gymnasts competed in a recent State Qualifier competition and all performed extremely well. Congratulations to Bethany S, Eloise R and Tiana G for qualifying to represent Metropolitan West at the upcoming State Championships. A special mention to Mirna I for qualifying as the reserve for this event.
We also had our amazing Level 5 gymnasts compete against an extremely talented group of athletes from across the State. They competed well with many personal goals achieved. A huge congratulations to Linda H for qualifying to compete at the State Championships for Level 5.
Well done to all our Tara gymnasts. We are so proud of your determination, resilience and commitment. Keep up the GOOD WORK!
Arndell Interschools Equestrian
Rubie F - Equestrian Captain
On 12 August, two Tara girls, Rubie F (Year 12) and Chloe T (Year 5) competed at the Arndell Interschools Carnival at Hawkesbury Showground. Both girls represented in many events and placed extremely well.
Rubie F:
2nd - Best Presented
2nd - Led Horse
1st - Open Hack over 16hh
Champion Hack
Chloe T:
1st - Best Presented
2nd - Best Hands
3rd - Pair of Riders
4th and 5th - Eventing
5th - Pleasure Riding
3rd - Best Position
3rd - Best Exhibit
The girls should be very proud of themselves as they competed against some tough competition and had a lovely day.
Careers News
Careers Newsletters - JobJump
All girls in Years 7-12 are encouraged to read this newsletter every week on the Canvas Careers page.
There are some great events and opportunities coming up! Learn more about them via the links below.
Careers Newsletter - 24 August 2023
For more information please contact Mr David Berridge via email - dberridge@tara.nsw.edu.au