Term 1, Week 9, 2020
From the Chaplain
Easter Message
Dr Fiona Isaacs - Chaplain | Director of Christian Faith and Values
I am a big fan of an early Easter, particularly when that means that it falls within term time. One advantage, of course, is that it allows for the refresh of a five-day break before returning to a manageable nine days of school and then followed by more holidays. But there is a more important reason. At Easter, I want to remember Jesus’ death, and to hold that truth closely, however, I also want to remember the triumph of Jesus' resurrection. A mid-term Easter allows us to hold onto both Good Friday and Easter Sunday.
When the School term ends with Easter, it feels like we (or at least this is true for Chaplains) are forced to choose one or the other to concentrate on. Either we talk about Jesus as the suffering servant who dies for his people, or that he is the King of Glory who defeats death and rises in majesty. But I don’t want to lose either part of the story, because without both parts, it is not really the Easter message.
The hope of Easter Sunday is that sin and death is defeated. It is why we celebrate (with chocolate!) because Easter Sunday is excellent news (eggsellent news?). In rising from death, Jesus has shown that he is more powerful than anyone or anything. If Jesus has defeated humanity’s worst enemy – the painful cruelty of death – then we know that he truly is the King of the Universe.
However, it would be to lose the heart of the Christian message to forget that Jesus’ path to glory is through the arrest, trial and crucifixion. The hope of Christianity is won, at great cost through the suffering of Jesus who is the creator God, lived an innocent life and was unfairly condemned to death in the most humiliating and painful manner, crucifixion. Jesus is a God who suffers for us. Hence, his kingship is not one of oppression, domination or even rigged elections. Rather he shows us what true power is, he takes on the weight of the guilt that we could not bear. Jesus is the king who dies for us, and in doing so shows us unfathomable love.
Easter is a message of hope, but it is also a message of love. It is about the victorious king, who loved us enough to die for us. My prayer for you, and your family, this Easter is that you would know that Jesus is the one who suffered for you, but that also rose in power so that you need never loose hope. The glorious king is on your side, and he proved that on the cross.
From the Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Closure
The Tara Uniform Shop is closed 28 and 29 March and 1 April due to public holidays.
The Tara Uniform Shop will reopen 2 April for normal opening hours.
Monday - Friday Term Time Only
7:30am to 12:00pm
Closed 12:00pm - 1:00pm
1:00pm to 5:00pm
Winter Uniform
This is a reminder to purchase your Tara Winter Uniform, ready for Term 2.
Second Hand Uniform Shop - Winter Uniform
The Tara Second Hand Uniform Shop currently has a good range of second hand Winter Pinafores, skirts and blouses in stock.
If you are interested in purchasing any second hand uniform items, please visit the Tara Uniform Shop.
Uniform Shop Open 6 April
The Tara Uniform Shop is open Saturday 6 April from 9:00am to 12:00pm.
Community Events
Mother’s Day 2024
Mother’s Day Classic - Sunday 12 May
The Tara School Community are taking part in the Mother’s Day Classic at Parramatta Park on Sunday 12 May at 8.30am.
Together we will walk 5km as a team. All Tara families are invited to register for this event. The bigger the team, the more we can raise to support the National Breast Cancer Foundation in funding life-saving research to improve breast cancer detection, develop new treatments, and allow people with breast cancer to live longer and better lives. We would love to see Tara families joining us and wearing lots and lots of pink.
Early Bird pricing ends on Sunday 14 April. To register, please join the Tara Tigers team via the link below:
Support Tara Tigers - Tara Anglican School for Girls to Stop Breast Cancer!
Tara Gala Ball - Save the Date
Tara Old Girls' Association
Tara Old Girls' Association - Back to Tara Day
The annual Back to Tara Day will be held this year on Sunday 4 August at Tara and all Tara Old Girls are invited to attend. This will be a wonderful way to reconnect with the School and your peers. For further information please contact taraoldgirls@tara.nsw.edu.au
If you have any questions about Community or have ideas to share, please email the Community Engagement Manager, Jodie Doyle at community@tara.nsw.edu.au
Tara Community News
Tara Hub Community Meeting Dates
We are delighted to announce that guest speakers will grace the Tara Hub meetings throughout this year, with each speaker to be unveiled closer to each gathering. Be sure to mark your calendars for the following dates:
Term 2: Tuesday 7 May
Term 3: Tuesday 6 August
Term 4: Tuesday 5 November (AGM)
Tara Dads Club
The Tara Dads Club enhances every Tara Girl’s Tara experience by nurturing the Dad and Daughter relationship, creating opportunities for Dads to contribute to the Tara School Values and fostering a spirit of Community.
To join the Tara Dads Club please use the following link:
Tara Aquatic Centre
Easter Holidays and Anzac Day
Please note that there are no swimming lessons during the Easter Holidays:
Maundy Thursday 28/03/2024
Good Friday 29/03/2024
Easter Monday 01/04/2024
(Lessons resume Tuesday 02/04/2024)
Anzac Day - Thursday 25/04/2024
Private Lessons available during Afternoon Program
We now have the capability to offer our students one on one lessons. Spots are limited and all students will require an assessment prior to booking in.
For further information, please email swimming@tara.nsw.edu.au
School Holiday Intensive Lessons
We are offering Holiday Intensive Lessons during the two weeks of the holidays.
We will have Private Lessons and group lessons available. Please contact swimming@tara.nsw.edu.au or contact reception on 8838 2699
15 to 19 April
22 to 24 and 26 April (25 April is Anzac Day)
Tara Aquatic Centre Terms and Conditions
Please review the Tara Aquatic Centre Terms and Conditions in the Aquatic Centre parent portal as they have been updated.
Swimming over Winter
While the idea of swimming lessons often loses its appeal during these cooler months, it’s important to remember that water safety is a year-round concern and the dangers of water do not disappear when the weather gets colder. There is a misconception that children who attend swimming lessons during winter are more prone to colds and the flu. In fact, regular exercise such as swimming can help to boost your child’s immunity.
Children who continue with year round swimming lessons progress quicker than those who don’t and taking a break can often cause a regression of skills and depletion of water confidence. Skills that are learnt can continue to be consolidated and advanced, rather than catching up later in the year. Continuing swimming lessons through winter will ensure all the time and money you have invested is not wasted over the winter months.
Active Kids and First Lap Vouchers
We are accepting Active Kids and First Lap vouchers.
To use them in our program, please forward the details to swimming@tara.nsw.edu.au with your child’s details
Junior School News
Señora Jaure presents at the II Congress of Spanish Teaching in Australia
Dear Tara Community,
It pleases me to share some exciting news with you: one of our Junior School Spanish teachers, Señora Jaure, was recently invited to present at the II Congress of Spanish Teaching in Australia, held in Melbourne. I couldn’t be more delighted to highlight her remarkable achievement.
II Congress of Spanish Teaching in Australia: A Prestigious Platform
II Congress of Spanish Teaching in Australia is organised by the Spanish Embassy in Australia and brings together educators, scholars, and language enthusiasts from across the country. It serves as a forum for sharing innovative teaching practices, exploring cultural nuances, and fostering collaboration among Spanish educators. This year, the congress took place at RMIT University on March 2 and 3. Señora Jaure was among the distinguished speakers, representing not only Tara but also the broader community of Spanish language educators.
Señora Jaure’s Inspiring Presentation
Señora Jaure’s presentation centred around a critical theme: “Teaching Verbs in Primary School through Stories with Comprehensible Input.” She engaged her audience, demonstrating how storytelling and engaging narratives can transform the learning experience for our young learners. By weaving verbs into captivating tales, she ignites curiosity, fosters language acquisition, and makes grammar come alive. Her approach emphasised ‘comprehensible input’, ensuring that our students not only memorise verb conjugations but truly understand their usage in context.
As a school community, we couldn’t be prouder of Señora Jaure’s accomplishments. Here’s why:
Innovative Pedagogy: ‘Pedagogy’ means teaching methods. Señora Jaure’s commitment to innovative teaching methods sets her apart. Her dedication to making language learning enjoyable and meaningful resonates with our students, sparking a genuine love for Spanish.
Empowering Our Students: Through her storytelling magic, Señora Jaure empowers our students to express themselves confidently. She nurtures their linguistic abilities, fostering a lifelong appreciation for language and culture.
Community Impact: Her participation in the congress reflects our School’s commitment to excellence. Señora Jaure’s insights will ripple beyond our classrooms, benefiting Spanish learners across Australia. Since the conference, Señora Jaure has been contacted by Spanish teachers requesting to see her pedagogy in action.
I am sure you will join me in congratulating Señora Jaure! What a privilege our girls have being taught by both Señora Jaure and Señora Cox, who together are bringing language learning alive through the lure of storytelling.
¡Felicidades, Señora Jaure!
Senior School News
Year 9 and 10 Music Concert
Year 10 Financial Literacy at Tara
Emily L - Year 10
On Thursday 14 March, we had Tori Huxtable a Tara Old Girl, who is a political adviser, real estate agent, app developer, and also Nick Harding who is a facilitator, speaker, and consultant visit us.
They challenged our thinking of how we can make money. The question they asked was "What is the skill that you will commercialise tomorrow?". It challenged me to think about what I could do. I knew that I had an interest in coding so using that, I said I could decode bugs. After thinking of an idea the next step is to narrow it down with self promotion, and have specific coding. These questions they proposed to us challenged our thinking and explored ways of making money. Talking about their experiences and how we can apply their successes to our ideas also helped us to further think about how we can develop our financial lives, today and in the future.
Business Studies Scholarship Success
Anika V - Year 11 Business Studies student
This week, Tara girls in Years 11 and 12 Business Studies had the opportunity to hear from two Tara alumni, Ashiqca Manandhar, Class of 2023 and Mila Nikolic, Class of 2022 on their Bachelor of Accounting Scholarships they secured from UTS.
The Bachelor of Accounting Scholarship provides an incredible opportunity for young people to become involved in the business world, as it gives participants in this program several opportunities to gain experience and deepen their understanding of the financial aspects of business. Valued at over $55,000 dollars, this scholarship gives students in this program two guaranteed internships in Australia’s most prestigious and successful firms, such as KPMG, PWC, EY, Merrivale and Coca Cola as well as the opportunity for an all-expenses paid trip to Jakarta to learn about the business world.
It was inspiring to hear about the hard work and preparation that Mila and Ashiqca put towards this scholarship, and senior girls were extremely lucky to be able to hear about their experiences in this program and the number of further opportunities that this program presents students with. This is now two years in a row that Tara Business students have been offered and taken up this opportunity.
Thank you to Ashiqca and Mila for giving us their time and presenting us with this excellent opportunity. Thank you also to Mrs Losco and Mr Swainson for organising this talk and Mr Berridge for his help with writing scholarship applications. It has shown us how many opportunities are available and has inspired us to send in our applications and try for the scholarship.
Walk for Water Initiative
Stephanie H - Environmental Prefect
This term, the environmental committee launched the Walk for Water Initiative. In week 7, Year 8 participated in some water related activities that reflected the experience of walking unfair distances for water within other countries. This event helped raise awareness for the adversities that people within developing nations face daily. Overall, the event raised over $80 from just one grade. We plan to continue this event and raise even more money in the following years.
Jersey Boys
Annabelle D - Performing Arts Prefect
Congratulations to the talented cast and crew of The King's School and Tara Anglican School for Girls for their outstanding performance in The Jersey Boys. The final curtain has fallen on what can only be described as a series of remarkable and unforgettable shows, culminating in a sensational finale on Saturday night.
The Year 11 musical is more than just an event; it's an opportunity for our students to shine, to explore their creativity, and to build lasting friendships. This production showcased an exceptional level of dedication and skill from all involved, demonstrating the immense talent within our School community.
From the students who brought the characters to life with such passion and authenticity to the behind-the-scenes crew who worked tirelessly to ensure every aspect of the production ran smoothly, each and every member of the team played a crucial role in its success.
Participating in a musical production is not just about putting on a show; it's about personal growth, teamwork, and the pursuit of excellence. Through their involvement in The Jersey Boys, our students have had the opportunity to develop their skills, gain confidence in their abilities, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Year 8 Geography Photography Competition
Winner Division 1 is Abbey B (Year 8)
The photo shows our Statement of Inquiry as hotels in the picture show global interconnections becaure people from overseas can stay in Darling Harbour where they can connect with business, family and tourism.
Winner Division 2 is Melodie Z (Year 8)
The photo shows the wonder found in studying Year 8 Geography.
Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs Award
Congratulations to Year 12 student Inika who was honoured with The Young Women in Public Affairs Award during the Western Sydney International Women’s Day Breakfast.
This award, presented by The Zonta Club of Sydney Hills Inc., “recognises young women for demonstrating leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes and encourages them to continue their participation in public and political life”.
We also extend congratulations to Year 12 student Suhanya, who was acknowledged as a finalist for this esteemed award.
The breakfast was filled with inspiration as our Year 10 SRC and Year 12 students listened to lawyer Esther Adeyinka speak on the theme 'Count Her In: Accelerating Gender Equality through Economic Empowerment.'
Inika is pictured alongside Dr Peter Gangemi, the Mayor of The Hills Shire Council, Esther Adeyinka, and Mark Hodges, the Member for Castle Hill.
Year 9 Camp
For our Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, Year 9 students embarked on a four-day canoeing trip along the Hawkesbury River. The challenge was to navigate our way along the river, setting up camp each night and cooking our own meals along the way.
On the first day of our adventure, we hopped straight into our activities. We first learnt how to set up our campsites, basic directions, learning how to navigate and how to canoe. We canoed a total of 5km, skilfully manoeuvring our canoes through the winding river. After our learn to canoe trial, we got back to our campsite and made dinner in our Trangias.
The second day brought more challenges as we canoed a total of 10 km, facing strong currents. Despite this obstacle, we remained focused and determined, singing and using strategies to get us along the way until we reached our campsite for the night. We ended the day going for a paddleboard/ swim in the river. When we got back, we set up our tents, cooked our meals in the Trangias and shared stories around our circle under the starlit sky.
The third day was the most challenging yet, as we canoed 15km, testing our endurance and teamwork. The weather took a turn for the worse, with a 40 degree temperature. We remained resilient, supporting each other every step of the way until we reached our campsite. To our surprise, there were ice blocks waiting for us! After a little lunch break, we went in the river to cool ourselves down from the exhausting and hot day and ended the night preparing for a talent show.
On the final day of our expedition, we did 6km of canoeing, feeling a sense of accomplishment as we neared the end of our journey. The sun shone brightly overhead, and the sounds of nature surrounded us as we paddled to the bus that would take us home. At the same time, overjoyed with excitement that camp is over but sad as our fun time has come to an end and we have to go back to school the following week.
When the high groups first arrived at their campsite, we jumped straight into activities. We first put up our tents, ate some lunch, learnt how to read a map and then we started on a hike in length of each group’s choosing. On our hike, we had to overcome attacks by leaches, jump up rocks, slide down rocks, and very rarely had an even path of ground to walk on. After our hike, we then got back to camp and made dinner in our Trangias.
On the second day each high group had to canoe 18km. In the hot sun there were many moments we just wanted to stop, but as soon as we saw our second campsite, we started sprinting the last 200m. At that campsite we had a shower for the first time since arriving at camp which was a great relief (this was then the only time we showered).
On the third day in 40 degree temperatures, two out of the three high groups did a 12km canoe whilst the other group did a 15 km canoe. The two high groups that only did the 12kms then had time to swim and play games, but we all got iceblocks. The other high group continued canoeing for an extra 3kms where they then got to spend time with the medium groups.
On the final day of camp, we had either 9 or 6 kilometres to canoe, whilst playing games on the boat, fantasising about what we were going to do once we got home (most popular votes was get a shower and lay in bed), and just being ready to get camp over with. Once we saw the buses we were overcome with excitement, tiredness, but also sad that our Duke of Ed Bronze journey had come to an end.
In both levels, the Duke of Edinburgh challenged each of us in many ways. Getting out of our comfort zone was something that we all adapted to whether it be canoeing, paddle boarding, hiking or cooking. We all enjoyed the experience so much, and the program strengthened all our friendships and united us.
Term 1 Sport
Skye A - Sport Prefect
Term 1 sport at Tara has had an amazing turn out so far. Through the girl’s hard work and discipline our teams are performing well and achieving amazing things!
Tara tennis in Term 2 is being executed wonderfully. Saturday sport games are showing results with girls coming to trainings working on their groundstrokes, serves and volleys. All teams have been playing well on the weekend and girls have been persevering and trying their best. This term we also had our Tildesley tournament which consists of many all girl schools competing to play tennis. Tara girls showed great results with people going to the 4th, 5th and even the 6th round. All girls tried their best and showed resilience and support through the whole tournament. Overall tennis had been going greet this term and we would like to continue this energy into term 3!
This championship season ends with over half our teams making it to the semi-finals/finals. I would like to commend all students on their persevered spirit and attendance to early morning trainings and far away Saturday games - and in spite of potential loss, still decided to wake up and give it a try. Throughout this season, coaches have focused on the development of backcourt shots with most Junior teams, developing the skills necessary to adequately compete with inter-school peers. Senior teams were encouraged to work on doubles formation and strengthen communication within the team, proving effective in sessions of strategising and focus of footwork against higher teams. I congratulate new players who were brave enough to give badminton a try this season and will further extend their reach in other athletic proficiencies next term.
This terms season of softball has been lots of fun, and full of many achievements and beneficial trainings. All three teams have improved their fitness through attending gym lessons once a week in the fitness centre, working on exercises targeted towards speed, agility, arm strength and batting to apply in the softball matches. Throughout the trainings, batting and fielding skills have been worked on leading to great achievements on the pitch at the games, such as Sophie B in Year 9 and Victoria H in Year 8 scoring home runs!
This terms season of touch has been super beneficial to the girls as they work on their fitness, and more difficult skills of the sport that allow them to perform better on the field. Throughout the weeks of training the senior team has learning to box on and box off and perform skillful sets such as red rooster and rooster shorts that require lots of focus and determination. With all this hard work and commitment shown this term, it is safe to say that each girl has learnt something new and improve their skills in touch football.
CIS Golf
Congratulations to Year 11 student Ellisa who placed 5th at CIS Golf recently. She is now part of the CIS team and will compete at the NSW All Schools Golf Championships in June.
Congratulations Ellisa!
Senior Sport
Round 5
“This week’s games were really fun! All my teammates had a great time, and we all played really well, my teammate Claire G (Year 7) and I won a double! And my other two teammates, Eva Z (Year 7) and Tina L (Year 7) also played really well.” – Rosie X (Year 7, Y703)
“TAR21 competed against Presbyterian Ladies' College on Saturday. Our team consists of 4 people: Mia Z, Julie K, Gloria H and I, Chloe Z. Our high-spirited team unfortunately lost against PLS. Mia Z performed astoundingly, winning her singles game and Julie K and Gloria H also performed spectacularly. But we were still energetic and not discouraged, ready for our next game!” - Chloe Z (Year 7 ,Y701)
“Badminton is the perfect mixture of skill, speed, and endurance. I love to play badminton with my friends and family and especially my teammates (Lareina T and Elma L) . It is a fast-paced game that people play. It doesn’t require any specialised equipment and can be played in many different places. This week my team and I played against Kincoppal. We lost, but even though we lost we knew we played a great game and had fun.” (Year 7 Y707, Lareina T and Elma L)
Round 6
“Though I played badminton last year, I have been very motivated this year through my teammates and my friends which I have this year with me (Naesha D Year 8 and Pahri P Year 8). They motivated me to play singles and I became more independent, winning my games and getting into finals. I believe that everyone should try a new sport like I tried badminton and I'm really enjoying it! “ - Ashwiinah J (Year 8 J16)
“Trying badminton was a good experience this season. Saturday games this week were competitive but fun with my teammates. “ – Alis K (Year 12 S05)
“We played an extremely close game this week – with my team mates Cecelia Z (Year 12) and Aoling Z (Year 12) strategising in effort to improve our communications in doubles. Training has proven effective, it is very fun playing doubles with more solidified double formations with my team.” – Monica Z (Year 12 S01)
Round 5
S01 Tara 1 vs MLC 1, Win, 3-2
S03 Tara 2 vs Pymble 3, Loss, 0-5
S05 Tara 3 vs Abbotsleigh 10, Win, 5-0
S07 Tara 4 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 1, Loss, 1-4
S08 Tara 5 vs Mount St Benedicts 1, Loss, 2-3
S09 Tara 6 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 2, Loss, 2-3
S10 Tara 7 vs Ravenswood 6, Loss, 2-3
S11 Tara 8 vs MLC 8, Win, 3-2
S13 Tara 9 vs PLC Sydney 12, Win, 3-2
S15 Tara 10 vs PLC Sydney 14, Loss, 2-3
S18 Tara 11 vs Danebank 7, Win, 4-1
J01 Tara 12 vs Abbotsleigh 32, Win, 3-2
J03 Tara 13 vs Meriden 20, Loss, 0-5
J05 Tara 14 vs Abbotsleigh 41, Win, 3-2
J08 Tara 15 vs Danebank 11, Loss, 1-4
J08 Tara 16 vs MLC 16, Win, 4-1
J10 Tara 17 vs Meriden 28, Win, 3-2
J12 Tara 18 vs Danebank 12, Loss, 2-3
J14 Tara 19 vs PLC Sydney 25, Win, 5-0
J16 Tara 20 vs PLC Sydney 26, Win, 4-1
Y701 Tara 21 vs PLC Sydney 27, Loss, 1-4
Y702 Tara 22 vs Abbotsleigh 63, Win, 3-2
Y703 Tara 23 vs Meriden 41, Loss, 1-4
Y703 Tara 24 vs Danebank 17, Loss, 1-4
Y705 Tara 25 vs Meriden 44, Loss, 2-3
Y707 Tara 26 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 8, Loss, 0-5
Y707 Tara 27 vs Meriden 46, Loss, 1-4
Round 6
S01 Tara 1 vs Pymble 1, Loss, 2-3
S03 Tara 2 vs Danebank 1, Loss, 1-2
S05 Tara 3 vs Monte 1, Win, 3-2
S07 Tara 4 vs MLC 6, Loss, 0-5
S08 Tara 5 vs Abbotsleigh 16, Loss, 1-4
S09 Tara 6 vs Meriden 11, Loss, 0-5
S10 Tara 7 vs Abbotsleigh 18, Win, 3-2
S11 Tara 8 vs Tara 9, Win, 4-1
S13 Tara 9 vs Tara 8, Loss, 1-4
S15 Tara 10 vs Meriden 13, Win, 2-3
S18 Tara 11 vs PLC Sydney 16, Win, 5-0
J01 Tara 12 vs PLC Sydney 17, Loss, 0-5
J03 Tara 13 vs Meriden 19, Loss, 1-4
J05 Tara 14 vs Abbotsleigh 40, Win, 4-1
J08 Tara 15 vs Meriden 26, Loss, 0-5
J08 Tara 16 vs Danebank 11, Win, 3-2
J10 Tara 17 vs Tara 18, Win, 3-2
J12 Tara 18 vs Tara 17, Loss, 2-3
J14 Tara 19 vs Meriden 32, Loss, 1-4
J16 Tara 20 vs Santa Sabina 4, Win, 4-1
Y701 Tara 21 vs Meriden 35, Loss, 0-5
Y702 Tara 22 vs Meriden 37, Loss, 1-4
Y703 Tara 23 vs Danebank 16, Loss, 0-5
Y703 Tara 24 vs Meriden 41, Loss, 0-5
Y705 Tara 25 vs Danebank 18, Win, 3-2
Y707 Tara 26 vs PLC Sydney 31, Win, 4.5-0.5
Y707 Tara 27 vs Meriden 45, Loss, 0-5
Round 5
S02 Tara 1 vs St Catherine’s 2, Loss, 3.5-4.5
S08 Tara 2 vs Abbotsleigh 5, Win, 8-0
S17 Tara 3 vs St Vincent’s 3, Loss, 2.5-5.5
S21 Tara 4 vs Ravenswood 8, Win, 6-2
S22 Tara 5 vs Abbotsleigh 14, Win, 6.5-1.5
S24 Tara 6 vs Roseville 14, Loss, 0-8
J04 Tara 7 vs Wenona 11, Win, 5.5-2.5
J10 Tara 8 vs Danebank 5, Win, 7-1
J13 Tara 9 vs Loreto Normanhurst 22, Win, 7-1
J16 Tara 10 vs Roseville 23, Loss, 1.5-6.5
J18 Tara 11 vs Roseville 24, Win, 6-2
Y705 Tara 12 vs Ravenswood 17, Loss, 3.5-4.5
Y708 Tara 13 vs Santa Sabina 8, Win, 7-1
Y709 Tara 14 vs Pymble 27, Win, 5-3
Y711 Tara 15 vs PLC Sydney 18, Loss, 3.5-4.5
Round 6
S02 Tara 1 vs Roseville 1, Loss, 1-7
S08 Tara 2 vs St Catherine’s 4, Loss, 3-5
S17 Tara 3 vs Loreto Normanhurst 5, Loss, 2.5-5.5
S21 Tara 4 vs Loreto Kirribilli 12,
S22 Tara 5 vs Abbotsleigh 13, Loss, 3-5
S24 Tara 6 vs Loreto Normanhurst 13, Draw, 4-4
J04 Tara 7 vs Brigidine 7, Win, 8-0
J10 Tara 8 vs Monte 13, Win, 7-1
J13 Tara 9 vs Abbotsleigh 21, Loss, 2.5-5.5
J16 Tara 10 vs Loreto Normanhurst 25, Win, 6-2
J18 Tara 11 vs Wenona 18,
Y705 Tara 12 vs Wenona 20, Loss, 0-8
Y708 Tara 13 vs Santa Sabina 7,
Y709 Tara 14 vs Abbotsleigh 31, Loss, 3.5-4.5
Y711 Tara 15 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 11, Win, forfeit
Touch Football
Round 5
This week the Tara Senior First team played a great game that challenged their endurance. Playing both attacking and defending throughout, the girls pushed themselves to the best of their ability to keep on going. Although the score didn’t come in their favour, it pushed their endurances and fitness to a new level.
Round 6
The Tara Senior First touch football team worked on their strength and endurance this week, working in the fitness centre in training. In following instructions from the coaches, they were challenged and tested on improving their agility in running forwards and backwards, and arm strength that improves accuracy and speed of throwing the ball. As this terms season of touch football comes to an end, with only one more game to go, the girls are very grateful to have taken on this opportunity and to apply everything they have learnt in seasons to come!
Round 5
S02 Tara 1 vs Ascham 1, Loss, 0-24
S05 Tara 2 vs Monte 5, Loss, 2-4
J04 Tara 3 vs Santa Sabina 6, Loss, 1-3
Y703 Tara 4 vs Monte 20, Win, 7-2
Round 6
S02 Tara 1 vs Wenona 2, Loss, 0-13
S05 Tara 2 vs Wenona 7, Win, 3-1
J04 Tara 3 vs Frensham 12, Loss, 1-9
Y703 Tara 4 vs Ascham 18, Loss, 1-11
Round 5
This week the Tara, Senior Second softball team played a double header. The girls practiced stamina and endurance, because we played both these games straight after each other which requires lots of focus and determination for a long time. Our first innings had Taylor J from Year 10 as pitcher and Ellie and Danbi S in Year 10 in shortstop and first base respectively. The three of them worked really well together and managed to tag three batters out straight away. Using her quick reflexes, Ellie showed great strength and amazing flat passes to Danbi in which she received the ball before the batter could get to the base. Taylor’s incredible pitching made many of the batters swing and miss causing many strikes. In the second game, the sun had risen and tested our endurance throughout the heat. Bella S from Year 9 demonstrated great second base techniques in catching overthrows and waiting for the batter to stick on the base, keeping strong focus. Sophie B in Year 9 hit great bats through shortstops and past outfield that let Arya D also in Year 9 run home from second base, scoring Sophie a home run.
Round 6
This week, the Tara Seconds softball team played two amazing matches. The first one was a huge success to the team as we came out with an incredible win scoring more than double the amount of runs to Pymble, the school we played against. Jemima B in Year 11 played at third base and tagged the three girls out consecutively in the first innings as she received the ball from the pitcher. Sophie B in Year 9 hit long balls in batting that allowed many girls to get home. In the second match, we performed to the best of our abilities however the score just came against our favour. Despite the score, the team kept great enthusiasm and optimism throughout the game, particularly from Claire D in Year 9 as catcher, who always communicates words of encouragement and positivity on the pitch to each other.
Tara 03 also played two games this week. Victoria H in Year 8 pitched the entire game and enhanced her arm strength and speed. She also caught two fly balls in her mitt that got two girls on the other team out. Aahna in Year 7 playing as catcher was amazing at overthrows to second base.
Round 5
OP2 Tara 1 vs Danebank 1, Loss, 6-12
OP2 Tara 2 vs PLC Sydney 1, Loss, 1-14
OP2 Tara 2 vs Oxley 1, Loss, 6-11
JR 1 Tara 3 vs Brigidine 2, Loss, 11-17
Round 6
OP2 Tara 1 vs Pymble 3,Win
OP2 Tara 1 vs Pymble 2, Draw, 7-7
OP2 Tara 2 vs Loreto Normanhurst 2, Win
OP2 Tara 2 vs Pymble 6, Win, 14-6
JR 1 Tara 3 vs Brigidine 2, Loss, 4-20
Water Polo
Round 5
On the weekend, the Tara Senior Firsts played against Meriden. The girls ended up tying with a score of 3 all. The girls had amazing defense skills throughout the game as the other team found it hard to pass the ball down the pool. Bernice T shot an amazing goal straight into the corner of the goal! Grace T and Skye A shot some other goals throughout the game with Verity A and Camille M showing good defensive skills on their opposing players. Eliza M performed amazingly, saving the majority of the shots throughout the game.
The Tara Juniors played an intense game on the weekend against PLS. Unfortunately, the girls lost 7-12, but despite this they stayed resilient and focused on the things they did well throughout the game. The girls took away some positive things including their formation in the water throughout the game. The team gave it their best shot, and all had played a great game!
The Year 7 water polo team played against St Scholastica’s College on the weekend. The team played an excellent attacking game with Adelaide and Carissa C scoring 4 goals each! The girls won 13-8, with some amazing shots saved by the team goalie!
Round 6
The Tara Senior water polo team played against SCEGGS on the weekend at the MLC pool! The girls reached a high number of shots throughout the game and were able to put the practical skills that we have been learning in training into the game. Lucy T, Orla A, Grace T, Skye A and Charlotte O scored many incredible goals throughout the game. Olivia A, Bernice Z and Zoe H displayed excellent defending skills throughout the game with our goalie Eliza M saving various shots! The team enjoyed their game this week and are excited for the next one!
The Junior water polo team played against St Vincents on the weekend! Despite the loss of 8-11 the girls had fun and played amazingly. Throughout the game the girls showed excellent form and had incredible improvement in terms of their defense against the other team.
The Year 7 water polo team played against Wenona on the weekend. Throughout the game the girls had incredible attacking skills leading to some amazing shots. Charli W and Olivia G played amazing throughout the game!
Round 5
S04 Tara 1 vs Meriden 4, Draw, 3-3
J03 Tara 2 vs PLC Sydney 4, Loss, 7-12
Y703 Tara 3 vs St Scholastica’s 4, Win, 13-8
Round 6
S04 Tara 1 vs SCEGGS 2, Win, 10-4
J03 Tara 2 vs St Vincent’s 6, Loss, 8-11
Y703 Tara 3 vs Wenona 10, Draw, 12-12
Tildesley Tennis
Diya H - Tennis Captain
- Bhavya B
- Yashika K
- Sasha G
- Chloe Chan
- Dunja V
- Nikolina K
Bhavya B (Year 10)
Bhavya had three byes meaning that her first match was in round 4. She won against her opponent in round 4, she did this through her consistent serves and her groundstrokes. She continued this streak by winning her match in round 5. She showed incredible results by getting into round 6 which is the pre quarters. Unfortunately, she did lose here in round 6, however this does not take away her achievement for Tara.
Yashika K (Year 10)
She was able to get to the 4th round due to having byes for the first three rounds. She won the 4th round but unfortunately lost against her opponent in the 5th round. She played amazingly with great ground strokes and serves. Yashika gave a big effort and succeeded in a great effort for Tara!!
Nikolina K (Year 8)
Nikolina played very well for her first Tildesley ever! She played the first game so well and won! She unfortunately lost in the second game but she showed amazing resilience and determination. Nikolina did really well for her first singles at Tildesley and we hope to see the effort and dedication continued next year! Good job Nikolina!!
- Diya H and Zayla T
- Stephanie H and Selina F
- Sophia T and Nicole J
Diya H (Year 11) and Zayla T (Year 11) had a great time at Tildesley this year. In round 1 they won their doubles 8-1. They had a many great shots and rallies and consistent serves. In round 2 they won 8-4 which was a great game played against PLC. Both parties had a great shot. In round 3 they played Abbotsleigh and Tara won this game 8-6, this was a hard log match and Diya H and Zayla T persevered throughout the whole game. However, their time at Tildesley came to an end when in round 4 where they lost 8-2 against Meriden. Zayla and Diya had a good run and they are proud of their results.
Sophia T (Year 9) and Nicole J (Year 9)
Sophia and Nicole had a great shot at Tildesley! Unfortunately, they did lose their first round 6-1, but it was a great try and they did improve from last year losing to 0. Nicole also suffered an eye injury in training just before the match, meaning that she still persevered and played the games with blurry vision and a teary eye.
All girls tried their hardest and were able to get points for Tara. Some girls went to the 6th round when some girls only went to the first, but the most vital aspect of this competition is that all girls were brave to give it a go.
Good Job girls!