Term 1, Week 9, 2020
A Message from the Principal
Senior School Drop Off and Pick Up - New Arrangements from Monday 29 May
Just over two and a half years ago, we adjusted the way Senior School students were dropped off in the morning and collected in the afternoon by car.
At the time, the builders constructing the Aquatic and Fitness Centre took up a large section of the main carpark near the Chapel which restricted car movement and traffic flow for families. The project is now complete and as such we will move the drop off and collection point for Senior School students back to the turning circle at the Chapel.
- Drop off point - turning circle at Tara Chapel
- Pick up point - turning circle at Tara Chapel
- If a parent must park their car to drop their daughter off, please park in the carpark near the Chapel
- NO ACCESS to Senior School via the roadway next to Eggleton House (Tara Boarding)
- Saturday Sport - parents are to use the upper carpark near Mouleric Oval accessing it via the ring road from Masons Drive
- Licenced Senior students that drive to Tara - please park in the upper carpark near Mouleric Oval accessing it via the ring road from Masons Drive
Our aim is to improve safety and access for staff and students.
All visitors to Tara (including parents) are asked to park their car in the carpark below the Tara Chapel and report to Main Reception, if they have an appointment or are delivering something for their daughter in the Senior School.
Please do not walk into the Senior School unless you have signed in at Main Reception.
Arrangements for accessing the Junior School will remain as they are.
We will review this change over the coming weeks and make adjustments if necessary. Our aim is always to provide a safe and secure environment for everyone on site at Tara.
Please see the map below for details of Pick Up and Drop Off points.
General News
LDC Seminar - Tuesday 20 June for parents and teachers
All parents and teachers are invited to attend a Learning Difficulties Coalition (LDC) Seminar on Tuesday 20 June.
The concept of neurodiversity was first developed in the context of autistic people’s lived experience (and a much-needed adjustment away from conceptualising living with ASD as a “disorder” that needs “fixing”). The concept focused on brain-based ASD traits that were not neurotypical, some of which were strengths, and some of which benefited from greater support, understanding and adaptation (particularly in the classroom). Subsequently, it has been applied to other neurodevelopmental and/or neuropsychiatric conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), speech and language disorders, specific learning disorders (e.g., dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia), and Motor Disorders (e.g., Tourette’s Disorder). The benefits and challenges of utilising “neurodiversity” to describe students requiring additional support will be questioned and explored.
Presenter: John Blythe
Principal Clinical Psychologist and Director - John Blythe Child Psychology Clinics. Adjunct Fellow - University of Western Sydney.
Date: Tuesday 20 June 2023
Registration: 9:45am
Seminar: 10:00am-12:00pm (Including question time)
Location: Online and Zoom Seminar
Contact: Phone: 02 9806 9960 Email:info@ldc.org.au
To Register please click on the following link: Register Now
From the Dean of Learning ELC-6
A Mathematical Journey
Wendy Abernethy - Dean of Learning E-6
News campaigns of late have included stories about the teacher shortage crisis, as well as the challenges and complexities of teaching. They have also highlighted the significant changes we are experiencing in NSW as multiple new syllabus documents are rolled out across the state in the biggest reform to teaching in the last 30 years. The Labor Government have now extended the delivery timeline of NSW Curriculum Reform to ensure the best learning outcomes for school students. The new syllabuses will be staggered, with priority given to core subjects including English and Mathematics. The syllabuses for English and Mathematics K-2, mandatory from the start of this year, and the newly released English and Mathematics syllabuses for Years 3-10, are research-backed and reflective of much of the professional learning Tara staff have recently undertaken.
At Tara, teachers participate in a considered program of professional learning. This includes offerings from external organisations such as the Association of Independent Schools, who are currently working with staff on the Primary Numeracy Project, and the International Baccalaureate, as well as regular professional learning experiences which occur within the school. These school-based experiences are intentional, thoughtful, and explicitly designed according to contextual needs. They can include small group action research, sharing of practice and guided inquiries. To align with the syllabus rollout, Junior School professional learning in 2022 and 2023 has incorporated a focus on teaching mathematics.
Fundamental skills in numeracy are a foundation for life. Staff have explored the organisation of mathematics content in the new K-6 syllabus, the use of concrete materials in the process of moving students from concrete to abstract understanding, and the principles of explicit instruction and inquiry pedagogy. They know that through a solid foundation in the basics and an ability to make connections, students can springboard into rich and exciting mathematical inquiry.
Working mathematically is a strong focus underpinning the new syllabus and is built upon the five dimensions of mathematical proficiency. It is much more than working quickly, reciting learned facts, or applying specific strategies in repetition.
Promoting mathematical reasoning
Mathematical reasoning is an essential skill needed if students are to achieve proficiency in mathematics. It requires them to develop an increasingly sophisticated capacity for logical thought and actions. Questions with more than one possible answer provide opportunities for students to build reasoning skills. When students demonstrate reasoning, they may be asked to:
- Explain why something does or doesn’t belong to a set.
For example: Which number doesn’t belong out of 9, 16, 25 and 43? Which shape doesn’t belong out of a square, a triangle, a rectangle, and a hexagon.
- Prove that a statement is always, never or sometimes true.
For example: The more digits a number has, the bigger it is. Doubling the length of each side of a rectangle, doubles its area.
- Describe what is the same or different about two things.
For example: What is the same and different between 275 and 225? What is the same and different between a pentagon and a triangle?
- Visualise to find an answer.
For example: Describe the hidden part of a diagram. Describe the next step in a repeating or growing pattern.
We aim to equip each girl with the numeracy skills to become a more open-minded, confident, successful and critical member of society. Our mathematical journey will continue as we work with the new syllabus and seek to build the five dimensions of mathematical proficiency in Tara girls. As you support your daughter to work through the Number Smash tasks and engage with online activities available on Mathletics and My Numeracy, her conceptual understanding and problem solving skills will improve. You can assist her further by:
- Enabling her capacity to reason
- Provide opportunities for her to communicate mathematical questions,
- Challenging her to convince you about her strategies and conclusions
- Asking her to justify her decisions, prove a point, and make generalisations
We look forward to seeing many Junior School parents at our Lightbulb Learning Sessions on Mathematics and Wellbeing this Thursday, 25 May at 6pm.
Burrows, P., Raymond, L. & Clarke, C. (2020, September) A Powerful Image of Mathematical Thinking, Doing and Being: The Four Proficiencies as Verbs Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, Vol 25
From the Deputy Principal | Head of Junior School
Learning Together – A Calendar of Collaboration
Ruth Adams - Deputy Principal | Head of Junior School
The students of Tara learn in an environment optimally conditioned for girls. At Tara, girls eschew gender restrictions and stereotype, and embrace the breadth of possibilities education has to offer. Across all the domains of learning – academic, leadership of self and others, sport, and social/emotional – Tara teachers and students co-create and exist in a space that is fit for purpose for the unique way that girls learn and interact. We are specialists in girls!
However, being fit for purpose also recognises that it is not a single-gender world! Life is coeducational, and it is important for the girls to learn how to work alongside boys and girls from other schools, understanding that respect, agency, collaboration and consensus is at the heart of positive relationships.
A positive working relationship with our friends from King’s Prep has existed for many years, although primarily situated in the upper years of Junior School. In recent times, there has been a united desire from both Mr Allison and me to expand the opportunities we are providing, so students from every grade learn more about productive and positive relationships with each other.
Along with their equivalents at King’s, Mrs Abernethy and Mr Harrison have developed a calendar of collaboration: opportunities for every girl in every grade to experience captivating and challenging learning experiences, with the added bonus of learning to work with and from their friends at King’s. In doing so, the girls are learning more about different ways of working, how to be agentic when in a new context, and how to have an ease of casual but purposeful communication that is centred around a mutual goal or learning intention. An added bonus is the collaborative opportunity it is providing Tara and King’s staff, who are working together and learning from each other in planning and executing these special days.
The scope and sequence of events is designed to use learning activities as a platform for social and academic development, and are aligned with our curriculum and units of inquiry, commencing with physical fitness, bush experiences and play in the younger years, through to maths and music in the middle years, before arriving at the literacy and leadership focus of Years 5 and 6. The girls (and boys!) are showing and growing resilience, agency, active listening, humour, and appreciating in a real-life context that important life adage: when faced with a problem, two brains are better than one. In the process, Tara girls are realising that far from being a separate species, boys are learners with strengths and fragilities, just like us!
One of the foundational experiences of our collaboration has been the formation of an Essential Agreement – a process students at both schools are well-versed in as these student-created Agreements form the basis of how classrooms and playgrounds operated happily and productively.
Jasmine, Tara’s Elizabeth Medalist, and Ethan, the Prep’s Captain, represented the students of their respective schools to create the Agreement, whose language is intentionally ‘accessible’ to every student E-6. At each activity the students and teachers will tease out the Agreement’s points in an age-appropriate way. For example, act respectfully could be ‘take turns and put equipment away’ for E-6, and ‘refrain from poor language and using God’s name as an outburst, and choose to build others up’ for the older year groups.
It is my hope that with the ongoing connections with our friends from King’s, and positive conversations at home about mutual respect and what girls can achieve, we are building strong and respectful communities, on both sides of the fence!
When you pray this week...
Every day that I travel along Masons Drive on my way to or from work, I marvel at the beauty of the autumn leaves lining the street. These annual displays have become seasonal symbols, marking the passage of time with another year passing. I have been reflecting on these trees as I contemplate Tara’s prayer focus for the next fortnight:
When you pray this week, remember:
That God is the mighty and powerful creator of our world: it’s author and architect. He uses the seasons to make beauty in the everyday.
How, despite the mandate given to us in Genesis 2:15, we do not always treat His creation with the best stewardship. We load landfills with our excessive consumerism.
To appreciate the rejuvenating impact of God’s nature; how time spent in nature can help us feel reconnected and recalibrated.
To ask God for His intervention in political leadership of environmental and climate policy, and to put opportunities in our path for us to act with integrity in caring for our natural spaces.
Performing Arts
Sheen Family Prize - Performer of the Year 2022
Community Events
Mother’s Day Classic
On Mother's Day, the Tara School Community took part in the Mother’s Day Classic at Parramatta Park. It was a wonderful sunny morning filled with a lot of laughs and camaraderie. The Tara Tigers team together raised $3,535 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF). Well done to all who attended on the day and/or donated to the event.
Dana G - Year 11
Over the weekend, many Tara girls participated in the Mother’s Day Classic as part of the Tara Tiger’s team. The Mother’s Day Classic is a fun run where money is raised towards breast cancer research and is a great event where Tara girls took part in the 5km walk and 10km run! It was a fun event where we all could get together on Mother’s Day and participate in such a good cause as a school community. Overall, Tara raised over $3,500 towards the Mother’s Day Classic! The Tara Tigers team had a great time and encourage all girls to attend next year!
Mother Daughter High Tea
On Saturday 20 May, 196 of Tara’s mums, grandmas and special relatives came together with 230 Tara girls to celebrate Mother’s Day. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining at the stunning Oatlands House. Much fun was had by all with a gorgeous afternoon tea, raffle prizes, a fairy for the younger girls and a chance to chat and make some wonderful connections. Thank you to the P&F committee led by Donna Karam and supported by President Trish Cross and Committee Member, Liz Brockliss for the hours spent organising this event and to Year 1 mum, Diana Jabbour for donating items and her expertise for the styling.
Tara Community News
Tara P&F Association
The next meeting of the Tara P&F will take place on Tuesday 1 August, 7:30pm in the Bowern Room.
A guest speaker for this event is being finalised and further details will be sent prior to the end of term. If you would like to contact the P&F at any time, please send emails to parentsandfriends@tara.nsw.edu.au
Sports Café
After a break for a few seasons, The P&F Sports Café reopened on Saturday 13 May with a new look and menu. The School is extremely grateful for the hard work undertaken by the committee led by Tara dads, Rocky Nematalla (ELC) and John Capulopo (Year 12) and P&F President, Trish Cross to get this facility up and running.
The committee has many great plans going forward and are currently finalising the hiring of a new Café Manager whom they hope will be a wonderful addition to the canteen. To assist the manager, the P&F require a few parent volunteers each weekend. If you can assist this Saturday for an hour or two please contact parentsandfriends@tara.nsw.edu.au
Tara Dads Club
The Tara Dads Club, (TDC) enhances every girls' Tara experience by nurturing the dad and daughter relationship, creating opportunities for dads to contribute to the Tara School Values and fostering a spirit of community.
The Annual General Meeting of the Tara Dads Club will be held on Tuesday 20 June from 7:30pm in the glass room below the Tara Chapel. Nominations will open on 6 June for any Tara dads wishing to join the Executive Committee. Prior to the AGM, the TDC will be holding a Networking Evening from 6-7:30pm in the Chapel Foyer. This is a free event open to all current and past Tara dads. For catering purposes, please complete the following registration if you would like to attend.
TDC Networking Event registration
The next big event for the group is the Dads and Daughter Dinner Dance on Saturday 22 July at Doltone House, Darling Island, Pyrmont. Booking details for this event will be issued this week, please mark the date in your diaries.
Tara Old Girls' Association
All Tara Old Girls are encouraged to follow the Tara Old Girls' Association & Alumni Facebook page to stay in contact and up to date with our community.
Tara Old Girls' Association Facebook Page
Please also remember to keep your details in the school’s database up to date via this link Tara Old Girl - Update your details
The first annual Back to Tara Day will be held this year on 6 August at Tara from 1pm and all Tara Old Girls and ex staff are invited to attend. The booking link for this event will be issued shortly via the Tara website. This will be a wonderful way to reconnect with the school and your peers. For further information please contact taraoldgirls@tara.nsw.edu.au
2023 Class Parent Network
Class parents are an invaluable resource within the school and play a vital role in welcoming new families; organising social events for their year group/class and volunteering to assist and help rally troops to organise and staff community events. All families have been sent details of their class parent representative/s and are asked to make contact to connect with them and their WhatsApp group to keep up to date with events being organised for the year group.
On Friday 12 May we held our Term 2 class parent meeting and it was wonderful to connect with another group of amazing ladies. Thank you for all you do.
Junior School News
5 Casey Face Time with their Class Novel’s Author Nat Amoore
Miss Julyann Dos Santos - 5 Casey Teacher
At Tara Junior School, we love to name our classes after a female character who demonstrates growing leadership attributes such as being influential, taking responsibility, being courageous and making a difference. One of our Year 5 classes is called 5 Casey, after the main character in the novel ‘The Power of Positive Pranking’ by Nat Amoore! We believe Casey epitomises wonderful characteristics of a learner, that we strive to be!
We loved Nat’s book so much, we reached out to her via email at the beginning of Term 2 to let her know about the positive effect it had on us, which led to a rewarding opportunity where Nat offered to answer any of our questions and provide us with some helpful tips.
Nat went to an all-girls school, and she found it to be an amazing experience as she learnt how powerful girls and groups of girls can be. She finds it exciting to write books that have strong female characters who are still flawed, but who grow and learn from their mistakes.
Nat gives opportunities a go and is not afraid to experience change; you may already know this if you have followed her long list of careers. For example, back in high school she worked as a fairy making wands for kids, then backstage at rock concerts. After that she was in a reality tv show, next she worked in tv film production, then worked for the Olympic games, more in between, but finally she ended up as an author writing books. She revealed to us that through her many adventures, she gets to meet new cool people who have inspired the formation of characters in her books.
Nat revealed to us that in the early stages of her becoming an author, she didn’t think she could do it because “books have so many words”, but because she knew she loved storytelling, she tried it and found out that she was indeed very good at it. Nat shared with us that she is still getting better at writing. Her tip for anyone who wants to improve in this area is to treat writing as a sport. Practise to get better at it. The more you do it, the faster you do it. The scariest thing is when people read your work, so when you are young, start entering small competitions to get used to people reading your work and most importantly, do you. Look at the style of writing from authors you like, look at the genres you like and find your voice. The girls in 5 Casey value a lot about their class novel author Nat. Here’s some of the things they’ve shared:
She is super relatable, funny and easy going – Emma
I love her passion for writing books that kids get to enjoy – Belle and Anneliese
She spent precious time answering all our questions about her books – Andrea
She gives good advice about how to achieve your dreams – Chloe C
I like her goofy style and her connection with kids – Sophia J
I hope she comes to Tara so all classes can listen to her – Shilan
Junior Sport
Year 5 Pilates Incursion
Students in Year 5 recently completed a unit of inquiry exploring the different health related components of fitness. To further develop their understanding of strength and flexibility, students enthusiastically took part in a Pilates lesson delivered by a qualified instructor from YOGAMIGOS. They learnt to move their bodies in ways to help improve their flexibility, balance, and muscular strength. They performed a range of challenging movements on their own and with a partner. At the conclusion of their unit, students designed and presented their own fitness circuit to demonstrate their understanding.
Year 6 AFL Incursion
Aalisha, Diya and Jada - Year 6
Three incredible coaches from the GWS Giants Auzkick Program have been attending our PE lessons to instruct us on how to play AFL. We learnt the skill of hand passing, the different ways of marking the ball, and drop kicking. We had to practice a lot to be able to kick the ball high and far enough to score ourselves a goal! We have been able to showcase our talents and strengths, and some of us have discovered talents we didn't know we had! Some games were challenging, while others made us feel out of breath. At the end of our incursion, we used all the skills we had learned to confidently play a competitive game of AFL.
Throughout the program we were courageous – we tried a sport that was new to most of us. We were caring – we helped our teammates and cheered them on. We were principled – we were good sports. We were thinkers – we had to think about our next move, if we would run, kick, or handpass and who to. We have really enjoyed the last few weeks and as part of the program, we were given an AFL ball to take home to continue practising with!
Senior School News
Senior Theatresports
Congratulations to our Senior Theatresports Team who won their heat last week! Well done Anika P, Faith W, Liz G and Georgia H.
Theatresports Semi-finals
Tara will be hosting two semi-finals for Theatresports this week. We would love as much support as possible for the teams involved.
Tickets can be purchased at the door on the night.
Cost: $10 students, $15 adults
Wednesday 24 May @ 7pm – Intermediate Theatresports Semi
Thursday 25 May @ 7pm – Senior Theatresports Semi
Both events will be held in the Tara Theatre.
We hope to see you there!
Year 11 Play - The Formal
The Year 11 drama class put on an amazing production of 'The Formal' by Sue Murray!
This lively and entertaining comedy delves into the stress and excitement of one of the biggest highlights of any student's life - the formal. From dresses to boys, the characters navigate family, friends, assessments, and everything in between to make the night a success.
Our talented drama students put their all into bringing this production to life, studying the elements of production, and working collaboratively to create a show that was both nostalgic and engaging.
All proceeds from the performances were donated to Baptist World Aid to help end worker exploitation.
Amazing performance girls!
Social Science Update - Year 10 Market Day Results
Year 10 Market Day was held earlier in the year and we are pleased to announce the results of the best stalls for 2023.
Congratulations to all store holders who raised $5,000 for the Parramatta Women's Shelter and ingredients for girls to cook for Dignity Dishes. This term in Year 10 Commerce we are studying The Housing Crisis so we are thrilled we can help both the homeless and domestic violence sufferers.
MYP leads to action.
Highest Earning Business – “loaded UP” (Assya G, Zayla T, Denicia K, Keira C)
Marketing Innovation – “the Igloos” (Alison S, Melody L, Tian R, Audrey S)
Product Innovation – “rICE Cream” (Melanie Q, Joy C, Anna Z)
Product Differentiation – “Cachet Accessories” (Nestacia K, Priscilla M)
Year 10 Business of the Year - “Sip and Dip “ (Haasini A, Georgia H, Antonia S, Anika V)
Tara’s Greatest Morning Tea
Year 9 SRC
On 25 May, Year 9 SRC has planned The Greatest Morning Tea which is an initiative to raise money for the Cancer Council. All profits will be going towards cancer education and research. Senior school girls are encouraged to bring in baked goods which are individually wrapped and bring in a gold coin donation. The best-baked item will win an amazing prize so start getting creative and baking!
Dignity Dishes
Aarushi H - Social Justice Prefect
Dignity dishes is an ongoing program at Tara. It is a great service opportunity for girls to participate within our community. Last week after school on Tuesday we made 64 meals that were frozen and taken to the Dignity distribution centre at North Parramatta. The meals are then distributed by the appropriate personnel to less fortunate people in the community.
We are immensely grateful for the girls who have taken the time to help us cook, alongside our wonderful Food Technology department, who source ingredients, help prepare meals and supervise these sessions. During this cold winter we plan to continue making a real impact that serves beyond Tara.
Our second cook will commence on 23 May. Hope to see you there!
Gifted Education
At Tara, we are committed to meeting the individual needs of high potential and gifted students. We do this by tailoring our curriculum and instructional practices to their unique learning styles and interests. In addition, we create a school environment that challenges and inspires our students to thrive academically and emotionally through additional programs.
From the Gifted Education Coordinator in the Senior School - Mrs Janine Nguyen:
“I strongly believe in collaborative partnerships and will actively engage with students to build individualised learning profiles, with parents to cultivate an environment of open communication and with teachers to incorporate innovative strategies that challenge and inspire gifted learners.”
Students in Years 7-12 who are interested in further enrichment in various subject areas are encouraged to visit the Canvas Aspire page and to contact the relevant teachers listed. Important emails are also sent out throughout the year with opportunities for students to challenge themselves.
Through working collaboratively, every high potential and gifted student at Tara will be empowered and celebrated for their exceptional abilities to ensure a future that is bright. They will be supported to aspire to, and achieve, personal excellence.
For more information, please contact Mrs Janine Nguyen via email.
Tara Debating Update
Angelique Ockert - Debating Coordinator
As we wrap up the Friday Evening Debates (FED), the exceptional debating talents of our girls at Tara Anglican School are shining bright. Our 8A, 8B, and 7A teams have battled their way through to the semi finals, to be hosted at Knox and MLC. Our girls have proven themselves to be formidable debaters, articulating convincing arguments on diverse topics ranging from politics, the merits of public versus private education, gender issues, and even the profound subject of death's elusive presence in our lives.
Our journey doesn't stop there; we are concurrently participating in the Archdale competitions. On May 16, our teams continued to showcase their debating prowess. Our Senior A, Year 9, and Year 7A teams achieved impressive victories against Loreto Normanhurst, bringing home the laurels.
With such momentum, we are excited for what lies ahead. There is so much more to come as our teams prepare to take on new challenges, demonstrating the power of their words and the strength of their arguments.
We invite everyone to continue following our debating journey. Feel free to attend our home ground debates and witness the eloquence and intellectual acumen of our students as they engage in these exhilarating competitions. This space will continue to be filled with updates on our progress and triumphs, so stay tuned!
Trivia Night Year 8 2023
Isabel D - Year 8
On 12 May 2023, Tara and King’s Year 8 students had a great night answering trivia together. We answered a range of different categories from music, sports, science and general knowledge to IKEA or Pokémon (that was very interesting!). As a team of three boys and three girls we worked all through the evening trying to get answers, get bonus points and answer the extra point question (e.g figuring out what: O,T,T,F,F,S,S stands for).
Some of the best parts of the night were the food, but also our time exploring the music category. At the event, each student was provided with a soft drink, meat pies, sausage rolls, and very cute cupcakes. Then to answering the music category, each Year 8 student got to go on a musical journey trying to name the song and finish the lyrics. We listened to ‘One dance ‘(Drake), and ‘Party in the USA’ (Miley Cyrus). As a student the best part of that category was being able to hear Year 12 leaders trying to sing the lyrics to the songs (the Tara girls were more than happy to do that, and they did an amazing job!)
Year 8 had an amazing time, but this would not have been possible if the Kings and Tara leadership teams did not arrange the event. The Year 12 leaders were fun, patient, and very kind to everyone. They spent so long trying to organise the event (evident in the category IKEA or Pokémon!), and when the event was commencing, they walked around helping students and marking our answers.
Furthermore, the teachers were amazing through the whole night, and making sure 150+ students were having a great time. Thanks to Madam Hook, Mrs Wade- Ferrell, Mr Baker, Mrs Griffiths, Mrs Donato, Mrs Abadier, Mrs Cropper and all the King's staff. Our teachers are all legends.
The night was so much fun and Year 8 had a fantastic time!
Senior Sport
Round 2
S03 Tara 1 vs Roseville 2. Win, 38-21
S06 Tara 2 vs Queenwood 3, Win, 37-27
S11 Tara 3 vs Abbotsleigh 8, Win, 23-20
S13 Tara 4 vs Meriden 6, Loss, 2-38
S15 Tara 5 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 6, Win, 25-17
S17 Tara 6 vs Ravenswood 7, Win, 22-20
J03 Tara 7 vs Brigidine 7,
J05 Tara 8 vs Kambala 5, Win, 25-17
J07 Tara 9 vs Abbotsleigh 18, Loss, 2-26
J09 Tara 10 vs Ravenswood 11, Loss, 19-30
J11 Tara 11 vs Brigidine 10, Win, 33-15
J14 Tara 12 vs Roseville 16, Win, 24-9
Y703 Tara 13 vs Wenona 13, Win, 17-16
Y705 Tara 14 vs Abbotsleigh 32, Loss, 10-20
Y707 Tara 15 vs SCEGGS 9, Loss, 4-20
Y708 Tara 16 vs Abbotsleigh 34, Loss, 22-26
Round 3
S03 Tara 1 vs Ascham 1, Win, 45-33
S06 Tara 2 vs PLC Sydney 2, Loss, 15-22
S11 Tara 3 vs Brigidine 4, Loss, 23-32
S13 Tara 4 vs SCEGGS 3, Loss, 7-15
S15 Tara 5 vs MLC 4, Win, 20-10
S17 Tara 6 vs Roseville 9, Win, 16-6
J03 Tara 7 vs St Catherine’s 3, Loss, 11-34
J05 Tara 8 vs Loreto Normanhurst 21, Loss, 20-38
J07 Tara 9 vs MLC 6, Win, 23-9
J09 Tara 10 vs Meriden 12, Loss, 15-37
J11 Tara 11 vs Loreto Normanhurst 24, Win, 36-8
J14 Tara 12 vs Loreto Normanhurst 27, Loss, 12-37
Y703 Tara 13 vs PLC Sydney 14, Loss, 15-16
Y705 Tara 14 vs Kambala 9, Loss, 11-34
Y707 Tara 15 vs MLC 9, Win, 21-14
Y708 Tara 16 vs Loreto Normanhurst 31, Loss, 10-17
Week 2 showed some improvements in skill and teamwork. The Senior 1sts won their second game of the term, playing a very aggressive game, however powering through and coming out on top. Charli H had an amazing game, showing off her defensive talent and rebounding skills, proving to have a major contribution to the team. Our Tara 6 team played against Ravenswood bringing home a win in a close game, final score being 22-20. It was a great game to watch. They used their skills they had been learning in trainings and the game motivated the girls to work even harder for next week! Overall, it was a great week for basketball at Tara with all teams ready to bring it next Saturday.
IGSA Cross Country
Skye A - Cross Country Captain
On Friday 12 May, the Tara cross country team competed at Frensham in the 2023 IGSA School Competition. The girls showed excellent team spirit and encouragement especially at the beginning of each year’s race. Tara girls showed amazing talent on the day with Zayla T placing 14th in the 16 years 4km race. Ashiqca M and Anika P competed in the hardest race of the day, the 18 years 6km cross country track. Tara placed 20th overall through the girl’s hard work and talent. Well done to all girls who competed and thank you to all the coaches and staff who helped on the day.
Skye A - Netball Captain
Round 2
S03 Tara 1 vs Ascham 3, Loss, 12-32
S04 Tara 2 vs St Vincent’s 7, Loss, 6-30
J02 Tara 3 vs SCEGGS 7, Draw, 19-19
Y702 vs Y701 Tara 4 vs Ascham 11, Friendly
On Saturday the Tara Senior team played against Ascham School at Tempe. The team had super strong defence on the ball. Eliza M and Suhanya J stepped up the competition by playing together in the circle shooting goals.
The second Senior team played against St Vincent’s. This team showed amazing defence. Lydia S playing GD, went above and beyond to steal the ball from the other team.
The Junior team played an amazing game on the weekend. They were down most of the game but after the position swap in the second half, they managed to come back by 5 goals, resulting in a draw of 19 goals each.
The Year 7 team played extremely well on the weekend. The girls showed good communication and had strong passes throughout the game. The girls played an amazing first half of the game and are super excited for next week!
Round 3
S03 Tara 1 vs St Vincent’s 4, Loss, 11-12
S04 Tara 2 vs Ascham 5, Loss, 1-12
J02 Tara 3 vs Wenona 4, Loss, 15-35
Y702 Tara 4 vs Ascham 12, Loss, 2-24
The Senior first’s played an amazing game on the weekend against St Vincent’s. The competition was fierce, but the girls showed great skills and improvement. Ashley F shot lots of goals and Skye A helped to get the ball down the court.
The second Senior team showed amazing improvement with their defensive skills on the weekend. The girls showed fantastic collaborative work with goal defence (GD), goalkeeper (GK) and wing defence (WD).
The Junior firsts played Wenona school on the weekend at Tempe. Lucianne M showed great defensive skills winning over the ball. Orla A showed amazing attacking skills helping to get the ball down the court and into the shooting circle.
The Year 7 team showed outstanding improvement at their game on the weekend. The girls were able to get the ball down the court through their strong passes and communication. The girls played with the skills they had learnt from training, which made their coach proud. The girls played an incredible game this week and are super excited for next week!
Mena T - Football Captain
Round 2
S04 Tara 1 vs PLC Sydney 2, Win, 3-0
S09 Tara 2 vs Ascham 3, Loss, 0-3
J05 Tara 3 vs SCEGGS 5, Win, 2-1
This week, the Tara firsts team played an excellent game. We all put into practice skills that we were working on from training, including finding space. It was a tough game against PLC but we managed to come away with a 3-0 win. The defence played really well in assuring no goals let in and our strikers shots were brilliant.
Saturday's football game was a great display of the team's tenacity and determination, despite the loss. The girls played their hearts out and showed great resilience until the final whistle. Jet H's impressive defensive skills were on full display, making several crucial tackles and interceptions that kept the opposition at bay. Although the attack missed a few opportunities, the team remained positive and kept pushing until the end. It was clear that our team worked well together, and their efforts were commendable. With such a positive attitude and a great team dynamic, there's no doubt that we will continue to improve and achieve great things in the future.
The Junior soccer team had a great game winning 2-1. Our goals were scored by Isabella I and Milly A. Our defence were able to stop a few goals and then successfully pass the ball up to the strikers to give them a shot at the goal. The girls on the sideline supported the girls on the field for the whole game.
Round 3
S04 Tara 1 vs Brigidine 2, Loss, 0-3
S09 Tara 2 vs Kambala 3, Draw, 2-2
J05 Tara 3 vs St Scholastica’s 2, Draw, 0-0
This week, the Tara firsts team demonstrated exceptional performance as we implemented the skills we had been practicing during training, particularly in creating space. Despite our 0-3 loss, the defence exhibited remarkable play, while our strikers' shots were outstanding.
Saturday's football match showcased the team's unwavering determination and resilience, with a 2-2 draw. The girls exhibited great effort and persistence until the very end. Our exceptional defensive abilities were prominently displayed through slide tackles and interceptions that effectively kept the opposition at bay. Our team's remarkable collaboration and commendable efforts were evident. Our 2 goals were scored by Georgia H and Kate H who played great.
The Junior soccer team had an excellent game. Our defence successfully prevented several goals and effectively passed the ball to the strikers, providing them with scoring opportunities. The girls on the sideline provided unwavering support to their teammates on the field throughout the entire game.