Senior School News
- Tara Stars in Parliament
- HSC Showcase 2024
- Commerce Market Day – 14 August
- Tosajuku High School Exchange Students at Tara
- Year 11 Geography Fieldtrip to Balls Head and Berry Bay
- Da Vinci Decathlon
- IDS excursion to the Sydney Jewish Museum
- Chemistry Excursion to Sydney University
- Term 2 Year 8 Space Night
- Work Experience and Christian Studies
Term 1, Week 9, 2020
From the Principal
Welcome to Term 3
Mrs Adele Ramsay - Principal
I am delighted to share that Term 3 is off to a wonderful start. Our girls are settling back into their routines with enthusiasm, and the energy around the School is truly invigorating.
This term began on a high for Year 12, with their Formal. A night filled with stunning dresses, fine food, dancing, cheer and cherished memories.
We also had the delight of celebrating Tara’s 127th birthday. The celebration was a vibrant affair, complete with balloons, 1,000 cupcakes and prayers for our School. The celebration also honoured nine of our dedicated staff members who have given 10, 20 and 30 years of committed service to Tara.
The staff honoured for their outstanding long-standing service were:
- Mrs Susan Cudmore, Junior School Teacher Aide (10 years of service)
- Mrs Sarah Fredericks, Junior School Teacher (10 years of service)
- Mrs Shilpi Gandhi, Finance Processes Manager (10 years of service)
- Mrs Melanie Sammes, Cocurricular Dance Teacher (10 years of service)
- Mr Matthew Bonson, Senior School Dean of Learning (20 years of service)
- Mrs Kendall Morris, Senior School Teacher (20 years of service)
- Mrs Melissa Losco, Senior School Teacher (20 years of service)
- Mrs Megan Wade-Ferrell, Senior School Library (20 years of service)
- Mr Ross Sneddon, Senior School Design and Technology Assistant (30 years of service)
Last week’s MYP Personal Project Exhibition was a remarkable showcase of our Year 10 girls' inquiring minds and persistence. It was an absolute credit to them and also the teachers who worked so diligently with them. The projects were diverse and captivating, displaying creativity and professionalism in both presentation and content. The information shared and the insights gained were truly exceptional.
Looking ahead, we are excited about the upcoming Tara King's musical, Legally Blonde Jr., which will be performed this week in our theatre. This production promises to be a vibrant display of our students' talents and dedication. Additionally, we are eagerly anticipating the Tara Gala Ball on August 24. This event is sure to be a memorable evening, and we look forward to celebrating with our community.
Thank you for your continued support of what we offer for our girls here at Tara. Each day, we strive to inspire, challenge, and nurture them to reach their full potential. Your partnership in this journey is truly appreciated and invaluable.
As we celebrate these achievements and look forward to future events, let us also give thanks and honour to God for His guidance and blessings. As we are reminded in 1 Chronicles 16:34: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” May we continue to honour Him in all that we do and remain grateful for His enduring love and support.
From the Dean of Junior School
Parenting in the Age of Social Media and Digital Devices
Mr James Harrison - Dean of Junior School
I first felt compelled to write the article below when I was the Stage 3 (Year 5/6) Team Leader back in 2018. Unfortunately, since 2018, the situation has only become worse and it is, perhaps, even more relevant today.
We live in an era where access to a mobile device is both readily available and hard to escape from. Many of you will have already given some kind of device (or access to a shared device) to your daughter. Our children navigate a social world every day at school and, just when they get home and are about to relax, they are often bombarded by messages, friend requests, questions, judgements and accusations. This only really stops when they eventually go to sleep. And when they wake up, it all starts again. In the morning, there’s the checking to see whether someone commented on the comment they made just before bed the night before or to see whether their friends still care enough to text them before school. Did you know that getting a ‘like’ or some kind of response to something you sent or posted gives people a hit of dopamine like a person may get from drugs or alcohol? Simon Sinek has some really interesting videos on technology addiction. They are worth checking out.
In my own household, I know what it is like for a child to be worried about the next text or message or ‘like’ on Facebook (TikTok and Discord in today’s online world!) I also know the power of an app like Snapchat where mean things are there one minute and gone the next while the consequences of those mean words linger on. In my home, all those kinds of apps are now deleted from the phone. In fact, I have total control over the installation of any apps as I set up the password as well as the strict filtering and the lockdown of the device restricting access to any apps which are 12+ (this automatically means Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are not available as they have a 13+ rating). I also have the right to read whatever is on her phone. I gave myself that right. My daughter hated it when I first did it. She probably hated me. I survived.
Upon her sixteenth birthday, my daughter asked me to reinstall all of the apps I had deleted and to give her back access to anything else she wanted to install. My reply was an unequivocal “no”. When she inquired why, I replied, “Because you are a nicer person when you aren’t worried about being part of the chat or thinking how you need to reply or what to do when someone says something nasty about someone you thought was everyone’s friend.” She had no comeback to this reply.
The other step I took was to put a 7:30pm curfew on the phone. Even though bad stuff can still happen before 7:30pm, most bad stuff seemed to happen after this time. Handing the phone in then (or even earlier) has actually enabled my daughter to become free and once she got over FOMO (fear of missing out) she actually started to be happier.
Some of those nasty issues around the inappropriate use of devices reappear from time to time so I thought now might be an opportune time to suggest that you check how things are going with your daughter. When was the last time you checked the content of your child’s chat group? Or the search history on the device? Does your daughter delete the search history? Why might she do that?
I want to trust my own children to do the right thing but they don’t always meet my lofty expectations. They are kids. They make mistakes. We have to acknowledge that mistakes happen and that we can use them as a life lesson for our children. I understand that building and maintaining trust with your daughter is a big issue but, in my opinion, you should still check. If it sounds like I am telling you how to parent, that is not my intention. I just want your daughter to be the happiest possible version of herself. Mobile devices often get in the way of that.
Today, the link between declining mental health and the prevalence of social media and device use has been more widely acknowledged with authorities and mental health professionals now taking steps to do something about it. Raising the age that children can access the range of social media sites from thirteen to sixteen has been put forward as one solution; however, more recently, this idea has been challenged as an effective way to curb the issue, since young people will generally find a way around age restrictions (often with the help of their parents).
Other measures, including a restriction on the amount of scrolling before an app “times out”, have been suggested, along with placing greater responsibility on the social media companies themselves to regulate from within. In reality, how can we rely on the companies themselves to take any meaningful action when their business model relies so heavily on user engagement, complex algorithms and the resultant advertising revenue? We are naive to think that these platforms will voluntarily take steps to change their practices. That is where parents need to take the lead. In short, parents need to parent.
In a Tara News article earlier this year, Deputy Principal and Head of Junior School, Ruth Adams wrote about the key ideas of digital distraction, overstimulation and multitasking, sleep deprivation and the impact of constant connectivity. Each of these has a demonstrated impact on learning and mental wellbeing. Go here to reread this insightful article. Ms Adams has a ‘Top 5 tips’, one of which is to promote and model mindful use of technology. She urges parents to, “Demonstrate the importance of setting boundaries, taking breaks, and being present in the moment without the constant pull of digital devices.”
How much do you rely on social media and your device? Have you considered what example you are setting at home for your children?
In his best-selling book, Atomic Habits, James Clear outlines easy and effective ways to build better habits and remove bad ones. In regard to removing the distractions of social media on his mobile phone, in Chapter 14 he writes:
“I often find myself gravitating toward social media during any downtime. If I feel bored for just a fraction of a second, I reach for my phone. It’s easy to write off these minor distractions as ‘just taking a break,’ but over time they can accumulate into a serious issue. The constant tug of ‘just one more minute’ can prevent me from doing anything of consequence. (I’m not the only one. The average person spends over two hours per day on social media. What could you do with an extra six hundred hours per year?)
He goes on to write about a novel way to overcome this ‘bad’ habit:
During the year I was writing this book, I experimented with a new time management strategy. Every Monday, my assistant would reset the passwords on all my social media accounts, which logged me out on each device. All week, I worked without distraction. On Friday, she would send me the new passwords. I had the entire weekend to enjoy what social media had to offer until Monday morning when she should do it again. (If you don’t have a personal assistant, team up with a friend or family member and reset each other’s passwords each week.)
One of the biggest surprises was how quickly I adapted. Within the first week of locking myself out of social media, I realised that I didn’t need to check it nearly as often as I had been, and I certainly didn’t need it each day.*
Perhaps going to such lengths may seem extreme but it’s just one way of taking control back; for ourselves and for our children’s sake.
My daughter is now twenty-two and still lives at home. She has grown up into a wonderful human being and works as a nurse at the Children’s Hospital. I am very proud of her and we often laugh about what she was like when she was fourteen and the battles we had. I am very glad I had the courage and commitment to take the stand I did as a parent back then. So is she.
* Clear, James. Atomic Habits: An Easy and Proven Way to Build Habits and Break Bad Ones. Penguin Random House, 2018, pp. 174-175
Performing Arts
Legally Blonde The Musical Jr
After months of rehearsing, show week has finally arrived. With over 100 cast and crew involved, the cast is set to perform in our Tara Theatre in what is a fun and fast paced musical. We say “CHOOKAS” to all involved for a successful season.
This is your last chance to purchase tickets as we only perform for 1 week so don’t miss out.
Community Events
Tara Gala Ball
One of the primary objectives of the Tara Hub is to fundraise for our School. This year, Mrs Ramsay has asked the Tara Hub to raise funds for a new Tara bus. This bus will be used daily by our students, so we are eager to raise as much money as possible.
So far, we have made progress but still need additional funds to reach our goal of $90,000.
Can you help us meet this target?
You can support us by:
- Registering for the Gala Ball
- Participating in the silent auction
- Purchasing raffle tickets
Registration for Tara’s Gala Ball has been extended, and the deadline for purchasing tickets is Wednesday, 14 August. Please book your tickets using the following link: Book Now - Tara Gala Ball
The night promises to be lots of fun, with some amazing silent auction items on offer.
Dinner with Principal, Mrs Adele Ramsay
Take advantage of this exclusive offer to have dinner with our School Principal, Mrs Adele Ramsay. The winner will have the opportunity to invite six adults to this special evening, giving you the chance to spend uninterrupted time with Adele. Prepare your questions and enjoy this unique experience. (Please note: no children allowed.)
Kindly donated by: Tara Anglican School for Girls
Pittwater Overnight Yacht Stay for 2
Indulge yourself and your special someone and spend a night on your own private Beneteau Oceanis Yacht moored on beautiful Pittwater, just an hour’s drive from the city. How about staying in a place where you will get waterfront views - on all sides. Gaze at the stars at night while sipping on a glass of your favourite bubbly.
5 Nights Salt Beach, Kingscliff – 2 Bedroom Apartment
Cool off and kick back in the sensational surf and facilities of Mantra on Salt Beach, located in Salt Village, where Kingscliff accommodation is at its very best.
Family Photography Session and Choice of Artwork
90-minute photography session at one of Verve’s premium studios, drinks on arrival and your chosen image in a 23cm x 28cm art frame or an 18cm x 18cm artic block.
This KitchenAid Electrical Classic Tilt Head Stand Mixer in White is the perfect addition to your Kitchen. Featuring a 4.3L stainless steel bowl, 3 accessories and 10 different speeds, to achieve amazing results.
Kindly donated by: The Zhang Family
Thanks to Our Sponsors
Tara Dads Club Camping Trip
Tara Old Girls' Association
Back to Tara Day
Yesterday, the Back to Tara event took place in the Aquatic Centre Terrace area. Alumnae, past parents, and former staff gathered for a delightful afternoon, reminiscing as they looked at old photos and explored the interactive archival display. Delicious food and drinks were enjoyed by all. The Tara Old Girls’ Association presented gifts to former staff members who had served the Tara Community, and it was a heart warming experience to welcome them back to School. As guided tours of the School unfolded, cherished memories were shared, bringing together members of the School community in a nostalgic celebration of their time at Tara.
Tara Aquatic Centre
Temporary Closure of Pools and Swimming@Tara Programs
Please be advised that we will be undertaking some defect rectification works, and as such we will unfortunately need to cancel all swimming lessons and squads at Tara Aquatic Centre while these works are completed. We will provide an update on when these activities can recommence as soon possible.
Invoices will not be created on 25 July, nor will the direct debit run on 1 August.
Thank you for your understanding.
Swimming@Tara's 1st Birthday!
Reflecting on this past year fills us with joy as we have watched our program flourish and our students excel with every lesson!
Here’s to another year of thrilling progress and fun at Swimming@Tara!
“Power Hour” Swim Squad Program
“Power Hour” is a non-competitive squad program that offers a combination of endurance, speed, overall fitness, with plenty of fun with friends. The session runs for 60 minutes and is a great way to help improve or maintain your fitness level during the water polo season (or supplementing other sporting activity), as well as your mental health.
Contact the Swimming@Tara team for more information and to join.
Tara Aquatic Centre Terms and Conditions
Please review the Tara Aquatic Centre Terms and Conditions in the Aquatic Centre parent portal as they have been updated.
Squad News
If you have a child or know someone who is at squad level, and are wanting to join Swimming@Tara squads, please email so we can get them in for an assessment!
World Prevention Drowning Day
On Thursday 25 July 2024 it was World Prevention Drowning Day, a crucial time to highlight the importance of water safety and reducing preventable drowning deaths. At Tara, we prioritise safety through our learn to swim programs and biannual safety weeks, teaching vital swimming skills and water awareness. Did you know that nearly a quarter of a million people worldwide lose their lives to drowning each year and tragically, almost 82,000 of them are children. The early we get our children in the water and learning these essential skills, the safer they will be around water!
Active Kids and First Lap Vouchers
We are accepting Active Kids and First Lap vouchers.
To use them in our program, please forward the details to with your child’s details
Junior School News
Student Agency in Junior School Maths Lessons
Amalia, Anneliese, Chloe T - Year 6 students and Mrs Farries
Every Wednesday, Year 6 students participate in problem solving lessons. The Year 6 Maths Discovery class has been focusing on key problem-solving strategies that support the skills they are learning in class with their teachers. Giving students responsibility and choice in their learning provides the opportunity for all students to experience success and leads to greater engagement.
Here is an overview written by the students in the Maths Discovery class.
During our Wednesday lessons with Mrs Farries, at the end of Term 2 and start of Term 3, we had the opportunity to teach the class for fifteen minutes of the lesson. When it is our turn to teach, we get to choose a maths topic or strategy that we feel we are ‘experts’ in.
Our experts in Term 2 and Term 3 (so far) have been Anneliese, Chloe T and Amalia. Anneliese’s lesson focused on converting improper fractions, Chloe demonstrated her expertise with partitioning numbers, whilst Amalia focused on applying the split strategy with addition problems.
Over the next few weeks, we look forward to learning from the other experts in the class.
Year 2 Water Incursion
Mrs Sarah Norman and Mrs Frieda Maguire - Year 2 Teachers
On Wednesday 12 June, Year 2 were joined by Mr and Mrs Nunes for a presentation that linked to our current unit of inquiry. We have been inquiring into water – its form, function and our responsibilities when using it. It falls under the transdisciplinary theme ‘Sharing the Planet’.
Our visitors both work in the water industry and shared insider information that was engaging, interesting and relevant to our learning.
Here are some fun facts that were shared:
- There are five specially trained dogs that assist in detecting any leaks in the pipes or sniff out any chemical imbalances in the water.
- ‘Fatbergs’ can form in sewage pipes if the incorrect things are flushed down the toilet.
- Most people in Sydney use 200 litres of water a day.
- Showers should only be 4 minutes long!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge of water with us, Mr and Mrs Nunes. We enjoyed learning from parent experts!
Provoking Inquiry at Tara
Mrs Meriel Snelson, Miss Nicky MacAskill, Miss Julyann Dos Santos - Year 6 Teachers
At Tara, we nurture inquisitive minds and motivate students to deeply engage with their world. In the lead up to the PYP Exhibition, Year 6 explored issues that matter to them, leading them to consider meaningful topics they would like to become more knowledgeable about.
The first lesson set the stage by tapping into the everyday frustrations of both teachers and students. Teachers shared what personally bothered them; ranging from tailgaters to long waiting times at doctors' offices. This sharing session served as a provocation, prompting students to think about what bothers them in various aspects of their lives, from home to school and beyond.
Students then grouped up with their friends, each group tackling the driving question: "What bothers you?" Through discussion, they listed their issues and engaged in a sorting task, linking related concerns and forming connections. A gallery walk allowed them to observe and agree with other groups' issues, leading to discussions on noticeable trends. Finally, groups discussed potential consequences of the issues raised, providing a deeper understanding of the impact these problems have on their lives.
Building on the first experience, the second lesson had students review the categories of issues they formed. They began to differentiate between personal concerns and broader global problems. Each group examined posters of issues, sharing what resonated with them and discussing which topics were inquiry-worthy. This fostered open-mindedness, as students considered diverse perspectives on what makes an issue important.
The session concluded with students writing questions for each issue, preparing for an upcoming visit from experts. This exercise honed their ability to ask open conceptual questions, crucial for deeper inquiry.
The third learning experience brought in experts, both Tara parents and staff. These valuable members of the Tara community shared their insights on various issues. Students listened attentively, asked follow-up questions, and developed note-taking skills. This interaction provided a richer understanding of the identified issues, enabling students to make informed decisions about potential inquiries worth pursuing for the PYP Exhibition.
These three experiences collectively nurtured our students' curiousity and critical thinking, equipping them with the skills to explore and inquire about topics that matter to them. Through this process, they learned to articulate their concerns, differentiate between personal and global issues, and engage with experts, setting a strong foundation for their PYP Exhibition inquiries.
Jacqueline Harvey visit to Kindergarten to Year 2
Jacqueline Harvey is one of Australia’s most popular authors. She’s written the very popular Willa and Woof, Alice-Miranda, Kensy and Max and Clementine Rose series. She came to visit Kindy, Year 1 and 2 to launch her new picture book Kevin saves the show. She had them all engaged and laughing for a whole hour. The girls also had the opportunity to buy Jacqueline’s books and have them signed by her on the day.
Thank you for visiting Jacqueline!
Senior School News
Tara Stars in Parliament
Stephanie Griffiths - Director of Student Wellbeing
On Tuesday 9 July the NSW Youth Parliament met in the Legislative Assembly Room at Parliament House in Sydney. This was to commence a week of debate covering a range of political issues impacting on young people today across Australia and particularly NSW. During this sitting week, a total of seven of seven bills and amendments from seven committees were debated, along with parliamentary Question Time and individual Community Recognition Statements. First convened in 2002, the YMCA NSW Youth Parliament is like such programs in every Australian State and Territory.
During this Parliamentary session people in the Public Gallery had the opportunity to see and hear from 67 delegates who were senior students from all parts of NSW. Young people between the ages of 15 to 18 had been selected from applicants seeking to represent their local electorate area with successful applicants elected to the NSW Youth Parliament. In prior training sessions the applicants were introduced to parliamentary procedures such as writing, amending and voting on motions. During these sessions the applicants could also nominate for election to leadership positions in Government or Opposition ranks.
Isabella from Year 11 at Tara, in this context better known as the Honourable Isabella the Member for Auburn, was elected as Leader of the Opposition.
In the first sitting of the parliament, the very first debate was a National Matter of Public Importance Debate, where Isabella and the Opposition introduced a motion that called on the Commonwealth Government to introduce break-up powers for concentrated markets such as the large business duopoly of Woolworths and Coles. Isabella argued that this would not only support small retailers but also assist many people in managing the current cost of living crisis. Isabella spoke eloquently and with passion questioning the powers (and profits) of large businesses whilst calling for support of small business owners particularly in central and regional areas of NSW.
Despite persuasive arguments from those opposing this motion and with robust debate in what was at times a somewhat rowdy assembly, Isabella pressed her case. Later in the day the Justice committee, led by Isabella debated the motion further which resulted in a convincing victory of this motion.
On the second day of the sitting week, Isabella along with the Deputy Opposition Leader (and the leader and deputy from the Government) met the NSW Governor Margaret Beazely in a private meeting. On the final day all delegates attended a NAIDOC dinner where Isabella received the Jenny McInnes Award for Leadership – “For displaying outstanding qualities of leadership during their time as a Youth Parliament participant”.
In observing Isabella, and all the young people involved, those of us watching from the Public Gallery could not help but notice the appropriateness of the motto of the then colony of NSW displayed behind the Speaker’s Chair, “Orta recens quam pura nites - Newly arisen how brightly they shine” and consider the legacy these students might leave for the future.
Well done Isabella as a Tara star in Parliament.
HSC Showcase 2024
Mr Matthew Bonson - Dean of Learning Years 11 and 12
We are delighted to invite you to the 2024 HSC Showcase Evening on Wednesday, 21 August 2024. This special event celebrates the remarkable work of our HSC students as they present their performances, Major Works, and Bodies of Work.
The evening offers an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of our students, receive valuable feedback, and enjoy performances by our talented Music and Drama students in front of a large audience. It is also a wonderful occasion for drinks and refreshments, allowing you to fully appreciate the dedication and creativity of our students throughout 2023-2024.
All students are encouraged to attend, especially those considering studying these subjects, to gain insight into the expectations and standards of Year 12.
We look forward to sharing this enjoyable evening with you.
Commerce Market Day – 14 August
Mr Mark Swainson - Social Science Teacher
As part of their studies, Year 9 Commerce students will be running a Market Day on Wednesday 14 August. A range of lunch, drink, dessert and consumer items will be available for sale. Students can make purchases at Market Day by bringing cash to be changed into ‘Tara Dollars’. No debit or FlexiSchool payments will be accepted. Funds raised from Market Day will be supporting ‘Cure Cancer’, an organisation funding research into treatment of cancer including brain tumours. Thank you to the Tara community for supporting this event.
Tosajuku High School Exchange Students at Tara
Koyuki and Ayaka, two students from our sister school in Japan, Tosajuku High School will be attending Tara from July 24 to August 23.
They are being hosted by two Year 10 students, Rachael K and Angelina Z.
They will be visiting each of the Japanese classes during their visit, sharing their culture and giving Tara students an opportunity to use their Japanese skills and learn more about Japan.
This is a very exciting opportunity to for our Tara girls to make connections with students from other countries.
Rachael and Angelina will travel to Japan at the end of the year and stay with their buddies, Koyuki and Ayaka for a month.
Year 11 Geography Fieldtrip to Balls Head and Berry Bay
Carol, Assya, Claire, Samantha and Veronica - Year 11 Students
On Wednesday, the Year 11 Geography class bravely navigated their way to Balls Head and embarked on their journey of investigating various fieldwork techniques.
Balls Head and Berry Bay, located only 5km from the CBD, offered many opportunities in studying the earth’s natural systems. The bushwalks allowed us to conduct primary research on the site, including air temperature, soil testing and of course, the gustily wind speeds that enhanced the experience and honestly felt like we got a personal visit from the ice ages.
We had to become one with mother-nature by giving the mud a high-five to assess the soil type – and were surprisingly ecstatic when we spotted termite nests and detritovores. We got personal with the angophora trees, and they became an important enhancement to our exploration of biotic elements and of course, selfies.
Between all the laughter and quiches (and even the celebrities), we really did discover Geography in action, and acknowledged the importance of sustainable management of ecosystems.
After succeeding at all our challenges of the day, we were rewarded with a cheese platter! (we love Mrs Chaiban)
Da Vinci Decathlon
Suhanya J and Megan S - Year 9
In May, teams from Years 7-11 competed in the 2024 Da Vinci Decathlon at Knox Grammar School. The competition covered a range of subjects such as Engineering, Mathematics and Creative Producers. After two intense days of continuous hard work and competitive spirit, Tara achieved amazing results as they competed against schools across New South Wales. The Year 7 team secured 11th place overall, the Year 9 team came in 10th, and the Year 10 achieved 8th place. This remarkable achievement was well-deserved after weeks of lunchtime training and preparation. Everyone performed at their best, especially in a competitive environment with so many other schools around us. Thank you to Ms Divitale and Mrs Westerbrink for training our teams.
IDS excursion to the Sydney Jewish Museum
Anahita R - Year 9 Interdisciplinary Studies
Going to the Sydney Jewish Museum for our Interdisciplinary Studies trip on 26.07.2024 was a profound experience. During the excursion, I read a quote that resonated deeply: 'The Holocaust didn’t start with killings; it started with words.' This quote struck me because it captured the truth of how the Holocaust began.
Listening to Lucy, an 87-year-old Holocaust survivor, was particularly moving. She shared the struggles she faced during those times. I asked her how she had the resilience to deal with so much and she said, ‘Find a passion that can help the world become a better place and make the best of every negative situation that comes your way.’ Her words inspired me and led me to reflect on the horrors of the Holocaust and the strength of its survivors, making me feel a deep sense of sorrow for the victims.
I saw Lucy in such high spirits, and this made me think no matter what comes your way, always be the positive person you can be. She was so witty and even cracked a joke when she was talking about her husband, "Girls, what more can you want when you have a good-looking guy!” which brought laughter to all of us. Even though it may not have been a totally sunshine experience, it was a unique way to learn about ethics, the mistakes of society, and the importance of learning history so that we do not repeat the same mistakes in current and future times.
Jasmine I - Year 9 Interdisciplinary Studies
Our trip to the Jewish Holocaust Museum was a truly surreal experience. The painfully depressing reality and strong moral dilemmas of the Second World War really took me by surprise, and I am so incredibly grateful to have been given the opportunity to learn about such events in a professional setting with my peers. We began the day with an astounding presentation that presented our classes with numerous ethical standpoints and source-analysis-based questions that were enhanced by some graphic videos of the social and physical abuse of Jewish People during WWII.
As we continued through the day, we had the incredible opportunity to meet a lovely woman named Lucy – a holocaust survivor. I am exceptionally grateful to have been blessed with the chance to meet Lucy and listen to her testimony of the horrors that she and her family endured during the Second World War. After meeting Lucy, we underwent a guided tour of the rest of the museum; artefacts and all. These ranged from birthday cards and suitcases to personal objects, such as blankets and letters to loved ones. We later visited the children’s memorial, commemorating the lives of the 1.6 million children who were tragically murdered during the Holocaust.
Overall, our excursion was an incredible experience that I am profusely grateful to have taken part in.
Chemistry Excursion to Sydney University
On the last Thursday of Term 3, our Year 12 Chemistry students attended the Sydney University Kickstart program. This program provides an opportunity for Year 12 students to get a taste of university life and use equipment that is not available in schools.
Our students took part in a spectroscopy workshop. They worked through four stations under the guidance of PhD students. Each station focused on a particular instrument, which students had the opportunity to use. They also practiced analysing the output from each instrument. For our students it was an invaluable opportunity to contextualise their learning and develop their understanding of an area of the Chemistry Course that students often find challenging.
Term 2 Year 8 Space Night
Catherine S and Melody Y - Year 8
On the night of 19 June, Year 8 had a Space Night incursion for our Science unit. We were split into four groups and rotated through the different activities. One station was the making of ice cream using liquid nitrogen. As Mrs O'Keefe poured and stirred, we worked through astronomy trivia questions. The ice cream, accompanied by space-themed sprinkles, was enjoyed even on the very cold night.
Another activity was an inflatable planetarium set up in the Bowern room. We took off our shoes, climbed into it and the instructor gave a demonstration on naked-eye star gazing. It was amazing in the complete darkness, and we saw a model of the night sky if there was no light-pollution. The stars were like diamonds on velvet.
A third station was constructing planispheres, which can be used to identify constellations, such as the Southern Cross, and the zodiacs, such as Scorpio. We were taught how to find the stars using the planisphere.
The final activity occurred at Mouleric Oval, where Mrs Young had set up telescopes for us to stargaze and view the moon. We were able to see the moon up close as well as some stars. It was amazing seeing each crater and imperfection etched on the surface.
Overall, this was a wonderful night spent at school and we went home with new knowledge about space. A big thank you to all the teachers who sacrificed their time planning and guiding us through this unforgettable night!
Work Experience and Christian Studies
During Year 10, students have the opportunity to engage with the Work Experience Program, a week of learning about a profession or job of their choice. Scarlett in Year 10 had the exciting opportunity to go to Hope 103.2, a community funded Christian radio station. Scarlett was able to learn valuable journalism and news writing skills along with observing how a radio station works day to day.
Some of the highlights from Scarlett’s time at Hope 103.2 was writing a book summary article that was published on their website, attending a press conference and being involved in an interview which was later aired. During Scarlett’s interview, she was asked about Grace a topic that was covered in Term 1 Christian Studies. This provided Scarlett the opportunity to discuss what she has learned about and what God’s Grace meant to her.
It was an incredibly exciting opportunity, and she learnt a lot from the experience. If you would like to here Scarlett here is the link to her on air interview.
Senior Sport
Athletics Report
Zayla T - Athletics Captain
The Senior School Athletics Carnival took place on the 27 May at Sydney Olympic Park. The day was filled with championship track and field events, as well as fun participation games for every grade.
The talent of Tara girls athletic abilities was revealed, with Chelsea C breaking the Senior high jump record with a jump of 1.60m, beating the previous 1.55m.
The Athletic Champions this year were as follows:
Junior Athletics Champion
- 1st Place: Ashleigh F
- Runner Up: Maya W
Intermediate Athletics Champion
- 1st Place: Veronika A & Leila O
- Runner Up: n/a
Senior Athletics Champion
- 1st Place: Chelsea C
- Runner Up: Jessica C
The Interform Relay was an important event, where the fastest six girls from each grade were put into relay teams. This year the Interform trophy went to Year 11, who were followed by Year 9 and Year 12. In the boarders verses day girls relay, the trophy went to the day girls.
On the day, the year participation was awarded to Year 11, with 828 points! For the house cheers, Waugh won, followed by Walker, then Hake and Crawford. Finally, the overall interhouse athletics trophy went to Walker!
A special mention to Ms Musto, Mr Bickersteth and other staff that assisted on the day. It was filled with fun and spirit and overall was very successful for the Tara community!
Angelina H - Football Captain
The Tara senior team played their first game for this season of invitational football. When we arrived at the game, it was pouring with rain, and we began to train to warm ourselves up. Our coach Eli went through our starting formation: Popi in goals, a defensive back line of Victoria, Olivia, Lola and I, triangular mid field of Ellie, Millen and Karen, and Isabella and Zara in attack. Despite the terrible weather conditions and the absence of players, we managed to come through with a draw of 1-1. Zara F from Year 7 took an amazing shot that caused the opposing defensive player to knock the ball into the goal. Special shoutout to Ellie H and Bella I from Year 10 who demonstrated great ball skills and teamwork, creating threw balls and putting pressure on the goalie.
The Tara junior team also displayed high levels of soccer skills, particularly in the defensive line. Jarah R from Year 8 held a strong wall at the back, making sure that no threw balls would get past her. Overall, such great games and a great way to begin this terms sport!
Round 1
S02 Tara 1 vs Kambala 1, Draw, 1-1
J03 Tara 2 vs St Catherine’s 5, Win, 5-0
Round 1
S03 Tara 1 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 4, Win, 27-24
J02 Tara 2 vs Monte 5, Win, 38-24
J03 Tara 3 vs Wenona 9, Win, 20-15
J03 Tara 4 vs Ascham 7, Loss, 7-26
J04 Tara 5 vs Danebank 5, Draw, 9-9
J05 Tara 6 vs Danebank 6, Loss, 5-45
Round 1
S05 Tara 1 vs SCEGGS 2, WET
J04 Tara 2 vs Pymble 5, WET
Skye A - Netball Captain
Over the weekend the Tara 1sts played an outstanding game, demonstrating excellent coordination and teamwork. The score was neck and neck throughout the game, despite the loss, our team showcased effective attack and communication on the court. Lucy T played exceptionally with her fast and efficient circle work with Charli H shooting many goals into the net!
The Tara Senior 2nds team played against Loreto Normanhurst on the weekend! Through the game the girls intercepted many balls and efficiently brought them down to the shooting end of the netball court. The GK and GD excelled in catching rebounds and moving the ball forward, while the GA and the GS made impressive shots from a distance. The girls enjoyed their game and decided they needed to improve on driving for the ball.
This Saturday the Tara Senior 3rds played against Meriden. The girls performed spectacularly, with our shooters, Veronica W and Joy H scoring some amazing shots. The centre, Mehervir G, also performed amazingly, giving out great passes to the other teammates and hindering the opposition. Although the games ended in a loss on their side, both teams played beautifully with great sportsmanship. This was a great game filled will exciting moments and a great opportunity for the team to get to know each other better.
The Tara Seniors 4ths team played their netball game against Ascham over the weekend and achieved excellent results! As the first game of the season, the girls had to opportunity to practice their attacking and defending skills across the court, as well as their circle work. Diya H and Olivia A showcased amazing attacking skills throughout the game.
The Junior 1sts game against St Vincents over the weekend was a thrilling match to watch! Ivy K and Nikkie Z displayed outstanding skills in the midcourt, effectively controlling the flow of the game with their sharp passes and strategic plays. GS and GA shot some amazing goals in the circle. The girls enjoyed their game this week and are excited for next weeks!
The Junior 3rds team won with a score of 8-6 in their game played on the weekend. Vicky Z and Melodie Z contributed to some great shots in the circle! Bianca Y excelled at finding space and the entire team displayed good teamwork and communication throughout the game.
The Junior 4ths game against Brigidine went well. This girl's game this week was competitive, with the Tara girls leading by two points in the first three quatres. Harleen K had great attacking skills throughout the court working hard to move the ball down the court. Despite the loss, all the girls had fun and have learnt where they can improve for their next game.
The Year 7’s 1st team played against Abbotsleigh in an intense match! Throughout the game the girls showed strong attacking skills, as they used the skill of driving for the balls that they had practiced in training. Carissa C and Hannan V played excellent games on the weekend showcasing their skills and showing effective teamwork on the court
The Year 7’s 2nd team had a thrilling match against Pymble that was exciting to watch! Sophie B and Alysa B exhibited impressive defensive skills throughout the game. As this was one of their first games as a team, the girls demonstrated effective communication and teamwork, skilfully working the ball down the court.
The Year 7’s 3rd team played an excellent game on the weekend against Abbotsleigh with a final score of 19-11. This was a massive achievement for the girls as in the beginning quarter they were down 3 points. The shooters Aliso D, Alysa L, and Jane had great accuracy in their shots!
The Year 7 4ths placed against Meriden over the weekend in an exhilarating match! As this was the girls’ first time playing together, effective communication on the court was crucial. Anna C and Olivia L shone with their strong attacking play, while Mia Z and Leila Z demonstrated exceptional defensive skills. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the game and are already looking forward to the next one!
Round 1
S04 Tara 1 vs SCEGGS 2, Loss, 26-29
S10 Tara 2 vs Loreto Normanhurst 6, Loss. 7-25
S14 Tara 3 vs Meriden 6, Loss, 19-14
S17 Tara 4 vs Ascham 6, Win, 23-19
J04 Tara 5 vs St Vincent’s 9, Loss, 18-21
J08 Tara 6 vs Loreto Normanhurst 17, Loss, 3-32
J11 Tara 7 vs Roseville 15, Win, 8-6
J16 Tara 8 vs Brigidine 22, Loss, 6-8
Y703 Tara 9 vs Abbotsleigh 31, Win, 6-5
Y704 Tara 10 vs Pymble 23, Loss, 1-12
Y706 Tara 11 vs Abbotsleigh 33, Win, 19-11
Y708 Tara 12 vs Meriden 20, Loss, 3-5
Sport News
Tara Gymnastics News
The Tara Gymnasts have been busy preparing for their State Trials over the last few months. On Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 July we had our Level 5 (Paru S, Bethany S & Amarlie S) and our Level 6 Gymnasts (Linda H & Olivia F) compete at Sydney Gymnastics Centre. This was an extremely tough competition for our girls and all the girls achieved some amazing results and PB’s.
A special congratulations to Bethany S (Level 5) and Linda H (Level 6) for successfully qualifying to compete in the NSW State Championships later this month. Keep up the great work.
Congratulations to all Gymnasts!
Rhythmic Gymnastic Competitions
Congratulations to Year 7 student Zimo for her recent success at Rhythmic Gymnastic Competitions!
Zimo competed at the Level 6 Invitational at Aurora Gymnastics and placed 1st in Ball, 1st in Ribbon, and 1st Overall!
Zimo also competed at the RG QLD Junior Challenge 2 and placed 1st in Freehand, 4th in Ball, 1st in Ribbon, and 1st Overall.
This is a very exciting achievement! Congratulations Zimo. Wishing you all the best for your future competitions.
2024 National Australian Table Tennis Junior & Youth Championships
Congratulations to Ally on her recent success at the 2024 National Australian Table Tennis Junior & Youth Championships!
The 2024 National Championships is a fantastic event, with 384 competitors taking part and all 8 States/Territories being represented in Australia.
Ally showcased her dedication and team spirit during the highly competitive tournament, coming home with some great results.
- 2024 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS U17 Girls A Team (NSW)- 4th place
- 2024 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS U21 Youth Doubles – Quater-Finalist
We are proud to have Ally represent our state at the national level with great achievement!