Senior School News
- Tara Student Representatives at ANZAC Dawn Service Parramatta
- Year 9 Drama Incursion
- RSL & Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration Service
- What do we learn about in Year 10 Financial Literacy?
- Year 11/12 Drama Excursion – A Day at Riverside
- Year 10 Drama see ‘Into the Woods’ at Belvoir
- Big Science Competition
- Year 8 Food Drive
- Year 10 Work Experience 2023
- Social Science Spelling Bee
- Spirit Week
- Tara Tutors
- Year 8 Trivia
- Theatresports
- Shrek the Musical
- Claridge Learning Resource Centre
Term 1, Week 9, 2020
A Message from the Principal
Welcome to Term 2
The term has begun and we celebrated the first week with the 1-12 Night last Friday evening. Students and staff embraced the event with costumes for the ‘Enchanted’ theme, the music was fabulous and loud, there was dancing, singing, food, a lip-sync battle and loads of fun. Thank you to the Year 12 students who led the event and to the huge number of staff who supported them. It truly was a great night!
The best news...the Aquatic Centre and Sports Precinct is complete. The project has taken almost two and a half years to construct, due to issues such as COVID, lockdowns, supply chain issues and rain (so much rain), but it is done!!! The students were able to have a sneak preview on the first day of term and we are planning a more fun ‘launch event’ for the whole school on Tuesday, 9 May. There will be a formal opening of the pool for adults later in the year, but we are keen for the girls to begin using their pool as soon as we can.
The facility consists of a 25m main pool which has a constant depth of two metres and is eight lanes wide making it suitable for water polo as well as squad swimming. There is also a program pool which is approximately one metre deep and will be used for learn to swim, flippaball, water aerobics etc. There are warm showers on the main deck and fully set up change rooms, as well as first aid and access for people who need extra support.
We have been able to have lots of glass installed as walls for the pool complex, so there is a beautiful, gentle light into the centre and we have been able to capture the view to the parkland bordering the School. Outside, we have rebuilt all the areas so they are undercover and there is plenty of room for play and PE lessons on hot or rainy days. One of the important features for me, is access from the Junior School is just as inviting as it is from Senior School, so it really is a place that sits at the centre of Tara for all students. There is full undercover access to the gymnasium and a new entry with large doors so we can move large numbers of people into the gymnasium quite easily. Access to the gymnasium has also been improved with new ramps in place that negate the need for steps. New retaining walls, paths and landscaping add the finishing touches to a facility which will serve the Tara community for decades to come.
Over the next few months, we plan to use the pool for small groups within Tara, such as PDHPE classes, while we plan the launch of our bigger programs later in the year. We are employing staff to work on this next phase and making sure everything works flawlessly as we build up to bigger groups using the pool.
I am grateful to the Tara School Council and their willingness to support a project of this magnitude as well as Mr Paul Ryan (Tara’s CFO) and Mr Scot Foley (Tara’s Facilities Manager). Many, many hours of their time have been given to this project as they have worked with our architects, builders and project managers.,
I also thank the Tara community, the Parents and Friends Association and the Tara Dads Club in particular for your financial support which has enabled some very high quality ‘extras’ such as the timing blocks and the screen for scoring games and display of lap times which will be so enjoyed by Tara girls.
The Aquatic Centre and Sports Precinct has been a dream for the School for nearly 40 years. It certainly has been worth the wait.
From the Deputy Principal | Head of Junior School
When you pray this week...
Following on with the theme of using ACTS to frame a balanced approach to prayer, when you pray this week, remember:
That God is worthy of our time even though we are busy and distracted with life’s activity. (adoration)
That God understand that we are not always our best selves. Bring before Him a relationship or situation where you can be more like Jesus (confession)
To thank God for our new Chaplain Ms Issacs and for gifting her with such insight and talent in working with our very youngest students and our not-so-young students! Thank you for the way she is so approachable and relatable! (thankfulness)
To ask God for peace, particularly the devastating situation in Sudan which deteriorates by the day. Ask God to intervene with those in power and to protect those who are not, providing them with a means to flee the conflict. Ask God to work with Christians on the ground in Sudan, keeping them safe and able to support those they serve. (supplication)
Tara's Twilight
1-12 Night
Jess and Keisha - Event Captains
The 1-12 Night held on Friday 28 April was certainly an Enchanted Evening with over 600 girls in attendance. The night was filled with music, dancing and great entertainment, including our very own halftime performances - big shoutout to all the staff and students who volunteered for this!
We would like to say thank you to all executives, teachers, maintenance, IT and cafeteria staff who assisted on the day. A special thank you to Mrs Losco who helped plan the entire event with Year 12. Well done to all Year 12 girls who were involved in this event as all your hard work resulted in a wonderful night!
Performing Arts
Sheen Family Prize - Performer of the Year 2022
Community Events
Mother's Day Classic - Sunday 14 May, 8:30am
The Tara School Community are taking part in the Mother’s Day Classic at Parramatta Park. Together we will walk 5km as a team. All Tara families are invited to register for this event. The bigger the team, the more we can raise to support this initiative! We’d love to see all mums and daughters joining us and wearing lots and lots of pink.
To register, please join the Tara Tigers via the link below
Mother's Day Classic Registration
By registering and seeking donations from family and friends, you will be supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) in funding life-saving research to improve breast cancer detection, develop new treatments, and allow people with breast cancer to live longer and better lives.
If you are unable to join on the day but would like to make a donation and help the Tara Tigers reach their fundraising goal, this can be done via the link below.
Support Tara Tigers to Stop Breast Cancer!
Please note all donations made on Tuesday 9 May will be doubled by the Mothers Day Classic’s Major Partner, ME.
Tara Community News
Tara P&F Association
Final preparations are underway for the Mother Daughter High Tea on Saturday 20 May at Oatlands House. The P&F were overwhelmed by the response to this event with bookings selling out in a matter of hours. The P&F were pleased to be able to work with the venue to more than double capacity with the majority of families being catered for. With a small waitlist, if you no longer require your tickets please contact Community Relations at your earliest opportunity
The next meeting of the Tara P&F will take place on Tuesday 1 August, 7:30pm in the Bowern Room. If you would like to contact the P&F at any time, please send emails to
Sports Canteen Job Available
The P&F will be reopening the Sports Canteen. If you are interested in the role of Canteen Manager please see the job description below. The closing date for applications is Friday 12 May with the position commencing from Saturday 27 May.
The P&F is also looking for parent helpers to assist at the canteen this Saturday 13 May. If you can help out please email
Tara Dads Club
The Tara Dads Club, (TDC) enhances every Tara Girl’s Tara experience by nurturing the Dad and Daughter relationship, creating opportunities for Dads to contribute to the Tara School Values and fostering a spirit of Community.
At the 3 May meeting, the TDC were treated to a tour of the new Tara Aquatic Centre and were pleased to present Mrs Middlebrook a cheque for $20,000 towards the purchase of the starting blocks for the new centre.
The next big event for the group is the Dads and Daughter Dinner Dance on Saturday 22 July. Please keep an eye out for further details of this event.
To join the Tara Dad’s Club please follow the link below.
Tara Old Girls Association
All Tara Old Girls are encouraged to follow the Tara Old Girls' Association & Alumni Facebook page to stay in contact and up to date with our community.
Follow the Tara Old Girls Association Facebook Page
Please also remember to keep your details in the school’s database up to date via the link below.
Tara Old Girl - Update your details
The first annual Back to Tara Day will be held this year on the 6 August at Tara and all Tara Old Girls are invited to attend. This will be a wonderful way to reconnect with the school and your peers. For further information please contact
2023 Class Parent Network
Class parents are an invaluable resource within the school and play a vital role in welcoming new families; organising social events for their year group/class and volunteering to assist and help rally troops to organise and staff community events. All families have been sent details of their class parent representative/s and are asked to make contact to connect with them and their WhatsApp group to keep up to date with events being organised for the year group.
If you would like to sign up as a class parent, please complete the following form
The next meeting of the group will be held on Friday 12 May. Please contact community relations for further information
Babysitter and Tutor Register – Tara Alumni
Interested Tara Alumni are invited to register their interest to join a register of graduate babysitters and tutors. Whilst Tara Anglican School for Girls will provide a conduit for display of this information, all transactions will be negotiated between the Tara graduate and the family seeking the service. Tara does not endorse the accuracy or otherwise of the information therein. If you are a recent graduate and would like to join the register please complete the following form:
Babysitter and Tutor Registration Link
Current list of Babysitters and Tutors is below.
If you have any questions about Community or have ideas to share, please email the Community Liaison Manager, Mrs Cate Redman at
We would love to have parent and carers views on social and fundraising opportunities.
Junior School News
Year 4 Fizzics Incursion
Year 4 have begun a new unit of inquiry (UOI). To provoke student thinking and engage with the Central Idea: ‘Our scientific understanding is used in the design of technology’, the girls participated in an exciting hands-on incursion hosted by Fizzics Education.
During the interactive science workshop, the girls loved rotating through several scientific stations, inquiring into what forces we could see and how they work. We were magicians as we removed a tablecloth out from underneath an undisturbed bottle. We were circus performers as we balanced a spinning plate on a stick. We were builders as we created a stable arched bridge, and we were investigators who discovered that forces are everywhere!
As a grade, we strengthened our scientific vocabulary and decided on the most important words we should know and understand leading into the inquiry unit: friction, inertia, gravity and magnetism.
Here is what some of the Year 4 girls had to say about the experience:
What was something that you found interesting form the incursion?
Mackenzie – When I had to hold the bike wheel as a demonstration for rotational forces, it was like magic!
Acacia – It was interesting to play with the different materials and explore different types of forces.
Isha - I found the scientific vocabulary such as inertia and momentum interesting.
What was your favourite activity you engaged with?
Chloe H – My favourite activity was the vortex drum. It was cool to watch the clouds come out and fly around the room.
Overall, it was a wonderful experience that stretched our thinking. May the FORCE be with us as we venture further into our unit of inquiry!
Year 5 Canberra Camp
By Joanna and Belle - Year 5
In Week 9 of Term 1, Year 5 went on camp which consisted of three days and two nights in Canberra.
Girls came to School excited, waved goodbye to their parents and had a peaceful drive, chatting to their friends and watching movies.
On Day 1, Year 5 went to the National Film and Sound Archive. Here, we learnt how to really look at a film and to understand the purpose or message of a movie, to decode the message, to look at the audience and understand who they are and to work out the events, the people and places represented. Then we went to the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS). This was a highlight destination as each girl tested their ability in a range of activities, including cycling, jumping, basketball, skiing, arm wrestling, wheelchair racing, skiing and much more. We were also fortunate enough to visit The Royal Australian Mint. This is where all the Australian coins are produced. We were amazed to see how coins were made and learnt about our currency timeline where we once used foreign coins, the holey dollar, rum, and British coins. We even saw a robot named Titan pick up a green barrel filled with over 60,000x 50c coins.
On Day 2 we had a day full of activities.
We visited the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) where we learnt that many discoveries were made in Australia. These include fast WIFI, Aerogard and plastic money. Next, we ventured to the National Museum of Australia, Australian War Memorial, National Capital Exhibition, Mount Ainslie and to end the day we had a night activity at the National Arboretum. At the National War Memorial, we saw many primary sources on display from planes, badges, to accounts from soldiers and service men and women from the war. The Arboretum was an exhilarating experience as we had the chance to orienteer at night with torches. This is where we split into groups and worked with our team mates to find locations on a map. Each location housed a hole punch with a unique pattern and the team with the most points won.
On our final day in Canberra we went to Questacon, the National Portrait Gallery and we drove past the Embassies. At Questacon, there were many interesting activities to interact with. The design shed, earthquake simulator and the free fall space were some of the main favourites. After Questacon we went to the National Portrait gallery. Finally, we all said goodbye to Canberra and hello to Sydney.
Some more favourites mentioned from our Year 5 girls:
Questacon because of the earthquake room and the looks of the faces when girls went down the freefall slide – Sophie L
The War Memorial because I love learning about war - Alicia L
Questacon was my favourite activity because we learnt about science and had fun doing it - Jessica R
The War Memorial because it was fascinating to see the unknown solder's tomb - Mikaela Y
Orienteering at the National Arboretum. I really enjoyed this - Nicole Z
The Australian War Memorial and Questacon because I enjoyed looking at all the little dioramas and the speed ball in Questacon - Stella W
Year 6 Canberra Excursion
Wendy Abernethy - Dean of Learning E-6
At the end of Term 2, our Year 6 students enjoyed a whirlwind three-day tour of our national capital. The girls experienced a range of educational programs at venues such as The Australian War Memorial, the Museum of Australian Democracy, the National Electoral Education centre, Government House, the Australian National Botanic Gardens, Parliament House, the CSIRO and the National Gallery of Australia. The different experiences at these venues enriched their understanding of Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy, and was a key part of their inquiry into the central idea: Societies have different systems of governance which address the needs and rights of their people.
Some highlights of the Year 6 Canberra camp included:
- Meeting the Governor General, His Excellency General the Honourable David John Hurley AC DSC at his residence
- Participating in a role play in the House of Representatives to debate a bill
- Considering what life was like in the past by sitting in the Senate at Old Parliament House
- Exploring biodiversity at a micro and macro level through a pond dipping activity at the Australian National Botanic Gardens
- Proposing our own scientific investigations and using a variety of tools to enact them at the CSIRO
- Enjoying opportunities to build communication, social, and self-management skills through extended quality time away with our friends and teachers
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government contributed funding of $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate was paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion and deducted from the amount charged to families.
Harsimran, Jasmine and Allison - Year 6
Towards the end of March 2023, Years 5 and 6 went on a bus to go to Canberra. We travelled around Canberra learning about Australia’s history and how it has shaped the future. Out of all the many fun adventures and excursions we have been on, these are some of the highlights of our trip.
Government House was a significant part of our trip because we were lucky enough to meet his excellency General David John Hurley, and our amazing classmate Olivia continued the tradition of playing the Grand Piano. After this performance we carried on our journey to the Australian Electrical Commission (AEC). At the AEC we learnt about voting and democracy and played a virtual game called Democracity. Following this, we did our own voting session and found Year 6’s favourite fruits.
To end our awesome experience, we went to New Parliament House and met many politicians, we were taken around by our tour guides and saw the House of Representatives and Senate courts. We also did a miniature roleplay of the House of Representatives and Senate Courts in session. We were acting out the different roles of all the ministers. A huge highlight of the act was some of our friends holding a replica of the Speaker’s Mace.
This trip was a great experience to learn about democracy and government. We had many adventures and created memories to remember at our wonderful Year 6 camp.
Junior School Debating
On Friday, our Junior School Debating Team had their first debate against Penrith Christian School. The topic was ‘YouTube is better than TV’. Girls spent two weeks working together to prepare their speeches. It was an entertaining debate with both teams from Tara winning their first debate for 2023. Congratulations girls!
Year 2 visit to Vaucluse House
Year 2 visited Vaucluse House to learn about innovations. Following our visit, girls were interviewed about their learning.
What 3 words would you use to describe Vaucluse House?
Old, beautiful, mysterious (Eliza)
How have lifestyles changed over time?
The toilets have definitely been innovated. To flush the toilet, we had to pull a metal chain and we could hardly reach it. The children didn’t go to school when they were young, they learned from a teacher who came to the house. They all slept in the same room and were taught in their bedroom. (Jessica)
What do you think you will remember about going to Vaucluse House?
The Wentworth family were a very rich family. They had 42 servants and the youngest was 12. I wondered if the 12 year old girl had very red hands after washing dishes. (Soul)
The thing that will last forever is being in the big kitchen and pretending we were servants. We got to see how they lived in the old days. (Michaela)
Hispanic Festival
Hola, amigos. On Tuesday, May 2, Junior School celebrated its third Hispanic Festival! It was a big fiesta! A day full of smiles, music, traditional food, colourful outfits, face painting and dancing. It was an immersive experience where the whole community came together to appreciate Hispanic culture.
This year for the first time, the event brought parents and families in to enjoy a delicious picnic lunch with the girls, where they could taste a variety of Hispanic dishes from the food trucks available. Girls also got to share their learning about Hispanic women that have changed history with their families in an afternoon concert. Girls were pleasantly surprised to have such a big audience. In particular, some Year 3 girls mentioned their nervousness combined with excitement when performing in front of the whole community.
We have asked students, teachers, and parents to share the words that summarise this special day for them! Results are below
LEAP into Breakfast
In the final week of Term 1, Tara girls, who are participants of the before school LEAP Programs, attended a breakfast hosted by their teachers! The girls were celebrated for their wonderful efforts during Term 1, where they arrived promptly to school by 8am to begin their lessons. Some students participate in programs that are up to 4 mornings a week, from Years 1 to 6. Their teachers were so proud of their participation, effort and growth over the term! What better way to acknowledge their achievements than with pancakes, banana muffins, fruit and hot chocolate! All of which caused a stir of excitement in the Secret Garden located in the Junior School Library. Thank you for your commitment in Term 1 girls and families, we wonder what Term 2’s celebrations will bring!
ELC incursion with NSW Fire and Rescue
On the last day of Term 1, ELC had a visit from a group of firefighters. Our central idea was 'People organise by themselves and together'. During the term, ELC explored some of the many people in our community who look after us. As part of this learning, we discovered ways that we can organise ourselves if there is a fire (such as “Get down low and go, go, go” if there is smoke inside a room, or “Stop, drop, cover and roll” if our clothes are on fire) and that Firefighters are our friends who are organised to help us if there is an emergency and we call 000. Below are some of our reflections from the incursion:
“I liked when firefighter Jack got all dressed up.” Nicole
“I liked when firefighter Dave opened the doors (on the truck) to show us to fire hoses.” Ella
“I liked the firefighter telling us to ‘stop, drop, over and roll’ if we have fire on us.” Abigail
“I liked having our photo with the fire truck.” Lena
“I liked seeing the firefighters and their fire truck.” Katia
“I liked meeting the firefighters, especially Dave who talked to us.” Yinuo
“I liked when the firefighter told us about ‘Get down low and go, go, go.” Grace B
“I liked watching the lights and hearing the siren when the firefighters drove away in the truck.” Novia
ELC Family Easter Egg Hunt - Sharing the joy of Jesus with others
A group of ELC parents organised a lovely Easter Egg hunt for the families of ELC girls on Easter Weekend. While not everyone was able to attend, it was a beautiful day full of fun and friendship with the purpose of sharing the joy of Jesus with others. Each family brought a dish to share which resulted in quite a multicultural feast. The girls enjoyed participating in the hunt, rolling down the grass, and eating lots of chocolate. As a group they choose to donate the money they raised, an amazing $530, to support our sponsor child, Martha. Thank you to everyone involved for your incredible generosity.
Year 4 Class Novel Author Experiences
Author Visit - Sue Whiting
In Term 1, Year 4 had the pleasure of meeting Sue Whiting, the author of ‘Pearly and Pig’ and the ‘Great Hairy Beast’. 4 Pearly has come to know Pearly as a worrier with a huge heart. She learns to harness her strengths to overcome her worries and Pearly is a character we can all relate to.
Sue helped 4 Pearly unpack their class character. We learned about Pearly's strengths, being a hyperpolyglot (someone who can speak several languages), how she overcomes worries when they arise, and how she came to life in Sue's writing. Sue shared her inspiration behind the next instalment of the ‘Pearly and Pig’ series and gave us a sneak peek inside one of the chapters.
Throughout the author's visit, different girls were called upon to discover their special adventure talent and were given a copy of the sacred 'RAG' (Royal Adventurologist Guild), which is a staple point of reference in this lively book series. Ultimately, we can all be adventurologists as we recited the famous Adventure Charter 'No adventure too small, no challenge too great, adventure by stealth, leaving no trace'. This charter encourages us to take opportunities to explore, be open minded about the lessons we may learn along the way and always show care for the world around us. Thank you, Sue!
Author Letter – Tamsin Janu
4 Figgy was lucky enough to receive a letter from the Sydney-based author Tamsin Janu, who composed the book 'Figgy in the World'. It was delightful reading about Tamsin's inspirations that led her to discover the very brave and determined 'Figgy', who is a resilient young girl facing hardships in Ghana, West Africa.
Tamsin loves Figgy's 'sense of justice' as she is a strong figure who sticks up for what is right. She also mentioned writing about Figgy's long, winding and sometimes dangerous journey that we in 4 Figgy have been reading all about. Each time we turn the page, we sit on the edge of our seats, ready to learn what happens next in her quest to help her sick grandmother. Tamsin also gave us the idea of creating our own holiday journal, which she wrote in every day she was in Ghana.
We have loved getting to know our class character Figgy, and we cannot wait to reply to Tamsin when we have finished her first book.
Junior Sport
IPSHA Cross Country Carnival
Chelsea - Year 6
At the end of Term 1, myself along with nineteen other girls competed at the IPSHA Cross Country Carnival. It was held at the Kings School on Saturday 1 April, and it was a warm and sunny day. It was a new course this year with lots of hills which made it harder than usual. We had five girls from Tara in each age group and there were more than 100 runners in each age group. The 8, 9 and 10 year olds ran 2km and the 11 and 12 year olds ran 3km. All girls ran their best and should be proud of their effort. The Year 5 and 6 runners had only come back from camp the night before yet still took on the challenge with little rest beforehand! Congratulations to the Tara Cross Country Team for 2023: Jacqueline Z, Sophia M, Paru S, Hannah X, Phoebe G, Alicia L, Gabriella M, Aaren S, Ava C, Jemima C, Eloise R, Celine T, Diya A, Anneliese M, Nicole Z, Chelsea H, Tiasha J, Gloria H, Mirna I, Elizabeth B.
Senior School News
Tara Student Representatives at ANZAC Dawn Service Parramatta
Attending commemorative events like ANZAC Day services are an important way for students to honour the sacrifices made by the brave men and women who have served their country in times of war and conflict. It is an opportunity for them to learn about the significance of these events and understand the importance of remembering them. Events like these provide a chance for young people to connect with their national identity and to appreciate the freedoms and privileges that they enjoy today.
As representatives of Tara, Year 11 students Jemma and Arya were able to participate in the Parramatta RSL Dawn ANZAC Day Service leading in prayer for the Australian Defence Force and a Prayer for the Nation.
Year 9 Drama Incursion
Year 9 Drama students recently participated in a workshop with Sam and Hayden from Shock Therapy. They were taken through a series of activities designed to strengthen their skills in characterisation and devising drama. It was a great opportunity for the class to work with professional actors and wonderful to watch them take on different characters and scenarios with their usual spirit, creativity and flair.
Here’s what they had to say about the experience:
My experience of this incursion was mostly stepping out of my comfort zone and really trying to portray the scenarios or characters with my facial expressions, body language and movement. I really enjoyed working with Shock Therapy and they provided lots of good insight into acting and showing character.
It was super fun and informative as the Shock Therapy people were able to not only explain to us different ways to get into character and use your body to effectively to portray certain emotions, but they demonstrated as well. We took part in activities about pace, animals, thinking on your feet, and finally creating a short, 30 second scene. Overall, it was a blast and we were all able to contribute and step out of the box in our thinking.
RSL & Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration Service
On Monday 3 April, Tara had the huge honour of providing the music for the RSL & Schools Remember ANZAC Commemoration Service at the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park. This is an annual service that runs in Hyde Park, combining schools from the Public, Catholic and Independent Education sectors with this year celebrating the 70th year of the service. Tara provided our newly formed symphony orchestra, under the baton of Ms Jane-Marie Talese, as well as Tara Singers to lead the congregation in the Australian and New Zealand national anthems as well as “Abide with Me.” The symphony orchestra also entertained the congregation before and after the event with appropriately solemn orchestral pieces. The whole event was a huge success, showcasing the huge amount of talent we have at Tara. The girls’ performances and overall behaviour on the day is something that the Tara community should be immensely proud of.
What do we learn about in Year 10 Financial Literacy?
In Financial Literacy we have been reading Victoria Devine's 'She's on the Money'. This book has allowed us to understand the financial world and how to be financially independent. We have looked at how easy it can be to fall into debt, with buy now pay later schemes and the use of credit cards - a $2000 credit card debt could potentially take you 17 years to pay off. We have also learnt about different ways to save and how it is the 'sacrificial' element in which people have trouble saving. Having a side hustle and investing can make up big parts of people's income.
Over the course of Term 1 and Term 2 we have learnt many interesting facts, such as it can cost between $35,000- $65,000 to have a wedding, it only takes $27.40 a day to spend $10,000 in a year, a house costs 10x more than the average persons salary in Australia, on average money doubles every 10 years, a $2000 credit card could potentially take you 17 years to pay off, owning two dogs can cost $40,000 over 13 years, review all of your service providers e.g streaming services to save money, ditching a $4.50 coffee every day is effective for saving money, saving does not come without sacrifice and being realistic is important for creating attainable goals. Victoria leaves us with a very important message- SAVE SISTER SAVE!
Year 11/12 Drama Excursion – A Day at Riverside
Arnvi - Year 12
On Friday 31 March, Year 11 and 12 Drama students attended a performance and workshop at Riverside Theatre in Parramatta. The show was titled ‘Collision’ and was a cross-pollination of contemporary circus and street dance. Six young, exceptionally bendy performers flexed with grace and power to a soundtrack of new hip hop and R&B plus classic tracks. Both the performance and the workshop provided the students with an opportunity to extend their physical and devising skills which will assist them with upcoming group performance assessments.
My experience in the physical theatre workshop allowed me to explore the variety of ways that I can incorporate movement into future group devised pieces, such as through acrobatic movements or even just standing still. I enjoyed trying acro movements as it pushed me out of my comfort zone and showed me how we can use movement to create specific items or props e.g., a throne or a ladder.
Year 10 Drama see ‘Into the Woods’ at Belvoir
Noucie - Year 10
At the end of Term 1, the Year 10 drama class went to the Belvoir St Theatre to watch ‘Into The Woods’. We had an amazing time and were so inspired by all the talented actors. We will be sure to utilise some of the acting techniques we identified in class. Year 10 particularly enjoyed the princes as they were humorous and had great voices. We enjoyed experiencing the theatre buzz with each other and would definitely recommend Drama as an elective!
Big Science Competition
What – Big Science Competition
Details of Competition – Designed not only to test student’s science knowledge, but their critical thinking and problem-solving skills too. Is an online 50 minute multiple choice test.
Run by - Australian Science Innovations
Who for – Optional, interested students Years 7 – 10
Prizes - A certificate indicating their performance. For top performers, sitting the Big Science Competition could lead to selection in science extension programs external to Tara. Also, all Australian students who sit the exam go in the running to win prizes, no matter of their result.
Date of Activity – Wednesday 17 May 2023.
Registration fee is $7.
Details will be sent to parents through edumate/Edsmart
Year 8 Food Drive
During Term 1, Year 8 collaborated to create a positive impact in their community by organizing a food drive. The students successfully gathered 563 items in just three days, which were intended to support families in need during Easter. The donations were handed over to Foodbank Australia, which is the country's primary food relief organization. Foodbank Australia plays a crucial role in the work of front line charities that provide food to vulnerable Australians.
Year 10 Work Experience 2023
Michelle Williams - Careers Adviser
Congratulations to Year 10 for a most successful Work Experience!
Planning for this week commenced in Term 3, 2022 and culminated in 87 girls working in a wide range of occupations in March 2023 including:
Accountancy, Animal Care, Architecture & Building, Banking & Finance, Business & Administration, Child Care, Dentistry, Media, Event Management, Horticulture, Hospitality, Retail & Customer Service, Law, Medicine, Ministry, Real Estate, Photography, Medical Research, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Teaching and Veterinary Science.
Girls participated in preparatory activities in Mentor time, lessons and Year Meetings in Term 3, 2022 & Term 1, 2023 including: gaining an understanding of Work, Health & Safety; understanding how to talk on the phone; planning their transport online; researching related tertiary courses; making a good first impression and planning appropriate attire. All girls received a personalised Work Experience Folder for their employer and were allocated a supervising teacher, whom girls contacted, if they had any concerns.
All girls returned to school safely, eager to talk about their week at work, some loving their experience and eager to focus on their studies and others not sure if that career is for them.
The success of the Program can be seen by the comments from many girls:
- I will definitely consider this job in the future.
- I thought I was going to be bored but I had a great time and would do it again.
- I learnt that I can work well under pressure as I had to get things done quickly.
- I learnt that I wasn’t as social as I thought I was.
- I learnt that I am passionate about being a physio in my future.
- I have learnt it is important to be patient and organised.
- I have learnt that I don’t like travelling to work by public transport every day.
- I have learnt that I take a bit of time to catch onto things.
- I learnt that my public speaking and debating has helped my confidence when talking to other people.
- I learnt that I don’t like supervising little kids.
- I learnt that I love working with children and art.
- I am able to handle challenges and adapt to new surroundings easily.
- I have learnt I am not a patient person.
- I have learnt what it is like to work 5 days a week. I have learnt how Vet Nurses and Vets do things and how they got to where they are now, from school.
- I have learnt that I can work hard when I put my mind to it.
- I realised that sometimes I overthink things. For example, I was so nervous about travelling that I could barely sleep, but it wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be. I was also nervous about how to act at work but it wasn’t as bad as I thought.
- I really want to be a lawyer now.
- Other career options would be better for me.
- I found I need to work on my confidence and not be afraid to ask questions if unsure.
- I learnt that I enjoy optometry very much.
- I am a driven, motivated person. When I put my mind to something, I get it done. I also love to help other people.
- I have learnt that I really want to pursue medicine as a career and must change some of my behaviours and work a lot harder at school to achieve this goal, starting now.
- I have learnt that I really do want to go into science in the future. I know I can achieve this goal.
- I am looking forward to the next 10+ years of my life, exploring my career, my future and myself.
- Work experience has influenced my attitudes towards school as it made me realise that I needed to work harder to be able to accepted into university as the ATAR is very high for the course I want.
- Work experience was much harder than my normal school day so it changed my attitude to school as school is much easier and less demanding. It encouraged me to pursue my goal of becoming a surgeon and pushed me toward this career path even more. I am very focused in school now.
- It has influenced me to study harder in yr 11 and 12 to become a dermatologist.
- It has taught me to take breaks between my work and not be stressed out all the time.
- It has made me work harder and appreciate the efforts of my teachers and staff at school who teach me every day.
- I can work more calmly when I am under stress now. I have decided I would like to do fine arts as a focus in my life as I loved work experience so much. It has influenced me to be more organised and to continue to show gratitude and appreciation to my teachers.
- I feel like after work experience I have become a lot more open minded, perseverant and proactive. This will help me a lot more in future school, work and achieving my goals.
- It has changed my thoughts about what subjects I want to do for HSC for the next 2 years.
- My Work Experience really inspired me, I was encouraged and am more confident in my future.
- I know that I am not ready to leave school yet and that in order to be ready after graduation, I need to look more in-depth into other careers.
- I think that Work Experience has made me more aware the expectations to be a working member of society and therefore more aware of the things we are learning about at school/in classes.
- It influenced me to enjoy school when I can.
- I am even more passionate about being a surgeon due to the unpredictability of it and the new heart- felt experiences.
- It's made me more focused and driven as I clearly saw what the end results of studying hard was.
- I talked to the different doctors and they gave me study tips. I now put their words of advice into practice and start each day with a different goal, then I try my hardest to work towards completing it.
- Work experience definitely helped me realise how tough work can be sometimes, and it helped me to change my attitude to school. (I loved work experience, but my appreciation for school has definitely grown).
Many employers praised the girls' confidence, positive attitude, maturity and perceptive questions. See the following comments from employers and supervising teachers:
- She was very motivated with good instincts. Excellent hands on skills and was keen to practise on other physios. The employer would welcome other Tara students if they are as good as this one!
- She did an exceptional job and was a great help in the classroom. She consistently demonstrated a professional attitude and excellent communication. It was a pleasure to have her here.
- A joy to be with and all colleagues found her interested, helpful and knowledgeable. She will make a great lawyer. She was great ambassador for Tara. I would encourage her to pursue this profession.
- She showed a maturity and intelligence beyond her years. She is highly driven, understood the work and exceeded expectations. She took on tasks with her own initiative and her understanding of business concepts was truly amazing. It was a pleasure to have her work with us and she is welcome back anytime.
- She was a delight to have in the clinic. She was friendly with patients and their parents. She is very mature and very capable in many areas and worked well as an assistant in therapy sessions.
- It has been our absolute pleasure to have her as part of our team this week. She demonstrated her enthusiasm and skills and has acted with maturity beyond her years. Thankyou for joining us.
- She demonstrated a genuine interest and enthusiasm for working with babies and toddlers. She always had a smile and the children gravitated towards her. Her natural, easy going personality endeared her to children and teachers alike.
- She presented herself in a professional manner at all times. She quickly built rapport with students and asked insightful questions to learn more about teaching.
- She was a delight to host. She was eager to get involved, always speaking up if she wanted more to do. She was personable, lovely and genuinely interested in the firm, not just the legal side but the operational aspects too. It was a pleasure to have her onboard this week.
- She was engaged and willing to learn more about our research. A great attitude and we’d love to have her back.
- She was excellent. She was well-groomed and performed her duties with little or no supervision. I highly recommend her to work at any place and would be happy to employ her when our restaurant needs staff in the future.
- She showed maturity in waiting for instructions. This is vital in a medical practice when she needs directions.
- She was outstanding during her entire Work Experience, displaying full confidence in all task allocated to her. The manager, supervisers and entire team loved having her so much that they have asked her to come back during the holidays to work with them. She was such a pleasure to have!
- Amazing work! We would love to have her back again.
- She will be sorely missed, she was proactive and enthusiastic. I expect great things for her future.
- She is a credit to Tara. Impeccable manners and her confidence is beyond her years.
- She had a great week and learnt a lot. She has been offered a casual job there as the employer was very impressed with her.
- She enjoyed her time at Work Experience and appreciated the opportunity to learn from her employer.
- The employer appreciated the IT skills of the student, who made created some presentations for him.
- The employer was very impressed with the student’s punctuality and excellent customer service skills. She has been offered a part time job there.
- She enjoyed her experience immensely.
- The student was delightful. She arrived early each day, keen, engaged, asked questions and showed an interest in the day to day activities.
- She would definitely consider this job in the future!
I am very proud to have co-ordinated this invaluable learning experience. I wish to thank the parents of Year 10, Mrs Chaiban, the girls' Mentors, Mr Baker, Mrs Haddad and Mrs Strauss for their contribution to this exciting program. I also wish to thank Miss Luisa Meoli who visited Tara to give advice to Year 10 students prior to Work Experience.
Social Science Spelling Bee
As you entered the room you could feel the buzz of equal excitement and anxiousness, you could hear the heavy breaths of the students as they sat in rows, ready to finish this and find the winner, some people say that only sport competitions are worth their time, we just proved these people wrong.
In Term 1 of 2023, Geography, Commerce, and IDS classes from Years 7 - 9 competed in the Social Science Spelling Bee, with the award being blue cards for all finalists as well as a box of crispy cream originally glazed donuts for 1st place (only), the stakes were high! Each class was given the list of words to learn, 20 of which would be used in the spelling bee, and so the competition began. Between practice spelling bees throughout the weeks and the fast approaching date of the finalists competing against each other for the win, this only fuelled us more and more.
Tuesday 4 April at recess in the SLT, the date and time had been finalised for the top two classes to finish this! Mrs Hood’s Year 9 IDS and Ms Kim’s Year 9 Geography class went up against each other, as the clock ticked, and girls waited, a word was called out, and another, and another, until all 20 were called out. Now to find the results… minutes later Year 9 IDS walked out with blue cards and a donut in each girl’s hand, CONGRATUALATIONS to Mrs Hood’s Year 9 IDS class and a SPECIAL SHOUT OUT to Ms Kim’s Year 9 Geography class for coming 2nd overall and Mrs Donato’s Year 7 Geography class for coming 3rd overall!!!
Spirit Week
After a restful holiday, the first week back was filled with lunchtime Spirit Week activities organised by the Leadership Team. On Wednesday, colouring in was held for girls to prepare for the 1-12 Night colouring in competition. This was a great opportunity to relax and ease into the first day back. Thursday lunchtime involved a Just Dance for many girls to get up and move in the Colonnade. Girls from every grade danced along to some recent hits as well as some throwbacks. On Friday lunch, Crew was on to start the term off on a great foot!
Welcome back everyone and we hope you have a great Term 2!
Tara Tutors
Year 8 Trivia
It is that time of year again when we dust off the acting shoes and take to the stage for the Theatresports Schools Challenge. We are off to a great start with our Intermediate Team (Keira C, Nestacia K, Abigail R and Mat B) scoring equal second in their heat last week and progressing through to the semi-final on Wednesday 24 May at 7pm in the Tara Theatre.
This week our Senior Team (Faith W, Anika P, Liz G and Georgia H) will compete in their heat on Tuesday evening, May 9, in the Tara Theatre at 7pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend and support our teams. Tickets can be purchased from Impro Australia at the door each night. Best of luck to our competing teams.
Shrek the Musical
March 2023 was an exciting, and often tiring, month for 35 Year 11 Tara girls. The King’s School and Tara Anglican School for Girls’ joint production of Shrek the Musical took place in The King’s Theatre over two massive weekends. A cast of 73 talented students took to the stage for ten sold out performances after six months of rehearsals. The performers shone as the audience cheered with deserved admiration every single show. Accolades must also be given to the vast team who supported the production behind the scenes consisting of staff, current and past students.
Lifelong memories were made as Mr Terzo (TKS) produced a high quality and very entertaining production we can all be proud of.
Congratulations to everyone involved in Shrek the Musical.
Claridge Learning Resource Centre
Claridge Learning Resource Centre offers access to a multitude of resources that are not generally available by searching a browser such as Google or Bing.
This includes a print collection of almost 8000 nonfiction books; 50 magazine and journal titles and an extensive suite of online databases.
Our databases are categorised as general academic, scholarly or subject specific. Students must be logged in to our Oliver library portal to access these databases.
Check out the front page of Oliver for a full list of our subscribed databases.
Senior Sport
Sport Roundup
Round 7
S02 Tara 1 vs Wenona 1, Draw, 4-4
S07 Tara 2 vs Pymble 5, Loss, 3.5-4.5
S16 Tara 3 vs Loreto Kirribilli 8, Win, 6-2
S20 Tara 4 vs Abbotsleigh 12, Loss, 0.5-7.5
S21 Tara 5 vs Meriden 8, Loss, 3-5
S23 Tara 6 vs Meriden 10, Loss, 3.5-4.5
S24 Tara 7 vs Loreto Normanhurst 16, Win, Forfeit
J04 Tara 8 vs Kambala 8, Loss, 0.5-7.5
J09 Tara 9 vs PLC Sydney 14, Win, 5.5-2.5
J11 Tara 10 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 10, Win, 7-1
J12 Tara 11 vs St Scholasticas 4, Loss, 3-5
J14 Tara 12 vs PLC Sydney 15, Loss, 1.5-6.5
J15 Tara 13 vs Abbotsleigh 19, Loss, 1-7
J17 Tara 14 vs Meriden 23, Win, 6.5-1.5
Y704 Tara 15 vs Meriden 26, Win, 5.5-2.5
Y708 Tara 16 vs Loreto Normanhurst 30, Draw, 4-4
Round 7
S02 Tara 1 vs MLC 2, Win, 5-0
S04 Tara 2 vs Meriden 6, Win, 3-2
S05 Tara 3 vs Ravenswood 5, Win, 4-1
S07 Tara 4 vs Loreto Normanhurst 3, Win, 3-2
S08 Tara 5 vs Abbotsleigh 14, Loss, 0-5
S09 Tara 6 vs Loreto Normanhurst 4, Loss, 0-5
S10 Tara 7 vs Monte 1, Loss, 1-4
S12 Tara 8 vs Pymble 7, Loss, 2-3
S15 Tara 9 vs Loreto Normanhurst 8, Loss, 0-5
S17 Tara 10 vs Pymble 10, Loss, 1-4
J03 Tara 11 vs Abbotsleigh 36, Loss, 2-3
J05 Tara 12 vs Meriden 24, Loss, 2-3
J07 Tara 13 vs Ravenswood 22, Loss, 2-3
J08 Tara 14 vs Monte 3, Win, 3-2
J09 Tara 15 vs Loreto Normanhurst 14, Win, 3-2
J10 Tara 16 vs Meriden 29, Loss, 1.5-3.5
J13 Tara 17 vs Meriden 34, Loss, 2-3
J15 Tara 18 vs Meriden 37, Loss, 2-3
Y702 Tara 19 vs Meriden 41, Win, 3-2
Y703 Tara 20 vs Abbotsleigh 68, Loss, 0-5
Y706 Tara 21 vs Abbotsleigh 72, Loss, 2-3
Touch Football
Round 7
S02 Tara 1 vs Santa Sabina 1, Loss, 3-5
S05 Tara 2 vs Wenona 6, Loss, 0-5
J04 Tara 3 vs Roseville 12, Loss, 1-7
Water Polo
Round 7
S04 vs S03 Tara 1 vs St Vincent’s 2, Friendly
J04 Tara 2 vs BYE
Y703 Tara 3 vs Loreto Kirribilli 8, Loss, 5-17
Semi Finals
OP2 Tara 2 vs PLC Sydney 1, Win, 11-10
JR1 Tara 3 vs PLC Sydney 2, Loss, 4-8
Finals and Playoffs
S02 Playoff Tara 1 vs Pymble 2, Loss, 2-3
S04 Playoff Tara 2 vs Meriden 6, Loss, 2-3
S17 Final Tara 10 vs Pymble 10, Loss, 2-3
J07 Final Tara 13 vs Ravenswood 22, Win, 3-2
J09 Final Tara 15 vs Abbotsleigh 52, Win, 3-2
J13 Playoff Tara 17 vs Abbotsleigh 59, Loss, 1-4
Y706 Playoff Tara 21 vs Loreto Normanhurst 19, Win, 5-0
J09 Playoff Tara 9 vs PLC Sydney 14, Win, 5-3
J11 Final Tara 10 vs Kambala 9, WET
Y708 Playoff Tara 16 vs Brigidine 14, Win, 6-2
Water Polo
J04 Playoff Tara 2 vs Monte 7, Loss, 11-12
OP2 Final Tara 2 vs Danebank 1, Loss, 3-8
JR1 Playoff Tara 3 vs Brigidine 2, Win
Over the weekend, 2 TARA softball teams played in the finals, able the show off their teamwork and skills for the last time this season.
The Senior 2nds played in the championship game. Sophia R pitched incredibly well in the game, staying consistent. Eliza M and Sophia S also did a great job fielding, getting girls out with their quick-thinking and accurate throws. Jaskirit K and Kaitlyn G also did an amazing job fielding, managing to catch balls on the foul to get the opposition out. Although the game didn’t go their way, they managed to end the season coming 2nd!
The Juniors played in the playoffs over the weekend. Victoria H did a sensational job pitching. Danbi S did great batting and also stepped up to play catcher in this game. Overall, the juniors did great and managed to come out with a win to come 3rd overall!
Dana G - Softball Captain
Round 1
S03 Tara 1 vs Santa Sabina 1, Win, 77-35
S06 Tara 2 vs SCEGGS 2, Win, 52-24
S11 Tara 3 vs St Vincent’s 3, Loss, 13-26
S13 Tara 4 vs MLC 3, Win, 29-8
S15 Tara 5 vs Meriden 7, Win, 32-24
S17 Tara 6 vs Queenwood 10, Loss, 13-30
J03 Tara 7 vs PLC Sydney 8, Win, 19-15
J05 Tara 8 vs Ravenswood 9, Loss, 23-28
J07 Tara 9 vs Ravenswood 10, Loss, 4-18
J09 Tara 10 vs Abbotsleigh 21, Win, 31-16
J11 Tara 11 vs Wenona 9, Loss, 6-22
J14 Tara 12 vs Wenona 11, Loss, 22-30
Y703 Tara 13 vs Ravenswood 15, Win, 40-24
Y705 Tara 14 vs Loreto Normanhurst 29, Loss, 0-31
Y707 Tara 15 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 13, Loss, 20-24
Y708 Tara 16 vs Wenona 14, Loss, 11-32
It was Round 1 and there were some great wins amongst our Tara Basketballers. With the Fenior firsts taking away a comfortable win to start the season – honourable mention to Keisha L who played fantastic and led to team very well throughout the game, as well as Toby W who hit an incredible three pointer. Our Senior teams experienced wins and losses in their first games, but all played well as a team. Our Junior teams all played really well learning skills like teamwork and communication. The Year 7 teams played exceptionally hard and worked together, representing Tara well in their first games.
Abbey V - Basketball Captain
Round 1
S04 Tara 1 vs Ascham 2, Win, 3-0
S09 Tara 2 vs Meriden 3, Loss, 2-4
J05 Tara 3 vs OLMC 2, Loss, 1-4
Tara 1sts:
On Saturday 29th Tara 1 versed Ascham. Although the weather wasn’t great both teams had an incredible match and enjoyed playing. The Tara girls worked together to keep the ball up the attacking side of the field most of the game. They collectively scored 3 goals whilst maintaining a strong defence and not allowing any opposition goals. Tori M, Ashiqca M and Joohee U all scored incredible goals leading the Tara team to victory. Overall, it was an enjoyable first game and the whole team is excited for the season ahead.
TARA 2nds:
This round the TAR02 Soccer team played against Meriden. The girls played very well and had lots of fun playing their first game of the season. The defenders worked exceptionally hard during the game, as well as the girls scoring 2 goals! Although the score was 2-4, the game was a good challenge and was well played, with great communication and encouragement shown from the team.
TARA 3rds:
TARA 3rds team had a tricky game, however we all played really well and worked well as a team. We all had lots of fun playing our first game back together and we managed to score a goal. Unfortunately we lost 1-4 but we know what we need to work on now and will come back stronger next game.
Mena T - Football Captain
Round 1
S03 Tara 1 vs BYE
S04 Tara 2 vs Ascham 4, Wet
J02 Tara 3 vs St Vincent’s 9, Loss, 9-21
Y702 Tara 4 vs Gala Day, Wet
Due to the rain only one TARA team was fortunate enough to play this weekend. The juniors played on the indoor court at Tempe, all girls played well with Verity A shooting lots of outstanding goals. This was a great way to start the season. Although it was a great game, they were unable to overcome a competitive St Vincent’s team.
Skye A - Netball Captain
IGSA Basketball
Congratulations to Abbey V for being selected in the 16 and Under IGSA Basketball team. They play the CIS Tournament in May.
Fencing Success
Congratulations to Amelie and Catherine for their recent success in Fencing!
Amelie (Year 10) placed first in the Roberta Nutt Shield U15 Women’s Epee!
Year 7 student Catherine won the gold medal in the U-14 Women's Epee Fencing Competition! Catherine and her team also placed first in the Women’s Epee Team Event at the 2023 Australian Youth Circuit!
These are incredible achievements and we wish them all the best for future competitions!
CIS Swimming
Congratulations to Sarah S who placed 2nd in the 200m Butterfly at CIS Swimming on Tuesday 2 May. Sarah now progresses to All Schools in this event. We wish her all the best!