Term 1, Week 9, 2020
General News
Parent Portal
To ensure the School has the correct contact information for you and medical details for your daughter, we ask that you log on to the Edumate Parent Portal and use the 'update personal details' link to check and update yours and your daughter's information.
If you have more than one daughter, switch between their profiles to complete. Please ensure you check and update each tab before you click the Submit changes button. If you Submit before you finish, you will not be able to submit any further changes until your previous submission has been processed on our end. Medical information is used to ensure the health and safety of your daughter during the day, excursions and Camps etc.
Note: you can only log on to Edumate and complete this task using a PC.
To assist you, please use the link https://cloud.tara.nsw.edu.au/documents/A_Guide_to_Edumate.pdf
Western Sydney Wanderers vs Adelaide United - Tara Ticket Offer
Join us as your Isuzu UTE A-League Men take on Adelaide United March 31 at 7:45pm at CommBank Stadium!
Access a Kids Go Free offer, with rail transport included in all tickets. Use the code FREEKIDS23 to redeem.
We can’t wait to see you!
From the Deputy Principal | Head of Senior School
Senior School Opportunities
Scott Baker - Deputy Principal, Head of Senior School
Time really is flying by, with the fun and excitement of camps already beginning to fade into the distant past, though perhaps with some tiredness still lingering. Students have set goals for the year with their Mentors and presented and discussed these with parents at the Mentor Meeting Evening, and we’re about to start the cycle of Term 1 Academic Reports and Learning Conferences to ensure all students are headed in a positive direction with their learning from early in the year. There have been opportunities for parents to hear from the Deans of Learning about Stage 6 academic programs with more scheduled to come, particularly regarding the International Middle Years Programme and the adjustments made to the process of assessing student progress in Years 7 and 8.
Students are also becoming heavily involved in all of the opportunities on offer beyond the classroom. Of course, there are the sport and music programs running as scheduled with most mornings and afternoons a hive of activity with training and rehearsals in preparation for performances and matches. Through connecting with Tara social media and publications you would have no doubt seen the recent Clubs Expo that offered a wide range of student and teacher led special interest groups for girls to participate in. There have been numerous excursions and competitions run across all areas of the curriculum including valuable service initiatives supporting the wider community and important causes such as the Parramatta Women’s Shelter and International Women’s Day, with more to come, such as ANZAC Day services.
Tara music students will be performing the music at the upcoming NSW School’s ANZAC Day Service in Hyde Park, attended by thousands of Sydney school students, teachers, politicians and other dignitaries. While others will be representing Tara at the Parramatta RSL Dawn Service on ANZAC Day. The end of Term will also see the departure of the very popular Modern History tour to Europe, focusing on World War I, the rise of Nazism in Germany, and World War II.
Our valuable relationship with The King's School continues to develop with the King's/Tara musical, Shrek, in full swing from 15 March. There’s been a joint CRU event hosted by Tara, and Senior Tara and TKS students have begun planning for joint Year 7 and Year 8 Trivia Nights in Terms 2 and 3. We’re looking forward to TKS students once again joining in with the Tara led astronomy program (SPOT), and next week co-hosting a group of students from Tsuchiura First High School in Japan. These are all excellent opportunities for young women and men to spend time together collaborating on projects and developing respectful relationships, benefitting from shared resources and joint initiatives.
I had the privilege of attending a ceremony with Jemma (Year 11) at the University of Sydney on 7 March where high achieving 2022 Year 10 students from across Sydney were acknowledged for their academic success. A terrific achievement by Jemma. The speeches in the Great Hall reminded me of the excitement I had when I first started university there and turned my thoughts to the 2022 Tara graduates beginning their post-school lives at university or in other pursuits. It was wonderful to see many of them return to Tara to be acknowledged for their HSC success at the HSC High Achievers Assembly, sharing their wisdom about how to achieve at the highest level.
These opportunities are the beginning of ongoing connection with younger Tara students, which we are endeavouring to continue building through the Beyond the Gates: Alumni Student Connection Program for students in Years 10 to 12. The 2023 version of the mentoring program run last year. The program involves partnering current Tara students with Tara alumni who have experience and success in their chosen field to discuss career goals and offer advice on post-school pathways. I encourage all Year 10 to 12 students to opt-in to the program via the permission notes already sent to parents and carers. Likewise, it would be wonderful to have even more alumni involved by contacting Cate Redman credman@tara.nsw.edu.au
From Tara Communications
Have you downloaded the Tara Parent App?
Did you know that you can receive important notifications, view sports information, book events, advise the school of student absences and complete permission notes all via the Tara Parent App?
Downloading the Tara Parent App is easy! Stay connected with all the news and events of Tara.
Are you following Tara on social media?
Are you following Tara on social media? Follow the links below to keep up to date with us!
Tara Anglican School for Girls Instagram
From the Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop
The Tara Uniform Shop is open during Term time: Monday to Friday 7:30am-12:00pm (closed between 12pm and 1pm) 1:00pm-5:00pm and the first Saturday of each month (Term time only) between 9:00am-12:00pm
For more information or to book an appointment please call 02 8838 2646.
Tara's Twilight
1-12 Night Invitation
Community Events
Future Community Events
Please mark your diaries with the following confirmed Community Events:
Friday 24 March, 4-7pm: TDC (Tara Dad's Club) hosted BBQ and sports fun afternoon on the Mouleric Oval. More details below.
Sunday 14 May, 8:30am: Mother's Day Classic
Saturday 20 May, 2:00-4:30pm: P&F - Mother’s Celebration Afternoon Tea - invitations to be issued shortly. All mums and daughters are invited to book tickets for this special event
Saturday 22 July: Dads and Daughters Dinner Dance
Saturday 4 November: TDC Movie Night on the Oval
Saturday 25 November: P&F and TDC - Carols in the Colonnade
Tara Dad’s Club - BBQ and Sports Afternoon
On Friday 24 March, the TDC will be hosting its first event for 2023, a BBQ and fun afternoon on the Mouleric Oval. All families are invited to attend. Please complete the Trybooking below for catering purposes.
TDC BBQ and Sports Afternoon Trybooking
To join the Tara Dads Club please follow this link: Tara Dad's Club Membership
Mother's Day Classic 2023
Mrs Cate Redman - Community Liaison Manager
The Tara School Community are taking part in the Mother’s Day Classic at Parramatta Park on Sunday, 14 May at 8:30am. Together we will walk 5km as a team. All Tara families are invited to register for this event. The bigger the team, the more we can raise to support this initiative! We’d love to see all mums and daughters joining us and wearing lots and lots of pink. To register, please join the Tara Tigers via this link https://www.mothersdayclassic.com.au/join/taratigers
By registering and seeking donations from family and friends, you will be supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) in funding life-saving research to improve breast cancer detection, develop new treatments, and allow people with breast cancer to live longer and better lives.
For any questions, please contact Community Relations community@tara.nsw.edu.au
Thank you for your support.
ELC-Year 2 Parent Dinner
The ELC-Year 2 Parent Dinner was held on Friday 10 March at Cropley House. It was a wonderful evening with lots of fun and friendship. Mr Harrison was a fabulous MC with the highlight of the evening being a history of Tara quiz which enabled everyone to chat at their tables and fight it out for the coveted prize of a Tara pen for each member of the table and, the drawing of a Lucky Door Prize (champagne and Tara champagne flutes) generously donated by the P&F. We look forward to future social evenings being organised over the year.
Tara Community News
Tara Parents & Friends Association
The Tara Parents & Friends Association (P&F) is the School’s parent organisation.
Every parent of a current Tara student is a member. In general, the P&F creates a focus on social, service, care and fundraising activities and are committed to providing support of our School, students, staff and community. Termly P&F meetings provide an opportunity for parents to discuss information about the operational aspects of Tara and raise questions regarding any sector of the School. The Principal, Mrs Susan Middlebrook attends the meetings.
On Tuesday 7 March the P&F held their Annual General Meeting and a number of returning and new members joined the Committee with one of the biggest groups ever - 15 members in total! The 2023 Committee is:
President: Mrs Patricia Cross
Vice-President: Mrs Nairi Khan
Treasurer: Sid Diwakar
Secretary: Natalie Harrison
Committee Members: Graham Bellach, Liz Brockliss, John Capolupo, Kesara Jayasuriya, Donna Karam, Meg Le Lievre, Malvika Mittal, Piyush Mittal, Rocky Nematalla, Tereza Nematalla, Eric Nguyen
Please be advised of the revised general meeting committee dates for 2023:
Tuesday 2 May
Tuesday 1 August
Tuesday 10 October
Tuesday 5 December.
All meetings will take place in the Bowern Room from 7:30pm. Details of guest speakers at these meetings will be published shortly. If parents have any suggestions as to speakers/topics they would like to see covered please email the P&F Committee at parentsandfriends@tara.nsw.edu.au
Tara Dads Club
The Tara Dads Club, (TDC) enhances every Tara girl’s Tara experience by nurturing the dad and daughter relationship, creating opportunities for dads to contribute to the Tara School Values and fostering a spirit of Community. The Club:
- Organises activities that dads and daughters can participate in together.
- Raises funds which are donated to Tara for the benefit of Tara girls.
- Provides various forums for Tara dads to interact with one another, allowing dads to become active participants in the Tara Community and support network.
To join the Tara Dads Club please follow the link below
Tara Dad's Club Membership Registration
2023 Class Parent Network
Class parents are an invaluable resource within the School and play a vital role in welcoming new families; organising social events for their year group/class and volunteering to assist and help rally troops to organise and staff community events.
Our first meeting will be held on Tuesday 14 March after school drop off in the Junior School library. If you would like to sign up as a Class Parent or even indicate that you are available to volunteer with events in 2023 please register your interest via the following form
Babysitter and Tutor Register – Tara Alumni
Interested Tara Alumni are invited to register their interest to join a register of graduate babysitters and tutors. Whilst Tara Anglican School for Girls will provide a conduit for display of this information, all transactions will be negotiated between the Tara graduate and the family seeking the service. Tara does not endorse the accuracy or otherwise of the information therein. If you are a recent graduate and would like to join the register please complete the following form:
Babysitter and Tutor Registration Link
Current list of Babysitters and Tutors is below.
If you have any questions about Community or have ideas to share, please email the Community Liaison Manager, Mrs Cate Redman at community@tara.nsw.edu.au
We would love to have parent and carers views on social and fundraising opportunities.
Junior School News
Showing we Care by Supporting Compassion
On Friday 3 March, Junior School girls had their first Service Learning Day for 2023. This day provided a chance to learn about the experiences of others and to show God’s love by giving generously. The Walker House Team decided to support our Sponsor child, Martha who lives in Mexico. $516 was raised to help support Martha over the next 10 months. We love hearing about how Martha is going in her letters to us, and many classes wrote back to her. Girls also learnt about the initiatives being managed by Compassion in her local community, and took time to pray for Martha and her family.
In addition to collecting money for Martha, each girl brought in some money to go towards a Gift of Compassion of their choosing. A visual display assisted girls to make their decision.
We raised:
- $120 for baby essentials kits (3 kits in total)
- $140 for assisting families to access safe drinking water (2 gifts of water)
- $110 for drought-resistant fruit and vegetable seeds (22 gifts of seeds)
- $140 for chickens to give families in need a steady source of food (16 chickens)
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are encouraged to challenge themselves by completing the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge. This opportunity opens on 27 February.
If you would like your daughter to enter this year, please email Mrs Svetlana Paul, the Junior School Teacher Librarian spaul@tara.nsw.edu.au for her unique username and password.
If you completed the challenge last year, your username and password remain the same.
For more information about the challenge, please click the link below:
NSW Premier's Reading Challenge 2023
Senior School News
Premier’s Reading Challenge
In Senior School, we encourage Year 7 to 9 students to participate in the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge which opens on 27 February and concludes on 18 August. Please contact Mrs Megan Wade-Ferrell to register.
She's on the Money - International Women's Day Breakfast
Jemima - Year 10
Financial Literacy is a subject about the importance of financial independence for teenagers. On Friday 10 March, Year 10 Financial Literacy students were able to attend an International Women's Day Breakfast hosted by Victoria Devine at Luna Park in Sydney. Jemima, Hannah, Jessie, and Daria were offered this opportunity from winning an enrichment activity in their Financial Literacy class where they had to develop a budget for a struggling young family in regional Australia.
At the event, we were able to listen to Victoria Devine and two guest speakers, Melanie Tran and Teela Reid who are both empowering women in the community. Jemima was primed with a question and asked Victoria Devine. "Is it more worthwhile to invest in high yielding dividends or capital growth." Victoria answered with professional advice by saying shares that provide high dividends and have good capital growth are a great place to start.
Many people approached us excited that girls our age are acquiring this knowledge in a school setting.
The event was overall a great learning experience with a bonus of free coffee and a 'devine' breakfast along with a sponsored gift bag worth $350 per person.
Encore Music Excursion
Alisha - Year 12
On 27 February, Year 12, Year 11 and Year 10 Music students attended ENCORE at the Sydney Opera House, showcasing the incredible talents of the 2022 graduates across NSW. Each year, ENCORE celebrates the musicianship of both performers and composers with many students receiving nominations and approximately 20 of these students receiving final selections to perform in this annual concert. This year, we saw a range of performers from vocalists to trombonists, lute performers, percussionists, flautists, string quartets, oboists and various ensembles. As many of our girls had watched last year’s ENCORE performances, we were keen to see the standard this year and as expected, all the performances were beyond impressive, making it impossible to leave with a definite favourite in mind.
Especially for our Year 12s who are currently preparing our HSC programs, it was a great learning experience, providing us with more insight into the qualities of some of the top performing musicians and it left many of us revaluating elements of our pieces, considering new styles and learning how to work with our ensembles to craft great performances.
International Women's Day
Year 11 SRC
International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on 8 March, and this is such an important opportunity for women around the world to reflect on their progress in achieving women’s rights and gender equality. It focuses on empowering women and raising awareness on issues that really impact women around the world. This day also serves as a reminder about all the various challenges that women face including violence, discrimination and unequal access to employment and education.
As a girl’s school it is so important to be aware about what really goes on around the world and the importance of this day. We can all take action to help others and achieve the result we want, leaving an everlasting change in society! We all hope you all really enjoyed the cupcakes. Thank you so much to everyone that donated money, this is how we all start to truly make a difference. All these donations will go towards Parramatta Women’s Shelter. It is so important to help empower other women and that is why Year 11 SRC have chosen this organisation to donate to!
Happy International Women’s Day!
International Women's Day - Guest Speaker Dr Jenny Knight
Aarushi - Social Justice Prefect
This year for International Women’s Day, we invited guest speaker, Dr Jenny Knight, founder of REECH Cambodia, to speak to us about her work in Assembly. REECH has raised funds for, and worked predominantly with, women in Cambodia to alleviate poverty and also educate and empower them and their families for the future. Through this talk, we delved into the importance of education to women in Cambodia and the work that Dr Knight has been able to accomplish with her not for profit organisation. We closed the talk with a quote ‘Hold tight to your dreams. And always be brave’ for the girls to take on in their daily lives, hoping to inspire change, no matter how small.
ZONTA Awards
Year 12 Leadership Team
As part of recognising the achievement of young women on International Women’s Day, on 8 March, Hannah (Year 12) was presented as a finalist in the prestigious Zonta Awards. The Zonta International organisation acknowledges young women in public affairs. Hannah and her fellow nominees were invited to attend a breakfast at the Parramatta Novotel, listen to a talk by renowned marine biologist Dr Jennifer Matthews, which was also attended by the Year 10 SRC.
Hannah was nominated based on her invaluable contributions to her local community, leadership skills and her awareness of different conditions faced by women around the world. As part of the award, Hannah was also required to outline her contributions within school, such as in her role as Community Prefect and service outside the School gates. Hannah’s ideas about employing grass-root level educational campaigns to raise awareness about gender inequality and not accepting discrimination in the Status Quo are some examples of why she was an excellent candidate for these awards. We are very proud of Hannah’s achievements and contributions within and outside the Tara community.
Turkey-Syria Earthquake Fundraiser
This term as part of Year 7 Geography’s study on geomorphic hazards, the students researched the cause, impacts and management of the recent Turkey-Syria earthquake. The MYP leads to action and as a result of their study, the students together with Year 11 SRC representatives Inika and Gabi have coordinated a fundraiser to donate money to Anglican Aid who will use the money to provide basic necessities to the earthquake victims. The below video was created by Year 7 students and presented to the school during chapel. The fundraiser will take place on Tuesday 14 March.
Together Thursdays
Arnvi - Hake House Prefect
Together Thursday is an opportunity for Tara girls to come together and grow Tara spirit and sisterhood through competitive games between each year group. The points earned from these games go towards the Together Thursday cup, awarded to the year group with the most points by the end of the year. The Leadership team 2022-2023 have so far run a Just Dance competition (Term 4 2022) with zooper doopers awarded to our ‘dancing queens’ and Slapper Mats (Term 1 2023) where girls went head to head to be the last girl standing! So far, the leading year group is Year 12 with Year 10 coming close behind..
Look out for another House Prefect Together Thursday takeover for a lunchtime full of karaoke!!!
Debating News
Alisha - Debating Prefect
Here at Tara, we have lots of exciting and enriching extra-curricular activities for girls to participate in. In particular, there are multiple Debating and Public Speaking opportunities to help all girls develop their skills to become confident, articulate speakers. Public speaking is an undoubtedly valuable skill that all girls will have to use at some time in their schooling and careers. We have a range of public speaking opportunities for girls of all skill levels and experiences. For example, the Public Speaking Club runs on Thursday lunchtime in the Library is focusing this term on helping girls to present themselves confidently and build persuasive speeches. Girls are encouraged to participate in the UN Voice of Youth and Lions Voice of Youth competitions as well as the various activities within the Tara community. For more experienced speakers, we have the Rostrum Voice of Youth and Festival of Speech competitions available.
There are two main debating competitions that Tara offers. Friday Evening debating has already started earlier this term, but the Archdale debating competition is starting soon, with trials being held this week and next week. Both competitions help girls to build public speaking, analytical and teamwork skills and we encourage them to attend the upcoming Archdale trials. We also have debating workshops, held once a term, to introduce girls to new skills and revise necessary structure and speaking techniques. If you have any questions please feel free to contact either Ms Ockert (Tara's debating coordinator), Alisha (Debating prefect) or Jemma (Debating captain). Hope to see you all around soon!
Chookas Shrek Cast!
Wishing the cast of Shrek The Musical all the best for their upcoming performances!
Senior Sport
Table Tennis Achievement
Congratulations to Year 10 student Ally for her success in the Junior Table Tennis Competition in 2023!
Ally achieved the following:
- 2023 NSW Junior Top 10 Challenge_U19 Girl's Singles_1st place
- 2023 NSW Junior Closed Championships_U17 Girl's Singles_Semi-Finalist
- 2023 NSW Junior Closed Championships_U19 Girl's Singles_Semi-Finalist
Due to her outstanding performance, Ally secured her position in the NSW Girls A Team for the upcoming 2023 Table Tennis National Championships to be held in Sydney in July.
IGSA Regatta
Natalie - Rowing Captain
The 2023 IGSA Regatta was held on Sunday 26 February at SIRC where we saw every crew’s time improve compared to the Kings/PLC Regatta! We had as much as 30 seconds shaved off times within a day which is an amazing improvement and shows all the hard work and determination the girls have put in during the season. We also had our Year 8 first and second quads qualify for the finals in their categories. Ms Musto and Mrs Middlebrook also had the pleasure of coming out to Penrith for the day to cheer us on and see some amazing (and very close) races. Following IGSA, Tara has been awarded the most improved school trophy. This was a result of higher average placings and improved times. A massive congratulations to all the girls for an amazing achievement as a squad.
Kings/PLC Regatta
On Saturday 25 February, the Kings/PLC/RNSW Regatta was held at SIRC. The Year 9 first quad (Olivia B, Leila O, Gemma W and Amy R coxed by Charlotte G) place third, and Schoolgirl Double (Charlotte O and Caitlin I) placed second. All the girls did a great job in the lead up to the IGSA Regatta!
Badminton Round 3
Round 3
S02 Tara 1 vs Ravenswood 2, Win, 4-1
S04 Tara 2 vs Abbotsleigh 6, Win, 3-2
S05 Tara 3 vs Loreto Normanhurst 2, Loss, 1-4
S07 Tara 4 vs Abbotsleigh 12, Loss, 0-5
S08 Tara 5 vs PLC Sydney 6, Loss, 0-5
S09 Tara 6 vs Abbotsleigh 17, Loss, 0-5
S10 Tara 7 vs Danebank 3, Loss, 0-5
S12 Tara 8 vs PLC Sydney 9, Loss, 0-5
S15 vs S16 Tara 9 vs Danebank 6, Friendly
S17 Tara 10 vs Loreto Normanhurst 9, Win, 4-1
J03 Tara 11 vs PLC Sydney 15, Win, 3-2
J05 Tara 12 vs Abbotsleigh 43, Win, 3-2
J07 Tara 13 vs Pymble 16, Win, 3-2
J08 Tara 14 vs Abbotsleigh 48, Loss, 2-3
J09 Tara 15 vs Danebank 9, Win, 3-2
J10 Tara 16 vs Meriden 28, Loss, 1-4
J13 Tara 17 vs Pymble 19, Win, 4-1
J15 Tara 18 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 9, Win, 5-0
Y702 Tara 19 vs Loreto Normanhurst 17, Loss, 2-3
Y703 Tara 20 vs Meriden 42, Loss, 0-5
Y706 Tara 21 vs Meriden 46, Loss, 1-4
Badminton Round 4
Lena - Badminton Captain
Round 4
S02 Tara 1 vs Abbotsleigh 3, Win. 5-0
S04 Tara 2 vs Danebank 1, Loss, 2-3
S05 Tara 3 vs MLC 5, Win, 4-1
S07 Tara 4 vs PLC Sydney 5, Loss, 0-1
S08 Tara 5 vs Pymble 5, Loss, 0-5
S09 Tara 6 vs Ravenswood 8, Loss, 1-4
S10 Tara 7 vs Ravenswood 9, Loss, 0-5
S12 Tara 8 vs Danebank 4, Loss, 2-3
S15 Tara 9 vs Meriden 15, Loss, 1-4
S17 Tara 10 vs Ravenswood 17, Win, 3-2
J03 Tara 11 vs Meriden 21, Loss, 0-5
J05 Tara 12 vs Meriden 23, Loss, 1-4
J07 Tara 13 vs PLC Sydney 17, Win, 3-2
J08 Tara 14 vs Abbotsleigh 50, Loss, 1-4
J09 Tara 15 vs Abbotsleigh 52, Win, 3-2
J10 Tara 16 vs Abbotsleigh 54, Loss, 1-4
J13 Tara 17 vs Danebank 11, Loss, 1.5-3.5
J15 Tara 18 vs Danebank 12, Loss, 2-3
Y702 Tara 19 vs Abbotsleigh 66, Loss, 1-4
Y703 Tara 20 vs MLC 21, Loss, 1-4
Y706 Tara 21 vs Loreto Normanhurst 19, Win, 4-1
1: "This past week we had a home game against Abbotsleigh and came back with all rounds won. Our team mates, Cecelia Z and Jasmine X's doubles progress has developed quite significantly, with the first weeks going from low-points now to this week winning their first doubles games. Out team is extremely proud and happy to see this significant improvement and team work developed courtesy of our coaches and repeated experience, as well as the girl’s own hard work. Monica Z and I have also been polishing our skills for the upcoming games, gaining a score of 21-4. These past few weeks have been fun, with our team growing closer from the experience. We look forward to future challenges and showcase our improvements"
5: Team 5 have been enjoying playing badminton each week, growing a stronger bond as a team. Whilst the sport may be challenging, it is always good that we don't give up, even if we don't achieve the results we want"
12: My name is Isabella C, and I am proud to be a part of J05 Team 12 Tara Badminton. Over the past week, I have improved my gameplay and also improved on my jump-changing. I enjoyed exploring the different venues and having fun while competing in a friendly way. I certainly made new friends on the way and I am looking forward to learning more and making more friends! As always, our whole team tried their best and played well, and I am proud of all of them.
13: Badminton has been great so far and we have been very successful in our games with a winning streak. Badminton over the past week has been extremely fun and challenging for all of us as we played against many different schools and competitors. Elise F has been performing exceptionally well during these matches and has helped the team win every game so far during this term. She joined Badminton to be able to gain more experience in matches and learn more teamwork skills. We all enjoyed this experience very much and hope to participate in Badminton again in the future.
17: Playing badminton is going amazing! The most memorable experience was when the shuttle got stuck in my (Laura W) racket in the middle of the game, and everyone just watched that happen while I tried pulling it out. My friends and the coaches watched as I struggled, but I must say it was a very laughable moment. We had so much fun playing with each other and the other school.
Year 7s:
19: Badminton has been a great experience challenging ourselves and playing against other schools. It has helped my team and I (Elise Z) improve. Fiona has improved her serves and her ability to hit the shuttle. Olivia has been able to move faster and is now able to hit shuttles in the front court. Vicky has been able to control her hits and they can now reach the back court.
20: This is Sophie L. I enjoy playing badminton as it can help me be closer to my friends. I get to meet other people when we go against each other during competitions and it helps me with my flexibility. I think everyone played really well, even though we just won one round. I think Shievon was really good because she felt sick that day, and she still came. And half way through one of the doubles when I was with her, she didn’t really feel well, but she pushed through. Emme is really good as well, because she works hard and she is always there to help around. She is on the watch to see how our opponent is doing and tells me what I can do to beat my opponent. Amy is our best player, she is always looking out and telling me what I can do to beat my opponent, and telling me and other teammates what we can do to do better and beat the other team.
21: For the past couple of weeks, we have excelled through all matches. Most matches were won 5-0 or 4-1 which was a score which we are all so proud of. As Team 21-Year 7; our strong singles are Sandy and Lindy, and our strong doubles are Ashwiinah and Lindy as we all won our games with good coordination. Renee is a strong player who encourage us all, in all ways. As for my experience (Ashwiinah); I could say that I am definitely improving. It is my first-time playing badminton and I can proudly say that I am quickly picking up. Last week, we were one player short and therefore I had to play singles which I would rarely play. I versed a player who had 2-3 years of experience and had a tight score of 19-21. I thank my coach, who helped me through all of this. I loved playing as a team which helped me have more socialising skills; it helped stay active while also keeping me fit. It is a sport which I am very passionate about!
Water Polo Round 3
Round 3
S04 Tara 1 vs Frensham 3, Win, 1-17
J04 Tara 2 vs Monte 7, Loss, 5-8
Y703 Tara 3 vs Frensham 5, Loss, 5-18
Water Polo Round 4
Henrietta - Water Polo Captain
Round 4
S04 Tara 1 vs Loreto Normanhurst 1, Loss, 14-15
J04 Tara 2 vs Wenona 7, Win, 11-6
Y703 Tara 3 vs Loreto Normanhurst 4, Loss, 0-12
The Firsts
The water polo firsts played their very best game of the season! They showed incredible improvement, exhibiting all the skills and drills that were focused on in training. Evie D did a fabulous job in goals, whilst Sophie M shot a beautiful long-distance shot.
The Junior Firsts
The Junior firsts had a close game, all the girls were pushed to their limits. They were tied at half time, then their defence stiffened up and they gained 3 turnovers where they managed to get 5 goals ahead.
Year 7
Our Year 7 girls are improving in their defensive skills and fitness even after an exhausting three day camp away. There were a few great shots on goal because of good passing and swimming.
Good luck to all teams in your games!!
Tennis Round 3
Jessica - Tennis Captain
Round 3
S02 Tara 1 vs Pymble 2, Loss, 3.5-4.5
S07 Tara 2 vs Wenona 4, Loss, 2-6
S16 Tara 3 vs Abbotsleigh 8, Win, 5-3
S20 Tara 4 vs Loreto Normanhurst 20, Loss, 0.5-7.5
S21 Tara 5 vs PLC Sydney 9, Loss, 1-7
S23 Tara 6 vs Danebank 4, Loss, 3-5
S24 Tara 7 vs Brigidine 7, Loss, 2.5-5.5
J04 Tara 8 vs Monte 8, Loss, 1.5-6.5
J09 Tara 9 vs Frensham 11, Win, 7.5-0.5
J11 Tara 10 vs Frensham 12, Win, 7.5-0.5
J12 Tara 11 vs Kambala 10, Loss, 3-5
J14 Tara 12 vs Meriden 20, Loss, 1-7
J15 Tara 13 vs BYE
J17 Tara 14 vs Danebank 8, Loss, 3.5-4.5
Y704 Tara 15 vs Kambala 11, Loss, 1.5-6.5
Y708 Tara 16 vs Loreto Normanhurst 31, Win, 4.5-3.5
On the weekend it was a very tight match for Tara01 who were up against Pymble02. Bhavya and Yashika started strong winning 6-0 in their doubles. Jess and Stephanie unfortunately couldn’t come away with a win, losing their match 6-2. It was then a quick win for Bhavya in her singles winning 6-1 playing some amazing rallies and hitting some great shots. Yashika’s match was extremely close going to a tie breaker and she was able to come away with the win. Steph had a great comeback coming from 5-1, to 5-3, but unfortunately couldn’t continue her winning streak, going down 6-3. Jess and Stephanie’s 2nd doubles was unfortunately unsuccessful. Whilst Bhavya and Yashika’s doubles was looking promising, with them being up 5-2, when they were unfortunately called off the court for being overtime meaning the match had to draw. Overall the team was a little disappointed losing by 1 game (3.5-4.5) but is looking forward for the weeks ahead where we endeavour to come away with the win.
Tara02 versed Wenona this week at North Ryde Tennis World. They were a tough team; all the matches were close, and a lot went overtime. Diya H from Year 10 versed player number 3 in her singles match and won 6-4. She came back from losing 3-2, and won the match, with very good rallies and shots. All the rest of the matches were lost very narrowly.
Abbotsleigh was a very tough opponent, but Popi T (Year 10) tied her singles and hit great shots. Melanie W (Year 10) and Popi T tied their doubles and had a really good rally. Bernice T (Year 10) had a really good rally with her singles opponent.
It was a really tough game for Tara4 this week against Loreto Normanhurst. Kaylee Y and Eva T tied in their reverse doubles and they both hit some really nice shots. Everyone played really well, but unfortunately, we were unable to beat our opponents.
On a hot Saturday morning, Senior Team 5 played against PLC. Despite the growing differences in our scores we all showed resilience by taking back a few games points. Particularly, as Katherine S and Ashley X tied their first doubles (4-4) and Wendy W and Sophia M also almost tying their first doubles. It was a great effort from all our teammates.
On Saturday 25 February, Tara 06 played at Illawarra Rockdale Courts against Danebank. It was a close match, but, unfortunately, we lost 3-5. A special mention to Chelsea C (Year 9) and Hannah R (Year 9) for their great sportsmanship, dedication, and team spirit. We look forward to improving our skills and winning future matches!!
Tennis Round 4
Round 4
S02 Tara 1 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 1, Wet
S07 Tara 2 vs Kambala 3,
S16 Tara 3 vs Monte 5, Loss, 2-6
S20 Tara 4 vs Roseville 10, Loss, 1-7
S21 Tara 5 vs BYE
S23 Tara 6 vs MLC 6, Loss, 0.5-7.5
S24 Tara 7 vs Wenona 12, Loss, 0-8
J04 Tara 8 vs Wenona 14,
J09 Tara 9 vs Meriden 17, Loss, 3.5-4.5
J11 vs J12 Tara 10 vs Kambala 9, Friendly
J12 Tara 11 vs Ascham 14, Draw, 0-0
J14 vs J13 Tara 12 vs Ravenswood 14, Friendly
J15 Tara 13 vs Loreto Kirribilli 15, Loss, 0.5-7.5
J17 Tara 14 vs BYE
Y704 Tara 15 vs Pymble 22, Loss, 3-5
Y708 Tara 16 vs Pymble 26, Loss, 0.5-3.5
Wet weather
Saturday Sport for this week for TAR02 was a very hard and challenging competition. Unfortunately all girls lost their matches however Zayla and Diya from Year 10 made a comeback and persisted making them lose 6-5. Many other girls showed their courage and kept playing even in the hot sun. TAR02 will improve and bring a better game on next week.
On the weekend, Team 3 was matched against Monte playing at Artarmon Tennis District Club. In their doubles, Melanie W and Carol S (Year 10) were faced with tough opponents but made several impressive serves and shots. In Carol S’s singles, it was a close match but she was able to win 4 – 2. Jessica K and Bernice T (Year 10) were able to defeat their opponents 5 – 3, where Jessica K hit many outstanding volleys. Overall, it was a fun day with lots of smiles and a display of good sportsmanship from both teams.
This weekend, Tara 04 went to Forestville and played against Roseville. Even though our team only had 3 players, and we were versing girls in Year 12, we still pulled through with a win in a singles and great sportsmanship. Keira. C in Year 10 won her singles and participated in 2 other doubles games. Although our team needed to forfeit the other games since we didn’t have our other players, Keira encouraged everyone to try their best and to keep going.
On Saturday 4 March, Tara Team 6 played against MLC Sydney. Unfortunately, our team lost, however the team showed great sportsmanship. Although we didn’t win, we had a great time, and we were able to learn what needs to be improved for the next game. A standout performance was from Chelsea C and Hannah R as they tied their second doubles game.
Softball Round 4
Dana - Softball Captain
Round 4
OP1 Tara 1 vs Pymble 1, Loss,
OP2 Tara 2 vs Danebank 1, Win,
JR1 Tara 3 vs Danebank 2, Win,
Over the weekend, the Tara softball teams continued to showcase their growing skills and teamwork in their 4th round of games.
The Senior 1sts played a fantastic game over the weekend, with some amazing plays being exhibited in the game. Anika P managed to catch a great hit by Pymble on the foul in the game. Not only this, but Tess also caught a ball on the foul, successfully causing 2 girls to get out in one play! Anika V also did an amazing job as catcher, catching a ball on the foul and getting many girls out through her incredible skills.
The Senior 2nds also played some amazing softball in their 4th game. Sophia R was a standout in the game, yet again showing her strong pitching skills. Naomi N also did a great job with batting in the game, showing off her accuracy and power in her hits.
The Juniors did a fantastic job too, coming out with yet another win in their game! Aarya R did a great job batting, showing her growing skills and consistency within her batting throughout the game. She also did a great job with her base running. Ellie H also got some good hits in the game, with Sophie B showing off her spectacular pitching in their game as well.
Softball Round 5
Round 5
OP1 Tara 1 vs Abbotsleigh 1, Win, 15-8
OP2 Tara 2 vs Abbotsleigh 3, Win, 11-5
JR1 Tara 3 vs Abbotsleigh 5, Loss, 6-10
Over the weekend, the Tara softball teams had a very successful 5th round of games through their improved skills and teamwork this season.
The Senior 1sts played a very competitive game over the weekend. Managing to play an extremely strong game against Abbotsleigh, the Senior 1sts stayed ahead the whole game, coming out with a win. Anika P played an impressive game as a shortstop, not letting any ball get past her whilst fielding. Anika V also did an amazing job as catcher, staying strong in her plays. Sophia S also did a great job stepping up and playing for the Senior 1sts and the 2nds over the weekend.
The Senior 2nds also played some amazing softball, coming out with a win. Sophia R played an incredible game, catching 2 balls on the foul and throwing the ball to a base to get 2 girls out! The whole team did a great job batting, showing their improvement through all their practice. Kaitlyn G also batting quite strongly, getting a great hit out left, allowing 2 girls to get home in this play.
The Juniors did a fantastic job too in their 5th round of games! Victoria H tried pitching for the first time in this game and did an amazing job through her consistent and accurate pitching. She also did a great fielding, managing to catch 2 balls on the foul to get some girls out. Claire D also did an excellent job as catcher, managing to keep many girls from getting home!
Touch Football Round 3
Round 3
S02 Tara 1 vs Frensham 2, Loss, Forfeit
S05 Tara 2 vs BYE
J04 Tara 3 vs Ravenswood 8, Loss, 1-13
Touch Football Round 4
Round 4
S02 Tara 1 vs Monte 2, Loss, 0-13
S05 vs S06 Tara 2 vs Wenona 9, Friendly
J04 Tara 3 vs Wenona 14, Loss, 2-17
Tara 01
On the weekend, Tara 01 showed great resilience playing all 40 minutes despite having no subs. Antonia S played a particularly exceptional game, making some lightning-fast sprints in attack while maintaining a great effort in defence.
Tara 02
On Saturday, Tara 02 worked hard despite having lower numbers this week. The girls continued to keep up communication under fatigue which helped their game.
Tara 03
The Tara thirds utilised great teamwork this game and tried extra hard in their defence despite having a lower number of subs.
Careers News
Careers Newsletters - JobJump
All girls in Years 7-12 are encouraged to read this newsletter every week on the Canvas Careers page.
Careers Newsletter - 1 June 2023
For more information please contact Mr David Berridge via email - dberridge@tara.nsw.edu.au