Senior School News
- Harmony Day 2023 - Significance of the Bollywood Dance
- Harmony Day 2023
- Environmental Committee Recycling Program
- Peer Support Leaders Term 1 Recap
- Year 12 Design and Technology excursion to Powerhouse Museum
- Tsuchiura High School Visit
- Science and Engineering Challenge 2023
- Years 9-10 Music Concert
- Tara Debating and Public Speaking
- Role of a Tara Ambassador
- Tara Tigers Term 1 Recap
Term 1, Week 9, 2020
General News
All Stations Challenge
Congratulations to our Maintenance Assistant, Jason, for completing the All Stations Challenge, raising money and awareness for One Girl, a charity with a focus on educating girls in Africa.
Jason travelled the entire Sydney Rail Network which includes all of Sydney Trains and Sydney Metro, starting at Tallawong at 4:35am and finishing at Roseville at 9:01pm.
He visited a total of 180 stations, completing the challenge in 16 hours and 26 minutes.
A total of $860 was raised for One Girl! Congratulations again Jason.
From the Chaplain
Easter Message
Michelle Kay-Browning - Chaplain/Director of Christian Faith and Values
This term in Chapel, we have been focusing on the book of Psalms. It has been incredibly rich, and worthwhile. There have been moments of praise and wonder, celebration and joy, lament and quiet reflection, and comfort and strength.
The Psalms have reminded us who God is. They have reminded us who we are also.
The Psalms have pointed to the greatness and majesty of a wondrous, almighty creator. They have also revealed something of the love that The Creator has for the pinnacle of his creation, us:
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honour. Psalm 8: 4-5
It is this focus, and extravagant action of The Creator’s love that we celebrate at Easter. Easter is a powerful celebration that occurs throughout the entire world, remembering a wonderful, cruel, absolutely outrageous event: The crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Easter is not simply an historic event. It is the monumentally significant, sacrificial triumph over death, which to this day, holds the power to transform lives from the inside out. Jesus’ crucifixion was a painful, once and for all death by one, FOR ALL. The Saviour of the world gave his life as a ransom for many.
But the circumstances and actions of this event were not by chance. There was nothing haphazard about it.
It was foreseen.
It was foretold.
It was intentional.
Psalm 22, (the Messianic Psalm) written centuries earlier, was played out, in 33 AD, for all to see. Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures in word and deed:
As we have contemplated the Psalms, I am again reminded of the unending omnipotence of our great God, the King of glory, strong and mighty. But not only that, our amazing Lord humbled himself, and stepped down into the very earth He created.
He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. (John 1: 11)
Instead, they killed him.
But…importantly, and most significantly - they did not actually take his life from him.
He willingly gave it.
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3: 16-17)
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
His love endures forever. (Psalm 136:1)
Oh, give thanks to the LORD, FOR he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the LORD say so… (Psalm 107:1-2)
What a wonderful gift! What a wonderful God!
Happy Easter, Tara.
Tara families, this has been my last newsletter article as Chaplain/Director of Christian Faith and Values. It has been my utmost privilege and honour to serve in the position of Chaplain over the last 5 plus years, and as a member of staff here for 11 plus years. I love Tara, love this community, and will miss you greatly. My love and prayers remain. May God bless you.
From the Deputy Principal | Head of Junior School
When you pray this week…
Have you ever heard the expression “Have you got a direct line to God!”? It is usually said quite light-heartedly, at times when we really need something to happen urgently. As Christians though, the good news is that we do have a direct line and instant access.
At times, praying can feel like we are writing a present list to Santa Claus full of wishes and requests. When we pray we can use a simple acronym to help us focus our time with God and seek His will in our lives and in His world.
A-C-T-S stands for
Adoration – where we relinquish ‘self-worship’ and acknowledge and worship God for who He is
Confession – where we come before God and admit to ignoring Him and His will for us
Thanksgiving – where we express gratitude to God
Supplication – where we humbly ask for God’s intercession in our lives
This week when you pray, please remember:
A – That God is powerful and loving, which means we can be hopeful even in uncertain times
C – That God knows our shortcomings; let Him know that in acts of hurt or betrayal of others (name them!), we acknowledge that we have betrayed Him
T – To be grateful for the almost-complete aquatic centre and the opportunities it will bring for the Tara Community, and to be thankful for the dedication and skill of Tara’s support staff – those in administration, learning support, maintenance, catering and IT.
S – Others, especially those who may not be praying for themselves; for safety, learning and good times at the Year 5 and 6 trip to Canberra; and for the ongoing wellbeing of Mrs Middlebrook as she continues her sabbatical.
From the Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
The Tara Uniform Shop is open during Term time.
Monday to Friday 7:30am-12:00pm
(closed between 12pm and 1pm)
First Saturday of each month (Term time only) between 9:00am-12:00pm
For more information or to book an appointment please call 02 8838 2646.
Uniform Shop Open 1 April
The Uniform Shop is open this Saturday 1 April.
9am - 12pm.
Community Events
P&F Mother’s Celebration Afternoon Tea
Saturday 20 May, 1:30-3:30pm: P&F Mother’s Celebration Afternoon Tea.
Invitations to be issued shortly. All mums and daughters are invited to book tickets for this special event.
Mother's Day Classic - Sunday 14 May, 8:30am
The Tara School Community are taking part in the Mother’s Day Classic at Parramatta Park. Together we will walk 5km as a team. All Tara families are invited to register for this event. The bigger the team, the more we can raise to support this initiative! We’d love to see all mums and daughters joining us and wearing lots and lots of pink.
To register, please join the Tara Tigers via the link below
Mother's Day Classic Registration
By registering and seeking donations from family and friends, you will be supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) in funding life-saving research to improve breast cancer detection, develop new treatments, and allow people with breast cancer to live longer and better lives.
If you are unable to join on the day but would like to make a donation and help the Tara Tigers reach their fundraising goal, this can be done via the link below.
Support Tara Tigers to Stop Breast Cancer!
Please note all donations made on Tuesday 9 May will be doubled by the Mothers Day Classic’s Major Partner, ME.
Future Community Events
Saturday 22 July: Dads and Daughters Dinner Dance
Saturday 26 August: P&F Trivia Night
Saturday 4 November: TDC Movie Night on the Oval
Saturday 25 November: P&F and TDC - Carols in the Colonnade
Tara Dads Club BBQ and Sports Afternoon
Despite the forecast of rain, the Tara Dads Club (TDC) held a wonderful family fun afternoon and BBQ on Friday outside the Bowern Room and Colonnade. It was lovely to see so many of our community attending and enjoying the afternoon. Thank you to everyone who provided donations towards the food and drinks which had been kindly funded by the TDC. A huge thank you to the TDC volunteers who gave up their time to cook up a delicious BBQ and helped to grow connections with Tara dads and their families.
Tara Community News
Tara P&F Association
The Tara Parents and Friends Association (P&F) is the School’s parent organisation.
Every parent of a current Tara student is a member. In general, the P&F creates a focus on social, service, care and fundraising activities and are committed to providing support of our School, students, staff and community. Termly P&F meetings provide an opportunity for parents to discuss information about the operational aspects of Tara and raise questions regarding any sector of the School. The Principal, Mrs Susan Middlebrook attends the meetings.
The next open meeting is on Tuesday 2 May at 7:30pm in the Bowern Room and all parents are welcome to attend.
If parents have any suggestions as to speakers/topics they would like to see covered at the P&F meetings or have any questions they would like to raise with the P&F Committee, they can be contacted at
Tara Dads Club
The Tara Dads Club, (TDC) enhances every Tara Girl’s Tara experience by nurturing the dad and daughter relationship, creating opportunities for dads to contribute to the Tara School Values and fostering a spirit of Community.
The Club:
- Organises activities that dads and daughters can participate in together.
- Raises funds which are donated to Tara for the benefit of Tara girls.
- Provides various forums for Tara dads to interact with one another, allowing dads to become active participants in the Tara Community and support network.
To join the Tara Dads Club please follow the link below
The next Tara Dads Club open meeting is on Wednesday 3 May at 7:30pm in the Glass House below the Chapel and all Tara dads are welcome to attend.
2023 Class Parent Network
Thank you to everyone who has signed up as a Class Parent. We are still looking for a few extra parents to sign up to represent Kindergarten and Year 2. If you would like to sign up as a Class Parent (or indicate that you are available to volunteer with events) please register your interest via the below link.
On Tuesday 14 March, Class Parents met with the Community Liaison Manager. It was lovely to meet such passionate ladies who are keen to help arrange social events for the year group and support the P&F in their role. We look forward to working with class parents throughout the year.
Junior School News
Year 6 Trailblazer Challenge
Year 6 participated in NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer design challenge for our first Unit of Inquiry in collaboration with Miss Longmuir. We researched and brainstormed problems around collecting moon soil for a space mission and proposed appropriate solutions. As part of the design process, we created two prototypes of a lunar rover. Then we presented our prototypes and solutions to the rest of the class.
We had to apply our understanding of forces and space in order to complete the challenge. In particular, friction and gravitational forces were considered. We investigated these forces in the classroom in order to build our understanding of how they work. Mrs Young, our expert astronomer from the Senior School, helped us expand our knowledge of the Solar System and simulate crater formation on the moon.
The challenge required effective collaboration of ideas and division of roles in order to make some interesting and creative lunar rovers that are out of this world!
Junior School Debating
Emma - Year 5
The journey all began with our debating workshops. We talked about what would happen if you were chosen for the debating team and what you would have to commit to. I remember sitting there thinking “Wow, the debating team looks like such an awesome opportunity for me and other girls who feel passionate about public speaking, speech writing and persuasive writing.” At the end of the workshop, we all gave expressions of interest.
A week later Mrs Minho and Ms Boardman gave us the results of who were in the next phase of the tryout process. We prepared a short impromptu speech on the topic ‘The canteen should only sell healthy food.’ We all did very well but sadly only 13 girls could be chosen for the team. A week later the results were given to our classroom teachers and 13 excited Year 5 and 6 girls made their way to Mrs Minho’s classroom to have their first session. Since then, we have been learning so much about the skills of debating as well as building skills as a team and getting a chance to listen to other people’s points of view on a topic. It has been such an amazing opportunity for us to be part of the debating team and we can’t wait to see our how our first debate goes and what debating has in store for us for the rest of the year.
Wild Play for Year 3
What a wild and wonderful day Year 3 had on their first excursion of 2023. Centennial Park, ‘Wild Play’ offered a natural wonderland to engage in our newest unit of inquiry ‘How we organised ourselves’. For the next six weeks, Year 3 are exploring the central idea, 'Tools help us communicate and interpret information about the world'.
We have already learnt so much and it’s only our very first lesson.
Did you know all maps have BOLTS! That means maps have a border, orientation, legend, title and scale.
Emma: You need a scale on a map. I couldn’t put a map of my class on a piece of paper so I need to scale it down to fit. For example for each 1 metre of the classroom it could be 1cm on my map.
Edith: Maps can be connected to people, like where Indigenous people live.
Steph: Maps can show where different languages are spoken.
Some of our favourite experiences from the day included:
Erin: I liked that we got to go everywhere in Wild Play without waiting for everyone else. We explored water, rocks, trees, bark, logs and sand.
Jacqueline: I loved running around, jumping, climbing on things and getting to be wild at Wild Play.
Hannah: I loved watching everyone go down the slide. Some girls were scared at the start then they were courageous and tried it.
Eknoor: I loved exploring the treehouse and playing in the water.
Laya: I loved exploring new places outside.
Sarah S: I loved working with my mini groups to find the different places and things at Wild Play.
Prasannakshi: I loved the treasure hunt at the end when we had to find and record different places on our maps just by seeing a picture of it.
Isla: I had never tried to use a map to follow or find things. Today I did it!
We finished the day with brains full of new knowledge, but we also had some wonderings about our new unit of inquiry to take back to the classroom.
Neve: How is our new unit going to be connected to maps?
Lilly: I’m wondering if we are going to explore different kinds of maps, for example, maps on paper and maps on a device?
Amelia: What kind of information can we get from different maps?
Nataliya: Are we exploring maps we can follow ourselves or maps of Australia?
We are so excited to make new discoveries about mapping systems, get ‘lost’ in our learning and head in the right ‘direction'.
Kindergarten and Year 1 Assembly
This week, for the first time, Kindergarten and Year 1 girls had their own special assembly. Assembly is an exciting time in the Junior School, where girls are celebrated for their citizenship and commitment to learning. In 2023, Kindy and Year 1 girls will be involved in small assemblies throughout the term. During this time, the girls will learn about the importance of acknowledging the country on which we learn and pray and thank the Burramattagal people of the Darug Nation for sharing their land. They will also learn the words and significance of our National Anthem and special awards will be presented. We are looking forward to our next Kindergarten and Year 1 assembly in Term 2.
Junior Sport
Years 3 to 6 Cross Country Carnival
The Years 3 to 6 Cross Country Carnival was held on Friday 10 March. The course was set on and around Mouleric Field with our 8, 9 and 10 year olds running 1km and our 11 and 12 year olds running 1.5km. The sun beamed down on the runners and thankfully all races finished before the hottest part of the day hit. House spirit was at an all time high with dress ups, face paint, posters and dances aplenty. It was a real treat for the girls to be visited by the Senior School house captains who offered words of encouragement. The one and only Tara Tiger was also on hand, high fiving runners at the finish line. Girls made their way around the course and enjoyed cooling off with a juice box at the end of their race. Congratulations to all girls who completed the course, to girls who placed in their age group as well as our champions and runners up for 2023.
Sub Junior Champion: Alicia L (5 Ping)
Sub Junior Runner Up: Gabriella M (4 Figgy)
Junior Champion: Chelsea H (6 Vee)
Junior Runner Up: Tiasha J (6 Vee)
House Champion: Crawford
IPSHA Swimming
The IPSHA Swimming Carnival was held on Wednesday 1 March at Sydney Olympic Park. Our Tara team was made up of 18 girls from Years 2 – 6. It was a full program of events with some tough competition. The girls enjoyed cheering each other on and celebrating their achievements. Congratulations to the girls who represented Tara at the carnival!
IPSHA Trials
This term, Zara F (6 Isabella) and Lola G (6 Vee) attended the IPSHA Basketball Trials. Lia N (6 Isabella) and Diya A (6 Lily) attended the IPSHA Netball Trials. They enjoyed challenging themselves in a highly competitive environment and are looking forward on using what they learnt form the experience, to continue to improve their game.
Senior School News
Harmony Day 2023 - Significance of the Bollywood Dance
Nikhita - Deputy Head Girl
Harmony Day has quickly become a popular initiative of Tara Senior School, where girls from across year groups share their culture through food stalls and amazing performances. In particular, this year a Bollywood dance performance was a true testament to the diversity and culture of Tara. Girls from Years 10-12 were keen to display their culture through this dance as it is very significant to them as it represents a sense of celebration. This dance has grown from having five girls in 2022 to now having 22 girls, and it is great to see how the girls are willing to participate and contribute to the celebrations and appreciate the diverse cultures at Tara.
Harmony Day 2023
Kirit - Year 11
Harmony Day at Tara is recognised as one of the most anticipated events of the year. As a School we are blessed with a vast diversity of cultural backgrounds that contribute to our community. On 21 March, Year 11 SRC organised this initiative and students across cohorts collaborated to share food, dances and traditions from India, China, West Africa, Middle East, and many other countries. This was such an enjoyable experience as so many students participated and offered to present their culture to the Tara Community. Harmony Day is all about inclusiveness, respect, and sense of belonging for every individual and this year’s theme was ‘everyone belongs’. In our School, everyone does belong and that is why Harmony Day is such an important initiative at Tara!
Environmental Committee Recycling Program
Henri - Environment Prefect
The Tara Environmental Committee are a group of dedicated girls who work together to create new and innovative initiatives that Tara can implement to lower their carbon and raise awareness for the growing environmental issues in our modern world. Tara’s Environmental Committee is in the final stages of implementing a Return and Earn recycling scheme into Senior School. This compliments the School’s existing recycling program. Proceeds from this new recycling scheme will be used to support future Environmental Committee initiatives and World Vision’s Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal.
Peer Support Leaders Term 1 Recap
Zoe - Year 10
The Peer Support program has been running throughout this Term for the new Year 7 girls to help ease the transition into Senior School. Every fortnight, the Tara Peer Support Leaders run a session with their Year 7 Mentor Group. Each Mentor Group has a specific dynamic in which the Peer Support Leaders need to adapt to, to ensure they are creating the best possible atmosphere. There are assigned activities set for the leaders to run through. The theme for Week 8 is focused on the reinforcement of their established friendships. These activities help the girls de-stress from their previous week, creating a welcoming environment in which they can relax, recharge, and reflect. The foundation that is formed between the Junior and Senior girls through this program makes it easier for the girls to reach out and ask for help when needed. The assistance that is provided from the Leaders is crucial to ease the challenges and obstacles that can arise with the transition into high school.
Year 12 Design and Technology excursion to Powerhouse Museum
On 16 March, the Year 12 Design and Technology students attended the SHAPE exhibition at the Ultimo Powerhouse Museum, showcasing some of the stand out major design projects from the 2022 graduates across NSW. These projects ranged from ideas such as a soft plastics compressor to a protective surfboard cover and were all very insightful in the process of their research, creation and evaluation.
This year, the Year 12 class was also able to participate in a lecture from a Design and Technology HSC Marker, who provided us with useful advice and tips for our major design project that will be due later this year. We were also able to attend a workshop and talk run by Nic Robinson who is a designer and founder of globally renowned eyewear business, Good Citizens. From this talk we were able to reflect upon and plan further on our Major design projects as well as hear from fellow Year 12 students in other schools and some of their wonderful project ideas. Overall, it was an amazing learning experience, providing us with more understanding into the characteristics and qualities that make a successful Design and Technology major project.
Tsuchiura High School Visit
On March 16, 31 students from Tsuchiura High School in Japan visited Tara and joined the Senior Japanese classes for an exciting afternoon of language and cultural exchange.
The female students stayed in the Boarding House for four nights, enjoying the hospitality of the Boarders and sharing their Japanese culture through origami etc. This was a fabulous experience for everyone involved.
Science and Engineering Challenge 2023
This year, Tara entered the Science and Engineering Challenge (SEC). This is a nationwide STEM outreach program presented by the University of Newcastle in partnership with communities, Rotary clubs, universities, and sponsors. Thirty two eager Year 10 Science Students signed up to join the team, uncertain of what they would need to do.
Throughout the day students worked in groups of four, competing against other schools in multiple STEM challenges. The activities tested different aspects of science that they may not usually see in the school classroom. Often groups had to create things like a cart with reinforced suspension to get through a bumpy course safely, or a plane that could be launched from a machine to reach specified goals, or even a tower that could both hold weights and survive an earthquake machine. One group had limited materials in which they needed to create a bridge that could support a weighted train to travel across it. On reflection of the day, one student said that she “didn’t expect it to be exciting, but it was both fun and exciting”.
Often the scenarios had a real-world complex such as mapping out different electricity grids, building rosters in complex scenarios and creating new and unique codes to communicate. This brought the challenges to life and encouraged greater student interest to add to the determination of our team.
Talking to students at the end of the day, they recognised that the challenges required strong teamwork skills which initially they found really hard, but as the day progressed, they started to improve and master some aspects. It was a challenging day where one student commented that through all they did as a team, “we strengthened our critical thinking and problem-solving skills”. It was a wonderful opportunity for our students to extend themselves and we encourage future students to get involved.
Years 9-10 Music Concert
Tara Debating and Public Speaking
Angelique Ockert - Debating Coordinator
The Tara Debating and Public Speaking events of 2023 have been a thrilling and vibrant experience. With participants from various schools, the debates have been intense and challenging, showcasing the students’ impressive skills in language, oration, and impressive general knowledge.
Tara's FED (Friday Evening Debate) team has faced strong competitors such as MLC, Redlands, Monte St Angelo, and St Joseph's, with each debate being tightly contested except for the two convincing wins against St Joseph's and Redlands. We are currently at the halfway point of the season, Tara’s progress is promising, and we eagerly await future bouts and insight into the finals. We will keep you all posted!
The Archdale competition is yet another highly competitive event that has sparked tremendous excitement. The qualifying teams have put in a tireless effort to reach this stage, and they will undoubtedly present a robust challenge. Archdale provides an excellent opportunity for students to exhibit their abilities in a competitive environment and further develop their public speaking and debate skills.
The Rostrum (Voice of Youth) competition is another incredible opportunity for students to enhance their public speaking skills. The participants registered for this event are sure to bring great credit to Tara. The competition runs from May to September, providing a long window for students to prepare, hone their skills push outside their comfort zone and make new friends.
The FED debates and public speaking events have created a palpable and inspiring buzz among our team members. The debate topics have been thought-provoking, and include discussions on payment for stay-at-home parents, mixed-gender sports teams, erasing grading systems in schools, feminist issues, and the controversial question of whether politicians should use public services. These topics have pushed participants to think critically and offer compelling arguments, which has undoubtedly helped them grow as individuals.
Participating in these events can move students out of their comfort zones, allowing them to make new friends and build valuable skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, and complex idea articulation. The events also provide an opportunity to network with students from a wide range of Sydney schools. Ultimately, such events provide an priceless opportunity for our girls to showcase their talents and grow as individuals, which is an encouraging sign for the future of our society.
We wish all Tara girls the very best of luck in their future debates and public speaking events. Keep up the great work, and we look forward to seeing the growth and development of these talented and dedicated young women.
Watch this space- there is so much more to come!
Role of a Tara Ambassador
Bernice - Year 10
Being an Ambassador is an amazing opportunity for students to participate in and contribute to important School events. An example of this is being part of the Hills Expo which happened in early March. On this day, a group of Ambassadors helped inform parents and families about school life at Tara. This role also contributes to organising and leading tours around the School which help inform and answer any questions from prospective students and parents about Tara, whether it be about academics, sport, music or other extracurricular activities. As an Ambassador, it also helps develop new skills like student leadership, communication skills, and encourages girls to be more actively involved in School. The role of an Ambassador is a significant student position in representing the School by demonstrating all the Tara values and in welcoming new families to Tara.
Tara Tigers Term 1 Recap
Anika - Year 10
This term the Tara Tigers, an initiative that actively participates in various events offered across Tara, have volunteered and cheered on girls for timekeeping in FED debates, attending rowing Regattas, appeared at the JS Cross Country and also supporting the upcoming Mother’s Day Classic.
Many students, like myself, have joined Tara Tigers because I enjoy supporting and serving our peers and celebrating the achievements of Tara Girls. The Tara Tigers initiative aligned with Tara’s values and presents an exciting opportunity to spread Tara’s school spirit and enthusiasm.
With the Mother’s Day Classic approaching, the entire Tara community is invited to join the Tara Tigers team and either walk or run on this day in support of breast cancer research. This event presents a great opportunity for Tara girls and all families and friends to come together and make a positive impact.
Tara Tigers is a fantastic opportunity for Tara girls to support each other and our community. I strongly encourage anyone interested in spreading School sprit and serving others to join Tara Tigers.
With many more events to come next term, keep an eye out for the Tara Tigers!
Senior Sport
Head of the River
Natalie - Rowing Captain
On 18 March, the Schoolgirl Head of the River Regatta was held at Sydney International Regatta Centre. The Head of the River was the final regatta of the summer rowing season and was the one that all the girls have been focusing on and training so hard for since the beginning of term four last year. It was fantastic to see all the girls cheering for each other with some even running along the final 500m of the course to support their teammates out on the water.
All the hard training, early mornings, late nights, blisters and sweat paid off with the squad achieving some amazing results. With tough racing and close finishes being the theme of the day, every crew showed a huge improvement on their times from the start of the season. The most notable results were the Schoolgirl Four (Caitlin I, Charlotte O, Mackenzie N, Natalie E cox. Su J) gaining a new PB of 8:11, the Year 9 single (Mareya K) coming fourth in her heat and qualifying for her final and the Year 9 quad (Olivia B, Gemma W, Leila O, Amy R cox. Charlotte G) also qualifying for their final by coming third in their heat.
The Year 10 quad (Orchid Y, Jalina X, Lydia S, Arushi C cox. Hannah W) showed amazing teamwork and determination through their 2km race. The Year 8 first quad (Ella J, Nicole J, Kelly L, Reeta L cox. Charlotte G), the Year 8 second quad (Nicole W, Sinyee L, Sydney M, Eden W cox. Avika G) and the Year 8 third quad (Victoria E, Adele T, Navya S, Caitlin L cox. Amy R) all had amazing races with great teamwork showing throughout the year group.
On behalf of the whole squad, I extend our thanks to all the coaches for their tireless efforts during the season and for helping all of us achieve our best even when we thought we couldn’t.
Sydney Girls High Regatta
Natalie E - Rowing Captain
The Sydney Girls High Regatta was held on Saturday 11 March at SIRC and Tara came out with some amazing results. We started the day with the Schoolgirl Four placing 3rd in their race closely followed by a Schoolgirl Double placing 2nd. Later in the day we had the Schoolgirl Year 9 double (Hannah R and Malaika H) place first in their race. These are amazing results for the week before the Head of the River and we hope we can replicate or improve these for it.
Rubie F - Equestrian Captain
On 11 March, I represented Tara at the 2023 Arndell Anglican College Showjumping Classic. I competed in two classes, the 60cm height with my Palomino mare LuLu. She completed a clear, fast round with a time of 36 seconds. LuLu and I came home with a 3rd place out of 75 riders in my height class. I then went on to compete in the next class which was 75cm with My black Stock Horse Gelding, River. River did a great round, but we were just outside of the placing. I am very proud of my two Horses this weekend as they tried their hardest for me as always.
Rugby 7’s
The Rugby 7s team played in the Chloe Dalton Cup Finals on Monday 20 March. The girls had nervous energy but were ready to compete against the best teams in the competition. In their semi-final, which was played in greasy conditions, the girls had a narrow loss against Oakhill 1 which put them into the 3v4 playoff for the minor placings in the competition. Playing against Asquith 1, who we had not beaten all season, the girls stuck to their game plan and outplayed their opposition in a tight game. The girls were triumphant with a 19-5 win, finishing their very first season in 3rd place. An outstanding achievement against some incredibly tough opposition. Well done to all the girls for their hard work and dedication to the program.
IGSA Swimming and Diving Carnival
Skye A - Swimming Captain
IGSA Diving
On Friday 17 March Veronika A competed for Tara at the IGSA Diving Carnival.
In Open Platform she placed 3rd in the CIS Trials in the 15/16 years category. In the 15 Years Springboard for IGSA She placed 3rd and was in first position for the 15 Years CIS Springboard trial.
IGSA Swimming
On Friday March 17, the Tara swimming team competed at SOPAC in the 2023 IGSA School Competition. The girls showed excellent team spirit by cheering each girl on and getting especially excited for the relays. Both Evelyn S and Skye A made the finals, with Evelyn finishing 5th in the girls 12 and under 50 metre freestyle, 5th in the girls 12 and under 50 metre backstroke and 4th in the girls 12 and under 50 metre butterfly and Skye A finished 8th overall in the girls 17 and over 100 metre freestyle. Well done to all girls who competed and thankyou to all the coaches and staff who helped on the day.
Tennis Round 5
Jessica - Tennis Captain
Round 5
S02 Tara 1 vs Ravenswood 1, Win, 4.5-3.5
S07 Tara 2 vs Monte 2, Win, 5-3
S16 Tara 3 vs Pymble 9, Loss, 1.5-6.5
S20 Tara 4 vs BYE
S21 Tara 5 vs Danebank 3, Loss, 3-5
S23 Tara 6 vs PLC Sydney 11, Loss, 2-6
S24 Tara 7 vs Roseville 14, Loss, 2.5-5.5
J04 Tara 8 vs St Catherine’s 6,
J09 Tara 9 vs MLC 11, Win, 5.5-2.5
J11 Tara 10 vs Kambala 10, Draw, 4-4
J12 Tara 11 vs BYE
J14 Tara 12 vs St Catherine’s 8,
J15 Tara 13 vs Pymble 18, Loss, 1.5-6.5
J17 Tara 14 vs Santa Sabina 5, Loss, 2-6
Y704 Tara 15 vs Ravenswood 17, Loss, 2-6
Y708 Tara 16 vs Wenona 23, Win, 6-2
The Tara 1st team had a very successful match on the weekend up against Ravenswood 1st. Bhavya and Yashika started their doubles off strong with a 6-0 win, being dominant in their match. Yashika followed this up with a successful singles match, winning 6-0. Bhavya had a tight match against the Ravenswood best player, but ultimately coming out on top, winning 6-4. In their 2nd doubles they then continued their winning streak, winning 6-0. Jess and Stephanie played very consistently in their 2nd doubles, being up 5-1 but unfortunately being called off court due to playing over time. Overall this week Tara01 won with a winning score of 4.5-3.5.
Tara Tennis Team 2 had a match against Monte. We had a strong first doubles by winning both doubles. We then continued onto the singles where we had 2 wins with Diya H winning her singes 6-4 and Selene F winning 6-4. Overall, team 2 won their match 5-3 against Monte.
On the weekend, Tara 3 played against Pymble. It was a difficult day but everyone tried their hardest and played really well. Melanie W in Year 10 played really well and tied her singles after a long and difficult match. Unfortunately, we lost to Pymble 1.5 to 6.5.
Tara05 played against Danebank and we unfortunately lost. But Wendy W and Sophia M scored 8 – 0 in their second double and tied their first double. Suzie K won her single against Danebank’s number 4. Katherine and Ashley tried their best in their first double but lost with 6 – 2.
Tennis Round 6
Round 6
S02 Tara 1 vs Roseville 1, Draw, 4-4
S07 Tara 2 vs Loreto Kirribilli 3, Draw, 4-4
S16 Tara 3 vs Roseville 7, Loss, 3-5
S20 Tara 4 vs Brigidine 6,
S21 Tara 5 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 7, Win, 4.5-3.5
S23 Tara 6 vs BYE
S24 Tara 7 vs Loreto Normanhurst 15, Loss, 3-5
J04 Tara 8 vs Ravenswood 10, Win, 4.5-3.5
J09 Tara 9 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 9, Loss, 4.5-3.5
J11 Tara 10 vs Danebank 6,
J12 Tara 11 vs Danebank 7,
J14 Tara 12 vs Meriden 21, Loss, 3-5
J15 Tara 13 vs Roseville 20, Loss, 3-5
J17 Tara 14 vs St Vincent’s 5, Loss, 1-7
Y704 Tara 15 vs Roseville 22, Loss, 2.5-5.5
Y708 Tara 16 vs BYE
Softball Round 6
Dana G- Softball Captain
Round 6
OP1 Tara 1 vs Abotsleigh 2, Loss, 3-7
OP2 Tara 2 vs Abbotsleigh 4, Win, 21-8
JR1 Tara 3 vs PLC Sydney 2, Loss, 5-12
Over the weekend, the girls played some impressive games in their 6th round!
The Senior 1sts played a very strong game in their fielding. In the first and second innings, none of the opponents managed to make it home due to some impressive catches from Tess M and Anika P on the foul. Lara E also did an amazing job on 1st base, staying consistent and accurate in her catches to get many girls out.
The Senior 2nds played an incredible game, coming out with a strong 21-8 win. The team did an amazing job with their batting, with a lot of great and strong hits from everyone on the team and only one person from Tara getting out the whole game! Sophia R continued to show off her strong pitching throughout the game. Sophia S also managed to accurately pull off a long throw to the base to get one of the girls out!
The Juniors also faced a tough game over the weekend. Bella S impressively slid home past the catcher to make it home without getting out. Danbi S also played a great game on first base, staying strong and consistent in her catches and performance to get multiple girls out.
Softball Round 7
Dana G- Softball Captain
Round 7
OP1 Tara 1 vs Central Coast Grammar School, Loss, 7-10
OP2 Tara 2 vs Oxley College, Loss, 5-8
JR1 Tara 3 vs Central Coast Grammar School, Win, 9-5
The softball teams played some impressive games over the weekend as they played in their last games before the finals!
The Senior 1sts did a great job with their batting and fielding in the game, showcasing all the training and work put in by the team throughout the season. It was a close game, with Anika P and Tess M amazing in fielding the many balls that came their direction in the game. Maleeha B also did a great job batting in the game!
The Senior 2nds played an amazing and tough game over the weekend against Oxley. Sophia R showed off her pitching skills in the game, staying accurate and consistent in all her pitches. Kaitlyn G and Sophia S also got some great big hits in their game, managing to hit the ball quite far in the outfield. Overall, they have managed to improve so much as a team through their consistent attitude and determination through their trainings and games.
The Juniors also played a very impressive game against Central Coast Grammar, coming out with a win! Harleen K was extremely strong in her batting and got some good hits in the game. Ellie H also managed to get some girls out through her notable fielding skills. Ashleigh F and Aarya R should also be commended for playing for the Senior 1sts and Juniors over the weekend, showing their amazing fielding and batting skills whilst playing at such a high level!
Water Polo Round 5
Henrietta - Water Polo Captain
Round 5
S04 Tara 1 vs Queenwood 2, Loss, 3-15
J04 Tara 2 vs PLC Sydney 4, Loss, 4-17
Y703 Tara 3 vs Ascham 9, Loss, 2-11
The Firsts - The water polo firsts had a hard game, but their defensive skills improved as the game progressed. Evelyn D did a great job in goals!
The Junior Firsts - Team 2 had a challenging week, yet they still showed great improvement. They also worked on ball control throughout the attacking half.
Year 7 - Our Year 7 team had a great game! The team is showing great development in their swimming stamina, passing and defensive skills.
Good luck to all teams in your games!!
Water Polo Round 6
Henrietta M-H - Water Polo Captain
Round 6
S04 Tara 1 vs St Scholasticas 2, Win, 13-8
J04 Tara 2 vs SCEGGS 3, Loss, 6-15
Y703 Tara 3 vs Monte 12, Loss,
The Firsts: The water polo firsts played an amazing game, taking the win whilst utilising all players. Georgia H had some great saves in goal and Sophie M took a wonderful 5 metre.
The Junior Firsts: Team 2 had a great game, they worked cohesively in both attacking and defence. They also displayed all the skills they had been working on in training, from ball control to the accuracy of shots.
Year 7: Our Year 7 team played fabulously, working all together to gain possession and put up some lovely goals. Their defence has also showed immense improvement from the start of the season.
Touch Football Round 5
Round 5
S02 vs S01 Tara 1 vs Ravenswood 1, Friendly
S05 Tara 2 vs Frensham 5, Loss, 0-13
S05 Tara 2 vs Frensham 6, Loss, 1-10
J04 Tara 3 vs Frensham 11, Loss, 1-14
Touch Football Round 6
Cameron K - Touch Football Captain
Round 6
S02 Tara 1 vs Wenona 2, Loss, 5-6
S05 Tara 2 vs Roseville 6, Loss, 1-2
J04 Tara 3 vs Ravenswood 9, Loss, 0-8
Firsts: This week the firsts game was very impressive with the team scoring excellent tries, particularly Cleo F, scoring a try off fantastic foot work. The team continued to exhibit strenuous efforts despite the heat this week.
Seconds: The TAR02 team played against Roseville. Everyone played exceptionally well, and the team worked very well together. The girls played a very competitive game through the entire match.
Thirds: Tara thirds worked hard this week to communicate better in order to improve the game. Although it was extremely hot, they all put in extra efforts throughout the entire match
Badminton Round 5
Round 5
S02 Tara 1 vs Pymble 2, Win, 3-2
S04 Tara 2 vs MLC 4, Win, 3.5-1.5
S05 Tara 3 vs Abbotsleigh 8, Loss, 1-4
S07 Tara 4 vs Abbotsleigh 13, Win, 3-2
S08 Tara 5 vs MLC 8, Loss, 0-5
S09 Tara 6 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 2, Loss, 0-5
S10 Tara 7 vs St Scholastica’s 1, Loss, 1-4
S12 Tara 8 vs MLC 9, Loss, 0-5
S15 Tara 9 vs Ravenswood 16, Win, 3-2
S17 Tara 10 vs Abbotsleigh 31, Draw, 2-2
J03 Tara 11 vs MLC 16, Win, 5-0
J05 Tara 12 vs Abbotsleigh 42, Win, 3-2
J07 Tara 13 vs Abbotsleigh 46, Win, 3-2
J08 Tara 14 vs Meriden 27, Loss, 2-3
J09 Tara 15 vs PLC Sydney 18, Win, 3-2
J10 vs J09 Tara 16 vs Danebank 9, Friendly
J13 Tara 17 vs Abbotsleigh 60, Win, 4-1
J15 Tara 18 vs Meriden 36, Loss, 0-5
Y702 Tara 19 vs Danebank 13, Loss, 0-1
Y703 Tara 20 vs Ravenswood 27, Loss, 0-5
Y706 Tara 21 vs Abbotsleigh 71, Win, 4-1
Badminton Round 6
Round 6
S02 Tara 1 vs Abbotsleigh 2, Loss, 1-4
S04 Tara 2 vs PLC Sydney 3, Loss, 2-3
S05 Tara 3 vs Meriden 7, Loss, 1-4
S07 Tara 4 vs Meriden 9, Loss, 0-5
S08 Tara 5 vs Ravenswood 7, Loss, 2-3
S09 Tara 6 vs Meriden 13, Loss, 0-5
S10 Tara 7 vs PLC Sydney 7, Win, 3-2
S12 Tara 8 vs Ravenswood 12, Win, 3-2
S15 Tara 9 vs PLC Sydney 11, Loss, 1-4
S17 Tara 10 vs BYE
J03 Tara 11 vs Pymble 13, Win, 3-2
J05 Tara 12 vs Pymble 14, Loss, 2-3
J07 Tara 13 vs Meriden 26, Loss, 2-3
J08 Tara 14 vs Loreto Normanhurst 13,
J09 vs J10 Tara 15 vs Meriden 28, Friendly
J10 Tara 16 vs MLC 18, Loss, 1-4
J13 vs J14 Tara 17 vs Abbotsleigh 62, Friendly
J15 Tara 18 vs Abbotsleigh 63, Win, 3-2
Y702 Tara 19 vs MLC 20, Loss, 1-4
Y703 Tara 20 vs Meriden 43, Loss, 2-3
Y706 Tara 21 vs Pymble 28, Win, 5-0
Sport News
Tara Parent Supporter Wear
Tara Parent Supporter Wear is now available to purchase!
Polos are $52.50 and jackets are $125.
Order via the link below - orders close midnight 5 May
See attached photos and sizing chart below
Snowsport Registrations now open
Registrations for Snowsports Racing and Development Squad are now open.
Students in ELC-Year 12 can participate in either Development Squad or Interschools Racing.
To register, click the link below.
Tara Snowsport Jackets are also available to try on and order in the Uniform Shop.
Registration and jacket orders close - Friday 5 May.
Careers News
Careers Newsletters - JobJump
All girls in Years 7-12 are encouraged to read this newsletter every week on the Canvas Careers page.
Careers Newsletter - 1 June 2023
For more information please contact Mr David Berridge via email -