Term 1, Week 9, 2020
General News
Parent Portal
To ensure the School has the correct contact information for you and medical details for your daughter, we ask that you log on to Edumate Parent Portal and use the Update Personal Details link to check and update yours and your daughter's information.
If you have more than one daughter, switch between their profiles to complete. Please ensure you check and update each tab before you click the Submit changes button. If you Submit before you finish, you will not be able to submit any further changes until your previous submission has been processed on our end.
Medical information is used to ensure the health and safety of your daughter during the day, excursions and Camps etc.
Note: you can only log on to Edumate and complete this task using a PC.
To assist you, please click the following link to access 'A Guide to Edumate'
From the Deputy Principal | Head of Senior School
Developments with the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at Tara
Scott Baker - Deputy Principal | Head of Senior School, Matthew Bonson - Dean of Learning Years 11 and 12
Tara Anglican School for Girls is a candidate school for the Diploma Programme. The School is pursuing authorisation as an IB World School in readiness for 2026 or 2027. IB World Schools share a common philosophy – a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education – that we believe is important for our students.
More information about the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme can be found at https://www.ibo.org/
For quite some time there have been Strategic Plan Goals and Projects aimed at enriching the Tara experience for students in the most senior years of schooling, Years 11 and 12. A series of industry wide conferences called ‘Pathways’ have been held in recent years with keynote addresses by State Education Ministers, representatives of the AIS, CEO, DET, TAFE, industry professional organisations, school leaders, and academics. Lectures and workshops have covered emerging trends in post-school destinations, the increasing need for student options as they prepare to leave secondary schooling, and alternate pathways and programs through the most senior years of schooling. Significant events and thinktanks such as these indicate that Tara is on the correct path in considering the senior years’ experience for students and would be on the cutting edge of 21st Century education by having a more diverse offering of both the HSC and IB Diploma Programme.
The IB Diploma Programme is being pursued as an alternate additional offering to the HSC in the senior years following the successful implementation of the IB Primary Years Programme and the IB Middle Years Programme. If Tara is approved as an ‘authorised’ IB DP school, it will provide greater choice for students to tailor their path to success in a manner that suits them, their skills and interests as learners and their future study and career goals. Tara’s culture of academic rigour, high performance, and progression to tertiary pathways is well supported by the IB Diploma Programme.
IB programmes have proven to align well with Tara’s core purpose and values and the consistency of teaching and learning principles and practices through a formal continuum of IB Programmes at Tara is a good fit, embodied in the IB Learner Profile. Tara’s focus on student advocacy and student voice are well reflected in the IB Diploma Programme’s focus on Inquiry and Theory of Knowledge, and the IB’s Approaches to Learning are already used in teaching and learning and the reporting process right across Senior School. Contextual and conceptual learning provides a holistic framework for the intellectual and spiritual development of our students and supports their development as Active Global Citizens.
Key Tara staff are working hard to meet the targets of the Candidacy phase of implementing the IB Diploma Programme, with goal of being Authorised to begin delivering the program for Year 11 2026 or 2027. Updates will be provided to the Tara community at regular appropriate intervals as we embark on this exciting phase in Tara’s development and offering for students.
Tara Core Purpose: Tara is a Christian learning community, characterised by excellence, which encourages, equips and empowers girls to achieve, serve and thrive in a dynamic world
Tara Core Values:Integrity, Affirmation, Service, Opportunity
International Baccalaureate Mission Statement https://ibo.org/about-the-ib/mission/
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organisation works with schools, governments and international organisations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
IB Learner Profilehttps://ibo.org/benefits/learner-profile/
Inquirers -We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
Knowledgeable - We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
Thinkers - We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
Communicators - We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
Principled - We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
Open-minded - We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.
Caring - We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
Risk-takers - We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
Balanced - We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives - intellectual, physical, and emotional - to achieve wellbeing for ourselves and others. We recognise our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.
Reflective - We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.
From the Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Closure
The Tara Uniform Shop is closed 28 and 29 March and 1 April due to public holidays.
The Tara Uniform Shop will reopen 2 April for normal opening hours.
Monday - Friday Term Time Only
7:30am to 12:00pm
Closed 12:00pm - 1:00pm
1:00pm to 5:00pm
Tara's Twilight
Tara's Twilight
The time has come for everybody to think their favourite colour: THINK PINK to enjoy music, dancing and plenty of entertainment!
Dress up as Barbies, fairies, princesses, the Sydney Sixers, Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, Pink Ladies from Grease or come up with your own idea just by thinking pink! But just remember, we wear Pink on Fridays!
In 2024, Tara's Twilight (previously known as the 1-12 Night) will be split into two events on Friday 3 May 2024:
Kindergarten to Year 2 (Senior School Hall)
- 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Years 3 to 12 (Gymnasium)
- Years 3 to 6 - 5:30pm to 7:45pm
- Years 7 to 12 - 5:30pm to 8:30pm
Get together with your friends for a night to remember!
Tickets will go on sale Wednesday 13 March 2024 at 7pm.
Tickets are limited.
Parents will receive an email on Wednesday 13 March with more information on how to book.
Community Events
Mother’s Day 2024
Tara Old Girls' Association
Tara Old Girls' Association
All Tara Old Girls are encouraged to follow the Tara Old Girls' Association & Alumni Facebook page to stay in contact and up to date with our community.
Tara Old Girls' Association & Alumni Facebook page
Please also remember to keep your details in the school’s database up to date via this link Tara Old Girl - Update your details - Tara Anglican School for Girls as this will assist with communication from the School.
The annual Back to Tara Day will be held this year on Sunday 4 August at Tara and all Tara Old Girls are invited to attend. This will be a wonderful way to reconnect with the School and your peers. For further information please contact taraoldgirls@tara.nsw.edu.au
Tara Community News
Tara Hub
We extend our gratitude to everyone who participated in the inaugural Tara Hub Community Meeting. The barbeque provided a delightful opportunity to enjoy good food and company. Mr Scott Baker's presentation, which followed the barbecue, was warmly received by the audience, and shed light on the outstanding performance of our students in the Year 2023.
Tara Hub Community Meeting Dates
Please mark your diary with the following dates:
Term 2: Tuesday 7 May
Term 3: Tuesday 6 August
Term 4: Tuesday 5 November (AGM)
Breakfast with the Principal
We have taken great joy in extending a warm welcome to our parents at the "Meet the Principal" breakfast events, which have proven to be highly successful. Two more opportunities remain for you to join us:
Wednesday 13 March: Parents of Year 1 and Year 2 students
Friday 15 March: Parents of Senior School students
We hope to see you all there!
Mother’s Day Classic - Sunday 12 May
The Tara School Community are taking part in the Mother’s Day Classic at Parramatta Park. Together we will walk 5km as a team. All Tara families are invited to register for this event. The bigger the team, the more we can raise to support this initiative! We’d love to see Tara families joining us and wearing lots and lots of pink. To register, please join the Tara Tigers via the below link:
Support Tara Tigers - Tara Anglican School for Girls to Stop Breast Cancer!
2024 Prices - Early Bird 1 March – 14 April
Adult (Walk) $48.00
Concession (Walk) $37.00
Child (3-12) (Walk) $27.00
By registering and seeking donations from family and friends, you will be supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) in funding life-saving research to improve breast cancer detection, develop new treatments, and allow people with breast cancer to live longer and better lives.
Tara Dads Club
The Tara Dads Club enhances every Tara girl’s Tara experience by nurturing the Dad and Daughter relationship, creating opportunities for Dads to contribute to the Tara School Values and fostering a spirit of Community.
To join the Tara Dads Club please use the following link
Community at Tara
If you have any questions about Community or have ideas to share, please email the Community Engagement Manager, Jodie Doyle at community@tara.nsw.edu.au
Tara Aquatic Centre
Private Lessons at Swimming@Tara
We now have the capability to offer our students one on one private lessons. Spots are limited and all students will require an assessment prior to booking in. For further information, please email swimming@tara.nsw.edu.au
Squad News
We have now updated the Squad timetable, please refer to the below:
If you have a child or know someone who is at squad level, and are wanting to join Swimming@Tara squads, please email swimming@tara.nsw.edu.au so we can get them in for an assessment!
Swimmer of the Month
Congratulations to Mary from our School Age Program, for always trying her best in class!
Tara Aquatic Centre Terms and Conditions
Please review the Tara Aquatic Centre Terms and Conditions in the Aquatic Centre parent portal as they have been updated.
Active Kids and First Lap Vouchers
We are accepting Active Kids and First Lap vouchers.
To use them in our program, please forward the details to swimming@tara.nsw.edu.au with your child’s details
Junior School News
Professor Change and Professor Causation
Mrs Sarah Norman and Mrs Frieda Maguire - Year 2 Teachers
Year 2 has had many visitors this year. Firstly, Mrs Ramsay and then on Tuesday 27 February, Professor Change and Professor Causation stopped by the 2 Maple classroom. These scientists came to conduct some experiments for the girls that focused on change. Each professor had their own question that they asked throughout the experiments (Change – how is it changing? Causation – why is it like it is?). Change and Causation are the two concepts related to our first unit of inquiry.
Year 2 were fascinated and made the most incredible observations before and after the changes. They used their five senses to assist them. After the change, they discussed how the item/object changed and why it changed.
Mrs Norman and Mrs Maguire would like to thank the professors for sharing their scientific knowledge with the girls!
UOI 1 – Space Inquiry – Senior School Guests
Year 6 have been investigating how humans explain the world through scientific investigation, which began with a look into how scientists construct their knowledge by conducting and writing up experiments such as how forces influence objects, and then moving on to finding out about our place in the solar system.
This week we had the amazing opportunity to learn about the Senior School SPOT club (The Space Odyssey Team). Senior School girls Jalina X, Orchid Y and Samantha L, with the guidance of Dr Fiona Isaacs, talked to Year 6 students about the solar system, blackholes and spaghetti humans from the theory of Albert Einstein. They even did a Kahoot trivia where girls were able to grow their knowledge of space and have some friendly competition with their friends (they even got lollipops as a prize!).
It was fantastic to be able to forge meaningful connections between Junior School and Senior School, as well as learn more about our unit and answer some burning questions we had.
Senior School News
The Y NSW Youth Parliament Program
Congratulations to Isabella from Year 11 for her outstanding achievement in securing a position and sponsorship in the prestigious The Y NSW Youth Parliament Program!
As a member of the Youth Parliament, Isabella will serve as a representative for the Auburn electorate, specifically focusing on the Justice Committee. Throughout her time on Youth Parliament, she will benefit from the invaluable guidance provided by the diligent Taskforce committee advisor.
We are thrilled for Isabella and eagerly anticipate hearing about her experiences and contributions to this esteemed program!
Senior School Camp
Our Senior School girls had the best time at camp recently! Each grade immersed themselves in various activities, embracing new adventures, and strengthening their bonds as a year group.
Thank you to our fantastic Year Coordinators and Tara staff for their dedication in making camp a memorable experience for everyone!
Tara Ambassadors
Kaitlyn G - Liaison Prefect
Tara Ambassadors are roles presented to the Student Representative Council (SRC) where girls have the opportunity of leadership at Tara. The students work alongside the Enrolments department running tours and sharing their firsthand experiences at Tara with new and prospective families.
We are only six weeks into the term, and it is such an incredible privilege to lead this talented group of girls. I love seeing them share the School with others with such confidence and pride. These girls are always willing to help and contribute to the continuing improvement of the School. One of my favourite parts when working with the Tara Ambassadors is watching them develop their communication skills and grow in confidence each week. Thank you, girls for your hard work and dedication. I am looking forward to an incredible year ahead.
International Women’s Day
Kaitlyn G - Liaison Prefect
On Friday 8 March, the Year 11 SRC hosted an International Women’s Day event at lunch to raise money for the Parramatta Women’s Shelter. This year’s theme was Inspire Inclusion. The Year 11 SRC wanted to spread the message of female empowerment, equality, and sisterhood to all of the girls and women within the Tara community. The girls had sales totaling $1,000 by selling purple cupcakes and fairy floss as well as International Women’s Day ribbons. We are so grateful to all who attended and supported this initiative.
We look forward to sharing with our community how we contributed to assisting the lives of others and continuing the year with a theme of inclusion.
Environmental Committee
Stephanie H - Environment Prefect
This term, the Environmental Committee has created several initiatives. At the beginning of the year, the Committee launched a cans and bottle recycling scheme in the Junior School, fundraising for World Vision and future Environmental Committee initiatives. Additionally, in Week 7, Year 8 students will participate in a Walk for Water event led by Year 8 SRC leaders. This event will help raise money for Walk for Water and provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene for those less fortunate in other countries through this fundraising initiative. Moreover, at the end of the term, the Committee will create a drop off point where students can donate old smart phones and other electronics to be recycled. This will help reduce the number of toxins within the environment and reduce e-waste.
Senior Sport
NSW All Schools Triathlon
On 21 and 22 February, nine girls from Tara competed at the NSW All Schools Triathlon Championships. However, due to poor water quality, this year was run as a duathlon, with the swim being replaced by another run leg.
Wednesday was the Individual triathlon where Jemma S was Tara's sole representative, racing in the Senior division. She completed a 750m run, 20km cycle and 5km run and placed 39th overall and 19th in CIS in her final school triathlon.
On Thursday was the Teams event where Tara had 3 teams - 1 Junior and 2 Senior. The Junior team of Orla A (750m run), Zoe M (10km cycle) and Cleo F (3km run) were up against tough competition of over 70 teams but able to achieve an amazing result of 6th overall, just missing out on making the podium with 4th in CIS. The two Senior teams competed against each other and stayed close for much of the race, with the team of Sarah S (750m run), Jemma S (15km cycle) and Zayla T (3km run) finishing 16th overall and 8th in CIS while the team of Skye A (750m run), Charlotte O (15km cycle) and Caitlin I (3km run) came 28th overall and 15th in CIS. Altogether it was an enjoyable and successful two days for everyone involved and we hope that triathlon at Tara continues to grow in coming years!
Rhythmic Gymnastics Success
Congratulations to Sharon (Year 7) for her recent success at the Rhythmic Gymnastics State Senior Trial 2 competition.
Sharon placed 3rd for Ball, 3rd for Clubs, 4th for Freehand and 4th for Hoop routine. With an overall 4th place in the All Around category, Sharon has showcased outstanding talent in her first high-performance competition. Congratulations Sharon, on this impressive accomplishment!
Roseville Regatta
Suhanya J - Rowing Captain
The Tara Rowing Squad has continued to have a highly successful season this weekend at the Roseville regatta. With it being the final regatta before Head of the River, every girl had a full training session before racing. As such, these results are brilliant considering all Tara rowers were racing under fatigue. We also didn’t have any results worse than 5th place!
Congratulations to the following girls on their podium finishes,
• 1st SG Y10 1x Div 1: Amy R (Year 10)
• 1st SG Y10 1x Div 2: Olivia B (Year 10)
• 2nd SG Y10 1x Div 2: Hannah R (Year 10)
• 2nd SG Y10 1x Div 3: Gemma W (Year 10)
• 2nd SG Y9 2x Div 1: Aishani S (Year 9), Sophia T (Year 9)
• 2nd SG Y10 4x+ Div 1 : Amy R (Year 10), Hannah R (Year 10), Leila O (Year 10), Olivia B (Year 10), and Charlotte G (Year 9)
• 3rd SG Y8 2x: Melody Y (Year 8), Adrina M (Year 8)
• 3rd SG Y8 2x: Penelope L (Year 8), Mackenzie T (Year 8)
• 3rd SG Y8 2x : Rose M (Year 8), Ruby O (Year 8)
• 3rd SG Y9 4x+ Div 1: Isabel D (Year 9), Kelly L (Year 9), Nicole J (Year 9), Reeta L (Year 9), and Charlotte G (Year 9)
• 3rd SG Y9 4x+ Div 3: Sinyee L (Year 9), Ella J (Year 9), Eden W (Year 9), Nicole W (Year 9), and Aishani S (Year 9)
• 3rd SG Y9 2x Div 2: Navya S (Year 9), Charlotte G (Year 9)
• 3rd SG Y9 1x Div 2: Caitlin L (Year 9)
• 3rd SG 1x Final: Suhanya J (Year 12)
I would like to also congratulate the U17 VIII+ and U17 IVx+ on their performances at State last weekend! The crews were as following:
Championship Women’s U17 VIII+
B: Reeta L
2: Amy R
3: Isabel D
4: Leila O
5: Kelly L
6: Nicole J
7: Hannah R
S: Olivia B
C: Charlotte G
Championship Women’s U17 IVx+
B: Amy R
2: Hannah R
3: Leila O
S: Olivia B
C: Mareya K
Head of the River
Suhanya J - Rowing Captain
The rowing season has come to a close with the big dance on Sunday 3 March. The Schoolgirl Head of the River is the regatta that the rowers train for, all year. We had a brilliant day at SIRC with many girls dominating their heats to earn a place in the finals. I would like to congratulate especially the Year 10 IV+ consisting of Stroke – Olivia B (Year 10), 3 Seat – Hannah R (Year 10), 2 Seat – Leila O (Year 10), Bow – Amy R (Year 10) and Coxswain – Mareya K (Year 10); who took out first place in the Year 10 Coxed Fours. Well done girls, that is an incredible achievement!
Rowers, I am immensely proud of each and every one of you for trusting the process and giving your all on the water for the final time this 2023-24 season!!
Another round of congratulations goes out to the crews that excelled in their respective heats.
- 4th in SGY9 1x Heat – Piper W (Year 9)
- 4th in SGY9 1x Heat – Caitlin L (Year 9)
- 3rd in SGY8 2x Heat – Mili S (Year 8), Penelope L (Year 8)
- 3rd in SGY9-1 4x+ Heat – Isabel D (Year 9), Kelly L (Year 9), Nicole J (Year 9), Reeta L (Year 9), and Charlotte G (Year 9)
- 2nd in SGY9-3 4x+ Heat – Sinyee L (Year 9), Ella J (Year 9), Nicole W (Year 9), Eden W (Year 9), and Aishani S (Year 9)
- 2nd in SGY10 2x Heat – Malaika H (Year 10), Mareya K (Year 10)
- 2nd in SGY10 1x Heat – Gemma W (Year 10)
- 1st in SG 2x Heat – Suhanya J (Year 12), Hannah W (Year 11)
On a personal note, to the rowers, I also just wanted to say a huge personal thank you to every single one of you. You have made my captaincy so rewarding and exceptionally fun; and I am so incredibly proud of the rowers and young women you are becoming! Thank you for letting me lead you this season, and I can’t wait to see the wonderful things you do from now onward. But first, I'll see you all the End of Season Rowing Dinner!!
Congratulations to Bhavya B for her selection in the IGSA Tennis team to trial at CIS. She also progressed through the CIS trials and will now be competing as part of the CIS team at State in Bathurst at the end of March.
Inter House Swimming and Cardboard Aquatic Creation Carnival
Skye A - Swimming Captain
The Tara Swimming Carnival is an eagerly anticipated event that brings the entire School community together for a day of excitement and competition. The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm as the girls cheered each other on from the sidelines!
The Junior Swimming Champion from the day was Pare N from Hake with the runner up Evelyn S from Walker. The Intermediate Swimming Champion was Verity A from Waugh with the runner up Sarah S from Crawford! The Senior Swimming Champion was Skye A from Waugh and Tatum G was the runner up from Hake. All these girls swum incredibly on the day!
The Boarder’s vs Day Girls relay was an exciting event that had everyone cheering! Both teams did exceptionally well with the Day Girls winning the race. The Interform House Relay was extremely close between all the houses! All the different houses were winning throughout the race with the position of first place changing constantly. Crawford did exceptionally well and won this relay!
The synchronized swimming was one of the most exciting events of the entire day! All the houses worked hard to choreograph these routines. The Waugh house won first place overall with Walker in second, Hake in third and Crawford in fourth.
The year participation trophy was close this year with only 42 points separating first and second place. Year 10 placed 6th, Year 11 placed fifth, Year 8 placed fourth, Year 9 placed second and Year 12 placed first with 338 points!
Overall, the Swimming Carnival was a super exciting day. The overall winning house of the day was Crawford with a total of 1789 points! Closely in second place was Hake in 1737 points! In third place was Waugh with 1539 points and Walker in fourth with 1295 points.
This was also the first time Tara held a brand new event - the Cardboard Aquatic Creation Competition. Houses in year groups were given an Aquatic theme that they had to design, build, decorate and race. It needed to be made out of cardboard boxes and totally assembled on the day. Each group then had the opportunity to ‘sell’ their design and decoration to the judges before racing. Racing was in teams of four and they had a relay back and forward in the Gym. It was hysterical.
Water Polo
Skye A - Water Polo Captain
Round 1
The Tara Senior Firsts Water Polo team played their first game of the season this week. They played against Ascham and came home with a striking win of 9-4! The girls displayed amazing defensive skills throughout the game with Olivia A and Orla A stealing the ball off the opposite players multiple times. Eliza M saved an amazing 5m penalty shot!
The Tara Junior Water Polo team played an exciting game on the weekend. All the girls played exceedingly well as everyone put their best effort in! The girls had a great win of 9-7! Lucy T and Orla A gave helpful instructions in the water and a good form was made in the water to help get the ball down the pool more easily.
The Tara Year 7 team played amazing on the weekend! For some, this was their first ever game of Water Polo. The girls had so much fun playing together and learnt lots from the game!
Round 2
Tara’s Senior Water Polo team played against Loreto Normanhurst on the weekend! During the game, the girls worked hard, showing incredible defensive skills helping to slow the other teams throws down. Eliza M saved numerous shots off multiple counter attacks from the other team and saved a 5m shot! Grace M scored her 5m penalty shot in the game. Olivia A and Verity A had good attacking skills when moving for the ball throughout the game.
The Tara Junior team played an amazing game on the weekend and won 8-6! Lia N and Olivia W had great defence and attacking skills helping to bring the ball up the pool. The girls showed great defence towards the other team making it difficult for them to get the ball down the pool.
Tara Year 7 team played an exciting game on the weekend! All the girls had good attacking skills throughout the game and had many attempts at shooting the ball into the goal! The girls enjoyed their game this week and are excited for the next one!
Round 3
Tara Senior Firsts played against Wenona on the weekend. Although the game was a tough one, the girls managed to practice many technical skills throughout the game. During the game, the team had good movement with our drives when the ball got close to the goal. Charlotte O shot an amazing goal! Verity A showed good defensive skills throughout the game and managed to win the ball back multiple times! The girls put this game behind them and are excited for the next one!
The Tara Juniors played a great game last weekend! Despite the loss the girls stayed resilient and had fun throughout their game. Jarah R and Lia N scored six goals together! The girls did exceedingly well and gave it their best shot! The girls had been practicing attacking skills in training and got to put it into practice throughout this game.
The Tara Year 7 Water Polo team played a good game on the weekend. Throughout the game the girls got to practice their defence and attacking skills which they had been practicing at training. Adelaide L and Adelaide P played exceptionally well in the middle of the field. Charlotte W and Olivia P had good passing throughout the game.
Round 4
The Tara Senior Firsts Water Polo team played against St Vincent’s on the weekend! The game was intense, but the girls managed to get an incredible win from 5-4! The first three quarters of the game were hard as we were down most of the game. The last quarter the girls pushed through and eventually got ahead. Grace T shot 2 amazing goals! Verity A had amazing defence and attacking skills throughout the middle of the field. The team won most of the swim offs which allowed us to work the ball down the pool to our goal.
The Tara Junior Water Polo team played a fantastic game on the weekend against SCEGGS! This game was tight as it was 9-9 throughout the entire game until the last minute, where the other team scored two more goals. Despite the loss, the girls played exceedingly well, giving it their best shot!
The Year 7 Water Polo team played against Loreto Normanhurst on the weekend! The girls won their game with an amazing score of 7-3! Adelaide L won back the ball many times throughout the game. The girls attacking skills were spot on. The girls enjoyed their game this weekend and have decided to work on getting stronger shots into the goal at training for next week’s game.
Round 1
S04 Tara 1 vs Ascham 2, Win, 9-4
J03 Tara 2 vs St Catherine’s 6, Win, 9-7
Y703 Tara 3 vs Ascham 9. Win, 13-4
Round 2
S04 Tara 1 vs Loreto Normanhurst 1, Loss, 6-7
J03 Tara 2 vs Loreto Kirribilli 7, Win, 8-6
Y703 Tara 3 vs Queenwood 9, Loss, 8-10
Round 3
S04 Tara 1 vs Wenona 2, Loss, 1-9
J03 Tara 2 vs St Scholastica’s 3, Loss, 7-11
Y703 Tara 3 vs St Catherine’s 10, Win, 13-4
Round 4
S04 Tara 1 vs St Vincent’s 2, Win, 5-4
J03 Tara 2 vs SCEGGS 3, Loss, 9-11
Y703 Tara 3 vs Loreto Normanhurst 7, Win, 7-3
Touch Football
Angelina H - Touch Football Captain
Round 1
The Senior Firsts Touch Football team had to attend their first game in Frensham very early in the morning. The game was filled with lots of teamwork and cooperation as we played runs and defended. As this was our first game together, we were able to learn each other’s strengths as well as some areas where improvement could be added, whilst playing for the first time in a game environment. Despite the cold weather, we all had a lot of fun, working collaboratively to do our best in the game. Despite the loss against Frensham, we learnt valuable techniques from the other team that we hope to utilise ourselves in future games. – Emily S Year 11
Round 2
This week, the Tara Senior First team were challenged to enhance their fitness and Touch Football drills skills. Using trainings to improve, each girl has pushed themselves learning specific drills like rooster, switches, and tigers, and implementing these in their game on Saturday. Despite tough competition, the team showed great levels of teamwork, resilience and enthusiasm as they battled Wenona. Super proud of everyone for their commitment and hard work to Touch Football, looking forward to many more achievements.
Round 3
On Saturday, the Juniors played a very good game against Wenona. Despite the loss and rainy weather causing a very slippery ball, the team played very well. Anika C and Erum M made some great touches, while Eve H and Ivy K had great control with catching the touch football and not letting it slide through. This was a good experience for the girls to test their control and grip.
Round 4
This week the girls embraced taking risks in Touch Football, applying new skills that were unfamiliar– particularly boxing on and off. Within this skill lots of communication and speed is required in order for it to run effectively, and proud to say each girl gave it their best go and was able to box on and off successfully with the assistance of their coach and teammates that provided great positive talk and optimism. Despite the loss, each girl took home a new skill in Touch Football that will help them in this sport for many seasons to come.
Round 1
S02 Tara 1 vs Frensham 2, Loss, 0-11
S05 Tara 2 vs Frensham 5, Loss, 0-7
S05 Tara 2 vs Frensham 6, Loss, 1-6
J04 Tara 3 vs Monte 11, Loss, 0-14
Y703 Tara 4 vs Frensham 17, Win, 9-0
Round 2
S02 Tara 1 vs Wenona 3, Loss, 0-9
S05 Tara 2 vs Roseville 5, Loss, 0-7
J04 Tara 3 vs Roseville 12, Loss, 0-7
Y703 Tara 4 vs Roseville 16, Win, 7-1
Round 3
S02 Tara 1 vs Monte 3, Loss, 0-5
S05 Tara 2 vs Wenona 6, Draw, 4-4
J04 Tara 3 vs Wenona 16, Loss, 0-11
Y703 Tara 4 vs Wenona 25, Win, 11-2
Round 4
S02 Tara 1 vs Monte 2, Loss, 0-10
S05 Tara 2 vs Santa Sabina 3, Draw, 1-1
J04 Tara 3 vs Ravenswood 7, Loss, 1-11
Y703 Tara 4 vs Danebank 6, Forfeit win
Aoling Z - Badminton Captain
Round 1
Everyone returned this season with great anticipation and enthusiasm. With the championship season in action, the stakes have risen! I would like to congratulate our players on their first game, whether in victory or loss, celebrating all in great sportsmanship and good fun.
“Even though it was our first game I think we were pretty chilled. Me and my doubles partner, Sharlot L Year 10, worked together quite well as always and we won because we had confidence in ourselves and we just somehow always know what the other one is doing. Our team won 5-0 in the end and it was a great way to start the season.” – Maia L S03 Year 10
“My first Badminton match at Tara was a wonderful experience. Through motivation from my team mates, I decided to play singles in Badminton. Through, the training I had that week, I had the confidence to play singles. My peers, Shievon, Ashwiinah and Charlotte, were extremely supportive and cheered me on through my singles game. I feel like badminton at Tara is a unique experience that one should try.” – Pahri P Year 8 J16
“As we had just entered high school, and as this was our first ever time playing Saturday Sports, we were of course quite nervous. However, our whole team (Cynthia X, Mavis L, Aileen Y) was supportive and calm, and my close primary school friends was in the opposing team too, so that helped a lot! Although we lost quite badly, we all tried our best, kept on playing even after our confidence started going down a bit, and learnt some strategies from the other team. Hopefully, our next round against Danebank will be more successful and we will make sure to keep on working hard!” – Dora H Year 7 Y702
“Our first Badminton match of the year started off with a bang. My team and I trekked our way to the venue near the airport to compete against Kambala. Both teams played with much skill and sportsmanship. Although the game ended in a loss, we were able to improve our skills and cooperation, and overall had a fun time.” – Shirley C Year 11 S09
Round 2
During this 2nd week of the Badminton Championship season, players created an atmosphere of friendly competition and enjoyment. Despite not all teams securing victories, the players showcased their skills and enthusiasm especially this week, emphasising camaraderie over the outcome. The week served as a reminder that the essence of the season lies in the shared experience and fun, regardless of the win-loss record.
“Playing my second game on Saturday was one of most fun I'd had playing sport! My team mates Rosie X (Year 7), Eva Z (Year 7) and Tina L (Year 7) were incredibly supportive and eccentric during the game. Our opposition (TAR23) were great opponents to play with, they matched our energy perfectly on the court and off. The whole game was very competitive and cheerful environment!” - Claire G Year 7 Y703
“Our game last weekend against Ravenswood Team 15 proved to be a great learning experience for us. Beginning with only three players from our team, we had to play around 3 games each, which was more than expected. Despite our loss, we tried our best to cover for each other during our games, and made a comeback in our final double, winning 23-21. This was a great learning experience teaching us how to work as a team, demonstrating our resilience and sportsmanship” - JO5 Year 9 (May M, Wynne Y, Christine K, Emma K and Mia Z)
“Last Saturday, our team played against Pymble Ladies’ College. Yajju M in Year 10 played exceptionally well in all of her games and has made significant improvement. Despite losing the match. It was a great learning experience, and we all tried our hardest. We look forward to the coming games this season.” - Iris J S07
Round 3
In this week’s training, teams focused on doubles formation, solidifying teamwork and communication, while other teams focused on backcourt, exemplifying their skills to further cover the whole court in singles. Considerable progress in each player’s doubles communication and back court skills has been seen in this week’s Saturday game!
“The game was not only entertaining and enjoyable, our opponents were also pleasant to play against and displayed incredible sportsmanship. Alongside my Year 10 teammates Cindy S, Hannah L and Angelina Z, we were able to work as a team and utilise our exceptional skills to win the game along with strengthening our sisterhood as Tara girls. A special thank you to our wonderful coach Bo Liu.”- Manisha G (TARA08 Year 10)
“What me and my team love about badminton is how we grow as a team and learn from each other. I think during the game it really sets your mind up and gets you going and also getting to know your partner during doubles. It’s a great way of bonding and building friendships. At the end of the day losing and winning doesn’t matter it’s about how much fun your having instead”- Lin L (TARA04 Year 12)
“This week’s game was very fun and exciting, I loved playing with my teammates and working on as a team. Even though we lost, I had a great time playing against opponents and challenging and pushing myself to do my best. It was incredibly fun playing with Cecelia Z (Year 12) ” – Monica Z (Year 12)
Round 4
Round 4 returns with games of close tension with our Interschool peers, providing our players an ample challenge as they return from a week of camp. Despite exhaustion of students, players faced their games with enthusiasm.
“My first Badminton game was very exciting, I enjoyed playing with my team (J12) against different schools. My friend Alice S (Year 8) was a beginner at Badminton, but she did very well in the game and improved a lot. Playing on the court competitively was a fun experience, and I will definitely be doing Badminton again!” – Sandy H (Year 8, J12)
“My Badminton game was very fun and rewarding as my team and I won! Yasmin L (Year 11) did really well in her singles game, and I really enjoyed cheering on my teammates and playing a double and singles game myself” - Daria M (Year 11, S09)
“We watched nervously when the shuttle was going back and forward as the game was tight. Fiona (Year 8) and her opponent were head to head as the score was 20:20. Match point. As they served, it was very close. Overall, we were all cheering for each other and encouraging everyone on!” - Melodie Z (Year 8 TAR19 )
Round 1
S01 Tara 1 vs Meriden 2, Loss, 1-4
S03 Tara 2 vs Abbotsleigh 5, Loss, 2-3
S05 Tara 3 vs Meriden 8, Win, 5-0
S07 Tara 4 vs Meriden 9, Win, 4-1
S08 Tara 5 vs Abbotsleigh 14, Win, 4-1
S09 Tara 6 vs Kambala 1, Loss, 0-5
S10 Tara 7 vs Ravenswood 7, Win, 5-0
S11 Tara 8 vs Meriden 12, Win, 4-1
S13 Tara 9 vs PLC Sydney 10, Win, 3-2
S15 Tara 10 vs Santa Sabina 2, Win, 5-0
S18 Tara 11 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 4, Win, 5-0
J01 Tara 12 vs Abbotsleigh 33, Loss, 0-4
J03 Tara 13 vs Abbotsleigh 37, Draw, 2-2
J05 Tara 14 vs Pymble 18, Win, 3-2
J08 Tara 15 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 5, Loss, 1-4
J08 Tara 16 vs Meriden 25, Win, 3-2
J10 Tara 17 vs Kambala 3, Win, 4-1
J12 Tara 18 vs St Sholastica’s, Win, 5-0
J14 Tara 19 vs Danebank 14, Loss, 0-5
J16 Tara 20 vs MLC 20, Win, 4-1
Y701 Tara 21 vs Pymble 32, Loss, 1-4
Y702 Tara 22 vs Meriden 38, Loss, 0-5
Y703 Tara 23 vs Meriden 39, Loss, 0-5
Y703 Tara 24 vs PLC Sydney 29, Loss, 0-5
Y705 Tara 25 vs Meriden 43, Win, 4-1
Y707 Tara 26 vs Tara 27, Win, 4-1
Y707 Tara 27 vs Tara 26, Loss, 1-4
Round 2
S01 Tara 1 vs Abbotsleigh 1, Loss, 2-3
S03 Tara 2 vs Abbotsleigh 6, Loss, 0-5
S05 Tara 3 vs Meriden 7, Win, 4-1
S07 Tara 4 vs Meriden 10, Loss, 2-3
S08 Tara 5 vs Ravenswood 5, Loss, 0-5
S09 Tara 6 vs Danebank 4, Win, 3-2
S10 Tara 7 vs Pymble 6, Loss, 0-5
S11 Tara 8 vs St Scholastica’s 1, Win, 4-1
S13 Tara 9 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 3, Win, 3-2
S15 Tara 10 vs MLC 11, Loss, 0-5
S18 Tara 11 vs Meriden 14, Loss, 0-5
J01 Tara 12 vs Pymble 16, Loss, 2-3
J03 Tara 13 vs MLC 14, Win, 3-2
J05 Tara 14 vs Ravenswood 15, Loss, 1-4
J08 Tara 15 vs Tara 16, Loss, 0-5
J08 Tara 16 vs Tara 15, Win, 5-0
J10 Tara 17 vs Santa Sabina 3, Win, 3-2
J12 Tara 18 vs MLC 18, Win, 5-0
J14 Tara 19 vs Meriden 33, Loss, 2-3
J16 Tara 20 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 7, Win, 5-0
Y701 Tara 21 vs Abbotsleigh 62, Win, 4-1
Y702 Tara 22 vs Danebank 15, Loss, 1-4
Y703 Tara 23 vs Tara 24, Loss, 1-4
Y703 Tara 24 vs Tara 23, Win, 4-1
Y705 Tara 25 vs PLC Sydney 30,
Y707 Tara 26 vs Danebank 19, Win, 3-2
Y707 Tara 27 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 8, Loss, 0-5
Round 3
S01 Tara 1 vs Abbotsleigh 2, Loss, 2-3
S03 Tara 2 vs MLC 2, Loss, 1-4
S05 Tara 3 vs MLC 4, Win, 4-1
S07 Tara 4 vs MLC 5, Win, 5-1
S08 Tara 5 vs Loreto Normanhurst 5, Loss, 0-5
S09 Tara 6 vs PLC Sydney 6, Loss, 1-4
S10 Tara 7 vs Loreto Normanhurst 6, Win, 4-1
S11 Tara 8 vs PLC Sydney 8, Win, 3-2
S13 Tara 9 vs MLC 9, Loss, 2-3
S15 Tara 10 vs Danebank 6, Loss, 1-4
S18 Tara 11 vs PLC Sydney 15, Win, 5-0
J01 Tara 12 vs Loreto Normanhurst 15, Loss, 0-5
J03 Tara 13 vs Abbotsleigh 36, Loss, 2-3
J05 Tara 14 vs Meriden 24, Loss, 2-3
J08 Tara 15 vs MLC 16, Loss, 1-4
J08 Tara 16 vs Meriden 27, Win, 5-0
J10 Tara 17 vs MLC 17, Win, 4-1
J12 Tara 18 vs Meriden 31, Win, 4-1
J14 Tara 19 vs Danebank 13, Loss, 1-4
J16 Tara 20 vs Meriden 34, Loss, 0-5
Y701 Tara 21 vs Loreto Normanhurst 21, Win, 3-2
Y702 Tara 22 vs MLC 21, Loss, 1-4
Y703 Tara 23 vs PLC Sydney 29, Loss, 0-5
Y703 Tara 24 vs Danebank 16, Loss, 0-5
Y705 Tara 25 vs MLC 22, Loss, 0-5
Y707 Tara 26 vs Meriden 46, Win, 4-1
Y707 Tara 27 vs Danebank 19, Loss, 1-4
Round 4
S01 Tara 1 vs PLC Sydney 1, Win, 4-1
S03 Tara 2 vs Meriden 5, Loss, 0-5
S05 Tara 3 vs Abbotsleigh 9, Win, 5-0
S07 Tara 4 vs Danebank 3, Loss, 0-5
S08 Tara 5 vs Monte 2, Loss, 0-5
S09 Tara 6 vs MLC 7, Loss, 2-3
S10 Tara 7 vs Monte 3, Loss, 2-3
S11 Tara 8 vs Santa Sabina 1, Win, 4-1
S13 Tara 9 vs PLC Sydney 11, Loss, 2-3
S15 Tara 10 vs PLC Sydney 13, Loss, 2-3
S18 Tara 11 vs Kambala 2, Win, 3-2
J01 Tara 12 vs Meriden 15, Loss, 0-5
J03 Tara 13 vs PLC Sydney 19, Loss, 2-3
J05 Tara 14 vs Loreto Normanhurst 16, Loss, 0-5
J08 Tara 15 vs Meriden 27, Loss, 0-5
J08 Tara 16 vs PLC Sydney 22, Win, 3-2
J10 Tara 17 vs Meriden 29, Win, 3-2
J12 Tara 18 vs Meriden 30, Loss, 2-3
J14 Tara 19 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 6, Loss, 0-5
J16 Tara 20 vs Danebank 13, Loss, 1-4
Y701 Tara 21 vs Ravenswood 21, Loss, 1-4
Y702 Tara 22 vs PLC Sydney 28, Loss, 2-3
Y703 Tara 23 vs Meriden 40, Loss, 0-5
Y703 Tara 24 vs Meriden 39, Loss, 0-5
Y705 Tara 25 vs Meriden 42, Loss, 0-5
Y707 Tara 26 vs PLC Sydney 32, Win, 5-0
Y707 Tara 27 vs PLC Sydney 31, Loss, 2-3
Diya H - Tennis Captain
Overall the performance of Tara 1’s game was really good, and we all strived to display good teamwork and skills in order to achieve a great result. We did really well and won many matches. Team 1 will make sure to consistently attend trainings and refine tennis skills in order to do really well in the next games.
Team 2 did a really good job at playing tennis this week. Even though it was an overall loss we played with different doubles partners and experimented with play and skills. Diya H (Year 11) won her singles 6-0 which was great win on the weekend. Team 2 will improve and use skills learnt from training to implement in more Saturday Sport games and Tildesley Tennis.
Round 1
S02 Tara 1 vs SCEGGS 1, Win, 7-1
S08 Tara 2 vs Frensham 2, Loss, 3-5
S17 Tara 3 vs Frensham 6, Win, 4.5-3.5
S21 Tara 4 vs Loreto Normanhurst 10, wet
S22 Tara 5 vs Roseville 12, Loss, 2.5-5.5
S24 Tara 6 vs Abbotsleigh 16, Win, 6.5-1.5
J04 Tara 7 vs MLC 8, Loss, 3.5-4.5
J10 Tara 8 vs MLC 11, Win, 5-3
J13 Tara 9 vs Frensham 11, Win, 5.5-2.5
J16 Tara 10 vs Monte 16, wet
J18 Tara 11 vs Abbotsleigh 24, wet
Y705 Tara 12 vs Queenwood 12, wet
Y708 Tara 13 vs MLC 16, wet
Y709 Tara 14 vs Roseville 28, Draw, 4-4
Y711 Tara 15 vs Meriden 23, Win, 5-3
Round 2
S02 Tara 1 vs Meriden 3, Loss, 1-7
S08 Tara 2 vs Queenwood 3, Loss, 1-7
S17 Tara 3 vs Roseville 9, Loss, 1-7
S21 Tara 4 vs Loreto Kirribilli 13, Win, 4.5-3.5
S22 Tara 5 vs Loreto Kirribilli 14,
S24 Tara 6 vs Loreto Normanhurst 14, Forfeit Win
J04 Tara 7 vs PLC Sydney 12, Loss, 0.5-7.5
J10 Tara 8 vs Frensham 10, Draw, 4-4
J13 Tara 9 vs Roseville 21, Win, 5-3
J16 Tara 10 vs Abbotsleigh 23, Win, 5-3
J18 Tara 11 vs Brigidine 10,
Y705 Tara 12 vs Pymble 23, Draw, 4-4
Y708 Tara 13 vs Meriden 22, Win, 6-2
Y709 Tara 14 vs Loreto Kirribilli 26,
Y711 Tara 15 vs Danebank 8, Win, 7.5-0.5
Round 3
S02 Tara 1 vs Wenona 1, wet
S08 Tara 2 vs Roseville 4, wet
S17 Tara 3 vs Pymble 8, wet
S21 Tara 4 vs Monte 8, wet
S22 Tara 5 vs Wenona 8, wet
S24 Tara 6 vs Pymble 11, wet
J04 Tara 7 vs Pymble 14, wet
J10 Tara 8 vs Meriden 15, wet
J13 Tara 9 vs Kambala 10, Draw, 3.5-3.5
J16 Tara 10 vs Pymble 18, wet
J18 Tara 11 vs Pymble 19, wet
Y705 Tara 12 vs Abbotsleigh 27, wet
Y708 Tara 13 vs Danebank 7, Draw, 4-4
Y709 Tara 14 vs Pymble 26, wet
Y711 Tara 15 vs Meriden 24, Win, 5-3
Round 4
S02 Tara 1 vs Pymble 2, Loss, 2-6
S08 Tara 2 vs Ascham 6, Win, 5-3
S17 Tara 3 vs Monte 7, Draw, 4-4
S21 Tara 4 vs Abbotsleigh 12, Win, 5-3
S22 Tara 5 vs Loreto Normanhurst 11, Win, 4.5-3.5
S24 Tara 6 vs Brigidine 6, Win, 7-1
J04 Tara 7 vs St Catherine’s 8, Win, 6-2
J10 Tara 8 vs Wenona 14, Loss, 3.5-4.5
J13 Tara 9 vs Monte 14, Loss, 1-7
J16 Tara 10 vs Wenona 17, Win, 5.5-2.5
J18 Tara 11 vs BYE
Y705 Tara 12 vs Santa Sabina 6, Loss, 1.5-6.5
Y708 Tara 13 vs Ascham 18, Loss, 3-5
Y709 Tara 14 vs Loreto Normanhurst 29, Loss, 3-5
Y711 Tara 15 vs St Scholastica’s 8, Draw, 4-4
Angelina H - Softball Captain
Round 1
This weekend the TAR01 team were able to showcase their skills for the first time as a team in their double header. During their first game, the team worked on their communication and softball skills, with Sophia R and Sophia S making a great pitcher/catcher debut for this year. Although the team lost their first game, the team was able to learn from their mistakes to win their second game by quite a large margin! Overall, the team had a great performance on the weekend, and everyone is looking forward to improving their skills for the upcoming games.
Round 2
This week the Tara Senior Second Team played an awesome game, pushing our batting and fielding skills further. We were able to field well, getting many batters out on their first runs. Ellie and Danbi from Year 10 were very good at working together on shortstop and first base in catching the runner out. Claire from Year 9 also had some great long throws as a catcher to second base. Some amazing hits from Janavika H in Year 11 and Danbi from Year 10 were scored, enabling us to get more points. As a team we aim to enhance our batting skills further in training so more runs can be completed. Overall, a very good game!
Round 3
Today the Second Senior Softball Team drove down to Bowral to play Oxley College. We began the first innings fielding, with Sophie B as pitcher and Claire D as catcher. Both girls worked super well as a team in achieving three outs, with Sophie running into the fourth base when a batter was running home to tag them out. Similarly, Ellie H made some amazing long throws from shortstop to Danbi S in first base, catching great balls. In the batting innings, Bella S hit distance balls that achieved great runs through first and second bases, allowing many people to get home.
Round 4
The TAR01 team played an amazing game over the weekend against PLC! The game was extremely close, with both teams not being able to get home due to the amazing fielding Tara showcased during the game. With some amazing catches by Tess M and Sophia S, as well as the amazing pitching of Sophia R, Tara put up a great defence to the PLC team. In a nail biting finish, the team managed to get four people home to finish the game with a tie! The Seconds Team played a great match afterwards, with amazing bats by Bella S in Year 9 and Danbi in Year 10. Switching the pitchers around, Taylor J in Year 10 performed incredibly, making majority of the pitches strikes and getting many girls out super quickly, before even making it to first base. In the Junior Team, pitcher Victoria H in Year 8 had some great strong pitches that swung really fast and caught the batters out. Harleen K also in Year 8 scored a home run, making it across all four bases in one go! Super proud of all teams for their achievements.
Round 1
OP2 Tara 1 vs Danebank 1, Loss, 0-13
OP2 Tara 1 vs Tara 2, Win, 16-0
OP2 Tara 2 vs Tara 1, Loss, 0-16
JR 1 Tara 3 vs Abbotsleigh 3, Loss, 5-12
Round 2
OP2 Tara 1 vs PLC Sydney 1, Loss, 2-12
OP2 Tara 2 vs Danebank 1,
JR 1 Tara 3 vs Loreto Normanhurst 3, Loss, 9-10
Round 3
OP2 Tara 1 vs Oxley 1, Loss, 3-8
OP2 Tara 2 vs Oxley 1, Loss, 13-14
JR 1 Tara 3 vs Pymble 4, Forfeit win
Round 4
OP2 Tara 1 vs PLC Sydney 1,
OP2 Tara 2 vs PLC Sydney 1, Loss, 1-14
JR 1 Tara 3 vs Barker 2, Loss, 4-9