Senior School News
- World Environment Day
- Parliament NSW Secondary Schools Student Leadership Program
- Year 12 Geography Fieldtrip to Tamburlaine Winery, Hunter Valley
- Year 12 Business Studies Excursion
- 2023 Bond Mooting Competition
- Federal Budget Breakfast
- Together Thursday in the Aquatic Centre
- National Boarding Week
- Greatest Morning Tea Recap
- Year 11 and 12 Music Concert
Term 1, Week 9, 2020
From the Deputy Principal | Head of Senior School
Student Voice and Efficacy at Tara
Mr Scott Baker - Deputy Principal | Head of Senior School
I recently wrote to Mrs Losco, our Student Leadership Coordinator, to thank her for the trusting, collaborative, and vibrant culture of the Student Representative Council (SRC) she has developed and nurtured over recent years. It was in response to me having the most wonderful experience with the SRC at one of their weekly meetings. I could not stop smiling as I watched and listened to the students bouncing around ideas and developing their service projects with such purpose and respect for each other’s opinions and thoughts. In particular, the gentle guidance given by the older girls who the younger ones obviously hold in enormous regard and respect, was amazing.
The student leadership program that has evolved at Tara in recent times has built upon the strong foundations and history of young Tara women going into the world equipped with the skills and knowledge to lead and serve in all manner of endeavours. This is articulated in the School’s Core Purpose:
“Tara is a Christian learning community, characterised by excellence which encourages, equips and empowers girls to achieve, serve, and thrive in a dynamic world”
For quite some time the student leadership program at Tara, while producing some amazing young women of enormous capacity and willingness to serve and lead their community and beyond, was less than fully inclusive. The same articulate and well-presented students tended to secure leadership positions in each year of their schooling, navigating their way through Student Representative Council (SRC) elections, sitting on committees, representing the School at important events, and ultimately in their final year of school becoming a Prefect or Head Girl. One could predict with some accuracy who would be the Head Girl many years before any elections for the position took place.
These were usually exceptional and impressive young women who were blessed with and developed, due to their access to the mentoring that came with leadership positions, all of the skills required to lead and serve with distinction in a manner befitting a well regarded elite independent girls school. Many went on to high profile successful careers post school and university. The impact of this, however, was that the opportunities and skill development that came with leadership was afforded to only a few who had worked out early in their school life what it took to be elected and maintain a position of responsibility. There was not much divergent thought or opinion, and the same type of student led initiatives seemed to be rolled out year in year out by very similar types of students. There was something missing, and certainly many students who never received the opportunity to lead and learn about leading.
While not dismantling the leadership program at Tara Anglican School for Girls, there have been some strategically impactful changes over a number of years that have seen opportunities for leadership development broadened, without simply creating more leadership positions.
There is now greater diversity within the student leadership team. There is a clear sense of student voice and efficacy within the School. Anyone attending Senior School Assembly or observing the numerous student run service projects and events will stand in testimony to that. The student led initiatives are more impactful, authentic, support the strategic vision and direction of the School, and embody the School’s core values. Projects often have local, national, and international foci and reflect an international mindedness which integrates with and enriches a curriculum driven by International Baccalaureate programs. There are more staff involved in mentoring young leaders in the school, with formalised structures and opportunities for learning that purposefully teach young women how to become effective leaders, and greater opportunities for older students to lead and mentor younger students. Rather than producing a small group of exceptional leaders, the leadership program at Tara Anglican School for Girls builds and develops entire cohorts of young women with the skills, experience, and confidence to serve and thrive in a dynamic world as leaders.
While the highest profile positions in Year 12 are still rightly highly sought after and coveted, the most important aspect of Tara’s leadership program is the development of all students into young women with a powerful voice and the skills with which to make themselves heard and their impact felt. I am hopeful that all Year 11 are mindful of this as they head into the election season for 2023/2024 leadership positions and remember the value of every one of the 166 badged leadership positions from Years 7 to 12, and numerous informal leadership opportunities and positions as they progressed through Senior School.
I am extremely proud and excited to be presenting, along with Mrs Middlebrook, the innovations of Tara’s student leadership program to more than 175 girl’s schools and allied organisations at the International Coalition of Girls' Schools Conference in the United States in late June. I am hopeful our insights and learning contributes to more young women being supported in embracing and developing their voice and impact on the world.
“I raise up my voice—not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. … We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back.”
Malala Yousafzai
From the Deputy Principal | Head of Junior School
When you pray this week...
It is nearly that time when students and their families will receive reports detailing their academic, social and behavioural progress over the past term or semester.
When you pray this week, remember:
Psalm 8 reminds us so poetically and powerfully of God’s majesty. During assessments and grades, it is helpful to recalibrate and bask in God’s enduring sovereignty, rather than in transient joys and disappointments.
Your report may mention how your behaviour and choices impact your peers, teachers and the learning culture at Tara. Reflect on this seriously, and bring it to God and ask for forgiveness, committing to do better in Term 3.
To be grateful for the hours that your teachers have taken in evaluating and commenting on your learning journey, and for the talent and intelligence God has gifted them to do this with skill and compassion.
To ask God for a peaceful and happy end of term, where even though we are tired, we have the strength and mindset to maintain our academic focus, and always treat others with respect and kindness.
From the Chief Financial Officer | Director of Operations
Tara Anglican School for Girls Council Membership
The governing body of Tara is the Council of Tara Anglican School for Girls (the Council) who act as guardians of the past, present and future of the School and are the stewards of the School’s name and reputation. Their role is the same as the board of a company or not for profit organisation.
The Council sets the strategy and policies within which the school operates and is responsible for the property and finances of the School. This is done in partnership with the Principal, who enacts the decisions of Council within the School.
The School is constituted under a Sydney Anglican Diocesan Ordinance.
School Council members provide a breadth of skills and experiences which support the school in its strategic development and as part of maintaining the Council with this breadth, the Council would welcome approaches from current parents or members of the wider Tara Community who would be interested in being a member of the Council.
- Active involvement in an evangelical Christian church
- Preferably female
- Professional qualifications, preferably in business, HR, finance, health or education
Please send expressions to the Council Secretary, Mr Paul Ryan - Mr Ryan will pass these on to the Council Chair.
Tara Community News
Tara P&F Association
The next meeting of the Tara P&F will take place on Tuesday 1 August, 7:30pm in the Bowern Room.
A guest speaker for this event is being finalised and further details will be sent prior to the end of term.
Sports Café
The Sports Café is now in its fourth week of operation and the P&F are looking forward to growing this facility next term. Thank you to all the sporting families who have supported our wonderful P&F representatives to run the café each weekend.
Going forward, the P&F would like to remind parents that as part of the Tara Sport - Contract of Commitment, signed upon booking your daughter into Saturday sport, each team must provide at least one parent volunteer per home game to help on the day. Shift times are as follows but there is always some flexibility if you cannot quite make those times:
• 7.00am to 9.00am
• 8.30am to 10.30am
• 10am to 12pm
The next opening date of the Café is Saturday 17 June and assistance is required for all timeslots. Please email if you can help. From Term 3, the P&F will be asking all families to commit to a date and time within the term.
Mother Daughter High Tea
Thank you again to our wonderful P&F for organising the Mother Daughter High Tea last month at Oatlands House. It was a precious day sharing a fun afternoon with family and friends.
Tara Dads Club
The Annual General Meeting of the Tara Dads Club will be held on Tuesday 20 June from 7:30pm in the Tara Chapel Auditorium. Nominations are now open for any Tara dads wishing to join the Executive Committee. Tara Dads Club Nomination Form
Prior to the AGM, the TDC will be holding a Networking Evening from 6-7:30pm in the Chapel Foyer. This is a free event open to all current and past Tara dads. For catering purposes, please complete the following registration if you would like to attend Tara Dads Club - Networking Registration
Tickets are now available for the TDC Dads and Daughters Ball on Saturday 22 July at Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont. Limited tickets available. Bookings close 4 July 2023. Click the link below to book.
TDC Dads and Daughter Ball Booking Link
To join the Tara Dads Club please follow the following link - Tara Dads Club - Membership Registration
Upon joining you will have the opportunity to purchase TDC Merchandise including TDC caps, jackets, polo shirts and aprons. These items have recently been restocked. Once purchased, the school will arrange for the item/s to be sent home via your daughter.
Tara Old Girls' Association
All Tara Old Girls are encouraged to follow the Tara Old Girls' Association & Alumni Facebook page to stay in contact and up to date with our community.
Tara Old Girls' Association Facebook Page
Please also remember to keep your details in the school’s database up to date via this link Tara Old Girl - Update your details
The first annual Back to Tara Day will be held this year on 6 August at Tara from 1pm and all Tara Old Girls and ex staff are invited to attend. The booking link for this event will be issued shortly via the Tara website. This will be a wonderful way to reconnect with the school and your peers. For further information please contact
Junior School News
National Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Acknowledging that reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians, Tara’s Reconciliation Working Group spent time in our most recent meeting developing a resource that could be used by staff across the school to celebrate National Reconciliation Week. The workshop involved the collation of resources and initiatives which were organised under the IB Learner Profile traits - connecting ideas about reconciliation with being caring, principled, knowledgeable, balanced, thinkers, inquirers, communicators, open-minded and reflective.
Some of the applications we envisaged for the resource were:
- For stand alone lessons in class with students
- For employees’ own understanding of reconciliation in Australia (linking to becoming more informed ahead of the referendum this year)
- To facilitate a conversation about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and contemporary culture
With many learning experiences occurring throughout the week, an opportunity arose when Chris Tobin, a Darug man and artist educator, was able to spend time in the Junior School on Thursday June 1. The afternoon consisted of discussion, listening, un-learning and re-learning about the continuing history, practices, and care for country, as well as the impacts that have had such an extreme impact upon the Darug nation post colonisation. Chris brought along some interesting artefacts to share.
Tara girls listened respectfully and exercised their skill as thinkers when responding to Chris’ talk. Their knowledgeable perspectives and questioning of gender roles, prompted Chris to share how women’s responsibility, and care for family, community and the environment, was a pillar of strength for the Darug. After school, Chris had a captive audience of teachers as he shared his family history and outlined the chronology of Aboriginal people in Sydney before, and after colonisation.
The Reconciliation Working Group extends an open invitation to the school community to be involved in Reconciliation at Tara. You are welcome to contact the Reconciliation Working Group Chairperson, Phillip Reid ( to ask questions related to reconciliation in our community, and to share any connections or resources.
Year 5 programming Sphero car robots to drive
Parul Roy, Samantha Cordwell and Julyann Dos Santos - Year 5 Teachers
In Mathematics, Year 5 students have been inquiring into position. As a provocation, the girls were able to utilise the brand new Sphero Indi cars. These little robots have artificial intelligence and know how to move according to the coloured tiles placed beneath them.
The girls were given the cars with minimal instructions. In groups, they discussed, explored and used trial and error to discover what the cars could do.
Key language used in the classroom included “I think this activity is about compass points”, “Is this about angles?” and “We’re using directions!”. Some students created a key to indicate what each colour represented. It was not long before girls were forming courses and mazes using multiple-coloured tiles, showing creativity when adjusting the tiles to control the speed of the robotic cars, as well as create angles (half, quarter and full turns) and circles. The challenge quickly became how to use all the tiles in the activity. At this point, girls were starting to use language like ‘North’, ‘East’, ‘South-West’. At the end of the task, the girls reflected upon their understanding of the lesson by writing a summary and their own learning intention. Look at some of them below:
‘We were using our own knowledge to learn about position.’ – Jessica
‘We are learning to code our cars to follow directions.’ – Elva
‘We are problem-solving to explore challenging puzzles we build.’ – Mara
Waugh Service Learning Day
Each term at Tara Junior School we hold a Service Learning Day to raise awareness about issues in the world around us and consider ways to serve others. We do this because God calls us to love others, just as He loves us. The Tara service learning slogan guides us:
Service for others - hearts and minds in action
This term, the Waugh House Team decided to support the Kids with Cancer Foundation and their work with Wigs 4 Kids. This charity supports cancer research initiatives, provides funding for capital works and cancer wards/centres and financially supports families whose children are fighting cancer. They also accept donations of hair to be used to make wigs for children with cancer and provide care packs and resources for children in hospital.
On Friday 26 May, Junior School girls donated money for the privilege of wearing a crazy hairstyle. We also made lots of beautiful cards with uplifting messages for children in hospital with cancer, and 12 brave girls volunteered to donate 20cm of their hair to be used for making wigs. Two hairdressers joined us in the Junior School Hall to cut the hair of the brave volunteers while we listened to Rachele and Vanessa from the Kids with Cancer Project talk about the work they do.
A total of $1,000 was raised on the day.
Some of the students who donated their hair set up fundraising pages on the Wigs 4 Kids website and together, they raised a considerable amount of money for this worthwhile charity.
Students who donated their hair are:
Year 6 - Vellesca, Jasmine
Year 5 - Linda
Year 4 - Shaye, Cellena, Angela
Year 3 - Emma, Eden, Divanya, Eknoor
Year 2 - Audrey, Emmeline
Congratulations to the girls in the Waugh House Team for their creative ideas and willingness to support one another in preparing for the day. The visitors from the Kids with Cancer Foundation commented on the enthusiasm and compassion of Tara students and teachers.
Senior School News
World Environment Day
On June 5 2023, a significant milestone will be reached as the world celebrates the 50th Anniversary of World Environment Day. In commemoration of this momentous occasion, Mrs Donato's Year 7 Geography class has embarked on a thoughtful initiative. Each class in the Senior School will receive a succulent plant, lovingly nurtured by Georgia in Year 11. The purpose behind this gesture is to not only celebrate World Environment Day but also enhance the classroom environment, aligning with Year 7's ongoing study of Place and Liveability. Through this act of kindness and sustainability, the students aim to put their MYP (Middle Years Programme) knowledge into action and create a more liveable space for everyone involved.
Parliament NSW Secondary Schools Student Leadership Program
During the civics and citizenship program, our Head Girl Faith and Deputy Head Girl Nikhita had an incredible experience exploring the NSW Parliament and Governor's House. This initiative provided them with a unique opportunity to enhance their understanding of our system of government and parliamentary proceedings. They were able to grasp the significance of the Governor's role and interact with esteemed leaders from various schools. The girls thoroughly enjoyed connecting with fellow student leaders across NSW, exchanging ideas and experiences. Moreover, they had the privilege of listening to insightful advice on leadership from elected representatives in their respective electorates. Overall, it was a memorable and enriching experience for both Faith and Nikhita.
Year 12 Geography Fieldtrip to Tamburlaine Winery, Hunter Valley
Brianna, Charlotte, Ella, Evie, Olivia and Rubie - Year 12 Geography Students
On Wednesday 17 May, the Year 12 HSC Geography class had the amazing opportunity to attend an excursion to NSW’s largest wine region, the Hunter Valley. This term in Geography, we have been studying ‘People and Economic Activity’ with a focus on the Global Viticulture Industry, as well as Tamburlaine Organic Wines as an economic enterprise, which we had the chance to visit on our excursion. We began our excursion by eating a beautiful morning tea prepared by Mrs Chaiban herself. We all got to stretch our legs from the two and a half hour drive up to the Hunter Valley, and enjoy cheese and crackers, grapes, and alcohol-free wine!
After we had the chance to fill ourselves up, we made our way to Tamburlaine. Tamburlaine is the largest organic wine producer in Australia and the Southern Hemisphere with two vineyards and cellar doors in Orange and the Hunter Valley, where we got to visit. We were met by our tour guide Adrian who showed us around all the different facilities on site. Our first stop was “Phoebe’s Block”, a section of Tamburlaine’s vineyard where we learnt about organic winemaking and the steps they take to combat the hot and dry climate of Pokolbin. We visited one of their four dams where we talked about biodiversity and we lamented the fire of the ‘Lodge’ where weddings took place looking over the dam. Our next stop was their winery where we learnt about some of Tamburlaine’s external linkages such as where they source their barrels, which we found out was in France, as well as the general process for how their wines are made and some of the technology used like their unique balloon press that crushes the grapes without bursting the seeds. Next to the winery was Tamburlaine’s 8 tonne Vertical Composting Unit, where all of their green waste is recycled and used as fertiliser. Our tour finished up by visiting Tamburlaine’s aeration dam, where all their greywater is treated before its release in the natural water system. Unfortunately, with large machinery around, we were unable to step inside their warehouse but we still learnt how they have dealt with COVID, flooding and the Chinese tariffs on wine imports. Overall, our tour was exceptional and filled all the gaps in our knowledge for this unit of study.
We finished up our excursion by visiting the Irish pub ‘Harrigans’ for lunch where we ordered burgers, schnitzel, salads, and other meals before our long trip back home. We are so lucky that Mrs Chaiban put together this amazing excursion for us, and all the extra fun treats she added in for us, as well as Mrs Sparkl for joining us on the excursion.
Year 12 Business Studies Excursion
On May 11, Year 12 Business Studies went to Bringelly to investigate the operations and human resource management of a dairy farm. The students were very interested in the strict quality controls put in place to maintain the quality of the product and meet legislated guidelines.
2023 Bond Mooting Competition
Recently, three students in Year 11 competed in the 2023 Bond Mooting Competition. Students argued for Stella who was appealing a decision from a lower court. Students involved were Stephanie H, Senior Counsel, Marisa S, Junior Counsel and Inika N, Instructing Solicitor.
Federal Budget Breakfast
On 26 May 2023, 42 King's students joined with Year 11 and 12 Tara Economics students to hear a presentation on the 2023 Federal Budget Breakfast by Dr Edward Mariyani-Squire from Western Sydney University. Dr Mariyani-Squire currently teaches in the areas of Principles of Economics and Microeconomics at the undergraduate level and critical thinking at the postgraduate level. In the past, he has taught Economic Methodology, Political Economy, and History of Economic Thought. He gave useful analysis of the budget which will be used by the students in upcoming assessments and the HSC. After the lecture students were treated to a hot breakfast in the Tara Cafeteria.
Together Thursday in the Aquatic Centre
Cameron K - Sports Prefect
This week, Tara Senior School’s Together Thursday was run in the Aquatic Centre, with five girls from each year representing their grade in a game of Newcombe Ball. The games took place at lunchtime and were an excellent way to utilise the schools amazing new facility, in a competitive yet connected manner. By inviting all Senior School students to a fun event, the initiative allowed for school spirit, especially after the past few rocky years of COVID-19.
National Boarding Week
Jet H and Imogen M - Head Boarder and Deputy Head Boarder
National Boarder's Week in Week 4 was a remarkable and unforgettable event that brought our sisterhood together in celebration of diversity and unity. Through a variety of activities, we deepened our understanding of different cultures, shared delicious cuisines, and engaged in friendly games that strengthened our bonds - such as compliment cards and kahoots. We also invited a guest speaker, Mrs Cropper, to speak about her experience at boarding school as a young girl, which everyone truly enjoyed. Her story resonated with us, reminding us of the forever friendships we have made here at Eggleton House.
For our fundraising towards the Vanessa Grant Foundation, Eggleton House hosted a fundraiser selling sausage sizzles and sweet treats baked by boarders. As a result of the dedicated volunteers, delicious treats, and a supportive community, we managed to raise an impressive total of $1,209.
This achievement would not have been possible without the enthusiasm and generosity of everyone involved and we’d like to say a big thank you to all the staff and students who helped out and donated to the cause.
Greatest Morning Tea Recap
Ellie H & Amlina M - Year 9 SRC
On 25 May 2023, Year 9 SRC held Tara’s annual Greatest Morning Tea. This event was a great success as many staff and students brought in baked or storebought goods to create THE GREATEST morning tea! These items ranged from cookies, packets of chips, meringues and fudge! All Senior School came down to the Colonnade and even danced the Nutbush together in remembrance of Tina Turner. Overall, we raised over $2,000 for the Cancer Council. It was a great morning, well done Year 9!
Year 11 and 12 Music Concert
This concert will feature solos from selected Year 11 and Year 12 students as well as performances from our choirs, bands and string ensembles.
Tara Beyond the Gates 2023
Tara Beyond the Gates 2023 - Tara Alumni Student Connections
In early May, the first of the 2023 Tara Alumni Student Connections commenced. This program is an opportunity for students at Tara Anglican School for Girls in Years 10, 11 and 12 to connect with Tara Alumni to gain information and clarity about careers, study and the world of work. The program seeks to develop student awareness of the knowledge, experience, and opportunities that Alumni may provide and to foster engagement and participation of Alumni within the School.
With workplaces and people adapting to a changing world of work, within this program, rather than focus on a single career, the connections explored a wider view of work within a number of identified career pathways including: Business & Innovation; Creative & Arts; Education; Law & Defence; Media & Communication; Medical & Health; Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
62 students enrolled in the program and the majority have now completed their first connection online with their alumni host. Next term they will have a second session focusing on preparing for the world of work. Here are just a few comments and observations from students and alumni about the first session:
“In my opinion there was no "least" valuable aspect of the session as everything we talked about was important and gave me valuable information and knowledge for my future”.
“I felt that it is valuable for students to hear from alumni on the next stages of life. It can be very daunting as a young person, navigating both the myriad of choices, and pressure from family and society. I think these discussions provide perspective on pathways to a career, happiness and navigating those pressures”.
“A great way to give back to the Tara community and invest in the girls' education in a small way.”
“I think just gaining another perspective from someone who has walked the path we're about to take was really good”.
Senior Sport
Senior School Cross Country
Skye A - Cross Country Captain
Tara's 2023 Cross Country and Interhouse Competition was held on the last day of Term 1. It was a fun afternoon for all girls and staff!
The overall individual Cross Country results for the Juniors include Junior Champion Belita K with Sarah S as Runner Up. The Intermediate girls showed amazing results with Zayla T in 1st place and Bernice T as Runner Up. The Senior girls Champion was Skye A with Cameron K as Runner Up.
The overall Cross Country house results include Hake in 1st with 383 points, 2nd Waugh with 376 points, Walker in 3rd with 375 points and Crawford in 4th place with a total of 332 points.
Cross Country Age Champions:
12 Years
1st: Olivia J (7CR)
2nd: Cleo F (7CR)
3rd: Justine W (7HK)
4th: Joy H (7WG)
13 Years
1st:Victoria H (7WK)
2nd:Sanah U (7WG)
3rd:Zoe M (7WG)
4th:Reeta L (8HK)
14 Years
1st:Belita K (9HK)
2nd:Sarah S (9CR)
3rd:Bhavya B (9CR)
4th:Sophie B (8WK)
15 Years
1st: Zayla T (10CR)
2nd: Bernice T (10HK)
3rd: Abigail R (9CR)
4th: Orchid Y (10WG)
16 Years
1st:Jemma S(11WK)
2nd:Joy Hong C (10WK)
3rd:Chelsea C (10HK)
4th: Popi T (10CR)
17 Years
1st:Skye A(11WG)
2nd:Isabella K (12WK)
3rd:Caitlin I (11WG)
4th:Meghann B (11HK)
18+ Years
1st: Cameron K(12WK)
2nd: Ashiqca M (12HK)
3rd: Tahlia H (12WK)
4th: Rhema C (12WK)
Interhouse Sports Afternoon Results
2023 Results
Futsal (Soccer):
1st: Crawford (42)
2nd: Hake (30)
3rd: Waugh (22) – Winners based on points for and against
4th: Walker (22)
1st: Crawford (42)
2nd: Walker (36)
3rd: Hake (25)
4th: Waugh (10)
Table Tennis:
1st: Waugh (42)
2nd: Hake (36)
3rd: Crawford (24)
4th: Walker (18)
Touch Football:
1st: Walker (22)
2nd: Crawford (20) – Winners based on points for and against
3rd: Hake (20)
4th: Waugh (6)
Cheerleading/House Dance:
1st: Waugh (18.5)
2nd: Hake (16.5)
3rd: Walker (15.5)
4th: Crawford (13.5)
1st: Crawford (38)
2nd: Waugh (32) – Winners based on points for and against
3rd: Walker (32)
4th: Hake (14)
Diamond Cricket:
1st: Waugh (42)
2nd: Crawford (36)
3rd: Hake (22) – Winners based on points for and against
4th: Walker (22)
Newcombe Ball:
1st: Hake (36) – Winners based on points for and against
2nd: Crawford (36)
3rd: Walker (30)
4th: Waugh (18)
1st: Hake (42)
2nd: Walker (30) – Winners based on points for and against
3rd: Crawford (30)
4th: Waugh (24)
House Cheer Results:
1st: Hake
2nd: Waugh
3rd: Walker
4th: Crawford
Well done to all girls who participated and thank you to all the staff who helped to make this a fantastic day!
Senior School Athletics Carnival
Cameron K - Athletics Captain
This year, Tara’s Senior School Athletics Carnival was held at the Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Warm-Up Arena, marking another successful carnival for the School. All girls from Years 7-12 came with loads of House spirit, to a day filled with track and field events as well as fun participation games.
Championship events highlighted the exceptional talent of Tara girls, particularly an outstanding achievement by Jessica C who broke the Tara record for Senior discus by over 2 metres! Her throw reached 34.8m, championing the previous record of 32.2m.
Other athletes were recognised for their talents according to their age category and the results are as follows:
Junior Athletics Champion:
1st Place: Ashleigh F
Runner Up: Ruby O
Intermediate Athletics Champion:
1st Place: Veronika A
Runner Up: Zayla T and Chelsea C
Senior Athletics Champion:
1st Place: Elianna H
Runner Up: Cameron K
The most important event of the day seemed to be the interform relay, where relay teams were comprised of six girls from each grade. This year, the interform relay trophy went to Year 12! The Year 12 girls were closely followed by Year 10, and in third place was Year 9.
Overall, the enthusiasm and passion from all Senior students was beyond impressive; special mention to the Walker House who won the House Cheer Trophy this year, and to Year 12 who won the Year Participation Trophy. Finally, a special mention to the Hake House who won the overall Interhouse Athletics Trophy, which truly is an amazing achievement!
All in all, the day was a great opportunity for fun and spirit amongst the Tara community. Special thanks to Ms Musto, Mr Bickersteth and all staff who assisted in allowing the day to run smoothly. Thank you!
Skye A - Netball Captain
Round 4
S03 Tara 1 vs SCEGGS 3, Loss, 6-22
S04 Tara 2 vs SCEGGS 4, Loss, 4-19
J02 Tara 3 vs St Vincent’s 9, Loss, 8-28
Y702 Tara 4 vs Danebank 7, Loss, 3-15
In Round 4 the Tara Senior firsts played SCEGGS showing their competitive skills and spirit. Sarayu S played in GD showing amazing skills when defending in the circle and Skye A played in centre using sharp drives to help get the ball down the court.
The second Senior team played SCEGGS at Tempe. The attacking members in the team had significantly improved interception skills in comparison to last week’s game. Emma K showed excellent skills in the circle and shot three out of four goals in the game.
The Junior team played an amazing game on the weekend. The girls showed excellent teamwork in the first quarter of the game driving the ball down the court. Erum M utilised her fantastic defending skills helping to put pressure on the other team. Verity A had an amazing game shooting majority goals for the team.
This week, the Year 7 team played their best game yet! The girls were able to get into good space on the court, through effective communication and defending. Thalia G demonstrated fantastic defence skills, moving into space and jumped for rebounds. Sandy H helped the team get the ball down the court through moving into space, catching, and passing the ball. Elisheba S played an amazing game specialising in her awesome defence skills, catching the rebound and nice technique.
Round 5
S03 Tara 1 vs St Vincent’s 5, Win, 12-11
S04 Tara 2 vs SCEGGS 5, Loss, 0-7
J02 Tara 3 vs SCEGGS 7, Win, 20-17
Y702 Tara 4 vs St Vincent’s 18, Loss, 2-25
In Round 5, the Tara Senior firsts played St Vincent’s winning their game 12-11. Lara T helped get the ball down the court through solid defence skills. Suhanya J and Skye A showed quick and efficient circle work throughout the game. Radha S caught amazing rebounds in the circle with Eliza M. The girls played an amazing game this week and are super excited for next week!
The second Senior team played SCEGGS at Tempe. The defence players had good communication throughout the game with Cahyun K playing in Wing Defence (WD) turning the ball over. Throughout the game, the girls had good communication and teamwork helping to get goals through the hoop.
The Junior team played at Tempe on the weekend against SCEGGS and won their game! The score was 20-17. The girls had good passes throughout the game and Lucianne M showed amazing defence skills. The girls showed excellent teamwork this week.
The Year 7 team played against St Vincent’s. Elisheba S caught outstanding rebounds through her strong defensive skills and Thalia G and Hasini R both showed good passing and communication down the court. The girls worked well together as a team through effective teamwork and communication with Emily T and Leah W shooting goals.
Mena T - Football Captain
Round 4
S04 Tara 1 vs Roseville 2, Win, 1-0
S09 Tara 2 vs Frensham 5, Loss, 0-5
J05 Tara 3 vs St Vincent’s 3, Win, 4-2
Tara 1 - In Round 4, the Tara firsts team demonstrated exceptional performance as we implemented the skills we had been practicing during training, particularly in creating space and passing to players. In doing this, we managed to score a 1-0 win against Roseville.
Tara 2 - Round 4’s football match was at Frensham. Despite our 0-5 loss, we showcased our determination and resilience exhibiting great effort and persistence until the very end.
Tara 3- The Junior soccer team had an excellent game. Our defence successfully prevented several goals and effectively passed the ball to the strikers, providing them with scoring opportunities. Our exceptional defensive abilities were displayed through many interceptions that effectively kept the opposition at bay.
Round 5
S04 Tara 1 vs Monte 2, Win, 1-0
S09 Tara 2 vs SCEGGS 3, Loss, 0-10
J05 Tara 3 vs Kambala 4, Loss, 2-3
Abbey V - Basketball Captain
Round 4
S03 Tara 1 vs St Scholastica’s 1, Win, 52-24
S06 Tara 2 vs Loreto Normanhurst 3, Win, 24-23
S11 Tara 3 vs Loreto Normanhurst 11, Loss, 22-28
S13 Tara 4 vs Frensham 5, Loss, 10-13
S15 Tara 5 vs Frensham 6, Win, 24-22
S17 Tara 6 vs Loreto Normanhurst 17, Win, 22-18
J03 Tara 7 vs SCEGGS 5, Draw, 33-33
J05 Tara 8 vs Brigidine 8, Loss, 20-38
J07 Tara 9 vs Loreto Normanhurst 22, Loss, 12-19
J09 Tara 10 vs Loreto Normanhurst 23, Loss, 5-32
J11 Tara 11 vs Roseville 13, Loss, 9-10
J14 Tara 12 vs Abbotsleigh 27, Loss, 14-32
Y703 Tara 13 vs Abbotsleigh 30, Loss, 8-32
Y705 Tara 14 vs Brigidine 12, Loss, 8-26
Y707 Tara 15 vs Santa Sabina 6, Loss, 14-26
Y708 Tara 16 vs Queenwood 15, Loss, 12-39
Basketball was a great hit at Tara this week. The Senior firsts had a great win, showing great improvements with teamwork, leadership, and communication. Charli H had an especially great game, running the floor, making layups, and playing exceptional defence. The Senior seconds won in a close game, a score of 24-23. They played as a team really well sticking together until the final buzzer.
Every other team played well and showed many improvements. Every team left the court with a new goal for their next game.
Round 5
S03 Tara 1 vs Danebank 1, Loss, 30-47
S06 Tara 2 vs Pymble 4, Draw, 27-27
S11 Tara 3 vs Meriden 5, Win, 33-18
S13 Tara 4 vs Kambala 3,
S15 Tara 5 vs SCEGGS 4, Win, 31-30
S17 Tara 6 vs Loreto Normanhurst 18, Loss, 11-40
J03 Tara 7 vs Wenona 6, Win, 24-18
J05 Tara 8 vs Abbotsleigh 16, Loss, 14-39
J07 Tara 9 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 9, Win, 16-11
J09 Tara 10 vs Abbotsleigh 22, Loss, 20-26
J11 Tara 11 vs Roseville 14, Win, 30-26
J14 Tara 12 vs Abbotsleigh 28, Win, 18-16
Y703 Tara 13 vs Roseville 18, Loss, 16-18
Y705 Tara 14 vs Pymble 16, Win, 11-9
Y707 Tara 15 vs Danebank 7, Win, 35-10
Y708 Tara 16 vs Brigidine 13,
In Round 5, the Senior firsts had their first loss, 30-47. The team still played a great game despite many sick and away. Catherine M displayed her amazing scoring abilities throughout the game, with Tobi W playing the point showing her improvements in leadership and facilitating. The Junior firsts played Wenona and had a great win, 24-18. Our Senior seconds team tied in a physical game, final score 27-27. They have shown tremendous improvements throughout the season by working as a team and playing hard. The girls at Tara are ready to get some wins in their next round of games, all feeling super motivated.
Sport News
Rhythmic Gymnastics News
Congratulations to Celine Z (Year 3), Jessica R (Year 5), Lily J and Yuna L (Year 7) and Lucinda P (Year 9) for their participation at the annual Club PERO In-House Meet held on 20 May at SCEGGS Darlinghurst.
The gymnasts demonstrated new body, apparatus and dance skills to their parents with Lily, Yuna and Lucinda performing their level 4 and 5 routines to aspiring young gymnasts too!
Well done to all!
Tara Artistic Gymnastics Event
On Sunday 21 May, over 80 young gymnasts performed their amazing gymnastics skills at an event held in the Tara Gymnasium. All the gymnasts looked amazing in their new gymnastics singlets and leotards and performed the skills they had been practising with pride and accuracy. They were all judged on their performances and received graded colour ribbons on each apparatus along with an overall medal for their efforts. We are so proud of every one of them. Thank you to all the Tara families who came and supported this fun event.
A special mention to Mila B, Julianna H, Stefeni K, Mia N, Evelyn N and Dolly S who competed in the National Level 2 competition on this day. This was their first competition, and we are so pleased with their results. We look forward to having another event like this later in the year.
Careers News
Careers Newsletters - JobJump
All girls in Years 7-12 are encouraged to read this newsletter every week on the Canvas Careers page.
Careers Newsletter - 1 June 2023
For more information please contact Mr David Berridge via email -