Term 1, Week 9, 2020
From the Director of Student Wellbeing
Meet the Senior School Counselling Team 2023
As a key component within the School’s overall wellbeing program, the School Counselling Service provides support to meet the emotional, behavioural, social and academic challenges faced by students. Often an important first point of contact, the Counselling Service is at the forefront of attention in addressing mental health and learning difficulties.
The counselling service at Tara offers students a safe place to respond to their emotional and mental wellbeing needs. One of the main counselling objectives is to create an atmosphere where students feel they are well known, heard, valued and respected.
The overall aim of the counsellors at Tara is to support students to achieve psychological, social, and emotional wellbeing and to help students address barriers they may meet in achieving their goals.
Mrs Elizabeth Harvey is the Head of the Senior School Counselling Team supported by Mrs Eleni Langas and Miss Stephanie Kumar. All counselling staff have completed 6 years of professional preparation and are Registered Psychologists with AHPRA, the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency.
Referrals for counselling can be made by parents (caregivers or guardians), members of staff, and by the students themselves. If students self-refer, this can be done by emailing or speaking directly to one of the clinical team or through a trusted member of staff. In this context every effort is made to ensure that the student is aware of the nature of the counselling process and understands that this is with their consent.
Parents are invited to make counselling referrals for their daughter by contacting Mrs Harvey via email. In response, Mrs Harvey will request relevant background information and ensure that parents are provided with the Tara Counselling Policy which outlines the parameters of the counselling services together with a consent form which is required to be completed before counselling can commence.
At Tara, students attending counselling, referrals are placed into two categories dependent on their age with minors being under 14 years of age, and young adults being 14 years or older. While a student under 14 years of age can be considered capable of consent, in most instances parental or guardian consent is sought before commencing counselling services.
Students in the young adult category, that is 14 years or older, may seek counselling services on their own initiative. However, while the counselling process will remain confidential the counsellor will generally seek consent from the student to work in collaboration with parents as this combined involvement is usually beneficial for all concerned, particularly where ongoing regular support is referred to external practitioners.
Maintaining confidentiality throughout the counselling process and shared privacy between the students and counsellors is a vital part of the interaction and ongoing clinical care. The maintenance of confidentiality is not only a legal obligation on the part of the counselling team but an obligation which the clinical team deem to be of the highest importance. It is hoped that an assurance of confidentiality will promote trust in the mental health care system and encourage students to confidently maintain a link with mental health services should these be needed as young adults in the future.
If parents have concerns regarding their daughter’s wellbeing they are encouraged to make contact with the School Counselling Team to work in partnership to provide support through the challenging years in the Senior School. At its best, counselling is a shared experience under the guidance of an experienced clinical team.
Further information about Senior School Counselling at Tara can be found by accessing the Senior School Counselling Policy which is available via the Parent App and the Tara Website. www.tara.nsw.edu.au
From Tara Communications
Tara Circle Autumn 2023
We are excited to announce the latest edition of Tara Circle is now available to read digitally on the ISSUU platform!
Featured are stories on A Boarder's Journey, Leadership in Junior School, Student Achievements, Performing Arts events, Alumni and Staff and Community News.
Tara Community News
Tara P&F Association
The next meeting of the Tara P&F will take place on Tuesday 1 August, 7:30pm in the Bowern Room. All parents are welcome.
On Tuesday 8 August from 6:30pm, the P&F will be hosting a speaker from the Resilience Centre focusing on Parents Promoting Resilience: Raising Children and Adolescents. Please diarise this date and further details will be sent prior to the start of Term 3.
Trivia Night – SAVE THE DATE
The Tara P&F Committee will be holding an adult only Trivia Evening on Saturday 26 August in the Senior School Hall.
Start planning your teams of 8-10 people. The evening will be a lot of fun with Trivia questions, games, prizes and raffles.
The theme for the event is sport/gym wear. Bookings will open early next term. For any questions please contact parentsandfriends@tara.nsw.edu.au
Tara Dads Club
The Annual General Meeting of the Tara Dads Club will be held on Tuesday 20 June from 7:30pm in the Tara Chapel Auditorium. Nominations are now open for any Tara dads wishing to join the Executive Committee. New committee members are warmly welcomed.
Tara Dads Club Committee Nomination Form
Prior to the AGM, the TDC will be holding a Networking Evening from 6-7:30pm in the Chapel Foyer. This is a free event open to all current and past Tara dads.
To join the Tara Dad’s Club please follow the link below
TDC Dads and Daughters Ball
Final tickets are now available for the TDC Dads and Daughters Ball on Saturday 22 July at Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont.
Bookings close 4 July 2023.
Tara Old Girls Association
All Tara Old Girls are encouraged to follow the Tara Old Girls' Association & Alumni Facebook page to stay in contact and up to date with our community. Follow us via the link below.
Tara Old Girls Association Facebook Page
The first annual Back to Tara Day will be held this year on 6 August at Tara from 1pm and all Tara Old Girls and ex staff are invited to attend. Back To Tara Day is an invaluable opportunity to catch up with alumni and past staff. Join us for an afternoon tea, followed by a School tour with access to the exciting new interactive archive to explore and celebrate of the history of Tara.
Date: Sunday 6 August 2023
Time: 1pm
Venue: Tara Colonnade - Senior School
Price: $35 per head includes full high tea with sparkling wine
RSVP: Monday 24 July 2023
Junior Sport
Year 3 to 6 Athletics Carnival
Students in Years 3 to 6 travelled to Barton Park on Wednesday last week for their annual Athletics Carnival. We were blessed with sunny and dry conditions which allowed for all events to run safely. House spirit was alive and well with students decked out in house coloured zinc, hats and glasses, posing with posters and banners. The students had been learning and practicing the different field events in their PE lessons and had been trialling for these events before the carnival. Students competed in running races, some in tutus! They jumped high and far, and threw shot put and discuses. Whilst many personal bests were achieved, there was one outstanding individual achievement which excited us all. It’s not often we see records broken however on the day ReRe (4 Figgy) broke the 8/9 Years High Jump record setting a new record of 1.10m! Thank you to the parents and friends of our School community who attended and supported all competitors, and to all students who got in there and gave the different activities a go on Wednesday. We look forward on announcing the Tara team to compete at the IPSHA carnival next term.
Sub Junior Runner Up: Linda. H
Sub Junior Champion: Alaere (ReRe). C
Junior Runner Up: Zara. F
Junior Champion: Gloria. H
House Champion: To be finalised after the ELC to Year 2 Athletics Carnival.
Year 6 PE in the Tara Aquatic Centre
Students in Year 6 have excitedly taken to the Tara Aquatic Centre for the first time! They have been participating in a range of introductory Flippa ball activities as part of their PE program. Their initial lessons have taken place in the program pool, where girls have been able to comfortably stand whilst exploring passing and catching techniques specific to Flippa ball. They have enjoyed the challenge of learning how to swim whilst keeping control of a ball, away from defenders. Their lessons in the pool will continue this week.
Senior School News
Year 11 and 12 Music Concert
This concert will feature solos from selected Year 11 and Year 12 students as well as performances from our choirs, bands and string ensembles.
Tara Tutors
Carmen - Academic Prefect
This term Tara Tutors has been running in the Library to help students with any homework, assessments and questions. It is run by Year 11 and 12 students who love helping the younger students. It is also a great service opportunity for them to put on resumes and early entry applications!
Tara Tutors has been something that has allowed me to interact with people younger than me and actually help others. Not only does it feel extraordinarily nice to have an opportunity to help and see what the people in younger grades are doing, but it removes the sense of isolation that Year 11 brings due to my entire focus on studies. I have always found that helping others in their work has helped solidify mine and Tara tutors has helped me to do that and in an even greater space. - Rachel W, Year 11
It has been great to see so many students using this mentoring service provided by the older students.
All the tutors are very helpful and open to many questions for a variety of subjects. - Amber W, Year 7
I love how Tara provides an excellent opportunity for peer tutoring, as Tara Tutors has really helped me with my school work, and the tutors are kind, friendly, enthusiastic and always willing to help for a diverse range of subjects. - Anika V, Year 10
Tara Tutors will be back again next term and we hope to see even more students coming!
Tara Tigers Term 2 Recap
Imogen - Liaison Prefect
Throughout Term 2 our amazing Tara Tigers have attended a variety of events to spread School spirit and to cheer on our peers. Despite only being a 9 week term, our team has attempted to attend as many events as possible, in various aspects of School life and I commend the girls for their determination and drive to show School spirit.
We have had girls cheering each other on at the Mothers Day Classic, a lunchtime strings recital, the Sheen Performer of the Year Prize, the Year 11 & 12 Music Showcase, Grand Final TheatreSports, debates and so much more!
The Tara Tigers are a great way to bring support and an enthusiastic atmosphere to your next event, and with Term 3 coming up soon we can’t wait to attend a greater variety than before.
So look out for the Tara Tigers Team!
Strings Recital
On Thursday 1 June, the Performing Arts Department had the amazing opportunity to hold a short Strings Recital at lunchtime in the Tara theatre. Under the guidance of our Head of Strings, Mr Addison, three of our string ensembles were able to showcase their brilliant musicality and commitment, and many students as well as staff came down to enjoy the concert.
The program was as follows:
- Divertimento in D by Joseph Haydn, performed by the String Ensemble
- Three Sixteenth Century Dances, performed by the Pleyel String Quartet
- Last movement of the Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, performed by the Amadeus String Quartet
It was amazing to see that within this short timeframe, the girls were able to show excellence and commitment to music at Tara - it was a great success. If you wish to hear more from our musicians, not only the string ensembles but our wind and brass ensembles too, consider coming to the Years 11-12 Music Showcase evening on Monday 19 June.
Senior School Leadership Elections
Faith W - Head Girl
Whilst the rest of the School is winding down in preparations for holidays, Year 11 head toward a busy and intense week of Leadership Elections for the 2023-24 Student Leadership Team.
Every year, the number of girls taking the opportunity to nominate themselves for leadership positions is absolutely incredible; a testament to the confidence built up through the affirming and uplifting support systems within friendship groups, cohorts, and the wider school community.
In preparation for the Leadership Elections, Year 11 have been guided by the current leadership team and members of staff such as Mrs Losco, Mr Baker, and Mrs Middlebrook in ‘all things leadership’ at Tara. Ranging from the basic process and expectations, to helping girls better understand the unique responsibilities of each role, and more widely, the model of servant leadership at Tara, the girls are well equipped to step up into their role as senior leaders of the School.
The current leadership team is excited to work with the shadow leadership team in Term 3, passing on all the tips and tricks for their respective roles, and advice on balancing this extra responsibility with academics. Leadership is a constantly evolving skill and by sharing the final Term, we look forward to teaching skills, collaborating, and gaining insights from the shadow team!
Regardless of the outcome, each and every single girl is placed in the key position as a Year 12 leader of Tara, to serve and support the School community. However, this all begins with a strong foundation and unity within the cohort, so we encourage Year 11 to continue to be supportive and mindful to those around them, especially during the upcoming period. Remember to stick by one another and know that you are not alone! Reach out to your peers and girls in the year above, we know exactly how it feels and we are always available to lend a listening ear. We also encourage members of the School community to check in on these girls as it can often be a stressful and overwhelming time.
Best of luck to everyone!
Year 12 Study Skills Session
This week, Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ran a study skills session with Year 12, building on the work done with the students last year. Year 12 looked at advanced research about the brain and how that could be used to make their study more effective. Steps to make study notes more effective were highlighted, and students also examined the study techniques they traditionally used, exploring new techniques they could try. Students also explored how much time they should allocate to schoolwork during term time and the holidays and the type of independent learning they should consistently be doing. Dr Salter also gave Year 12 guidance on planning study time prior to exam blocks, including the upcoming holidays, and students will receive a link to a video in Term 3 after the Trials to show them how to map out their study time from the last day of school through to their final exam.
Sheen Family Prize
On Friday 2 June, Tara hosted the Sheen Family Prize – Performer of the Year concert. The Sheen Prize is an annual event where Tara’s most impressive musicians perform for the Performer of the Year. The award is sponsored by Dr Adrian & Mrs Suzie Sheen and we can not thank them enough for their support of music at Tara. As the large audience will attest, the night was full of the most outstanding vocalists and instrumentalists. Congratulations to Bernice who won the prestigious award alongside Mandy who was placed second and Annabelle who placed third. Highly Commended were awarded to Hannah, Tori, Elizabeth and Kate. However, all performers are to be congratulated for their outstanding performances. We look forward to next year’s evening which would have been our 25th Sheen Award if not for the recent pandemic.
2023 Senior School Ethics Olympiad
Amelie - Year 10
This term, two teams comprising of Year 10 students competed in the 2023 Ethics Olympiad. Before the competition day, we prepared the eight cases given to us and evaluated ethical questions related to each topic. This year’s topics included whether we should give people who are disadvantaged because of their looks, free cosmetic intervention or whether mandatory National service goes against human rights.
On the day, we entered into a type of debate with the other schools with the key difference being that you argue the most ethical stance rather than an assigned viewpoint and you can even agree with the other team - it’s all about how well you present your case.
Both the Year 10 teams had so much fun preparing the cases and engaging in discussion on thought provoking questions on the day of the competition. One team consisting of Shirley, Amelie, Joohee, Zara and Zoe received an honourable mention for the competition and we’re all hoping we can compete again next year.
We would like to encourage any students in Years 8 (for next year) or Year 9 (later this year) to participate in the Ethics Olympiad to develop their communication and critical thinking skills. If you are keen, please make contact with Mrs Nguyen.
Ration the Fashion
Year 9 commerce has been working hard to make a change whilst using MYP in action to promote a more sustainable world. On 28 July (Term 3), Year 9 is hosting a day named “Ration the Fashion”. This is a day where Tara Girls get to wear either a friends or family members clothes OR something from thrift shops. This is not an opportunity for Tara girls to wear their best outfit to school, instead this day is a time for Tara girls to apply their Tara values in high use, especially integrity. Our goal by the end, is that we want Tara girls to start borrowing or thrifting instead of buying every opportunity they get. We want them to realise how much money they can save and how many resources they are preventing going to waste just by borrowing or thrifting. Hopefully by the end of the day, girls understand this massive issue we are trying to spread awareness at Tara.
Year 9 Commerce Excursion – Luna Park
Olivia and Ruti - Year 9 Commerce students
On 5 June, Year 9 Commerce travelled to Luna Park to learn more about Big Business! In class, Year 9 is looking at the topic 'Promoting and Selling', so we started to do some research on Luna Park by looking at the website and analysing the different strategies they have used to promote and sell their business. We answered a range of questions that targeted the motives of the business and brainstormed what we would do if we ‘took over’ the running of the park for a day. Overall, this excursion was a fun and interactive experience for Year 9 to learn more about marketing and how businesses identify and attract their target market.
Senior Sport
Round 6
S04 Tara 1 vs Frensham 3, Draw, 1-1
S09 Tara 2 vs Danebank 2, Loss, 0-5
J05 Tara 3 vs Frensham 8, Draw, 2-2
Round 6
S03 Tara 1 vs Queenwood 1, Win, 55-25
S06 Tara 2 vs Abbotsleigh 3, Win, 21-20
S11 Tara 3 vs PLC Sydney 4, Win, 20-18
S13 Tara 4 vs PLC Sydney 5, Win, 23-19
S15 Tara 5 vs Danebank 4, Loss, 30-33
S17 Tara 6 vs Abbotsleigh 14, Win, 28-12
J03 Tara 7 vs Frensham 8, Win, 17-6
J05 Tara 8 vs Meriden 9, Win, 22-18
J07 Tara 9 vs Meriden 10, Win, 6-18
J09 Tara 10 vs BYE
J11 Tara 11 vs Abbotsleigh 24, Loss, 16-25
J14 Tara 12 vs Ravenswood 13, Loss, 32-36
Y703 Tara 13 vs SCEGGS 8, Loss, 4-23
Y705 Tara 14 vs Frensham 12, Loss, 12-14
Y707 Tara 15 vs Meriden 17, 2-27
Y708 Tara 16 vs Ravenswood 17, Win, 17-12
Rhythmic Gymnastics News
Congratulations to Lucinda P (Year 9) for her participation at the Club PERO Controlled Event (with SCEGGS Darlinghurst and Ascham School) held on 3 June at SCEGGS Darlinghurst.
Lucinda competed her Level 5 hoop and clubs routine confidently placing 4th in hoop and 3rd in clubs.
The coaching team are very pleased with Lucinda’s achievements and look forward to her next competition on Saturday 24 June – Good luck for the next competition this season!
2023 North West Equestrian Expo
On the 2-6 June three girls, Rubie, Jet and Amy represented Tara at the 2023 North West Equestrian Expo held at Coonabarabran Showgrounds. Each of the girls competed in different disciplines ranging from Polo Cross to Show riding. Our girls had some very tough competition throughout the week but managed place in most of their chosen disciplines. Here were their results:
Rubie F (Year 12)
- Combined training CT - Overall Champion
- Friday Freestyle Dressage - Champion
- Working Horse Challenge- 9th
- Monday Dressage (Novice) - Champion (16&17yrs)
- Show Riding - Lightweight Hack Champion
Jet H (Year 12)
- Combined Training CT3 - 9th
- Working Horse Challenge
- Polocrosse - 3rd
- Warrumbungle’s Way – 5th
- Team Penning -3rd
- Sporting
- Team barrels
Amy R (Year 9)
- Combined Training – CT4
- Pentathlon – Snr
- Working Horse Challenge
- Polocrosse - 3rd
- Team Six-Bar Showjumping – 6th
- Showjumping (80cm) – RESERVE (2nd)
- Sporting
- Team Penning -3rd
- Team barrels
All of the girls should be extremely proud of themselves as they represented Tara with pride and made for tough competition.
All Schools Basketball
Abbey V has been selected in the 16 years and under NSW All Schools Basketball team. She will represent NSW at the National Championships in Perth this coming August.
Congratulations Abbey!
Skye A - Netball Captain
Round 6
S03 Tara 1 vs St Vincent’s 3, Loss, 4-22
S04 Tara 2 vs Danebank 2, Loss, 7-13
J02 Tara 3 vs Wenona 4, Loss, 9-29
Y702 Tara 4 vs SCEGGS 12, Loss, 1-14
In Round 6 the Tara senior team played St Vincent’s. Eliza M showed excellent skills in the circle with Sarayu S playing with amazing defence skills helping to get the ball down the court. Radha S had excellent obstruction in the circle and managed to turn the ball over. The girls played an amazing game this week and are super excited for next week.
The second senior team played Danebank at Tempe. The attack players had good drives and passes throughout the game with Olivia A working the ball down the court. Throughout the game the girls had good communication and showed excellent teamwork.
The junior team played at Tempe against Wenona. This week the girls had a fun game by playing in random positions. The girls had good passes and Chloe A, Erum M and Orla A all shot goals.
The Year 7 team played against SCEGGS. Leah W showed good passing and shot the only goal of the game! Hasini R had strong passes throughout the game and Elisheba S had good defence skills and techniques that helped to gain possession of the ball. The girls played awesome this week and are excited for their final game!
Sport News
Tara Gymnastics Level 3 and 4 Competition
On Sunday 4 June, several Tara Gymnastics gymnasts competed in an invitational competition at the Tara Gymnasium. Girls competed in either Level 3 or 4 and performed beautifully. This was the first competition for all of them for 2023 and it was a great start to the competition season. We are very proud of all of them and wish the best of luck in their upcoming State trial competitions during Term 3.
Careers News
Careers Newsletters - JobJump
All girls in Years 7-12 are encouraged to read this newsletter every week on the Canvas Careers page.
Careers Newsletter - 8 June 2023
Careers Newsletter - 15 June 2023
For more information please contact Mr David Berridge via email - dberridge@tara.nsw.edu.au