Senior Sport
- Rugby 7’s
- Senior School Swimming Carnival
- Equestrian
- NSW Rowing Championships
- Water Polo Round 1
- Water Polo Round 2
- Touch Football - Round 1
- Touch Football Round 2
- Tennis Round 1
- Tennis Round 2
- Softball Round 1 and 2
- Softball Round 3
- Badminton Round 1
- Badminton Round 2
- NSW Junior Track Cycling Team
- Allschools Triathlon
Term 1, Week 9, 2020
General News
1-12 Dinner - Save the Date!
As announced in assembly, Year 12 are super excited for the fast approaching 1-12 Dinner!
For anyone that doesn’t already know, this event involves music, dancing, food and lots of entertainment. The Tara Gym will be decorated according to a certain theme that everyone also dresses up under.
Remember to keep an eye out for any hints to guess what this theme could be before we announce it! Once announced, a Trybooking link will be sent out so get ready and get excited!
Hills' Expo on 4 and 5 March 2023
Tara Anglican School for Girls will be attending the Hills' Expo on 4 and 5 March 2023.
If you have any friends or know anyone who would like to find out more about Tara, please tell them to come visit and have a chat with us.
Saturday 4 & Sunday 5 March 2023
10am to 4pm both days
Harvey Lowe Pavilion, Castle Hill Showground
Doran Drive (Off Showground Road)
Castle Hill NSW 2154
Parent Portal
To ensure the School has the correct contact information for you and medical details for your daughter, we ask that you log on to the Edumate Parent Portal and use the 'update personal details' link to check and update yours and your daughter's information.
If you have more than one daughter, switch between their profiles to complete. Please ensure you check and update each tab before you click the Submit changes button. If you Submit before you finish, you will not be able to submit any further changes until your previous submission has been processed on our end. Medical information is used to ensure the health and safety of your daughter during the day, excursions and Camps etc.
Note: you can only log on to Edumate and complete this task using a PC.
To assist you, please use the link
Anxiety in Students with Learning Difficulties Workshop
Parents are invited to attend an Anxiety in Students with Learning Difficulties Workshop.
This workshop is run by the Learning Difficulties Coalition (LDC) and will be held on Tuesday 28 March from 10-12pm via zoom if watching live or later by video link. The cost is $70.
The presenter is Maria Ivanka Milic.
For primary and secondary students, growing up involves the important skill of building awareness of feelings, learning skills to tolerate experiencing and speaking about the negative feelings, and learning skills to take care of one’s negative feelings. As well, they need to build strategies to manage negative feelings in different contexts and in interactions with others who may also have their own way of expressing and managing their feelings.
This workshop will aim to increase teachers, parents and other professionals understanding of anxiety in students, and provide a repertoire of cognitive and behavioural strategies that can be used to support them in managing their anxiety at school and home.
Registrations are now open. Please see the Learning Difficulties Coalition website
From the Deputy Principal | Head of Junior School
Growing Well Beings
Ruth Adams - Deputy Principal, Head of Junior School
Family is a much-valued building block of the Tara community. As teachers and staff, we appreciate that within the framework of family, a child’s personality is formed, and her education begins. Family is a child’s first teacher. This role may change over time, but the place of family in informing a child’s values and her understanding of the world never ends. Her teachers have the privilege of supplementing, shaping and influencing these educative beginnings.
Therefore, it should be of no surprise that I embrace any opportunity to strengthen the relationships between families and School. One of the primary ways we build our partnership with families is through events of engagement. These events can be social in nature, such as the upcoming E-2 Parent Dinner at Cropley House on March 10, or more explicitly focused on academic and social learning, for instance the recent Learning Information Evening, the upcoming Parent-Teacher Learning Conversations evenings, and the Kindergarten Reading Seminar later this term. Based on the family engagement work of Karen Mapp, Tara’s aim is that regardless of the nature of the event, parents will leave more appreciative of Tara’s values and purpose, more informed about their daughter’s learning, and more equipped with skills to assist her.
Certainly, it has been heartening to receive such positive feedback about the Learning Information Evening, with both the classroom and Hall presentations being helpful for parents. In sharing that adorable video of Felix and Poppy navigating their first birthday party post Melbourne lockdowns, I sought to provide parents with a tangible demonstration of protective factors in action. Protective factors are resources which can ‘protect’ our kids (and us!) from inevitable hiccups in our wellbeing. Because, as we explored, hiccups, difficulties and challenges are normal and healthy. Supporting our girls to navigate and negotiate challenges, new unfamiliar environments, unexpected events and overwhelming influences are the five interconnected protective factors of:
- Connection – of supportive relationships, faith and culture
- A supportive and safe home and learning environment – consistent parenting, a sense of belonging and access to services
- A student’s own physical health, social and emotional skills and optimistic state of mind
- Explicit social and emotional learning – both at home and at School
- Schools – with their policies, procedures and practices in the area of social and emotional learning
While we know that children who can withstand and function in the face of hardship do have a biological resistance to adversity (read more here), we also know the role of protective factors in building resilience. Therefore, Tara’s commitment to drawing on and strengthening those factors forms the rationale of our approach to wellbeing and is embedded in our very definition of wellbeing.
After hearing about Tara’s ‘Top 5 ways’ we are building social and emotional competency in their daughters, parents whipped out their phones to capture the presentation slide Building SEL skills – the ‘Home Top 5’. And as parents remarked to me that evening and in the days since, these are 5 practices which we intuitively know, but struggle to enact.
- Mindfully inoculate your daughter by:
- Looking ahead to have those pre-emptive conversations that will forwardly upskill her
- Being a model of a socially and emotional ‘well being’
Remember that an inoculation does not protect us 100% against a ‘virus’, but it does mean that when we are exposed, the effect is not as extreme
eg. Model how to be courageous, fair, kind, truthful, how to work through stressful situations, talking productively rather than negatively about friends and friendship.
2. Normalise disappointments and life’s ‘light and shade’ by:
- De-escalating conflict and reactions
- Appreciating that a permanent state of happiness is not normal or something we should hold as an achievable goal
- Teaching her to use a scale to understand the difference between big problems and small problems, enduring problems and fleeting problems
3. Realise that enabling can feel like caring (but it’s not!) by:
- Using the following model: Listen, Validate Feelings, Broaden the Perspective, Offer Optimism, Follow Up
- Or if you remember the Ian Wallace presentation from many years ago: SEEC – Sympathise (briefly), Empathise (I understand how frustrated, sad, upset you are…), Encourage (You can work on changing this) and Consequence (If you do, this will mean…).
4. Seek support for you and for her by:
- Accessing services at School and beyond
- Filling your brain with helpful information eg. the Parental as Anything and Well, Hello Anxiety podcasts and the Junior School parent library in JS Reception
5. Stay in touch with the social/emotional learning occurring at School by:
- Attending upcoming seminars and parent teacher meetings on all aspect of learning
- Regularly referring to your daughter’s Learning Snapshot – hopefully happily accessible on your fridge!
- Talking to your daughter about her social and emotional lessons at School, both those formally within the classroom and those she is learning more informally but no less validly, through the experience of life!
In Junior School, the girls are experiencing dedicated weekly classroom time to focus on social and emotional learning – specially allocated time every week to delve into the learning opportunities mapped within our wellbeing framework which ensures every child experiences a coherent, developmentally appropriate, systematic and meaningful sequence of social emotional learning. Because surely, being a ‘well’ being is at the heart of being an ‘educated’ being.
From Tara Communications
Have you downloaded the Tara Parent App?
Did you know that you can receive important notifications, view sports information, book events, advise the school of student absences and complete permission notes all via the Tara Parent App?
Downloading the Tara Parent App is easy! Stay connected with all the news and events of Tara.
Are you following Tara on social media?
Are you following Tara on social media? Follow the links below to keep up to date with us!
Tara Anglican School for Girls Instagram
Community Events
Tara Dad’s Club - BBQ and Sports Afternoon
On Friday 24 March, the TDC will be hosting its first event for 2023, a BBQ and fun afternoon on the Mouleric Oval. All families are invited to attend. Please complete the Trybooking below for catering purposes.
TDC BBQ and Sports Afternoon Trybooking
To join the Tara Dads Club please follow this link: Tara Dad's Club Membership
Year 7 Welcome Drinks
A wonderful evening of connection was held on Friday evening in the Bowern room where over 50 families enjoyed drinks and canapes and a chance to meet up with new and old friends at the 2023 Year 7 Welcome event.
Mrs Middlebrook together with Senior staff and P & F and TDC representatives also attended the event. Thank you to the Catering staff, hospitality staff, student leadership team, Musicians, Music and IT staff who supported this event.
Tara Community News
Babysitter and Tutor Register – Tara Alumni
Interested Tara Alumni are invited to register their interest to join a register of graduate babysitters and tutors. Whilst Tara Anglican School for Girls will provide a conduit for display of this information, all transactions will be negotiated between the Tara graduate and the family seeking the service. Tara does not endorse the accuracy or otherwise of the information therein. If you are a recent graduate and would like to join the register please complete the following form:
Babysitter and Tutor Registration Link
Current list of Babysitters and Tutors is below.
If you have any questions about Community or have ideas to share, please email the Community Liaison Manager, Mrs Cate Redman at
We would love to have parent and carers views on social and fundraising opportunities.
Tara Parents and Friends Association
The Tara Parents & Friends Association (P&F) is the School’s parent organisation. Every parent of a current Tara student is a member. In general, the P&F creates a focus on social, service, care and fundraising activities and are committed to providing support of our School, students, staff and community. Termly P&F meetings provide an opportunity for parents to discuss information about the operational aspects of Tara and raise questions regarding any sector of the School. The Principal, Mrs Susan Middlebrook attends the meeting.
The Tara P & F AGM will take place on Tuesday 7 March, 7:30pm in the Bowern Room and we are seeking nominations for a number of key Executive positions in addition to general Committee members.
If you are interested in joining the P&F Committee, please complete the nomination form below and return to
2023 Class Parent Network
Class parents are an invaluable resource within the School and play a vital role in welcoming new families; organising social events for their year group/class and volunteering to assist and help rally troops to organise and staff community events.
Parents in each year group will shortly be sent details of their Class Parent representatives. Please feel free to contact them with any questions you may have about making social connections within the School. Class Parents will meet on a termly basis to help plan social events for their classes and the wider School community.
If you would like to sign up as a class parent, please complete the following form:
Junior School News
Junior School Commissioning Service 2023
On Friday 17 February, we commissioned the Tara Junior School Leadership Team for 2023!
All Year 6 leaders made an oath to the School community, promising to fulfil their responsibilities as the leaders of the Junior School.
Elizabeth Medalist Jasmine delivered a brilliant speech highlighting Year 6’s leadership vision for the year.
It was a wonderful morning as parents, friends, staff and students celebrated Tara’s new leaders.
Congratulations girls! We know you will all serve Tara students and the community outstandingly!
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 are encouraged to challenge themselves by completing the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge. This opportunity opens on 27 February.
If you would like your daughter to enter this year, please email Mrs Svetlana Paul, the Junior School Teacher Librarian for her unique username and password.
If you completed the challenge last year, your username and password remain the same.
For more information about the challenge, please click the link below:
NSW Premier's Reading Challenge 2023
Senior School News
Premier’s Reading Challenge
In Senior School, we encourage Year 7 to 9 students to participate in the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge which opens on 27 February and concludes on 18 August. Please contact Mrs Megan Wade-Ferrell to register.
New Hospitality and Food Technology Kitchen!
During February we had the official launch of Tara’s new Hospitality and Food Technology Kitchen!
The Year 11 Hospitality class were so excited to be the first to use this new, state of the art kitchen.
This flexible learning space with stainless steel benches on wheels and side work stations give students the perfect setup to create delicious food and drinks!
Help Hub
Year 7 History Archaeology Activity
Year 7 History students have been learning about the work of historians and archaeologists and the different methods they use to find, excavate, date and interpret their findings.
They thoroughly enjoyed excavating their own ‘jelly’ archaeological site where they had to use their understanding of stratigraphy to date and interpret the findings in each of the layers.
The girls had a blast excavating various jelly cars, snakes, frogs, babies and even teeth!
They carefully drew and recorded their findings and collaborated with their peers to interpret the findings, just like real life archaeologists and historians.
2023 Tara Tigers Team
This past week there have been sign-ups for girls in Year’s 10-12 to become part of the Tara Tigers Team. Over 70 girls have now signed up which shows the enthusiasm and leadership of our senior girls. For those that don’t know, the Tara Tigers team is an opportunity for any girl in Year 10-12 to sign up to demonstrate their support and to cheer on other girls. The team encourages unity amongst the grades and fostering School spirit by attending a range of school events such as sport games, debating, musical performances and so much more. Last year, the team attended a variety of events and we aim to attend ever more this year to help encourage and support our Tara Girls.
So watch out for the Tara Tigers at your next School event!
Dignity Dishes
The Dignity Dishes Team
In 2023 we are excited to continue Dignity Dishes for Years 10-12. Dignity Dishes is a program that the Social Justice Prefect (Aarushi) and Christian Faith Prefect (Anika) run alongside the wonderful food technology department. Twice a term girls are able to sign up and cook for people in need. This is a great opportunity for service in our community. Everyone that attended last year found this as a great opportunity to not only help others but to also spend time with girls in other grades. We are thankful for all the girls and staff that helped with Dignity Dishes last year, through donations, supervision, and organisation.
In Term 1, our first cook dates will commence on:
- 7 March
- 21 March
We can’t wait to see everyone on our first cook!
Valentine’s Day
Hannah - Community Prefect
On Tuesday 14 February, Tara Senior School celebrated Valentine’s Day! Tables and chairs were set up in front of student reception and girls were invited to come at lunch and write a card (or a few!) to someone they loved or wanted to show an appreciation for. There was also a huge box of chocolates, and after girls had written a card, they could take some for their friends, family, and themselves. Girls from every grade came, and almost 500 cards were written! We were very pleased with the response and eagerness of the girls; one could feel the friendship and joy exuding from the area. Many girls and teachers were delighted at receiving beautifully written cards of affirmation. We wish the whole Tara Community a Happy Valentine’s Day and hope you all had a day full love.
Book Club
Book Club 2023 kicked off with a great start at lunchtime last Wednesday in Claridge.
There were girls from Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 and it was wonderful to see the range of keen book lovers.
Book Club is on every Wednesday lunchtime. The girls can bring their lunch and enjoy a wide range of activities.
Distinguished Achievers
HSC Distinguished Achievers Assembly
On 21 February we welcomed back some of the HSC distinguished achievers from the Class of 2022!
It was a wonderful afternoon as the School community celebrated the wonderful results and success of this year group.
To read more about the Class of 2022’s achievements, click the link below:
Among the girls recognised were two Year 11 2022 accelerated students, Jovana and Imogen, achieving a Band 6 (result of 90+) in Studies of Religion I.
Congratulations to our distinguished achievers on all your hard work and success!
Senior Sport
Rugby 7’s
Round 3
Tara 1 vs Barker 2, Win, 28-7
Tara 1 vs Oakhill 1, Loss, 31-14
Senior School Swimming Carnival
Skye - Swimming Captain
The swimming carnival at Tara 2023 was a successful day filled with lots of competitive spirit, talent, and enthusiastic participation from all girls across the School.
This carnival had many fast swimmers with Waugh achieving a record of 3:23.17 in the (6x50m) inter-house relay and winning the race. The Junior girls did exceptionally well with Evelyn S placing as runner-up and Sarah S as Junior Champion. The intermediate girls showed exceptional talent with Bernice T placing Runner-Up and Verity A as Intermediate Champion. The Senior girls showed great enthusiasm with Tatum G and Isabella K tying as Runners-Up and Skye A as Senior Champion.
The Day Girl vs Boarders Relay was won by the Day Girls but was a great way for the Boarders to come together as a team. Synchronised Swimming was a creative way to show off each of the House's skills in the water. Hake placed First with Walker in Second, Crawford in Third and Waugh in Fourth. House cheers were exceptional this year with Waugh placing in First, Crawford in Second, Walker in Third and Hake in Fourth.
The yearly participation trophy went to Year 12 with the highest number of participants throughout Splash and Dash and Championship Events. Following Year 8 placing in Second, Year 7 in Third, Year 9 in Fourth, Year 11 in Fifth and Year 10 in Sixth place.
The overall inter-house swimming trophy went to Waugh. Well done to all girls who participated and thank you to all the staff who helped make this a fantastic day!
Rubie - Equestrian Captain
On 19 February, Rubie (Year 12) attended Eastern Branch Australian Stock Horse show at Morisset Showground on the Central Coast.
Rubie rode her Black Stock Horse Gelding River. She competed in Youth classes and Open classes against adults where she placed in all the Youth classes winning Champion Handler Under 21s. Rubie also competed in Open classes placing in all of them.
She won her working Gelding Class and Hack Class and then went on to challenge for Champion Working Horse and won Champion! They (Rubie and River) won a lovely embroidered rug. They challenged for Supreme Youth Ridden Stock Horse of the show, which resulted in another win and an amazing Rug and a big Floral Garland. River was such a good boy all day and didn't put a foot wrong. They were very fortunate to have such a great day.
NSW Rowing Championships
Natalie - Rowing Captain
Over the weekend of 11 and 12 February, the Year 11 Tara rowers had the opportunity to participate in the NSW Rowing Championships. We had the Schoolgirl Four (Charlotte, Caitlin, Mackenzie, Suhanya and cox Arushi) qualify for their final, as well as a Schoolgirl Double (Charlotte and Cailtin) also make the finals.
A great effort was put in from all the girls, and we are looking forward to the next regatta.
Water Polo Round 1
Henrietta - Water Polo Captain
Round 1
S04 Tara 1 vs Loreto Kirribilli 2, Loss, 3-12
J04 Tara 2 vs St Catherine’s 6, Win, 16-5
Y703 Tara 3 vs MLC 5, Loss 2-23
The Firsts
The water polo firsts had a hard first game, against Loreto Kirribilli. It was a first game for a lot of the team. Henrietta MH scored the goals whilst Georgia H had some great saves in goals.
The Junior Firsts
Team 2 had an amazing game, winning their first game. Verity A, Orla A, Lucy T and Grace T shot the goals whilst the rest of the team worked together to upkeep their defence, good job girls!
Year 7
Our Year 7 team had a hard game but played very well against a hard team. The girls worked together to try their best and defend their hard opponents.
Good luck to all teams in your games!!
Water Polo Round 2
Henrietta - Water Polo Captain
Round 2
S04 Tara 1 vs Wenona 2, Loss, 1-12
J04 Tara 2 vs Monte 8, Win, 12-8
Y703 Tara 3 vs St Catherine’s 9, Loss, 1-19
The Firsts
The water polo firsts had yet another challenging game, having to play a defensive game. Georgia H kept the score low, with great saves in goals, whilst Skye A made some great drives.
The Junior Firsts
Team 2 had an amazing game, winning against a hard team. Grace played a great game in goals, helping hold down their defensive line with help from Audrey. Orla A, Verity A and Lucy all helped bring the ball up to score lots of goals. Great game girls!
Year 7
Our Year 7 team had another hard game against St Catherine’s, however they showed great improvement, working as a team to gain a goal and defend their half.
Good luck to all teams in your games!!
Touch Football - Round 1
Cameron - Touch Football Captain
Round 1
S02 Tara 1 vs Roseville 2, Win, 9-7
S05 Tara 2 vs Wenona 7, Loss, 4-6
J04 Tara 3 vs Wenona 15, Loss, 0-10
On Saturday 11 February, the Tara 01 touch team played Roseville College. The game was a tough one with Roseville and Tara scoring back and forth continuously, but with perseverance and great teamwork the Tara girls won the match. Cleo F was a standout in the team as she played with speed and intensity throughout the entire match!
The first game for Tara 02 was energetic and fast! At halftime there was a draw between the two teams. In upcoming training the team looks to improve communication in defence. This week Angeline H played excellently in offence scoring two tries for the team!
This week the team used techniques learnt from training in attack to drive up the field. Penny M drove the ball down the field especially well this game.
Touch Football Round 2
Cameron - Touch Football Captain
Round 2
S02 Tara 1 vs Ascham 6, Loss, 3-5
S05 Tara 2 vs Monte 5, Loss, 2-5
J04 Tara 3 vs Monte 13, Loss, 0-8
Tara 01
This week Tara 01 played in Rose Bay against Ascham in round two of the Saturday Sport IGSA competition. It was an extremely hot morning, showing the team persevering, and playing a fast game throughout. Rhema C. was a star player this week working extra hard in her defensive efforts.
Tara 02
Tara 02 had a blast this week in their touch game with Assya G. being a standout player this week. The team worked hard despite the extreme heat and were able to implement attacking moves learnt in training!
Tara 03
This week Tara 03 worked super hard in their game and displayed excellent teamwork. Charlie M. played especially well as she performed excellently in attack!
Tennis Round 1
Jessica - Tennis Captain
Round 1
S02 Tara 1 vs PLC Sydney 2, Draw, 4-4
S07 Tara 2 vs Abbotsleigh 4, Loss, 1.5-6.5
S16 Tara 3 vs Loreto Normanhurst 6, Loss, 3.5-4.5
S20 Tara 4 vs Monte 7, Win, 5-3
S21 Tara 5 vs Meriden 9, Win, 5.5-2.5
S23 Tara 6 vs Meriden 11, Loss, 3-5
S24 Tara 7 vs Roseville 13, Loss, 1-7
J04 Tara 8 vs Pymble 14, Win, 5.5-2.5
J09 Tara 9 vs BYE
J11 Tara 10 vs Meriden 18, Win, 5-3
J12 Tara 11 vs Meriden 19, Loss, 1.5-6.5
J14 Tara 12 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 11, Draw, 4-4
J15 Tara 13 vs Wenona 18, Loss, 2-6
J17 Tara 14 vs PLC Sydney 16, Loss, 1-7
Y704 Tara 15 vs Loreto Normanhurst 26, Draw, 4-4
Y708 Tara 16 vs Brigidine 14, Win, 4.5-3.5
Team 1
On Saturday, the Tara 1st played their first match of the season. Bright and early the team had their match at 7:30am at Cintra Park up against PLS02. Overall the team played exceptionally well, with star players Bhavya B and Yashika K dominating their matches. Playing consistent throughout their matches they came away with an excelling result; winning both doubles 6-0, and both winning their singles 6-0. Stephanie H and Jess S had tough matches, getting to deuce multiple times but unfortunately weren’t able to come away with a win. The team is looking forward to the rest of the season and will be practicing hard to improve.
Team 2
Saturday Sport for TAR02 was eventful this week. There were many good shots, volleys and winners that were played by the girls. All girls played at their best however despite the efforts this match, they lost. Even though this happened, there was great individual play and doubles play that made the team proud. Diya H from Year 10 won her singles 6-3 after hitting some beautiful groundstrokes while keeping consistency in her game. She managed to keep the balls deep in the court while also creating angle. Zayla T and Diya H from Year 10 played their doubles and unfortunately lost 6-5, however they both persevered and made sure to put up a fight. Even though this week wasn't as great as it could be, TAR02 aims to improve and see much more wins in the future.
Team 4
On Saturday our team in Tennis Tar04 participated in our first game on the weekend. We all really enjoyed the game however the other team had to forfeit half the games because they didn't have enough players. In the games we did play, Kaylee Y won her singles and Eva also did well in her singles.
Team 5
Tara 5 got off to a great start to the Tennis season, with a win over Meriden 9! The girls started off great with two wins in the first doubles matches. The singles matches followed a similar winning pattern, with Wendy W, Sophia M and Katherine S winning 6-0. Of particular mention is Ashley X, who played her first ever tennis game! She was amazing, giving it her best go in both doubles, as were the rest of the team who helped her with scoring and understanding the game.
Tennis Round 2
Round 2
S02 Tara 1 vs Meriden 3, Loss, 3.5-4.5
S07 Tara 2 vs Ravenswood 3, Draw, 4-4
S16 Tara 3 vs Loreto Normanhurst 7, Win, 4.5-3.5
S20 Tara 4 vs Loreto Kirribilli 10, Loss, 1.5-6.5
S21 Tara 5 vs Ascham 10, Win, 6-2
S23 Tara 6 vs PLC Sydney 10, Loss, 0-8
S24 Tara 7 vs Wenona 11, Loss, 1.5-6.5
J04 Tara 8 vs Ascham 13, Loss, 2-6
J09 Tara 9 vs St Scholastica’s 3, Win, 5.5-2.5
J11 Tara 10 vs St Vincent’s 4, Win, 6-2
J12 vs J11 Tara 11 vs Kambala 9, friendly
J14 Tara 12 vs MLC 12, Loss, 1.5-6.5
J15 Tara 13 vs Loreto Normanhurst 23, Loss, 1-7
J17 Tara 14 vs Meriden 22, Loss, 0-8
Y704 Tara 15 vs Monte 15, Win, 5.5-2.5
Y708 Tara 16 vs Roseville 24, Loss, 3-5
Softball Round 1 and 2
Dana - Softball Captain
Round 1
OP1 Tara 1 vs Barker 1, Loss, 1-12
OP2 Tara 2 vs Chevalier 1, Win, 13-10
JR1 Tara 3 vs Barker 2, Draw, 9-9
Round 2
OP1 Tara 1 vs Brigidine 1, Loss, 2-21
OP2 Tara 2 vs PLC Sydney 1, Loss, 2-14
JR1 Tara 3 vs Brigidine 2, Win, 12-8
The Tara softball teams faced some tough teams over the weekend as they played their first two games of the season.
Our Senior 1sts, playing in the top division versed some difficult competition, playing against Barker and Brigidine. The girls played two amazing games, with Anika P managing to bring back a home run for the team in their game against Barker, and Tess M showcasing her amazing pitching skills.
The Senior 2nds also played a tough game against Chevalier and PLC Sydney, managing to come out with a win. Sophia S and Kaitlyn G did a brilliant job stepping up to playing catcher during their games. Sophia S describes the game as “being fun to return back to playing softball with her friends”.
The Juniors also played two very strong games, coming out with a win and a draw. Claire B stepped up and played with the Senior 1sts over the second weekend as well as her own game! Ellie H also showed off her skills, catching a fly ball and getting two girls out!
Softball Round 3
Dana - Softball Captain
Round 3
OP1 Tara 1 vs Loreto Normanhurst 1, Loss, 0-11
OP2 Tara 2 vs Loreto Normanhurst 2, Win, 7-1
JR1 Tara 3 vs Loreto Normanhurst 3, Win, 7-1
JR1 Tara 3 vs Pymble 2, Loss, 10-12
The Tara softball teams faced some tough teams over the weekend as they played their third game of the season.
Our Senior 1sts, playing in the top division versed some difficult teams, playing against Loreto Normanhurst this weekend. The girls had an amazing game, with Anika P managing to showcase her amazing catching skills, and Tess M throwing some strong and consistent pitches in our game.
The Senior 2nds also played a tough game against Loreto Normanhurst, managing to come out with a win. Kaitlyn G did an amazing job on 1st base, committing fully and giving her 100% to get multiple girls out. Eliza M showed off her throwing skills as well, managing to get some girls out with her long throws!
The Juniors also played two very strong games over the weekend, coming out with a win and a close loss in their double-header. Sophie B did an outstanding job with her pitches over the weekend, showing off her amazing skill as a pitcher. Bella S also did a great job with a tag to get one of the girls out on the weekend.
Badminton Round 1
Round 1
S02 Tara 1 vs PLC Sydney 2, Win, 3-2
S04 Tara 2 vs Abbotsleigh 7, Win, 3-2
S05 Tara 3 vs Abbotsleigh 9, Loss,
S07 Tara 4 vs MLC 7, Win, 5-0
S08 Tara 5 vs Abbotsleigh 15, Loss, 0-5
S09 Tara 6 vs Abbotsleigh 16, Loss, 1-4
S10 Tara 7 vs Abbotsleigh 18, Loss, 1-4
S12 Tara 8 vs Abbotsleigh 23, Loss, 0-5
S15 Tara 9 vs MLC 12, Loss, 0-5
S17 Tara 10 vs MLC 13, Win, 4-0
J03 Tara 11 vs Ravenswood 19, Win, Forfeit
J05 Tara 12 vs Abbotsleigh 41, Loss, 1-4
J07 Tara 13 vs Abbotsleigh 47, Win, 4-1
J08 Tara 14 vs Abbotsleigh 49, Win, 3-2
J09 Tara 15 vs Abbotsleigh 51, Loss, 2-3
J10 Tara 16 vs Abbotsleigh 53. Loss, 2-3
J13 Tara 17 vs Ravenswood 24, Win, 3-2
J15 Tara 18 vs Ravenswood 25, Loss, 2-3
Y702 Tara 19 vs PLC Sydney 22, Win, 3-2
Y703 Tara 20 vs Abbotsleigh 67, Loss, 0-5
Y706 Tara 21 vs PLC Sydney 25, Win, 5-0
Badminton Round 2
Lena - Badminton Captain
Round 2
S02 Tara 1 vs Meriden 4, Loss, 0-5
S04 Tara 2 vs Ravenswood 4, Win, 5-0
S05 Tara 3 vs PLC Sydney 4, Loss, 0-5
S07 Tara 4 vs Meriden 10, Loss, 0-5
S08 Tara 5 vs Meriden 11,
S09 Tara 6 vs Meriden 12, Forfeit loss
S10 Tara 7 vs Abbotsleigh 19, Loss, 0-5
S12 Tara 8 vs Abbotsleigh 22, Loss, 2-3
S15 Tara 9 vs Abbotsleigh 27, Loss, 1-4
S17 Tara 10 vs Abbotsleigh 30, Loss, 3-2
J03 Tara 11 vs Abbotsleigh 37, Loss, 1-4
J05 Tara 12 vs PLC Sydney 16, Win, 3-2
J07 Tara 13 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 6, Win, 5-0
J08 Tara 14 vs Ravenswood 23, Win, 3-2
J09 Tara 15 vs Pymble 17, Win, 3-2
J10 Tara 16 vs Kincoppal Rose Bay 7, Forfeit Loss
J13 Tara 17 vs Abbotsleigh 59, Loss, 2-3
J15 Tara 18 vs Pymble 20, Loss, 0-5
Y702 Tara 19 vs Pymble 22, Loss, 2-3
Y703 Tara 20 vs Pymble 23, Loss, 0-5
Y706 Tara 21 vs Pymble 27, Win, 3-2
Tara 1: “The past few weeks of badminton have been fruitful; we won half of our games and have made and deepened several connections and friendships across not just the Tara community but across schools with our opponents. It was fun to meet new people and have fun while doing a sport that I love. It has garnered enthusiasm across our team, and we look forward to the new experiences to further develop our skills and our friendship. It was also incredibly fun to view other teams, from junior years having so much fun and interacting with other grades outside of their comfort zone. “
- Aoling Z, Jasmine X, Monica Z and Cecilia Z have had fun and developed through continued experience playing with experienced players. Jasmine X and Cecilia Z have further deepened their doubles relationship and it has been wonderful to see the growth.
Tara 5: “For most of us, it was our teams first time playing badminton and we have all enjoyed every moment, even if we lost as we had fun and are becoming a much tighter team from the hours we spend at trainings and games. We always look forward to playing every week.”
Tara12: “My name is Isabella from Year 8 2023, and I am a part of Tara Badminton in J05 Team 12! I enjoy playing badminton with competitiveness but I also enjoy playing badminton in a friendly way. I like how we can go to different venues and not stay at the same place because we can make new friends and also explore the venue. The coaches are very friendly, supportive, and are also very helpful! Over the past two weeks, even though we did not win all of our games, we learned some very valuable lessons about teamwork and friendship, and in the process, we also made new friends! I understand that we did not win every game, but I believe that teamwork, trying your best, and actually giving it a go, matters more than winning or losing. Overall, our whole team played well and tried their best, and I am very proud of them.”
Tara 14: “ A fun memory was when Aaditi B and I (Anica K) were cheering Lucy’s singles game on and practicing but we accidentally hit the shuttlecock onto Lucy’s head."
Year 7
Tara 20: “I am Sophie L, a new Year 7 Tara girl. Based on the past two weeks, I have had fun working with my teammates and friends in the badminton teams. I have learnt new things such as techniques, where the service line is, how to clear shuttles, when the shuttle goes out and lots of others. I try to play fairly, but when it comes to competition, I become competitive. I often get stressed before the competition, and feel a little annoyed that we haven’t won. This has showed me where I can improve, and what my opponents can do. “
Tara 21: “I enjoyed playing badminton because I get to play with others and learn badminton skills. I’ve been having a good time the past few weeks”.
NSW Junior Track Cycling Team
Congratulations to Year 7 student Zoe for being selected for the NSW Junior Track Cycling Team. The team will travel to Brisbane in April to compete in the Track Cycling National Championships.
Zoe competes in both Track and Road disciplines as a member of the Lidcombe Auburn Cycling Team and has raced competitively over the last 4 years.
Recently, Zoe competed in the NSW State Track Championships and came away with:
- Individual Time Trial (500m) 4th place
- Points Race (7.5km) 3rd place
- Individual Pursuit (2km) 4th place
- Scratch Race (3km) 3rd place
- Tempo Race (3km) 2nd place
- Elimination 5th place
- Points Race (5km) 4th place
Congratulations Zoe!
Allschools Triathlon
Congratulations to Year 11 student Jemma for achieving 15th in CIS and 31st in NSW at the Allschools Triathlon!
Sport News
Snowsports 2023 Information Night
To join the Snowsports Information night on Tuesday 28 February 2023, 7pm - click the link below
Careers News
Careers Newsletters - JobJump
All girls in Years 7-12 are encouraged to read this newsletter every week on the Canvas Careers page.
Careers Newsletter - 1 June 2023
For more information please contact Mr David Berridge via email -